What are you all up to
Lovely day with the grandtwins yesterday. Indoor and outdoor egg hunts, making biscuits and decorating for mum and dad, Easter card making and all sorts of other arts and crafts including making animal face from paper plates. They went home about 3.30pm and we just collapsed.
Today dull with plenty of rain so vegetating
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You might find it easier using the childrens channels on the tv, Oneputt. Then they would just sit quietly and watch while you fall asleep!
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No snow - teeming rain
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That's a terrible idea Malcolm and the so called 'easy option'.
It would feel like abdicating responsibility as parents/grand parents. Both we and their mummy and daddy limited them to 2 children's programmes a day, so that is less than 20 minutes of TV. What's the point in having your family round if thats what you do.
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Well this morning its raining, OH has just gone off to try and help fix eldest step sons car, he's been giving phone instructions over the weekend but hasn't worked.
We are off to the metropolis of Milton Keynes this afternoon a visit to our son, was thinking of some retail therapy too
Hope those that have downloaded "Hourglass " enjoy the book.
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The point of it, Oneputt, is so that YOU can get a rest and let your tv licence, which you are paying for, do the entertaining! Otherwise, you're going to be constantly exhausted! Also children can learn a lot from the tv. It can be used as an educational tool!
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Agree Oneputt, so many children just get plonked in front of the TV, much nicer to be enjoying activities together as a family, precious time together.
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We have a bright sky to the South, and dark clouds to the North, Rain came in yesterday afternoon, cannot complain after having had a few dry but cold days.
Tammygirl, hope you are both feeling a bit better soon. Hot soups, hot drinks and plenty of rest helps.
OP, glad you had a lovely time with the grandchildren, much better to spend quality time and doing things with them than plonking them in front of the TV.
Have a lovely Easter Monday everyone be it home or away.
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And who cooks the meals, H&T and does the housework whilst you are doing other activities together?
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The quality of children's programmes these days are terrible. Especially the ones aimed at 8 + yrs, The way they speak to their elders, their speech, their lack of respect for others, not good role models at all.
Children should be out having adventures.
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If the children are old enough there is nothing to stop them being involved with cooking and household tasks. Children enjoy learning to cook and making a game of some of the chores can be fun.
It is also good life skills.
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When grandchildren visits, the dust can wait, and eating out is fun, or takeaway pizza
Dust If You Must
by Rose Milligan
Dust if you must, but wouldn't it be better
To paint a picture, or write a letter,
Bake a cake, or plant a seed;
Ponder the difference between want and need?Dust if you must, but there's not much time,
With rivers to swim, and mountains to climb;
Music to hear, and books to read;
Friends to cherish, and life to lead.Dust if you must, but the world's out there
With the sun in your eyes, and the wind in your hair;
A flutter of snow, a shower of rain,
This day will not come around again.Dust if you must, but bear in mind,
Old age will come and it's not kind.
And when you go (and go you must)
You, yourself, will make more dust.10 -
Perhaps the programmes are designed to reflect life as it is today! When they grow up, they too will have to face life as it is in today's world. So they might as well learn about it so that they are prepared for it.
Once you leave school and go to work, you have to earn money to pay bills and that becomes the matter of paramount importance because it's necessary for survival. So your time becomes work time rather than family time.
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When I'm cooking Mrs One looks after them or vises versa. Very often they want to help with the cooking, laying the table etc. Fortunately we have a good size kitchen so can all sit together whilst someone is cooking. One day they we made pizza bases and then they put the topping on, great fun. We don't need pizza deliveries thank you.
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In other words, you can't all have family time together!
Anyhow, make sure you put that on their CV when applying for a job with Pizza Hut once they're old enough! Having said that, Pizza Hut will train them on how to make pizza bases and put toppings on for free and pay them wages whilst teaching them how to do it, provided they are interested in that kind of career.
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Malcolm many of the physical signs of spring like the spring flowers lighter evenings etc are there. But the gradually warming of days is distinctly lacking this year. Lots of country folks will acknowledge the blackthorn winter, when the sloe bushes flower, generally it's back to a cold snap - this year it seems to be prolonging it. I'm waiting for some gentle air rather than that cold awakening as it hits exposed parts of your body- face and hands too chilly for more 😁, that it is now. I couldn't leave without seasons - the cycles of life, I've not been here for 3 months this year but it still seems like a long winter to me 😢
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Do you not think your method leads to dysfunctional children/families, cos I do.
We got our first television in the late 1950's until then I have no idea how we as a family coped with no electricity and running water.
Our life style prepared us for school and work and to live as a family unit. I worked just about 50 years and only had 3 months without a job (by choice) so I don't think you have anything to teach me about work, money, family unity etc..
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Malcolm, I really think that children who have been lucky enough to enjoy varied activities and quality time with parents and grand parents however short, are much better equipped for life than those that have sat in front of the telly for most of time, it's only my opinion of course, you may think differently.
I'am happy to say that neither of my children are delivering pizza for a living.
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If I look out of my window just now I can see lots of leaves out too, the plants have been a bit confused this year but now they are pushing ahead. The rose by the window is covered in leaves and there are lots of flowering shrubs out including the usual forsythia! Really looking forward to some proper Spring weather to go with it, just to sit outside with a coffee or tea would be great.
edit...and today's weather is rain....
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The problem is that if children don't learn about how to cope with work which can sometimes mean having to carry out mundane tasks for low pay, they may struggle to get employment when they are older. Many school leavers can't get jobs because they are unprepared for the world of work and how to fit in with an employer's needs! They are used to having fun but work is not always fun. It can be hard graft and stressful.
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Wondering around Stowe Gardens yesterday, there were only a few signs of spring.
Just hoping we get a nice long summer to make up for the long winter.
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Our granddaughters 20 months and just 4 help with everything around the home, as did ours, if they want too. That's gardening cake making, general baking, preparing meals cleaning etc. I can assure you it's much slower with 'help' but the memories last a lifetime AND provide skills for life. My 'rest time' while being with them was a walk to the park they burnt off excess energy and I recovered, quite easy with a bottle of juice a blanket, a few treats or yes and warmth/shade depending on the strength of the sun. Magic times for us and them - otherwise they think we are TV entertainment LOL. When our elder estate granddaughter was Skyping with us we played hide and seek 😂😂😂. We' have the same books here as she had a read stories with her creativity is life 😆😇
I am proud to say my soon to be daughter in law reckons my son has fantastic skills 😀including those of washing, cleaning, gardening DIY etc in fact she reckons he does a better job of cleaning the bathroom than she does. No sure whether too be overly proud or saddened 😂😂. It means they can share the household tasks, they both hold down demanding jobs, and spend quality free time together 😉
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Employers need to push you to your limit in order to get better value for the money they are paying you!
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As Parents and Grandparents it is us who have the duty and responsibility to raise our children and grandchildren to face the world and it's problems, to know what is right and wrong, work ethics, finances and how to conduct themselves whilst in the company of others, NOT the tv, All work and no play makes for a dull life.
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Sorry but I think you will find those who have expeienced childhoods as described by Oneputt and others are far better equipped for the adult world. They know clean clothes don't just leap in the drawer, meals aren't ordered and delivered etc. They have a skill set that can be adapted and changed to suit the occasion. Those who employers find are not 'fit for purpose' area he ones who have spent a good deal of time in front of the TV, their physical demands being met by others and have no concept that they are not 'entitled' to their wants being met immediately.
Only my personal opinion, but I believe there is now evidence coming through to support it 😉
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edit...and today's weather is rain....
Yes spring is definitely here but someone needs to tell the weather 😂
Edit I think this is when I miss the dog most. Just want to be enticed outside, if the dog needs a walk it' whatever the weather and often not as bad as it appears once you'e out there! So wet underoot I can talk myself out f getting mucky 😂😂