Family pitch rules not encouraging future members.
Better some income than none I think. They are very few indeed across the network and only exist on sites which probably show surplus pitches across the season and so have the capacity. May help keep cost down for the rest of us, Fisherman, and some sites viable!
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I empathise with the OP on several counts.
Unfortunately Club Together is not the medium to garner any semblance of open debate on matters of questioning the idiosyncrasies of the club (although it is NOT a club, but a commercial organisation). Other commercial organisations in the market respect feedback and views of customers and actively change to meet their needs.
That the 'Club' fails to engage on very few, if any, aspects of debate around roolz or the future demography of 'members' and their aspirations and expectations on their very own medium established to 'Club Together' members and the body corporate should give sufficient clarity of what they actually think of the paying punters. The 'Club Together' is an ironic description.
The lack of engagement by members on CT also speaks volumes for the pointlessness of attempting to foster debate. The primary population of CT appears to be retired folk accustomed to the days of yore where things were done one way and never to change. You only have to look at the timelines on postings to see who posts in volume to constantly reinforce that in their minds no newcomer has the right to ask questions.
The OP might better seek answers from Grimstead Towers, or the facebook group.
As a new to caravanning family we know the CAMC is not family friendly, has the highest fees for the least services provided in compare to other offerings at family holiday times. In our days of MH ownership we were not allowed to deploy a drive away awning due to roolz, so joined the 'Friendly Club' as the other club was then known. We choose to join just one club for the CL network and occasional off season deals that sneak through. Our use of CAMC for peak time holidays has reduced during our membership, primarily due to cost of fees, why pay more for less?
The CAMC is a dinosaur in terms of change and listening to their customers. We know that.
We too would like to encourage family members with youngsters to try the hobby. The high cost of CAMC and the rigidity of roolz doesn't attract them. The recent change affecting families in respect of not taking children out of school was an opportunity lost to the CAMC.
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If you quoted the full text of my post, or even a further part of it, you would have read the answer to your question:
Our use of CAMC for peak time holidays has reduced during our membership, primarily due to cost of fees, why pay more for less?
akin to reading the T&Cs
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I have to disagree with you. The club does not have the highest fee for the least services. Club sites for families are usually cheaper for the same services.
One simple example is the Quiet Site and the nearby Troutbeck Head club site.The quiet site for a family (up to four children) is £44 per night, while the club is £37.20 for four children. However for the Quiet site, children are only up to 12, after that it's £5 per child extra. The club is up to and including 17. So a family with just two over 12 children comes in at £54 per night. three children over 12 would be £59 per night. How is that cheaper than the club site?
I've always found that club sites are in the middle price band for sites.
I know this is one example but perhaps you could post a counter example?
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I've always found that club sites are in the middle price band for sites.
I don't travel in August but, in June/July CC sites always seem comparable to commercial sites for us. I discount week stay deals etc as they are of no interest to us
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Hi Mark and Pam and welcome to Club Together and the Club.
Thank you so much for feedback which I will forward to the site operations team for their reference and consideration.
As a mum of a 1 year old (almost 2) I fully appreciate that you want to get the best holiday at an affordable price. If you do go on to buy a caravan or motorhome I do hope that you decide to remain with the Club.
As a Club we have offers available to help our members get the most out of their holidays. We have kids for a £1 which is available at various sites and we also have the Great Savings Guide which offers savings at over 800 attractions across the UK.
We love having families at our sites and have over 60 Tourer Explorer sites where the children can turn into nature detectives, wellie wanderers, budding artists, bug collectors and outdoor adventurers. There are giant board games and treasure hunts at these sites and it's great fun for families.
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I meant for families, I suppose just for a couple it would be the same?
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Not quite.
The Quiet Site has cracking distance views, fully serviced pitches, a pub on site, and four bathrooms - that is a room with a bath! It also seems to have a team of workers numbering towards 20.
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"As a new to caravanning family we know the CAMC is not family friendly, has the highest fees for the least services provided in compare to other offerings at family holiday times. "
I'm not a user of club sites at peak times any more, but I think you need to back up that claim, frequently quoted on here" with some actual examples, KS. For a counter example you might like to compare the club site at Treamble Valley with Haven Perran Sands or Trevornick Holywell Bay for a family break in July/August. And remember that many of the activities offered come at an extra charge!
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well the views are just as good from Troutbeck head but that is subjective. Yes the quiet site does have a pub, and more staff, hence the more expense?
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We will go back and use the van again, but will I renew my membership and become a future caravaner? I doubt it unless these rules are looked at!
So what you are saying is that unless the club changes it's rules to suit you and give you free, or next to free holidays, you won't be renewing your membership and won't become a caravaner (buy one) because of this?
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I haven't read all the posts but have understood it that on a seasonal pitch you pay for the season in advance for the pitch and 2 adults. Then if a family member comes with you its just another per person price that is paid. However if the Lead family member is not present then its a pitch fee and per person charge? if this is the case then I too would be a bit miffed, as it would seem that the family member is paying for a pitch that has already been paid for. If the family member chose to become a member in his own right would the pitch fee have been waived?
I'm sure the answers are here somewhere maybe someone could enlighten me please.
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I don't see anyone turning up at a leisure club (which run under a very similar "Club" model) and saying, "My dad is a member and I'm wearing his kit, so I want in for free" getting past the front door.
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if this is the case then I too would be a bit miffed, as it would seem that the family member is paying for a pitch that has already been paid for. If the family member chose to become a member in his own right would the pitch fee have been waived?
I'm sure the answers are here somewhere maybe someone could enlighten me please.
As Steve said his seasonal pitch, if all possible nights and relevant 2 days off after 3 weeks were considered would work out at £5 a night (or was it £5..50).
The fee includes member. spouse and children also EHU. Obviously the club works on the fact that not many would want or achieve this amount of usage. I presume that it must to some extent include for a typical usage. Some will make more use and some less but the caravan can be stored on site through the period. If a part of the charge for the seasonal does include consideration of pitch fees it must be a damned small part.
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Not quite correct, MM. The OP's Dad has paid a heavily discounted sum for his personal use of the seasonal pitch (under current t&c). If seasonal pitches are going to be opened up for more flexible use in future, and arguably that's entirely sensible, then the fees are likely to be substantially raised. Would the OP's Dad still go for a seasonal pitch then?
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I see you have been selective with your figures and consequently so will I be
Take any Mon - Thurs outside peak:
For example in September;
Quiet Site - 2 adults and up to 4 children £20/ night. ( If grandparents were taking the children there would even be a reduction - as I read it)
CAMC 2 adults and 4 children £30.60 / night
I actually found the Quiet site rather quirky and is miles away from the corporate image of a standard CAMC site
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Grant - your example may be right, but how many outfits turn up to The Quiet Site out of peak with 2 adults and 4 children under 12? I'm guessing the number is very small!
Haven do a similar marketing exercise - pitch fees include 2 adults and 4 children. It's a good marketing ploy but I doubt it applies to a huge number of customers!
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Happy to oblige
exampling sites we do/would use.
In a stunning part of the country where lots to do, nearby beaches, clifftop walks, olde world pubs, steam train.
This coming Easter weekend, family of 3 comprising 2 adults, 1 child age 11, 1 caravan:
Haycraft CAMC site- £33.40 per night
Norden Farm - £26.50 per night.
We stayed at Haycraft and visited friends (C&J) at Norden Farm last Easter school holidays. As our daughter said, 'more to do at where C&J were, can we stay there next time?'
This summer school holidays:
Haycraft - £33.40 per night
Norden Farm - £30.50 per night.
Happy child, happy holiday.
We are actually spending Easter on a CAMC Honey Pot site at £38.40 per night sans awning as awning pitches are like rocking horse dodos. The nearest other site is adult only, so no use to us. As we are marking the first anniversary of losing the father in law it meets our needs.
I had posted a story about our first year caravanning where I posted each and every holiday costs up. CAMC highest price on all.
We booked a CAMC Racecourse site on Frenzy Day, expecting the same fee structure as last year peak half term usage and offers for kids. Oops it's 25% higher fees with no kids offer. I did write a review praising the CAMC finally acknowledging families at peak half term times. Evidently I let the cat out of the bag and the CAMC decided to profit this year.
Funny old lark this caravan holiday game.
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sorry bu, err Grant yes I meant to say in main school holidays, where of course people with children at school would go. as Moulsey says.
Of course have you factored in the taking your children out of school fine? Currently at £60 per child? So in your example of four children that's a fine of £240 or an extra £34 per night.
Anyway what right minded parent would take their children out of school for a holiday