Covid Madness -



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited October 2020 #302

    People are all different, DIY for some but not for others. 

    A friend of ours got so good at DIY that her husband obviously felt she'd be ok on own...

    We noticed in the tourist hot spot in the Lakes where we've just stayed that behaviours are very unpredictable, larger groups still moving around together, people not distancing, coughing and sneezing, so we just attempted to avoid the main attractions and found quieter places. Much the same as we'll have to do now back at home, there is still a herding mentality even in these difficult times but you can avoid it.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,403
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    edited October 2020 #303

    I've read some of these recent posts and agree and disagree in turn. Doesn't it really come down to this: Yes we all have to think for ourselves and be sensible, yes we have to follow the rules. However, the youngish are pretty safe from the virus whereas us oldies aren't. How much do others think about the older generation. Look what happened in Care Homes, if that had been younger people there would have been more of an outcry. Some young people do care, they think of their grandparents and abide by rules. But in honesty are the older generation valued or considered enough in our society? They say Harold Shipman only got away with his murders because his victims were all old. Isn't it time the older generation were thought of more, after all, if lucky, everyone will be in our position one day. If everyone was at the same risk with this virus then I think rules would be obeyed and more care would be taken.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #304

    Big +1 with your post  

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2020 #305

    The whole care home thing was a complete disgrace👍🏻. It will come back to haunt this Govt I don’t doubt that at all. There will be a reckoning for sure. The families & loved ones of literally 1000’s of lives lost will not let it be brushed under the rug, no goodbyes, no interaction with the lost it’s devastating.

  • mylo
    mylo Forum Participant Posts: 104
    edited October 2020 #306

    We have had other viruses and kept the county open if you don’t feel safe stay in and let others choose to do as thay like it’s still a free country its there choice we will have to live with this virus vaccine take years to make and test to make sure there safe 

  • mylo
    mylo Forum Participant Posts: 104
    edited October 2020 #308

    Can go to the pub with hundreds of people in it that I don’t no as long as I come home by 10 pm we all no the virus doesn’t come out in till 10pm but a can’t have my family around for Sunday lunch makes a lot of sense to me 🐰

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2020 #309
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  • Compo
    Compo Forum Participant Posts: 324
    edited October 2020 #310

    I think what the Government are trying to do is to keep the economy going as best as they can whilst at the same time trying to suppress the virus. There are differences of opinion of how that should be done, but not being able to have your family around for Sunday lunch is unlikely to hurt the economy too much, whereas closing the pubs will. I'm glad to see it makes sense to you.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2020 #311

    We are trying very hard to maintain our way of life. We have been going away in the van and doing the things we like to do.

    We keep ourselves to ourselves and maintain our distance from others, we wear a mask when out and about in shops.

    We don't frequent crowded pubs/restaurants/markets etc. We do chat to others of course but from a safe distance.

    We are fortunate/unfortunate that our children and grandchildren live hundreds of miles away from us so we are not tempted to go and see them.

    They are going about their lives and staying as safe as they can. All the adults are working, 1 is in the Army, 1 is a dental nurse, one is a teaching assistant, these 3 are out at work mixing with other people every day but taking things seriously as they must.

    Our youngest son is working from home and will be for many months to come, he has been all the way through this. He is in a profession that he can do this.  

    The grandchildren are all in senior school, 2 live at home and go to school everyday, the other 2 are in a boarding school here in Scotland 500+ miles from their parents.

    They returned in August and are due to go home soon for their 2 weeks half term. The school has some very strict rules about what the pupils can and cannot do, where they can and cannot go.

    Weekend passes have all but stopped only on special occasions are they allowed. This has so far kept all the young folk safe, despite living far from their parents, the ages range from 10 - 18 years.

    I know my son and his wife were very nervous about the children coming back to school but I think they are now a bit more relaxed, the children aged 12 & 14 are in touch every day with them via their phones, they seem to be quite happy and living as near a normal boarding school life as they can.

    We can all make our choices in life, we MUST all look after ourselves and our loved ones. Above all we must do what is right for US, be it staying at home if you feel vulnerable or as we do live our life as safely as we can, while taking precautions to prevent the spread of this virus.

    Hopefully one day there will be a vaccine but like AD and a few others we are not going to put our lives on hold anymore because of it. 

  • mylo
    mylo Forum Participant Posts: 104
    edited October 2020 #312

    Yes think your right about age and health and also think a lot more people have had virus some without knowing glad to hear your daughter is well 

  • rutlandwarrior
    rutlandwarrior Forum Participant Posts: 95
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    edited October 2020 #313

    I agree Mylo I think at some stage in the near future we are going to have to bite the bullet and get on with it. As you have said we are no where near a vaccine and if we even consider another lockdown the country will be bankrupt so we should open everything back up and take our chances. I know a lot of people on here are in the at risk category and if you don't feel safe then by all means isolate.

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited October 2020 #315

    We have a collective responsibility in this Covid times.  Those of us can inadvertently get it by some inconsiderate idiot not self isolating and still being in the community. Some people on the train to Glasgow may have done everything right, but a selfish person put them all at risk. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #316

    As was the person who did not stop? on the journey from London to Durham 

  • Compo
    Compo Forum Participant Posts: 324
    edited October 2020 #317

    Some good news. Just been reported that POTUS appears to be doing well having contracted virus, although it is still early days yet.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2020 #318

    Well I’ll sleep well tonight thanks for that C👍🏻

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2020 #319

    However if YOU take the recommended precautions and YOU are careful how can these idiots pass it on to you.

    I do agree that folk should isolate if they think they have it or they have returned from somewhere overseas that is on the at risk list. Travelling on the train knowing that you are infected was/is just plain selfish stupidity. At least the other one kept himself and family to his own vehicle, not that I agree with what he did. 

    As UK is now also on that list for many countries, it would appear that going into quarantine on return from overseas does seem a bit pointless (to some) our UK rate is far higher than some of those on the UK Gov list.

    It is certainly coming to the time where we will be back to the stage we were in back in March. So we have to ask what have we achieved since lockdown then.

    I guess we have learnt a few things about the virus but I think some folk have become complacent and no longer see the point in following the rules.

    Maybe the time is coming where those that are no vulnerable just go about their life, take precautions and take their chance. We certainly cannot hide away at home for ever.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,415
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    edited October 2020 #320

    I’d be a hypocrite if I said I cared to be honest. Sorry if it upsets some, but I have no sympathy whatsoever for him, or Bolsanaro. 

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited October 2020 #321

    I fully agree with your last paragraph.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited October 2020 #322

    Very well put Tammygirl.

    After shielding for months, as most of you know very bad  last year for OH, we now make our own risk assessments. This still restricts us but we were happy to go out and eat outside and generally take in the outdoors as well as meet family and friends - even indoors 😱 on the odd ocassion when we were confident of their contacts etc. However many of them have duties or work and we still felt confident however with the rising numbers, although still quite low in our town, but the students are back! are causing us to question this and that's down to other folk being selfish and not doing as asked. That makes me resentful. But our risk assessment remains in place and whereas I was popping out into town ocassionally, I do so now but do the full strip at the door as I did in the early days of venturing out. I personally feel I've been cheated out of 2 years! Time is limited for OH , and us all if we knew 😉, and we'd like to live it not exist through it 😢. Rant over

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited October 2020 #323

    Jut heard. 2 car loads of youngsters from our local Town went to Liverpool on the Razzle two Saturdays ago. Some were only 17 and gave false names etc. They have been back in school for 2 weeks. Some working evenings in local pubs and the local Co op. They are now positive. Track & trace not working properly because of the false names etc. We can see Gwynedd going into lockdown now any day because of their stupidity. Likewise us oldies who have adhered to the rules have been put in danger by their actions. Is there any hope. In reality. The police should throw the them for every transgression but the likely output is a slap on the wrist.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,116
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    edited October 2020 #324

    We are doing just the same as you, getting out in the van, not interacting with large groups of people but chatting to those we see out walking from a respectable distance, shopping for only necessary supplies but enjoying our touring.

    Our son and daughter live far from our home so we seldom meet up but keep in contact by phone and on line. We'll see them up close when we think the time is right and we'll all be safe.

    Agree completely with your last 2 paragraphs, TG.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited October 2020 #325

    Not good, Fish, but expect it’s much the same everywhere.

    Look after yourself and your friends and family, stay strong and please be kind to yourself. Fingers crossed things will improve.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #326

    It is only what he said that he did not stop on that journey of best part of 5hrs with poorly ?wife and young child in the car 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2020 #327

    What of their guardians/parents Fish-they must have known they were going🤷🏻‍♂️, it’s why kids are not classed as responsible due to their selfish thoughtless attitude. I blame the parents👍🏻

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2020 #328

    Welcome to the world of many of todays parents, ,and some wonder why more  sites are going over to adult onlysurprised

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2020 #329
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  • redface
    redface Forum Participant Posts: 1,701
    edited October 2020 #330

    I wonder if a certain well known person is now going to take his own recommended (by him) medicine.

    I think it was 1/2 cup of bleach wasn't it?

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited October 2020 #331

    Why blame the parents? Parents try to discipline but then find themselves with their hands tied behind their back ..... got the T shirt & read the book with Emily's ****head brother!!!!!! 🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐


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