What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited May 2017 #5102


    After a leak free afternoon, this evening there was an even bigger wet patch under the bathroom carpet. Investigating the pipes under the bed I finally found where the leak was. Two of the pipes near the boiler have been installed touching and I can only think that after 9 years of travelling around Europe they have rubbed together so much that there is a very small hole in one, and a thin patch on the other, both will need to be replaced.

    When I moved the pipes to see what the problem was, the fluid started pouring out, so I had to pull the drain plug to try to direct some of it into a bucket outside, then clean up the mess.

    Found some repair tape which I wrapped round the affected areas to see if that would make a temporary repair, refilled the system and tried it out, but that only resulted in an even bigger leak, so we are now without heating and hot water.

    To make things worse, this site is a total dead area for mobile phones, so I am in the process of composing an e mail to Alde in UK to request assistance, and will contact Red Pennant to see whether they can assist us.

    We cannot continue the trip without heating and hot water in the van.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,688
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    edited May 2017 #5103

    Yes, when the mine first started doing tours the tour guide was his mother! We were there once and this helicopter came in and landed on top of a plie of slates and he got out. Apparently he used to fly home for lunch! In the visitor's centre there are a number of photos, one is Prince Philip meeting this chap's grandfather who was just one of the workers at the mine. Then there's another photo of prince Philip meeting this chap. What a turnaround, worker to owner in three generations The book of the story of how he bought a disused mine and turned it into what it is today is well worth buying. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited May 2017 #5104

    Where abouts are you exactly? Have you Googled and local caravan dealers. If you know where they are near you Red Pennant would speak to them on your behalf. I am not familiar with Alde heating but could you buy some similar pipes from the local DIY store and use John Guest Speedfit pushfit connectors if you can find them to locally and fit new sections?


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,916
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    edited May 2017 #5105

    So sorry to hear about the foot Millie.  Hope you manage to keep the pain at bay.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #5106

    Hope it iis soon sorted K

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #5107

    Arthritis is a right pain Millie. I hope it subsides. It certainly curtails my walking due to my hips. 


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2017 #5108

    David, you were out and about early this morning.laughing

    Hope the foot doesn't give you to much gyp Millie and doesn't inhibit your meet and greet at the cathedral.  

    Looks like we had the watery substance last night, although bright here this morning.  Will be loading the van today for my trip tomorrow. Will also change the pigtails for the hand screw type.  

    Finally finished auditing the scout group accounts and all is in ordersmile

  • triky auto
    triky auto Forum Participant Posts: 8,689
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    edited May 2017 #5109

    Bakers2,yes did seem like a long day,but did a bit of shopping in between.

    Brighter this morning ,dry but still a brisk Northerly breeze.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2017 #5110

    I got back from work at 23:15 last night. Then had dinner and finally got to bed at 01:00. Got up at 07:30, lovely sunny morning here in Worthing. In fact the weather started to improve whilst I was at work. I did most of the earlier deliveries in brilliant sunshine yesterday. Then it got dark and the usual difficulty of finding addresses in the dark especially the ones that don't display their house number!

    The manager who first interviewed me was back yesterday from his weeks holiday. He asked me to come in half an hour earlier on Wednesday as he needs to complete some formalities such as bank details for my pay. It seems I'll get my first pay near the beginning of June.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5111

    Milliehull sorry to hear about your arthritis sensible shoes are the answer, but there are some decent ones out there. Might it be worthwhile seeing a podiatrist? They can make your foot shape inner soles.

    KjellNN sorry to hear of your problem. Hope you can get it fixed soon to continue your travels. Interesting that it had a service recently and they didn't mention it - but maybe they don't check this sort of thing?? Good job your practical and agile ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Another grey day here, once again we had a clear night with lovely moon, but I'd quite prefer the sun to be clear! Less breeze by the look of it in the garden.

    Off to the opticians as recommended by GP hoping not to need new glasses! Have to say wobblyness much better and I'm not taking even the minimum dose she prescribed, I could double that if necessary. Meeting a friend for lunch after. Then if I'm up to it I'll go with hubby to get quote to respray motorhome bonnet, paint's disappearing off it leaving a powdery residue, any excuse for a ride in it really getting withdrawal symptoms- hoping to sort time away for next month that at the latest, might squeeze in something local before.

    Malcolm i hope youre being paid to go in early ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Enjoy your day folks.

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited May 2017 #5112

    Probably like you Malcolm; if I am out late I need a couple of hours  to unwind  before bed

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #5113
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited May 2017 #5114

    Sorry to hear about your Arthritis Millie. It is one of the things I fear as I get older, as my mum suffers from it. We do enjoy our walking and would hate to have to curtail them any more than we do now, just because we can't manage the distance we used to do. Off for a walk up the Loir in a little while. There are some lovely new paths around the lakes to the east of La Flรจche that can be accessed from the site with hardly any road walking. Just waiting for the sun to come out, overcast at present and they keep moving the goal post on my weather app. When I checked at 9 French time it showed sun by 10, now it's 10:30 and still no sign. Ah well, we'll give it another half hour before setting out. There is an ubundance of picnic benches on these new paths, so we will take lunch with us.

  • Unknown
    edited May 2017 #5115
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  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2017 #5116

    If you're planning a walk, SteveL, I wouldn't worry too much about sunshine. It's far more comfortable to walk in cooler weather as long as it doesn't rain. The sun can make it very hot and uncomfortable at this time of year.

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2017 #5117

    I agree, EasyT, especially as I have the day off work today. So plenty of time to catch up on sleep if needed!

  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2017 #5118

    I'm not sure, Bakers2, if I'll be paid for the extra half hour but nevertheless, it's necessary because without my bank details, I won't get paid at all! Although I can't understand why it should take half an hourundecided.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited May 2017 #5119

    Unfortunately only Alde bits will fit. We are just outiside Freudenstadt, there is a dealer some 60 km north of here who deals in Alde, so if they had the bits we could easily go up there .

    No reply from Alde UK, but have spoken with Red Pennant and they will try to souce parts here for us. Will also need to buy new glycol to refill the system.

  • Natasha2
    Natasha2 Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited May 2017 #5120

    Possibly want to discuss the extended holiday that you omitted to tell them about at your interview Malcolm. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,171
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    edited May 2017 #5121


    At least that sounds hopeful. Any good dealer should be able to help. Hope you get it sorted so that you can continue your holiday.


  • Malcolm Mehta
    Malcolm Mehta Forum Participant Posts: 5,660
    edited May 2017 #5122

    Maybe but I just had a phone call to ask me if I could do an extra shift this evening from 5 to 11, so that's another 6 hours this evening. They seemed very happy when I agreed to do it.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,505
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    edited May 2017 #5123

    Mowing the grass.

    Click for video!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2017 #5124

    I can hear the silage being cut round here too Goldie, one or two finished already but plenty more to go. smile Good weather for cutting. We hear we might have rain on Thursday but we've been hearing we might have rain for a long time now. The forecast looks dry all next week too. No doubt when we get away in the van it will change.wink

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited May 2017 #5125

    Have just spent a very entertaining 30mins watching Mr&Mrs Fox and their 5 cubs having a rough and tumble on the scrubland bank's next to our house.๐Ÿบ๐Ÿบ

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    edited May 2017 #5126

    Very pleasant day. Still grey thick cloud though ๐Ÿ˜”. 

    Nothing sinister regarding eye test so a relief, but in the 8 months since my last test my right eye has some deterioration with a cataract growing ๐Ÿ˜” so further check up in 6 months. I have new prescription but as I usually wear contact lenses which have recently been amended slightly on the opticians advice I'll hold fire for a bit as it may well change again in 6 months! And at present I meet the standard for driving.

    Pleasant catch up lunch with ex colleague plenty of gossip ๐Ÿ˜ฎ.

    Took motorhome re respray for the bonnet price agreed bring it in on Friday return same day. So we at least can think about a few days away. Also hubby phoned insurance via club, to see if changing our storage from gold Casso made a difference to the insurance. Postcode given and the answer was none at all. So seriously considering moving to save a lot of money a year.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2017 #5127

    Another blue sky day here in the Lake District and warmer. Set off on a walk wearing thin fleece, but that soon came off.

    Walked along railway footpath from Keswick. Reached the bridge that was washed away in floods, cut across fields onto A66 and 100 yards later found footpath we have walked on before across to road up to Castlerigg stone circle. Fabulous views and a lovely walk.

    According to forecast we have another couple of days of fine weather, then rain undecided

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited May 2017 #5128

    KjeIINN - hope you get your Alde system sorted. 

    You may wish to consider a small electric fan heater in case it is cold. We always carry one for such emergencies.

    If anyone can fix it, you are the man to do it!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited May 2017 #5129

    Thanks Ian (and others).  No progress as yet, it seems Alde parts are not easy to source at short  notice.  Once I get this fixed, I think I will invest in a couple of spare rubber connectors in case of any more problems.

    We do have a small fan heater, for both emergencies and fast warm up, so are currently using it on 1 kw and are reasonably snug at present, but the absence of HW in the van is not something we can live with for long as OH usually uses our own shower,  Fortunately the site we are on has a very good disabled shower room, so we will stay here until all is fixed.  Not all sites have good disabled provision.

    Unfortunately, the site also meters the EHU, each kwh is costing us 60 euro cents, and this is quite common in Germany, so long term use of electricity for heating when it is only 6 degrees outside is not ideal!

    Normally on such sites we would use gas for most things as , with  refillable bottles , the equivalent of 1kwh costs us only 10 cents.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,843
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    edited May 2017 #5130

    Bakers2, glad you are beginning to feel better, I hope it continues.  I bet your motorhome will look very smart after the bonnet respray. Hope you get new, cheaper storage sorted out to your satisfaction.

    Kj, sorry to hear of your troubles with your Alde heating.  I hope you manage to get it sorted out soon.  If anyone can do it you can.

    Tammy Girl, I hope you manage to find with good weather when you get to the Med.  Safe journey.

    Thanks everyone for the good wishes regarding my foot.  It is a lot better now that we have stopped the long walks with our walking group.  It is such a shame as we enjoyed the good company.  I have also stopped wearing high heels and that has helped as well.  (I didn't wear the high heels on the walkslaughing).  I was on Welcoming duty at the Cathedral this morning and managed fine.

    I am glad some of you are having such good weather.  It is still extremely  chilly and cloudy here.frown


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,167
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    edited May 2017 #5131

    Bright sunny start in East Norfolk but low temperature 2C at the moment.  Have packed shorts, just in case!laughing  Hopefully pick the van up at just gone 9 this morning, will change a gas bottle on the way and then its fun, fun, fun with hopefully more suncool


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