Have CAMC over priced some sites
Thanks for that. I thought the trains might be weekend only. Wouldn’t be riding, just viewing. Leave the seats for the families. That’s a good deal from Club, would only be the two of us....perhaps when it’s warmer.
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Your absolutely right BB and I long for the day when we can shed our commitments then it’s Greece here we come.
The only reason I bang on about high season is because often times when discussing club prices we hear how cheap it is over there when the reality is we aren’t comparing like for like.
Due to our limited timescale we are moving on every 3 nights. Even when touring in the UK we often move every 3 or 4 days.
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What did the site on the other side of the Chanel have that the club site didn't?
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I agree, but in any case we never use a site in order to "take advantage of a discount ".. Like many we have other commitments, aged mothers, grandchildren duties, other appointments etc. and our trips are geared up to fit in between these other commitments. If we chance upon a midweek discount then that's a bonus but as ever, sites needs to be below £25 per night for us or they don't even get considered as an option, and if it's below £20, better still.
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A saving of about £5 per night apparently apart from any other fragrant benefits.
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So anybody going across for a month would pay an additional £150 (minimum guess) for ferries and so £5 a night. Plus insurances.
In truth you cannot judge the relative costs of sites in UK by comparison with sites in other countries if you want to tour within UK
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A very good point and a huge difference. We have no idea if the two sites were exactly the same but being in different countries does make a difference.
An excellent example of this is fuel, according to autotraveller this month petrol costs 1.38 euros over here while France 1.52, Germany 1.38, Italy 1.59, Netherlands 1.77. Now that is a like for like product isn't it, yet different prices, why? The economies of different countries? No I'm sure people will come on and state they pay no where near those prices but it would seem fuel is cheaper here? Or at least there is a range of prices for the same product in different countries.
The thing is though, is that those are the prices set (fuel and sites) you can go on about like for like all you want and ask why but if you want to buy them, that's the price you have to pay?
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Easy T... The thread is about club sites becoming too expensive, and as far as I can see there are those on here who are willing to pay far more than you or I would ever currently pay, or at least pay on average... yet we both go away for a significant number of nights each year. This is achieved, certainly in our case by careful choosing of sites / dates. Several have said they have an upper price limit on what they will pay per night.
I am left wondering, that of those club sites with vacancies in peak periods, are members ( as I do ), avoiding those sites on price and finding something cheaper ? Or are they not going away at all to avoid busier periods completely ? Or perhaps they go away for fewer nights to control the amount spent per year ?
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at the risk of getting my head chopped off i will say what many looking at the forum must be feeling today, why after 500+ replies is this still grinding on, can not be bothered to back track through all this but looks suspiciously like previous info is just be regurgitated and the post is going no where
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It is not that we strive to avoid more expensive sites Justus and do pay the odd bank holiday price whether on a non club site or one of the two clubs. We do get age discount with C&CC and use some of their clubs but as we tour we take it as it comes. I think that the dearest was around £27 and The prices that we paid this year are all bookings made in November last year and prices have increased since. I expect to pay more next year on average across a range of sites. Two Non facility CC sites have kept the price down at under £16 average as has a CL at £18. We just scraped at £25.
We will however exceed that in our 15 night December break as we will be at Southport I think as per last 7 years. for 10 of the 15 nights the price will be £31 which I consider steep although we shall no doubt use a fair bit of leccy! There are other sites but none a well placed for us or as desirable.
If we wanted to keep prices down we would perhaps use more C&CC sites and grass pitches too as well as more CLs although the CLs that I might use would probably come in at £18 to £20.
Financially, as a couple we are fortunate. OH was a teacher but retired early through ill health. after a couple of years she took up some low paying jobs. When we first became an Item 20 years ago she was out of work for 12 months. It means however that we are independent financially in one sense. She had capital when she sold her house 15 years ago and she, with my prompting, has increased that so that she could move out if she wished - she doesn't
Our joint household/holiday/meals budget is significantly less than our retirement incomes, small investment returns (I play safe these days) and State pensions. Our annual household budget is only around £17K and so not a lot in the scheme of things with 120 nights away and all household bills, grass cutting food, insurances, dental and vehicle costs etc.
Our caravans and car purchases however have not come from this budget as we have both chipped in half when buying. If I lived alone I suspect that I would have to have only a slightly smaller budget but paid for just by me!
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Also, what has anything "over there" got to do with the OP? Does anyone really care what it costs to holiday in Europe when the point the op is making concerns the price of some club sites. Rather than bang on about over there, why not move over there then you can bang on how dear it is "over there"!
If people really wanted value for money "over there" rent somewhere and get a cheap flight and hire car. That would cost half what people are quoting here regarding nightly costs.
Good Morning
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Does anyone really care what it costs to holiday in Europe when the point the op is making concerns the price of some club sites.
Apparently some do and particularly those that holiday for a couple of months on the continent.
I see little difference between CC and other non club site prices (CLs excepted) and therefore, when available, I prefer CC sites for a number of small reasons that add up for us
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I agree JK. I tried pages ago to inject some back on thread sense by looking at Middlesbrough. And Bury. Failed miserably, but that was down to me.🤣
How many of you “over there” lovers have a holiday over there, in your tourer between November and March? Just curious. Can you tour from site to site? How cheap is it?
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David - I have to ask (and whatever you think, it's a genuine question) - if sites "over there" are as good, facility wise, and as great value as you imply, why do you keep returning to the same sites time after time? I accept that you've found sites you like, but surely there are other parts of Croatia/Spain to explore or just relax in? Or is it just that you feel you wouldn't find other sites as good - i.e. sites "over there" are every bit as variable as "over here"?
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That’s one then WTG😁. Go with the CCC, it makes sense. Agree about October half term, that’s what caught me out last Autumn.
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I thought this was the UK sites section ? seems some always bring in 'over there' comparisons, not eggs with eggs. as ferry costs bump up the prices.
OP yes, I do think the Club has overpriced some sites...especially in peak season.Killing the chicken that lays golden eggs. ie less occupancy, but while some folk still pay the prices no matter what. The situation will continue.Until the sums for the Club fail to add up.