New booking system with deposits
If this information is correct, how come the club aren't giving me this information first hand? Why am I getting it off an unofficial Facebook Group?
Because it is either untrue or more likely they won't officially announce anything until they are confident it is working as it should.
Its getting on a year since they first trumpeted the arrival of deposits etc. Jumped the gun by just a little bit.
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If this information is correct, how come the club aren't giving me this information first hand? Why am I getting it off an unofficial Facebook Group?
Personally I don't think anyone who posts on here will be able to give you the answer.
I am guessing from the post that this means that the OP/Moderator (JillywithaJ) usually receives info from HO prior to releasing it to other members.
If so and the 8th Aug is the release date then maybe ‘the change date’ info (whenever that may be) is just for CAMC employees whom will have to process/manage the operating of the new system
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Regarding the comment about receiving information from HO prior to to releasing it to other members - absolutely not the case. I wasn't looking for an answer from members as I know they don't have it; I'm just frustrated at seeing it on an unofficial Facebook Group.
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Post removed by me.
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We got some deep state stuff going on here-the big cover up😈
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Jilly with a Jay - I read your post and tried to answer your questions.
You have since said
“Regarding the comment about receiving information from HO prior to to releasing it to other members - absolutely not the case. I wasn't looking for an answer from members as I know they don't have it; I'm just frustrated at seeing it on an unofficial Facebook Group.”
Just for info - I tend to try and avoid anything that causes frustration.
I cannot see that I can add anything more productive to this thread - change will happen at some point and best of luck to all site/HO staff who will be dealing with it.
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"Hot off the press" . That was the fanfare the FB group's head admin announced the post. He rules with an iron fist, you must not go against his decision at any cost, he makes that quite clear. An intimidating rule.
His post was made at 6pm on Sunday night, "Hot of the press" implies he had just received the information, Some members questioned his comments including me. "Where had the information come from at such a strange hour". The comments were brushed aside. I'm not sure what happened to the others who commented but he has kicked me out of the group
Oh well it's only one FB group out of many so no sad loss.
I await the 8th with baited breath.
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I don't use Facebook but, surely, any major announcement like the new booking system should be published on the website first rather than social media. And I hope that fixing the speed of the website and the server errors will be sorted at the same time otherwise chaos will reign.
I gave up browsing the site yesterday as it was so slow.
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Perhaps they fear a splurge of bookings once they announce it to get in before the deposits. Although as it’s only 5 days until the 8th I do think they are cutting it fine, if that is indeed the day. One thing is sure, anyone trying to do anything last minute on release day, such as making a booking for that day or altering an existing booking, are likely to have difficulty.
+1 on the state of the website, it’s all server errors this morning.
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The group(s) Harry mentions are in no way connected officially to the Club despite the fact that they use names that could be easier mistaken as official and that is something I have complained about to the CMC. The only link is that you should be a member of the CMC to join the group. I tend to share Harry's view of the high handed way these groups are controlled. They even had the cheek to ask me to provide an official link to back up what I was saying, which I could. So in this instant I don't think you are missing anything not being on Facebook! Having said that there are lots of Facebook Groups which are very useful for getting information. I have learnt a lot from the Bailey Motorhome Owners Group.
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David, thanks for your input, you appear to echo my sentiments entirely on the group. The group in question was the one with the shorter title. When I first joined I too thought because of the club logo it was associated with CAMC, in fact it was some time before I realised they weren't. I'm surprised, after your raised the issue, the club didn't do anything about it.
Like yourself I find them useful for giving and receiving information and I had many likes to some of my info/advice so as you say they have a purpose if run correctly.
Alas they have lost that input now.
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It seems getting anything changed or removed on facebook is a nightmare Harry. We've experienced this in the past when there was abusive stuff which was personal about us. Took and age to sort.
It really goes to show that ANY announcements unless they are from the club are just gossip. Unfortunately people believe anything what they read without making sure it's fact or not.
Take this alleged go live date, not official and not true.
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Is this the Facebook group set up a good few years ago by some who were disillusioned by this forum?
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There are many groups nowadays ttda. Anyone can set up a group and play admin. Doesn't seem right to me that someone can use the club logo and make people think it's an official club group.
We have a staff group but we had to use a different logo on the front page!
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Thanks JK👍 I don’t use Faceache, or Twitter.
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Nor do I ttda, I'd sooner speak face to face
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I have just checked both groups and neither now use official Club logos although one uses something which is similar but nowhere near the same so I wonder if the Club have indeed been in contact to tell them not to use any Club insignia?
Those of us who have grown up over the years with traditional forums will find much of Social Media superficial. I don't like the way posts are made and immediately locked. I can understand if its duplication buy why not link to another discussion? The problem is that there is now a quite large body of the public that won't participate in something like Club Together. They seem to want the instant reportage that Facebook offers and it is there on their phones. Fortunately not all Facebook groups are the same and many are very useful. One I quite like is Pitch and Park which lists sites where you can leave your vehicle on site and either walk a reasonable distance to a village or town or there is a bus stop near the site.
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There is nothing about the official new booking launch on CAMC fb or twitter. Everyone can look in on this and read posts, even if not signed up.
I haven't signed up.
Have to say the club spends a lot of time responding to posts on fb, mostly photos sent in by members. On CT we are left to our own devices, and the topics are much more varied and interactive on here.
Presume the booking launch will be sooner rather than later. Hope the membership gets some information beforehand!
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I've just looked at all the popular sites for Devon and Cornwall and there seems to be more or less full availability for August and September I've never seen this before and its been the same all season, would the club really launch the new booking system now when it needs bookings desperately.
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I phoned CAMC club about 3 weeks ago and was informed new system would go live today(8th August)..alas I still can't book past May 2023....this is leaving us in limbo so not good enough CAMC
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The "staff" on our present site are excellent too, early morning tea and singlehanded breakfasts at no extra cost....
We're on a THS, £11.50, nearly full but we'll spaced out, lovely views. We didn't pay a deposit for this one but even temporary sites and rallies often require a deposit. It does help to firm up costs.
Just hope the new CAMC system works without glitches. 🍀
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Your post seems to reflect what some club site staff are also saying
Also Why introduce a new system with the glitches it will undoubtedly throw up at the (in the past ) busiest time of the year?🤔
The short time illuded to cancellation could have been solved by extending the from 72hrs to 21 days without going down the deposit route and destroying the USP or this club👍