How's your footy team doing?



  • pauline058
    pauline058 Forum Participant Posts: 85
    edited February 2019 #632

    Hello have'nt been on here for a long time, no longer live in Nottingham, lived in our caravan for 14 months, now live in an annexe at my daughter's house in Burton upon Trent.

    Still have season tickets for Nottingham Forest, and once again have a new management team, this time I am highly delighted, that Martin O'Neill and Roy Keane are in the dugout. Just having a slight problem with referees, have lost points in last few matches due to refs being conned by cheats, its time teams were docked points, too much of it going on now, what with rolling around on the floor like theyve been shot, then jumping up when opposing player booked. Its been creeping into the game in recent years and is getting worse                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #633

    100 %  behind  you  there,  Pauline { Excepting  only  your  choice  of  team  to  follow  of  course sealed }

      I've  said  before  &  say  it  again,  I  hate  &  detest  cheats  &  supporters  of  cheats.  One  of  my  pet  hates  is  the  Foolish  Commentator  who  says  such  idiotic  things  as  "  He  took  one  for  the  Team "  and  " He  had  to  do  it  or  they  would  have  scored "

    The  future  hangs  on  the  introduction  next  season  of  V A R .  I'm  aware  of  problems  it  has  had,  but  if  they  can  get  it  running  properly  &   QUICKLY,  then  a  lot  of  cheats  could  be  out  of  the  game.  Well  who  wants  to  select  a  player,  no  matter  who  or  how  good  he  might  be,  who  will  likely  be  off  the  park  after  60 / 70  minutes  &  picks  up  suspensions  for  getting  booked  regularly.

    Glad  you're  enjoying  Life  in  Beer  Town  wink  Keep  cheering  up   us  in  the  Lower  Leagues  ( !undecided! )  .

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited February 2019 #634

    I'm with you as well Pauline. That was as clear a dive by Gayle as you will ever see. The irony is that the referee who was well and truly conned was the same clown who gave us a penalty at Cardiff for as clear a foul as you will ever see and then had his mind changed by the linesman who had a worse view than the ref.

    I know I go on a bit about the poor officiating we've had this season but it has been really bad.

    Some of the cheating I've seen this season has been shameful. Players going to ground every time they feel someone breath on them to get free kicks not just penalties and referees are fooled time and time again.

    Rant over enjoy the games this weekend whoever you support.

    UTT Rog

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited February 2019 #635

    Not the best of games at Wemberleee on Sunday, in fact, pretty boring.....

    But, a trophy won, so not complaining!

    And 3 good points for Town, tonight, Papgeno!


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2019 #636

    Sad  Sad  Day.


    More  "Abuse  News"  being  thrown  around  at  Crewe.  Everybody  blaming  everybody  else.



  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #637

    Yes it was good to see a win on Tuesday but I'm afraid it looks like it was a flash in the pan.

    Having said that we've got Bornmuff on Saturday and our home record against them is pretty good.🤞

    UTT Rog

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2019 #638

    Went to the Burnley v Palace game on Saturday. Nice to watch some unstructured football for a change......😱😱😱

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #639

    I've only one word to describe that performance yesterday, "abject". The sooner this season is over and done with the better.

    Its difficult to see where any more points are going to come from but at least we have beaten Detby County's record low total 😀

    UTT Rog

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #640

    Detby? I mean Derby fat finger syndrome 😡

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2019 #641

    4 English teams through to the last 8 of the Champions' League!

    Is this the 1st time? No doubt some younger family members will keep me informed....

    Good luck to Spurs, 'Pool, Utd and City, fingers crossed for easy draws for us all on Friday......🤔


  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #642

    I'm no statistician but I would have thought there's a very good chance of at least two of the four English clubs being drawn against each other.

    Didn't City play Liverpool last year?🤔

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2019 #643

    Certainly did, totally outclassed at Anfield, and lost the home leg too 😱😱😱.

    So it's Spurs this time. I was hoping (yet again) for somewhere warm with cheap drinks, but at least we can take the 'van and stay at Denham for a short break. Spurs should be playing at their new ground by then, but who knows.....?


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #644

    What  a  weird  day  !!

    Poor  old  Crewe  1 ==  0  down  to  a  penalty  after  13  mins.

    I  was  down-loading and  printing  my  mates  Park Run  results  and  checked  latest  score  before  I  popped  'em  in  his  letterbox  and  they  were  2 -- 1  up.  Texted  a  quick  giggle,  popped  his  results  in  and  by  the  time  I  was  back  on  here  4  == 1.

    First  look  after  half  time  and  The  Alex  had  bunged  in  their  5th  after  47  mins    ==  really  must  nip  out  &  get  another  lottery  ticket   innocent  ooo  'eck  now  its  6 -- 1  with  7  mins  to  go  ==  can  they  hold  on  surprised  undecided??

      ##  Happy  days  are  here  again  ##

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #645

    An even weirder day! Town 1-0 down to a penalty, 1-1 a couple of minutes later go in at half time 2-1 up. Unbelievable Jeff!

    What's going on 3-1 up with 15 minutes to go we haven't scored three all season. Surely they can hold on for a win. Can they heck as like managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory lost 4-3.😤😭

    Still Leicester up next and on my birthday is it too much to ask for win? It would be a cracking birthday present.

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #646

    I  KNEW  I  should  have  got  another  Lottery  ticket  with  this  run  of  luck,  frown.  I  didn't  bother  and  on  checking  my  usual  ticket  I  found  I'd  got  a  free-entry  for  next  Saturday  surprised.



    P.S. / Edit


     Rog  I  thought  your  next  was  against  the  mighty  Crystal  Palace  or  are  you  rejecting  them  as  also-rans  innocent

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #647

    You're right Brian.I was referring to our next home match. I'm not holding any great hope for the Palace match. We won the first match of last season there but have lost twice there since, once in the League cup and last season in the greedy league.

    Although things are pretty dire on the grass it's a different story off the field. The Town Foundation opened their 39th breakfast club this week and as part of their inclusivity initiative some of the players were learning sign language from some school children with hearing problems.Last week the club captain and a couple of other players went to a meeting of the HTFC Disabled Supporters club. Makes you proud to support them.

    UTT Rog

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #648

    Crikey,  Brian's  so  glad  he's  not  a  follower/supporter  of  Scotland surprised.

    There'll  be  tears  over  the  heather  for  a  while  I  suppose  cry

  • Extugger
    Extugger Forum Participant Posts: 1,293
    edited March 2019 #649

    Brian, maybe a hangover from their 'oval ball' footballers? 😉

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #650

    Come  to  the  end  of  ENGERLAAAAND  V  Czech  Republic

      Good  win  for  the  Home  Side  --  next  stop  Croatia  !!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #651

    Never  was  too  hot  on  geography  at  school,  ain't  got  any  better  over  the  years  have  I.  embarassedfrown

    Croatia  be  ********  it's  Montenegro  yell

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #652

    You're not alone Brian I can't keep up with these new countries either, all I know is it's somewhere in the Balkans I think.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #653

    The  Where  surprisedembarassed  ??


    Saw  the  Mighty  Alex On  Quest  tv channel  last  night,  could  not  bring  myself  to  watch  again  this  morning  --  I'm  not  THAT  much  of  a  masochist  !  But  they  should  be  safe  enough,  now,  to  perhaps  give  another  couple  of  young  Academicians  a  taste  of  'Real  Football' 

    Best  wishes  to  all  other  fans  on  here  --  Yourself Roger,  Pauline  Moulesy  and  those  I  cannot  remember  Like  Young  Pliers  wink

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2019 #654

    Young Pliers!?

    If only.......


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #655

    16:50  and  Crewe  are  shewing  their  charitable  nature  now

    1 : 0  up  and  slithered  smoothly  to  1 : 3  Down 

    They  really  should  have  checked  that  tomorrow  is  MOTHERING  SUNDAY --  so  it's  MOTHERS  who  should  receive  the  gifts  &  choccies  not  bloomin'  Cheltenham surprised

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #656


      Roger,    sorry  to  see  that  Huddersfield  have  already  been  relegated. Please  enjoy  the  games  remaining,  with  the  pressure  off  now  they  might  relax  &  start  playing  entertaining  footy  again.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
    5,000 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited March 2019 #657

    Thanks Brian - "squeaky bum" time for Rovers. We still have the bottom 3 to play out of our last 6 games, but given the way we've snatched defeat from, well......defeat so often this season, anything could happen yet! frown

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited March 2019 #658

    Great away win at Boro, now 5 points clear

  • papgeno
    papgeno Forum Participant Posts: 2,158
    edited March 2019 #659

    Well that's us relegated and with 6 games to go, how embarrassing 😡

    But here's a story to warm your cockles. Last summer a six year old girl in the USA was undergoing chemotherapy for a brain tumour and feeling poorly, was watching the World Cup on TV with her dad. She was really upset that she had lost her hair but perked up when she saw a player in the Australian team who also had no hair. Her parents did some digging and discovered that the player was Aaron Mooy who was playing for Huddersfield Town in the Premier League.

    They bought her the full kit ( they call it the uniform) and bought the FIFA  video game so she could watch her inspiration some more.

    To cut a long story short when they heard about it, the club and Aaron decided they would like to do something special for her so they arranged for Bella ( that's her name) and her dad to fly over from Texas for the Leicester match next week and be  VIP guests of the club.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #660

    Wonderful  to  hear  Roger. 

    It's  great  that  footy  clubs,  and  individual  players  too,  are  getting  much  more  involved  in  such  things.  Rather  like  Craig  Bellamy  whose  reputation  is  not  without  some  stains,  BUT  he  has  helped  raise  millions  of  pounds  for  charity  &  even  started  a  football  academy  in  Sierra  Leone.   Some  grumpy  old  men  on  here  can  get  quite  emotional  at  times  smile

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited April 2019 #661

    I  know  I'm  sometimes  a  touch  sarky  about  them  there  Stokies  and  Clay 'eads  BUT  I'm  pleased  to  see  the  Alex  have  shewn  a  little  sympathy  for  those  in  peril  of  sinking  into  the  non-league  mire.  surprisedsealed.


      'Tis  better  to  give  points  than  receive  innocent



