How's your footy team doing?



  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2021 #1172

    Yes, and JCH who Rovers let go at the start of the season got another hat trick. frown

    Meanwhile The Gas put in another dismal goalless performance and I'm pretty much resigned now to going down.  The only thing which has gone up since Barton came is the number of fouls,  yellow and red cards we've achieved.  frown

    And, having said this week he's with us for the long term, I see he is now hot favourite for the Preston job - might as well have got Joey from Friends really. You honestly couldn't make up how ineptly the club has been run this year. Three different managers and the players haven't come up to scratch for any of them. And the blame lies fairly and squarely with the head of recruitment (Tommy Widdrington, a close friend of the owner) who thought it would be a good idea to flog off all our experienced players at the start of the season and bring in a bunch of youngsters and out of favour others (all on lower wages, obviously) for a "project"! yell

    Very soon I will get an email asking me to invest again in a season ticket - any advice on how I should answer it? undecided

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited March 2021 #1173

    Very soon I will get an email asking me to invest again in a season ticket - any advice on how I should answer it? 

    The way things are with Rovers at the moment I think you should ask if you could have a go at the management lark seeing as you've had experience at handling a bunch of kids.

  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited March 2021 #1174

    Very soon I will get an email asking me to invest again in a season ticket - any advice on how I should answer it? 

    I would suggest you double check your response is NOT addressed to the manager as I'm pretty sure he can't read wink I'm not a fan of the man Moulesy and hope for your sake (and the Club's) he either walks out or takes another post (preferrably away from football) very soon. Wherenext's comment has some truth in it!

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2021 #1175

    Goodbye to Sergio. Such a shame we’ll never see him play again.

    A few tears in the Pliers household tonight, maybe OH is peeling onions.....😢⚽️😢

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1176

    To say that Town have been unlucky with injuries would be the understatement of the century. Take just one example.

    After the January window closed we negotiated with a player released by Everton, a free agent. He needed a visa and that finally came through last week so he could be announced last Friday. 

    The club arranged a friendly match for Monday this week to give some players who needed minutes. This guy slipped and did the splits and to add insult to injury one of the opposition fell on top of him. He had a contract until the end of the season, will see him play, who knows 

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited April 2021 #1177

    Just been reading about the proposed ‘test events’ to hopefully open up sports / theatre / music venues to limited numbers of people.

    It’s 13 months since I was at a live football match, away at Sheffield Wednesday in the FA Cup. And, although I’ve had my 1st vaccine  jab, I’d still be very cautious about attending an event with a large crowd.

    What do other fans feel about returning to the stadia again?


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2021 #1178

    My last game was our drubbing of the mighty Sunderland at The Mem, also about 13 months ago. Things looked so bright for The Gas then. Now, as we head for the inevitable slide down to the league basement I don't think I'll be overly keen to mix in whatever "large crowd" we can muster next year. The likes of Mansfield and Colchester don't really cut it somehow. But I've been at least once every season for the past xx years so I dare say I might force myself at some stage.  frown 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited April 2021 #1179

    I think there's going to be quite a bit of soul searching. Is the addiction too strong? How many will be allowed in? How close will they be to you? 

    It's not just sport though is it? Fancy going to an indoor event such as the theatre or cinema? Me neither.

    At least outdoors you're a tad safer.

    Lots of decisions and reconsiderations to be made these next few months.

    At least at Rovers Moulesy you shouldn't have any problems with social distancing. Your defence has perfected it.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,114
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    edited April 2021 #1180

    Looks like the local team are managing to claw their way above the drop zone, with those below them unable to win so far this weekend, and have what could well be a crucial game tomorrow. 

    M you could save your visit to see your side till we're down, or perhaps arrange a stay in the Lakes to clash with the away game,  as there's bound to be plenty of social distancing available at Holker Street, and give Mrs M a day's rest, of which I'm sure she'd appreciate (Not).wink

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1181

    I read today that they’re proposing letting 1,000 into the Crucible for the World Snooker. I’d have thought that would just about fill the place.

    The last match we attended was a lovely 4-0 drubbing of Charlton Athletic. We’d already renewed our season tickets before the lockdown and we’ve used them to watch on IFollow.

    I’ve had my two jabs and my GS has had COVID so when we can go I think we will. I know there’s no guarantees but I’ll do a dynamic risk assessment 🤓🥸

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1182

    OH Dear,  Deepest Sympathy Roger  frown



  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1183

    Thank you Brian. That was a mauling of the first order. 
    I always look at the team news which is released about an hour before the match and when I saw it I texted my SIL that the manager seemed to be giving Norwich the match and saving players for the 6 pointer on Saturday. Then I saw that the first choice keeper was unwell and the hologram was playing and texted again that “this could be a slaughter “ unfortunately I was spot on. 
    I have to confess that I switched off after we were 4-0 down after 20 minutes so I was spared the worst 

    UTT Rog 🙏

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1184

    It seems that there will be 33% capacity for Round One at the Snooker Championships at the Crucible,  Roger

     50% capacity for Round 2

    75% for the Q/fs & S/fs

    100%  for the final

     BUT mandatory Masking for ALL FANS !

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1185

    Thanks for the enlightenment Brian. 

    I just googled the capacity, can't think why I didn't do it before, and it's quoted as 980.

    Having inspected the kitchens there many moons ago I didn't think it would hold many.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1186

    Town were very very lucky to get a point today. Rovrum should have had at least three. 
    Bournmouth at home next what could possibly go wrong 

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1187

    Today Crewe caught a bit of a headache from the Oxford thingummybob !  Only marginally better than Roger's lot copped last week !

    Sniffle Snivel  SOB SOB SOB  !!



    Times or even dates of next Saturdays EFL matches subject to change, for very obvious reasons

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2021 #1188

    Brian - your lot could get thumped every week from now till the end of the season and you'd still finish above us! frown

    I remember, many, many years ago, listening to a play on the radio (probably when it was still called a wireless) about an ailing football team whose owner hit on the excellent idea of getting relegated so that his team could, hopefully,  win the league below the following season with all the money and the trophy that would bring. So he appointed the most hopeless manager he could find half way through the season to ensure that happened.  Trouble was that the new bloke turned things round and they won on the last day of the season to stay up. 

    Well, Rovers are ailing and seem to have managed the hopeless manager bit (3 of them in fact) but I can't see any signs of a happy ending at all.  yell

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1189

    Be Not Afraid of such happenings, M-- Laddie,  we all have such worries down here in the lower echelons of the EFL. Premier and Chumpion divisions often spent a fortune on players in the summer, then ship 'em out to other clubs in this country or abroad even but I do not know why !  Too often the 'exiled ones'  will only ever play a fistful of games for their 'Owners' before being sold on, rather like recovered property in the Police Auctions.

        Totally beyond Yours Truly   undecided


    It's even got like that in the cricketing world now, with players 'selling themselves' to teams in the international flog-it-and-whack-it leagues for horrendous sums of filthy lucre.

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1190

    Town have done quite well out of  loan arrangements with Premier League clubs in previous seasons.

    Unfortunately this season our only loan player is the useless keeper who is really a hologram. What on earth Man U saw in him no one knows or can fathom 

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1191

    Ps I forgot the lad we have on loan from Ajax  he’s not played for a while due to injury like most of our half decent players 

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1192

    Trip up to Wigin not very successful today --  indeed the first goal dropped us right in the Dodoo ! But at least the 'keeper got a good workout if nothing else. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1193

    Just to set the record straight Dodoo is the Wigan player credited with scoring the first goal, despite it being the biggest deflected goal yours truly has ever seen !

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited April 2021 #1194

    A very valuable three points for Town yesterday. I didn’t watch it as it was only on IFollow for an extra tenner. (I’m a Yorkshireman remember)
    I decided I would be better employed in the garden. 
    I had a little rest after our morning walk and really didn’t want to know the score. Couldn’t resist a sneaky peak at what I thought was half time, 0-0. In fact we scored in time added on.  
    Went out to cut the lawns and had done the front when my OH came to tell me we were one up. Spent the time cutting the back lawn looking at my watch thinking only so many minutes to go, can we hang on etc..

    Was clearing up the equipment when my OH came out again and said are Nottingham Forest not any good because you’re now two up

    Happy days UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1195

    Came very close to getting a Blue Light Visit from Police, Fire and Ambulance services today ~~ and all because a caring (!!) neighbour saw me exiting my workshop {shed} surrounded by fumes by the bucket-load. yell Only when he heard me cursing the greed of some self-opinionated, over rated, under talented Premier League Clubs { six by number } did he put his mobile away and join in the grumbling innocent

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited April 2021 #1196

    Brian , I get the distinct impression you are not in favour of a European super League.🤔. Personally I think it stinks , just more dosh going into the club owners pockets . Wish we had the 50 to 1 ruling over here .

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2021 #1197

    Trellis, Matey,

                       The likelihood of a  move like this has been floating round the English League ever since the First and Second Divisions split away from the E F L  and changed their names to Premier & Championship. Indeed the stench has been strengthening  season by season.  As the old saying goes

    :--  Much wants more { but only if it cannot have Everything }

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2021 #1198

    OK,  enough's enough - barring some transformation akin to Lazarus' Rovers are ... er ... down and down. frown

    Not Joey's fault of course, all down to recruitment (some truth in that to be honest) and the previous two managers - despite the fact that with just 3 wins out of 15 with the same playing squad as Garner and Tisdale he's got the worst record of the 3!  Joey's take on things is that the squad are a disgrace,  only a handful will be offered new contracts and a whole bunch of them will not be professional players in 12 months time.

    When Graham Coughlan left last year we were 4th in the table and aspiring to at least a play off spot; how things have changed. So it's trips to the likes of Mansfield, Walsall and Colchester to look forward to (at least it looks like we'll be spared traipsing up to Grimsby surprised). And,of course, there's already talk of us being favourites to bounce straight back up - the sort of thing they were saying about Southend last year and look how well that's turned out.

    It's enough to make a guy a Bristol City supporter - er, no, not really (just off to wash my mouth out with a good helping of Lifebuoy!) yell

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited April 2021 #1199

    And the walls come tumbling down ....... Didn't expect it to collapse quite so quick, power to the fans . Brian I've been in deep conversation with my 18yr old grandson for the last couple of days over this ,boy has he been livid .😀. Explained to him that this has raised itself before , mind you I've never known it go this far , ugly rumour yes .. Hope all those involved are severely penalised..

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2021 #1200

    Trellis & Brian - agree with every word you say about the recent kerfuffle. I heard mention this morning of 20 point deductions for the 6 clubs involved, doubt it'll come to that, I'm sure they've got too much legal clout. frown

    The only good thing to come out of the whole sad affair is the reaction of the players and managers siding with fans rather than owners. But I fear we will be revisiting this again before too long. yell

  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited April 2021 #1201

    I have had to tie my hands behind my back to stop me posting on the subject of the (supposedly) 'Big Six' All I will say on the subject, after standing on the terraces, without any cover, getting very wet indeed, cold, watching my non-league team battle their way back into the league and then later, win promotion into League One (we now have a covered stand!), is that the whole concept was ill-conceived and a downright slur on the fans who pay their wages. It is noticeable (although I don't need to remind you learned lot) that the 'Six' are also the same six whose debt is higher than the others in the PL. Tottenham FGS (nb. no F) haven't won anything of note since 2008 other than a couple of corners in their last match! My blood is starting to boil so I'll stop, but a quick best wishes to all you ardent supporters, for better times ahead.

    Accrington Stanley.....the Club that wouldn't die laughing

    And in case you're wondering, Mrs ExT undid the knot.



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