Excessive site fees
I think the club is good value for money myself £31 a night is not expensive really when you consider the facillities you get for that, toilets shower's electric, safety people forget the running costs of these sites, they do not run for free and there are benifits to being a club member also look what bed and breakfast costs a night, or to rent a static caravan for a week then you you start to realise how cheep caravaning is but to get value out of owning a caravan, you have to use it on a regular basis else it is not cost effective, I spent 8 days at putts corner last week with my wife for £180 I think that is cheap when you consider while we were down lyme regis last week on aday out bed and breakfast for to people in one place was £350 a night for two people thats what i call expensive for a night and other places wanted between £75 and £100 a night so i still think the club is good value for money
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We caravan because we enjoy it. I am not sure you can always call it a low cost option. It very much depends on the age / cost of your van and how many nights you spend away. If you have bought a new £20,000 van, and only use it for 40 nights a year on CC type sites, the cost would be in the order of £100 a night, for the first few years.
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You really can't compare the price of a site with a hotel, you are not bringing your own bed or cooking your own breakfast after all.
You can only compare prices of similar sites.
Write your comments here...yes you are right i dont have to sleep in a stained bed that a lot of these places have the facilities in bed and breakfast or a hotels can be pretty basic and i dont have to be out of my room for ten oclock either
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You really can't compare the price of a site with a hotel, you are not bringing your own bed or cooking your own breakfast after all.
You can only compare prices of similar sites.
You can IMO make some comparison. I tour for 120+ nights a year. Allowing for writing the caravan off after 10 years, insurance, repairs, servicing additional fuel and site fees it costs around £6,000. I suspect using hotels would be over £10,000 plus the
costs of having to eat out.We caravan because our other preference was to rent a place for 4 or 5 days and move on. A caravan gives us our own place/space.
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Our van is now 8+ years old, would not be writing it off after 10 years!.
Previous van was sold on at 9.5 years,in 2008, new cost £13000, sold for £4500.
Our son actually suggested we should tour using hotels, rather than buy a new van in 2008. OH did work out all the costs, including servicing and depreciation, and concluded that touring 3 months per year we would have spent the cost of the van after 4
years, but still of course have the residual value of the van.0 -
Our van is now 8+ years old, would not be writing it off after 10 years!.
Previous van was sold on at 9.5 years,in 2008, new cost £13000, sold for £4500.
Our son actually suggested we should tour using hotels, rather than buy a new van in 2008. OH did work out all the costs, including servicing and depreciation, and concluded that touring 3 months per year we would have spent the cost of the van after 4
years, but still of course have the residual value of the van.Write your comments here...It's surely even better value for money if you live in it all the year round, like we do, especially when you consider the amount of money you are saving on housing costs!
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Some interesting and well put points of view in this discussion. I would be interested to know how the CC arrives at it's price structure which varies greatly from site to site. From looking at the the published site tariffs I can only assume that it is
based on the principle of "charge the most for the most popular at any given point on the calendar". The better deals being offered on the less popular sites would be subsidised by the premiums from the popular sites. If this is the case then it sounds like
a logical business model!!! It's worth looking at the published tariff to get an overall view of the pricing. http://www.caravanclub.co.uk/media/18915091/2016_site_prices_and_opening_dates10-12.pdf0 -
There are various components to the price but it does not seem that they charge the most the market will stand like some commercial sites. Several book up or near that as soon as booking opens so clearly these prize sites could stand even higher rates.
When costing various things need to be looked at apart from the desirability of the site. City locations are always going to be more expensive on rent, council tax etc and these are major differences to out of the way country sites. You will also find leases have rent reviews at intervals of more than a year. A site will have the same rent for say five years and you then get five years increases in one go so costs rocket.
You will also get a variation in the number of pitches per warden. You get small sites with one couple but at a certain level it jumps to two pairs. Essentially that jump means one pitch doubles wardens costs so hits prices.
The various variations does affect prices although some account has to be taken of desirability so the whole thing is a complex calculation and getting it wrong could be a disaster.
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There are various components to the price but it does not seem that they charge the most the market will stand like some commercial sites. Several book up or near that as soon as booking opens so clearly these prize sites could stand even higher rates.
When costing various things need to be looked at apart from the desirability of the site. City locations are always going to be more expensive on rent, council tax etc and these are major differences to out of the way country sites. You will also find leases
have rent reviews at intervals of more than a year. A site will have the same rent for say five years and you then get five years increases in one go so costs rocket.You will also get a variation in the number of pitches per warden. You get small sites with one couple but at a certain level it jumps to two pairs. Essentially that jump means one pitch doubles wardens costs so hits prices.
The various variations does affect prices although some account has to be taken of desirability so the whole thing is a complex calculation and getting it wrong could be a disaster.
.Excellent balanced post that says a lot about cost that at time is not appreciated
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There are various components to the price but it does not seem that they charge the most the market will stand like some commercial sites. Several book up or near that as soon as booking opens so clearly these prize sites could stand even higher rates.
When costing various things need to be looked at apart from the desirability of the site. City locations are always going to be more expensive on rent, council tax etc and these are major differences to out of the way country sites. You will also find leases
have rent reviews at intervals of more than a year. A site will have the same rent for say five years and you then get five years increases in one go so costs rocket.You will also get a variation in the number of pitches per warden. You get small sites with one couple but at a certain level it jumps to two pairs. Essentially that jump means one pitch doubles wardens costs so hits prices.
The various variations does affect prices although some account has to be taken of desirability so the whole thing is a complex calculation and getting it wrong could be a disaster.
.Excellent balanced post that says a lot about cost that at time is not appreciated
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There are various components to the price but it does not seem that they charge the most the market will stand like some commercial sites. Several book up or near that as soon as booking opens so clearly these prize sites could stand even higher rates.
When costing various things need to be looked at apart from the desirability of the site. City locations are always going to be more expensive on rent, council tax etc and these are major differences to out of the way country sites. You will also find leases
have rent reviews at intervals of more than a year. A site will have the same rent for say five years and you then get five years increases in one go so costs rocket.You will also get a variation in the number of pitches per warden. You get small sites with one couple but at a certain level it jumps to two pairs. Essentially that jump means one pitch doubles wardens costs so hits prices.
The various variations does affect prices although some account has to be taken of desirability so the whole thing is a complex calculation and getting it wrong could be a disaster.
.Excellent balanced post that says a lot about cost that at time is not appreciated
What you say has some merit but according to the 2014 CC approved accounts the sites part of the business made a profit of £1.5 million so this should really mean that the CC doesn't need to be quite so grasping by disadvantaging hard working families during
the school holiday periods with 40% price hikes0 -
Money well spent? or another waste by the £90/100K per annum directors.
Write your comments here...I guess if you ahve kids and go there money well spent, if you dont then maybe a waste. Similarly you can say upgrading toilet blocks is money well spent if you use them but a waste if you choose to use your own facilities.
As they say beauty is in the eyes of the beer holder....
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On the subject of excessive fees, I was looking to sort out a break down in South Devon for the start of September. We've stayed at Putts Corner a few times and like it there but at a touch over £22 for us (2 adults, 2 dogs, porch awning) I thought I'd look
around for alternatives. Gave up after 3 (Oakdown, Ladram Bay, Salcombe Regis) which were all going to be a tenner or so more expensive per night. And this is after the schools have returned!Now looking for a CL/CS or maybe a C&CC site in the area.
Watch this space....!
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I booked a couple of nights at Cirencester Park as our son is competing in the Tough Mudder event in the park, it's costing almost £70
have looked at cls but wanted to be within walking distance. Suppose it's cheaper than staying in a hotel, just.0 -
Club site fees are overpriced for a "club". I reluctantly call the organisation a club as my understanding is that club members should receive advantageous conditions. It is possible to obtain
almost everything the club offers cheaper elsewhere. Only remain a member for use of the CL's.I also understood the club is supposed to represent members interests.
It is plain to see from internet forums that all is not well in the caravan and motor home industry regarding quality. Does the club ever take them to task over this. No.
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Club site fees are overpriced for a "club".
Maybe the CC price it about right as members seemed prepared to pay.
and for any given site there are other non club sites which are cheaper
and more expensive.So the good news is that if you think it's too expensive then don't go
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In the commercial world of the leisure industry the CC have got their average fees just right. Well done the CC.
Where they could be tweeked to earn greater income and benefit customers, would be to substantially increase the fees at a time when there is much more demand over supply ( peak seasons Bank holidays Etc ) -- and to encourage the use of otherwise empty pitches,--- substantially reduce the prices during off-peak times.
This is the Leisure industry model and it works well across all the leisure companies.
Cheers ........K
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In the commercial world of the leisure industry the CC have got their average fees just right. Well done the CC.
Where they could be tweeked to earn greater income and benefit customers, would be to substantially increase the fees at a time when there is much more demand over supply ( peak seasons Bank holidays Etc ) -- and to encourage the use of otherwise empty
pitches,--- substantially reduce the prices during off-peak times.This is the Leisure industry model and it works well across all the leisure companies.
Cheers ........K
You could also tweak the fees by charging substantially more money for disabled pitches because they're usually in a prime position on site, or have more space.
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In the commercial world of the leisure industry the CC have got their average fees just right. Well done the CC.
Where they could be tweeked to earn greater income and benefit customers, would be to substantially increase the fees at a time when there is much more demand over supply ( peak seasons Bank holidays Etc ) -- and to encourage the use of otherwise empty
pitches,--- substantially reduce the prices during off-peak times.This is the Leisure industry model and it works well across all the leisure companies.
Cheers ........K
You could also tweak the fees by charging substantially more money for disabled pitches because they're usually in a prime position on site, or have more space.
There aren't any 'disabled pitches' as far as I have seen.