Red Pennant



  • Mr Fat
    Mr Fat Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited January 2016 #62

    DianneT - odd that you haven't received. I sent to on 13th.  Is that correct email address?  

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #63

    No Mr Fat did not receive it.  Yes that is the right address.  Could you send it again please and lets hope it comes through.

    If it doesn;t I will give you another address.


  • Mr Fat
    Mr Fat Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited January 2016 #64

    DianneT - Re-sending now.

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #65

    DianneT - Re-sending now.

    This is a msytery to me as I have tested this address and it works well but have not received yours.  Try this one lets hope.

  • Mr Fat
    Mr Fat Forum Participant Posts: 53
    edited January 2016 #66

    Thanks - Resending now. 

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #67

    Thanks - Resending now. 

    Sending Document now. 

    Cheers DianneT

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #68

    I have two different documents, both in English.  I think one is the same as the one Dianne has, which gives the small print but is poorly translated.  The other is a 'glossy colour brochure' obviously written to attract English customers.   However, that
    one is dated 2013.

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #69

    Val the one that they say is poor translation is a copy of the Members Hand Book they get when joining but I do not find it pooly translated at all.  It is the latest one in English..


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited January 2016 #70

    The latest T&Cs written in German are dated 2016. I've not got it all translated yet but I am working on it using the translation programs on the web. You don't get a good translation unfortunately.


  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited January 2016 #71

    Here's a link to the 'ADAC brochure' which I have, which is from 2013, and whilst Terms and Conditions may have changed slightly, I don't think the important content has changed at all.

    You can save it to your own computer and print it out if necessary.


  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #72

    I have some of these brochures they gave me in the office in  Regensburg 2 years back. Have given some away.  The price has gone up since then and form is not compatible with UK Banks though. Ideal way to join is by email/telephone.


  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited January 2016 #73

    I have some of these brochures they gave me in the office in  Regensburg 2 years back. Have given some away.  The price has gone up since then and form is not compatible with UK Banks though. Ideal way to join is by email/telephone.


    Yes, I should have said that they are only useful for a bried outline of just what is offered by ADAC Partner Plus and not for applying for membership!

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
    500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited January 2016 #74

    This thread lead to me looking into the issue of breakdown cover as my vehicle will no longer be covered by the manufacturers warranty from next month.

    I tow a 7.3 m van and go to mainland Europe and, having read this thread, was keen to check that those quoting would provide the cover that I need and, indeed, may have previously wrongly assumed that I was getting.

    I entered my details in a number of search engines and then went through the quotes.I got nine back today and not one is suitable.

    The are some that do not cover caravans at all,some that limit length to 7 metres but none that will cover the van unless attached to the towcar.

    I also looked at CC and the CCC and phoned CCC to check website info and was told that they would not recover the van unless attached.

    So that leaves RP and Mayday. I knew, as a previous user, what RP could offer but now was curious about Maydays cover so called them and they said that they were sure it did but would connect me to the actual recovery department.

    They not only confirmed the cover included the van,wherever it was if being used in conjunction with the towcar,but also confirmed how the double journey aspect of the cover would work.

    As I said,it seems that I have been guilty of assuming in the past and it was a post in this thread, and the need to arrange cover, that led me to look a bit deeper.

    I know that another poster has said that he can live with knowing that he may need to leave the van, and I indeed may accept the same risk,but now would very much like those who use ADAC to please confirm if their cover is the same-would the van be recovered
    if NOT attched to the vehicle at the time of breakdown of the towcar and would that be the same in the UK as in Europe?


  • DougS
    DougS Forum Participant Posts: 327
    edited January 2016 #75

    Not qouting long and interesting post above.

    Could I suggest you approach Safeguard?

    I have been banging on about their CARAVAN breakdown (only available with their insurance but the total package is good for us) and I'd really appreciate another view? I do believe it covers the specific case you mention because it's caravan and car as a unit but like others, it's not double recovery, you are brought home (always a last resort) to a single destination.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited January 2016 #76

    Hi Doug,I went online and got a quote and then called them to ask about the breakdown cover. The lady was very helpful,she asked for my reference and the reduced my quote from £333 to £289 and said that the breakdown cover would be £65. She promised to look into the exact cover in the circumstance that you had a breakdown whilst away from home but not towing at the time,that is your caravan was on a site and you were elsewhere.

    She told me that as far as she was aware the providers,AA, would even take you onto your site so you could continue your holiday,and than recover you to your nominated address but that this was UK only and that if in mainland Europe you could get a hire car to continue your journey if possible or hotel costs but not the onward and return journeys.

    This afternoon I got an e-mail from her and she apologised that due to an error they would not be able to offer me cover unless I had additional security on top of my Saracen FullStop hitchlock and Alko Secure whel lock,despite the website giving me a quote so I will need to weigh up the costs but it is probably not cost effective.

    She did confirm the cover,as descibed above, was as she thought and that the AA had confirmed that and that the maximum length of caravan they would recover was 8m

  • DougS
    DougS Forum Participant Posts: 327
    edited January 2016 #77


    Thank you for that confirmation on the flexibility of the breakdown cover and sorry it may not meet your needs.

    As you have found, one area of caravan INSURANCE (rather than breakdown which we are considering here although the Safeguard is a package) that varies quite a bit is security requirements and this seems to be increased as the cost price of the van goes up.
    Security requirments add yet another layer of complexity to caravan ownership (it's not easy ;-) )

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #78

    We have ADAC Cover - and whilst i am assured that it does cover the caravan, we haven't actually used it.  In the event all these policies are really at the mercy of the person who turns up 'in the event' - or an endless number of probably fruitless phone calls (as we've read when things go wrong). 

    I did the same experiment as AllanandJean some years ago, and after reading confusing and conflicting 'terms and conditions' from the various providers, we went with ADAC, chiefly because of the price which was unbeatable as UK and European cover.  

    We can live with the uncertainties of the cover, because if the caravan was 'stranded' somewhere one of our sons, our friends or the storage depot owner have all said they would make sure it either went back to our storage depot in France, or perhaps, if needed, back to England.  Our caravan insurance does offer 'repatriation' in some circumstances, but again these circumstances are open to interpretation.

    I'm intrigued, though, to know what other sort of security you can actually have.  We have a hitchlock and a wheel lock - but do we use them all the time?....................

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #79
    The user and all related content has been Deleted User
  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited January 2016 #80

    At least with Red Pennant you know exactly what you get. Also from a health insurance point of view you don't have to jump through hoops or have the policy loaded. I have put a post in General Chat about the loading of so called "free" travel insurance offered
    by Nationwide. I paid £85 less last year for Red Pennant for both motoring and personal insurance for 31 days than Nationwide wanted as an extra premium due to health conditions!!!


  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited January 2016 #81

    One of the first things that I realised when I started to look at this was that it can be complicated and that I had made assumptions.

    Back in 1991 when we bought our first van,after being tenters, we decide to travel to Europe and joined the Club specifically so that we could buy RP cover. Over the years we have used various providers and think that I just looked for the 'we cover caravans'
    and was happy with that, especially as it was 'saving' me a lot of money.

    My question to the users of ADAC was in the hope that they could give a definitive answer,I have looked at all the info I can find online,but as ValDa says if you dont need to use it it may not be clear what will actually happen.

    I also, like DK, been looking at travel policies prompted by trying to assess the cover provided under the Nationwide Flex Plus account compared to my current provider and that in turn led me to look at the breakdown cover aspect of the policy and become
    aware of the limitations mentioned in this thread.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #82


    I have an ADAC brochure in English.  It's dated 2013 but is helpful in working out just what is covered.  If you'd like a copy email me at

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited January 2016 #83

    This is the breakdown service I have from the manufacturer, free of charge for three years,  when I went mad and bought a new car...

    "if the car is immobilised and cannot be repaired at the roadside we will take it to the nearest approved service centre , and pick up the bill....if it can't be fixed there within 4 hours we won't hold you up , but will arrange and pay for you to get to your destination and provide a replacement vehicle for up to 2 weeks....or if you prefer to wait we will pay for a hotel for up to 4 days, or we will tow your caravan to a site near the approved service centre while the work is in progress... etc" 

    Others may start picking holes in that, and say what if they can't fix the problem. but I am happy that they will fix it. After those three years of free breakdown/ recovery I will think again. 

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
    500 Likes 1000 Comments
    edited January 2016 #84

    Interestingly, we had our car serviced by Ford yesterday, and part of the documentation we received was a confirmation that if the car is regularly serviced by Ford, it gives us Europe wide breakdown cover, which covers the caravan IF it is attached to the
    car when the breakdown (of either vehicle) occurs.  It then goes on to qualify what will happen - it will be towed, with the car, to a place where the car can be repaired and if that is not practicable then it will be towed to an alternative place of our choice.

  • DougS
    DougS Forum Participant Posts: 327
    edited January 2016 #85

    Interestingly, we had our car serviced by Ford yesterday, and part of the documentation we received was a confirmation that if the car is regularly serviced by Ford, it gives us Europe wide breakdown cover, which covers the caravan IF it is attached to the car when the breakdown (of either vehicle) occurs.  It then goes on to qualify what will happen - it will be towed, with the car, to a place where the car can be repaired and if that is not practicable then it will be towed to an alternative place of our choice.

    This "free" cover would be ideal if it was a breakdown with the car alone but I don't think it covers a caravan breakdown at all (not even a puncture)? I have to admit to having that cover and considering it a belt and braces job in case it could be useful, for example, if we were away from site and had a car breakdown. I believe that any caravan/car breakdown cover SHOULD work with you to solve any incident in a cost effective way for them and getting you back on the road, or home. I'd certainly not rely on the Ford cover in the event of any caravan specific problem. This is my reason (at more than the risk of repetition) for having the CARAVAN based cover with Safeguard.

    I think what we are seeing is that the whole area is a minefield not helped by the companies themselves and the exclusions - although they can never write for every possible scrape we get ourselves in to. I can't be convinced that RP is value for money for us as you have to have Mayday AND RP  for our travels plus travel insurance for other holidays so as ever, you find something that you are confident with at a price you like and (after reading the tiny print) rely on that.

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited January 2016 #86

    I have cover with LV bittannia rescue, after reading this thread i contacted the rescue company regarding cover for my caravan and what would happen if i got a puncture on the caravan. The reply back was.

    With regards to a punctured wheel on your caravan, we will assist you in this event of a breakdown and change the wheel. I might add that this cover is about £30 cheaper than than the equivelant mayday cover

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
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    edited January 2016 #87

    This is the breakdown service I have from the manufacturer, free of charge for three years,  when I went mad and bought a new car...

    "if the car is immobilised and cannot be repaired at the roadside we will take it to the nearest approved service centre , and pick up the bill....if it can't be fixed there within 4 hours we won't hold you up , but will arrange and pay for you to get to
    your destination and provide a replacement vehicle for up to 2 weeks....or if you prefer to wait we will pay for a hotel for up to 4 days, or we will tow your caravan to a site near the approved service centre while the work is in progress... etc" 

    Others may start picking holes in that, and say what if they can't fix the problem. but I am happy that they will fix it. After those three years of free breakdown/ recovery I will think again. 

    What happens if the problem is the caravan, you are stuck. The cost of repatriating the caravan will run into hundreds of pounds. You need cover for the caravan or you are taking a serious risk.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited January 2016 #88

    I should have been clearer with my quote - it does actually cover things like a caravan puncture, brakes, etc., provided it is being towed.

    BUT we have alternative cover anyway, which we think covers our requirements, and as I said in an earlier post, we have contingency plans if the worst came to the worst and the caravan was left somewhere. If you are working and have deadlines then getting the caravan back home would be important.  If you store in France, then we, our friends or family, can just go back and pick it up another time so 'all-in, every circumstance' cover doesn't really matter.  We can't take out Red Pennant anyway, because it is 'home to home' cover, and home has to be in this country.  

    Whilst repatriation may well cost many hundred of pounds, the cost of insuring all these possibilities for longer holidays may well run into hundred of pounds anyway.  We pay less than a hundred pounds for annual GB and European cover for car and caravan, which suits us.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited January 2016 #89

    Why would I want to repatriate the caravan and  then have it repaired when it has arrived back?  It's made in Germany  - the manufacturer has  97 service agents all over mainland Europe, but only two in England and one in Scotland. So I'd have it repaired
    before it comes back

    And if it's a repair after a crash then my caravan insurance policy will arrange and pay for the caravan's return after the body shop repair.  This Club's 5Cs policy excludes that so I use a different insurer. 

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #90

    I should have been clearer with my quote - it does actually cover things like a caravan puncture, brakes, etc., provided it is being towed.

    BUT we have alternative cover anyway, which we think covers our requirements, and as I said in an earlier post, we have contingency plans if the worst came to the worst and the caravan was left somewhere. If you are working and have deadlines then getting
    the caravan back home would be important.  If you store in France, then we, our friends or family, can just go back and pick it up another time so 'all-in, every circumstance' cover doesn't really matter.  We can't take out Red Pennant anyway, because it is
    'home to home' cover, and home has to be in this country.  

    Whilst repatriation may well cost many hundred of pounds, the cost of insuring all these possibilities for longer holidays may well run into hundred of pounds anyway.  We pay less than a hundred pounds for annual GB and European cover for car and caravan,
    which suits us.

    Val the caravan does NOT have to be attached to the car to be covered by ADAC.  I have a piece on my website written by an ADAC Member who when on site had a puncture on his caravan.  He could not loosen the wheel nuts to change the wheel so called ADAC
    who arrived on site promptly to deal with it.  No problems all free.



  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited January 2016 #91

    Hi Dianne - My quote in your post refers to my earlier post about the clause in our Ford cover, which mentions the requirement for the caravan to actually be being towed at the time - not the ADAC policy which we also have.Happy