New booking system with deposits
That’ll be what they’ve done then. 🙄
Party in a brewery?
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Arch, you’re making the mistake of applying deep logic to the club's illogical actions😂
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Ah yes, I remember the data transfer to, and testing of, the new forum🤣🤣
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- Just had a text from a site manager who advised that all sites will have to have larger monitor as the new system needs a larger screen for it to show the new system and those that have received them they have found new fittings will be required as they do not fit the old monitor sockets as out of date
0 - Just had a text from a site manager who advised that all sites will have to have larger monitor as the new system needs a larger screen for it to show the new system and those that have received them they have found new fittings will be required as they do not fit the old monitor sockets as out of date
Just checking my emails at Weatherby services and I have one from the club saying my bookings are being transferred to the new system in the next few days.
(Sorry if this has already been mentioned here or elsewhere)
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Removed by me duplicate post
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It has, sorry.
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Copied from somewhere up thread which I understand is from CAMC HO “When existing bookings for our standard pitch type are moved over to the new system, they will be allocated to hardstanding or grass pitches with or without awning space as per your original booking. As hardstanding pitches are the most preferable pitch type, those with the longest length of stay will be allocated these first.”
Interesting to me is the fact that HO in say “hardstanding pitches are the most preferable”.
And that “those with the “longest booking will be allocated these first.” IMHO this is a form of favouritism
I guess pitch types will be allocated on arrival. I personally would not like being allocated a soggy grass pitch especially if I had made my booking a long time ago even if was only staying a few nights.
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My goodness, somebody likes lots of our posts here.😀
I'm wondering if there will be any drum roll announcement or whether folk will log in on Monday to make bookings and find everything's changed.🤷🏻♂️
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I could not agree more, especially with the first sentence.
I'm beginning to wonder like many others I speak to on my travels, how is and who is running the club and is it being run in the best interest of its members.
I'm not against the deposits but I feel there has to be some flexibility because hospital appointments etc do crop up.
As for the software update, its becoming a bit of a joke in the length of time its taking to roll it out, people do need to start looking at next years bookings now.
As for site occupancy, we've just had 18 days at Carnon Downs and the site was nowhere near full. We've been to five other sites and they were not full either.
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BB/YT you posted on the locked thread:
It if you make five bookings at the same time, isn't the deposit 20% of the total? 100% of one booking?
for multiple bookings (5) the customer is being asked to pay for the whole of one stay in advance, could be upto a year in advance...
bank base rate is 1.75% and likely to rise further to help curb inflation. A good time to have plenty in the coffers
Just posting here to answer your question and set the record straight in case anyone reading it takes it as true, but no you're wrong. Just because 5 times 20% = 100% does not mean you can carry that over to more than one data value.
Think of five sites each at £25.
Each site's deposit will be 20% of £25 = £5, as there are five sites the total deposit is £25.
Or you could find 20% of the total £125 which is again £25. That is all anyone is being asked to pay, not for the whole of one stay in advance
However yes that is still in the club's account rather than ours and I did post while you were away that perhaps that is why deposits were being introduced.
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If i book for July 2023 next year and my total booking is £ 575.00 this means that my deposit will be £ 115.00. Then if i book another site a few weeks later for September 2023 My booking is £ 783.00. My deposit will be £156.60. Now i have paid out £271.00 as deposits. This is a lot of money to folk out for deposits. The CAMC is holding on to a lot of money for a year. Multiply this by several hundred wow what a load of money the CAMC have.
Quote: How much will a deposit be?
A deposit will be calculated for each individual campsite stay within a booking and will usually be 20% of the total value of each stay. If several different campsite stays are booked together within one booking, one payment will be taken at the time of booking to cover all the applicable deposits of all the stays combined. There is a minimum deposit value of £25 per stay. However, if the total price of the stay is less than £25, then the total price will be paid as the deposit.
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Corners, I suspect some confusion arises because, when booking several sites, the deposits for each are calculated separately and then added together so that we only need make one deposit payment rather than, say, 5 separate payments. The 5 deposits won’t necessarily be the same so, in the event of a default, it’s clear how much has to be forfeited for any particular booking.
It's quite well thought out and I hope the implementation matches the planning.
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Yes that's right in my post above I made it easy by saying each site was the same but in a tour that's probably quite unlikely?
And yes you're right again they are added together and no matter what the individual costs are it's still going to be 20% of the total.
And yes I looking looking forward to trying it out, I wonder if there will be a 'learning mode' where a booking can be made without actually booking - I would suspect not.
Interesting though is that when we didn't have deposits people were posting to say they wanted them and how the club should be more like commercials and now the opposite is happening?
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Yes, we're agreeing with you👍🏻
Booking different sites at the same time works out exactly the same way but all the separate deposits are then added together so there's just one deposit payment transaction.
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Exactly so re the 20% of each equating to 20% of the total irrespective of the varying amounts for each stay.
Isn't that always the way with folk - they don’t realise the benefit of what they have until it's gone?
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As per the other club you should be able to see your booking costs right up to the point where you commit to pay. I don't see any problems except with people who have not taken an interest in the proposals and won't be up to speed with the system details eg someone on here has already not understood there are separately calculated deposits for each site. I'm sure in due course it will settle down and be understood by all.
And yes, to other comments, if you commit to booking a lot of sites in advance the outlay is expensive.
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Yes as said we're saying the same thing.
Think of booking five sites at £10, £15, £20, £30, and £35
The total is £110 and so £22 deposit.
or you could find the despots for each site one by one
£2 £3 £4 £6 and £7
which comes to £22.
Isn't that how the system will work?
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they don’t realise the benefit of what they have until it's gone
I'm sure there's song about that somewhere?
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Yep, you get what you pay for. Outlay of deposits equals more time away. 👍🏻