What are you all up to
Just to say we've had a lovely meet up with Millie and Oneputt today. Thanks for getting us all together Oneputt and thanks for the teas and coffees Millie. Enjoy the rest of your holidays, it looks as through the sun will be shining on Norfolk.
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We really enjoyed it as well brue. Thank you for coming and thanks Oneputt for arranging it. So good to meet up and have a proper chat and catch up. Also good to put faces to names😊. Enjoy the rest of your trip. The weather looks set fair for us all.🌞😎
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Natasha, we have always used Lac de Maine No 1485 in this years Acsi discount book. Its right next to a park with cycle/walking tracks along the river right into Angers. Pitches are long but not overly wide, although wide enough for van + awning. Pool is lovely and warm and sanfacs good and clean, every pitch has water and electrics. The reception is closed from 12.30 -14.00, there is a car park to the left if you arrive early you can park in, the entrance has a height restriction of 3.2m.
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Another lovely day here today after the cold sea mist last night. Woke to blue skies and a strong breeze, cycled along the river to Mont St Michael. What a place and very well organised with lots of cycle racks to secure them and free shuttle buses every 3 minutes to take you right to the Mont. Really glad we changed our plans to come here, the site is lovely and the Mont is well worth a visit.
Moving on up the Normandy coast tomorrow for another 2 nights before our last night at Neufchatel.
Feels a bit like ground hog day on here lately
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What a beautiful longest day 😆. My late dad's birthday and if I remember correctly Wherenext birthday, hope I'm right and you've had a nice day 🎊🎂.
Glad you've managed a meet brue, milliehull and Oneputt.
Mousley you'd better make sure all the evidence of those custard tarts is completely gone and it can remain our secret 😉😂. Splendid that you've had a good time away.
Tammygirl nice to hear from you, sounds like you're having a good time. Shame you're hogging the sun can't you share with cyberyacht? Or does the sun shine on the righteous 😇😇
Phone call from the hospital 9.30am this morning my appointment for tomorrow (Friday 1.30pm) has been cancelled - again 😤 normally been in writing 6th time since March. I enquired as to the reason young lady unsure 😲 non contact or training day! Surely that wouldn't be instant decision???? So glad I didn't buy my rail ticket in advance. New appointment Monday 1.30pm amazing! Thankfully no work to cause issues. Luckily it's only podaritary.
Took mum for her appointment, dermatologist today, rodent ulcer, as we suspected. Now have to wait for next appointment with plastic surgeon should be within 3 weeks for biopsy. She's calmer now 😉. Did some gardening for her before and after the appointment inclufing citting the grass. So the garden is looking better too.
Having to reschedule my tasks next few days because of change to my hospital appointment to fit in things, including making a birthday cake, before our trip to Great Yarmouth on Thursday where we'll be joined for our son's surprise 30th weekend. We hope to extend our trip after our long weekend, which should include horse racing on Friday 😃. We'll decide once we know the weather, hopefully my brother will sort mum for next hospital appointment if necessary. Even not working isn't allowing a decent tour around this year 😲😲 must sort priorities better 😉
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All the best to your Mum bakers2. So stressful for her (and you ). How annoying about your appointment change again. I hope you finally get there on Monday I hope the plans for your son's special burthday go well. I know what you mean about priorities😕
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Thanks milliehull. Looks like it's in a good place 😉 hopefully 'a stitch over'. Cut it out and stitch back but obviously he's not the one doing it! Because of where it is its in a natural 'wrinkle' from nose to mouth. Fingers crossed.
My priorities are easy - it's the others 😂😂.
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Good journey up to North Norfolk, journey time has been cut by 15/20 minutes by using the new northern distributor road. You now pass the airport on one side with all sorts of stacked passenger aircraft and on the other side of the road is an air museum with a Vulcan clearly visible.
Had a lovely afternoon meeting Brue, Millie and their OHs.
Whoever goes to the Lionel Richie concert at Holkham Hall on Sunday should have great weather.
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Went down to DD's house aftr lunch, she had some creaky door hinges that needed to be sorted. I was kind of successful at doing so, but not 100%.
Said bye bye to little Callum, will be 3 weeks till we see him again, no doubt we will see a big change in him.
We are off at the weekend, but the budgies are staying here, so DD will be coming up here every day to tend them. Good job it is not far to come!
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More rain in the night but woke to a bright but cool morning. Got away early, fortunately, as the road past the site was going to be under repair and could well be closed for a while. Easy drive down the A7 and M6 to our CL (new to us) above Kendal. Great views on 3 sides, especially over Kendal and towards the Howgills. Nice warm sunny day although there was still a cool breeze. Clear sky tonight so may be able to spot Jupitor and moons, if I can stay wake long enough.
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I use Tesco ET, they piggyback the o2 network. I chose them for their better coverage of the extreme East coast👍🏻😊
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Mine is a Tesco Smart phone and I use EE as well.
Last night, orders kept coming in right up until just before 11 p.m. so that by the time I had finished and got back to the shop, it was 11:15 p.m. so 15 minutes late finishing.
Half way through my shift, the car phone suddenly stopped linking up with my mobile phone. I'm not sure what went wrong but it means I can't answer calls whilst driving. Luckily the shop didn't need to phone me. It can sometimes happen that the order gets mixed up and they ask me to return to the shop but luckily that didn't happen whilst my car phone was disconnected! I'll have to work out how to fix it before this evening's shift. I hope I can find a solution.
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The 99 mile range is enough to cover an entire shift at work as long as the car is fully charged before the start of the shift. I spend over £225 per month on unleaded petrol. It doesn't make sense to waste that much money on fuel when I can have a car that will do the job without that overhead cost, does it, Huskydog? To my mind buying petrol is money down the drain!
With my existing Smart, I use between a quarter and a third of a tank each shift. A full tank of fuel costs over £30 and the range is about 220 miles. That means that I only do a total of between 55 to 70 miles on a busy shift. The Electric Smart should be able to handle that easily in the summer with the long hours of daylight, in the winter, however, there will be less leeway but I should get 60 miles on a full charge even with headlights and windscreen wipers being used.
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Well put it this way. 99 miles is almost equivalent to half a tank of fuel for my existing car and even on busy longer shifts plus the commute both ways, I have never used that much fuel in one day's shift!
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Sadly no views of the night sky last night as it clouded over 😣
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I tried switching on and off and tried pairing but it still wouldn't connect. It just kept displaying a message saying connection failed. I think I may have to take it to the dealership in Portslade to get it sorted. I need to be able to receive calls whilst driving in case there's a change in the customer order.