What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25592

    We replaced our very ancient combi with a new combi, the hot water reaches the taps faster than our previous one so much lest wasted water on our meter. We have electric showers, the heat is virtually instant which it wouldn't be with the combi. Can't remember when we last had an airing cupboard so have adapted to going without years ago. wink

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,240
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    edited March 2019 #25593

    Our hot water tank would have needed to have been replaced as it doesn't meet modern standards and is 40 years old. I think we also like the idea of getting rid of the tanks in the loft. Once the old hot water tank is removed and the boiler installed there is still a lot of room for storage of towels etc. If needed it would be relatively easy to add a small radiator into the airing cupboard although I imagine there will be some residual heat from the boiler? We are going for a Worcester Bosch Combi which seems to be the one recommended by most people. It is also going to have a Hive system fitted so I can control the heating whilst away in the van!!!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25594

    Our boiler is the same make David, we've opted out of Hive, BG installed ours and the back up service has been excellent.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2019 #25595

    Stay strong, B2.

    Thoughts and prayers are still very much with both of you.

    Big hug.


  • ADD46
    ADD46 Forum Participant Posts: 437
    edited March 2019 #25596

    H&T thank you for the recipe 👍🏻. I've downloaded it and will give them a go this weekend. We'll have plenty of family members about to act as guinea pigs! 

    Bakers - keep posting. You're both in our thoughts. There is light at the end of the tunnel even if it seems a long way off at times. 

    David - we changed to a combi boiler to save space, water tanks etc. The only down side is they only tend to last 10years. We nursed ours to 12 years but had to have it replaced this time last year. As people have already said, the motorhome will be your fall back. When ours gave up, we ended up living in the caravan on the driveway for a week..😕


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,178
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    edited March 2019 #25597

    B2 passing our church this morning so popped in a lit a candle for you.  

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2019 #25598

    I googled "pier shower" and found some  pictures of those ones with the huge overhead outlets, which OH tells me she reckons are called "waterfall showers".....am I on the right track? 

    Still wondering why "pier" ?

    As the combi system delivers mains pressure H&C to the shower head, would that not be similar to a power shower?

    We have a  conventional system but the head of water is good as bedrooms and bathrooms are mainly downstairs, living rooms upstairs, and CW tanks up in loft.

    HW pressure in the kitchen is however poor, I recently installed a small pump, which has made a big difference.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25599

    Thanks for your messages of support. Feeling shattered today, they bought a tear to my eye.

    Good luck on the boiler/tank etc David. I realise our hot water tank must be clocking on, we've been in the house 34 years next month 😯 where did those years go? We had our boiler replaced about 12 years ago. I hope any necessary changes, maybe a walk-in shower, won't have such knock on effects. I'm probably pushing my luck 😂

    Already discovered that the conservatory roof panel that was holed by a bit of roof tile a few weeks back are no longer used by the company that built it - to replace means removing 3 panels which will probably crack, so awaiting a quote for replacement. 

    In the great scheme of things these are minor irritations.

    Off to phone British Red Cross to see what they hire out if necessary. I like to be self sufficient and reliant.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,178
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    edited March 2019 #25600

    Predictive again, read power

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2019 #25601

    Thanks for clarification!

    Today's mail just arrived, and with it the  Council Tax bill, which appears to be a roughly 4% increase .   frown

    Just about to have lunch then off to the dealer with the van for service.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,514
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    edited March 2019 #25602

    Boiler? No problem here. No central heating (2 wood burners), and a solid fuel Aga which cooks and heats the water. Still going strong after 70 years. 

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited March 2019 #25603

    B2 , I know it's far too easy to say but Stay Strong. From reading your messages the light at the end of the tunnel IS getting brighter .X 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #25604

    My  CT  Bill  arrived  just  as  I  was  heading  to  Aged  Sisters frown.  So  I  had  an  extra  cuddle  from  Alfie  the  Cat  smile.

    Home  for  lunch,  then  took  45 mins  to  kick  this  blooming  piece  of  hi-tech  into  life  --  never  had  this  problem  before  yell.  Could  it  be  it  knew  I  was  going  to  waste  money  on  some  Councillors  expenses  surprised ??

    Ah  Well,  as  the  scientists  used  to  say,  managed  to  pay  that  bill,  now  I'm  going  to  see  if  G D S F will  accept  bookings  yet,  then  I'll  be  back  to  annoy  a  different  load  of  CT innocent  !!

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited March 2019 #25605

    Needless to say it's now cracking t' flags 🙄

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited March 2019 #25606

    That’ll be those Frackers MM😤

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25607

    B2 sounds like a good idea to get organised. Hopefully the hospital team will arrange for a home visit before your OH goes home, they will assess what adaptions are needed at the present time. These can be returned at a later date when things improve. 

    Trying to sort things for some end of the month travel, fingers crossed this awful weather improves!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25608

    Well home in daylight. Not going back tonight, 2 hour break between visiting on stroke ward. I'm going to indulge myself this evening 😀.

    Day 1 on the appropriate ward and he's been up and down the stairs twice! Also whilst I was there another communication, speech and cognitive test, sailed through most, couple of stumbles. So much detail in making a cup of tea she ran out of space to write it all 😂😂😂. The occupational therapist came to see myself to see how I thought things were going. Also managed to get him outside for a bit of air, luckily there's a large canopy so I was able to keep him out of the rain. Sat in the foyer and watched the videos of eldest granddaughter going into school for her first day. (They stagger start in NZ the day after their 5th birthday but not compulsory until they are 6). Then some of her at home after her day. She read her book, did her phonetics and sang the days of the week and months of the year, so both grandad and she had one task the same! Days and months.

    No post today, no Bill's either 😀


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2019 #25609


    Council tax notification finally arrived. Only 8.4% increase!yell making 15+% over last 2 years. Not amused.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2019 #25610

    They are now making up for all the years when they were not allowed increases!

    Ours is our biggest single expense.  £3085.14 for CT and another £888.48 for water and sewerage.   surprised

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2019 #25611

    This old house you live in, Kj. Not called Balmoral by any chance is it?smile

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25612

    Good grief KJ, I hope it's worth it! surprised

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    edited March 2019 #25613

    Got an early phone call from the CL we were heading for just to tell us where gate key was and would we park up on the shingle. Asked if we could arrive early and was told "No problem". We'd had rain overnight but it was dry when we got up, so a dry walk with Flyte, a steady pack up and we set off at about 10:30 for a 30ml drive. Although it was rather windy it was dry, we had no problems en route and arrive at site about 11:15. Thankfully we managed to get set up and another walk in before the rain started and it poured down for a while, but did managed a second longer walk down to the River Yarl without getting too wet before diner this evening. Wind has now got up but the rain has stopped.

    Stay strong B2, thinking about you and OH. 

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2019 #25614

    Brue,  Your  Request  That  somebody  "Reports"  your  post  on  R S P B  / C&MH  visiting  has  resulted  in  Caravan Han  responding  on  that  thread  --  so  if  you  really  truly  want  to  know  the  Club's  position    Just  swap  threads  for  5  mins  wink


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2019 #25615

    Meantime, yes.

    Not old, or Balmoral, fortunately.....think of the upkeep!

    We have been here 31 years, the longest we have lived anywhere, designed and had the house built, so we know it's good points and it's bad points, fortunately the latter are few.

    It has been a good house, very little upkeep needed, and as we know where all the plumbing is, how the wires run, what makes it stand up, when things have needed fixed, we know how to go about it.

    Near to our children, nice quiet  area, but not too far from necessary amenities like doctor, dentist and good shops, we even have the occasional bus!  Nice views, big driveway to take our caravan, lots of space for all our hobbies.

    And we are about to be in profit on our solar PV installation!  Income will  more than cover our fuel bills.

    We have considered moving, but the legal fees and removal costs, and the stamp duty on a nice bungalow around here would swallow up many years of Council Tax Savings.  Plus finding a place where we could keep a caravan is not easy!

    We live in hope that one day CT will be replaced by a local income tax.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,874
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    edited March 2019 #25616

    Bakers2, so glad to hear that your OH has been moved to the stroke ward and seems to be doing well with his cognitive tests. It must have given both of you a lift to see videos of your grand-daughter on her first day at school. Also a bit of (very!) fresh air will have been good for your OH. Things seem to be going in the right direction even though slowly. Onwards and upwards. Very best wishes to you both. I thought of you both during prayers in our Eucharist service at the Cathedral this morning.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2019 #25617

    In view of the winds, we have postponed our departure for Warwick Racecourse until Sunday. After yesterday's wild and dismal weather, it is at least bright this morning although wind is still honking.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    edited March 2019 #25618

    Very very windy here overnight our van is shielded slightly by trees but the wind seemed to get stronger during the night so we took a bit of a battering. Not a fan of this weather although it seems to by dying down a little bit now.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2019 #25619

    Visit to dentist yesterday,  X ray confirmed cracked filling, so replaced and hopefully this will stop pain,  so far so good.smile

    ADD46 hope you enjoy the cheese & Marmite sausage rolls, do let me know. 

    Bakers2 glad to hear OH is now settled in the stroke ward. 

    Very blustery again today,  just checked all ok with the CL we are using, still heading off tomorrow, hoping winds will have died down a bit by the time we leave tomorrow afternoon. 

    Not received new C tax bill yet, something to look forward too.undecidedlaughing

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2019 #25620

    Very windy here, can't imagine what it's like on the coast. Have noticed things are greening up, the Hawthorn leaves are coming out so I hope the weather settles down soon and we can do a few more things outside, impossible just now.

    Helen, I expect it was a relief to get your tooth sorted.

    OH is about to help out someone with some floor laying so that's the next two days booked although we've got some hedging to go in too, so the queue for jobs is building! wink

    Visiting dog snoozing on the sofa, so he's ok!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2019 #25621

    HelenandTrevor glad you've had your tooth sorted, let's hope that's the end of your toothache. I was at the dentist this morning for the scale and polish I couldn't have with check up in January as I had started a cold that day, actually that was the start of the flu and chest infection so I didn't my spread germs 😉.

    Brue visiting dog looks very content. Hope you get your jobs done as well as the help that your OH is offering to others.

    Very blustery here still bright although cloud building. Sensible decision to postpone Warwick CY. Stay safe folks however you occupy your day.