Red Pennant



  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited January 2016 #92

    Val the caravan does NOT have to be attached to the car to be covered by ADAC.  I have a piece on my website written by an ADAC Member who when on site had a puncture on his caravan.  He could not loosen the wheel nuts to change the wheel so called ADAC who arrived on site promptly to deal with it.  No problems all free.

    Hi Diane, My concern is in regard to when my car and caravan are not together,van on site and me out and about, and the car beaks down?

    Will they re-unite you with the van and repatriate if repairs are no possible?

    After looking at quite a few policies,and phoning the companies to confirm,I can only see RP and the RAC that state this is definitely covered. Some hint at it but that it not very reassuring and I want to be able to confirm that this eventuality is covered having,till now, been blisfully ignorant of the fact that for the last 24 years,apart from the very first with RP,I have not been!

  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited January 2016 #93

    allanandjean  it is impossible for ADAC to put everything in writing.but if you email them or speak to them they will give you a truthful answer. I have known of instances where Car and Caravan have been repatriated back to the UK but it is better to hear
    from the Horses Head in an email.  If you are interested go to my website and go to the ADAC page

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited January 2016 #94

    Hi Diane, ValDa sent me the ADAC brocure and I have been looking at their website as well. The info states that the cover extends to an 'attached trailer' so does not match RP.Your website has the following

    3. ADAC coverage
    applies for as long as you are away from home.  Trailers with no more than one axle are covered as long as they are hitched up to the towing vehicle.

     The CCC cover guide is some 51 pages but it is still not clear!

  • Chris1966
    Chris1966 Forum Participant Posts: 27
    edited June 2016 #95

    I have looked through the posts and contacted various oither breakdown insurers for specific scenarious and from what i can gather the CC and C&CC policies are the only two that offer follow on recovery ie car to garage and caravan to site, if you car breaks
    down away from the caravan and cant be fixed with other polocies the caravan would not be covered to get it home if the car cant be fixed, like wise if the car breaks down on route both car and van would be towed to the garage, LV IN particular only recover
    to one destination and would not cover follow on so whats the point in using other cheaper alternatives if you are not fully covered ?

  • Chris1966
    Chris1966 Forum Participant Posts: 27
    edited June 2016 #96

    I have cover with LV bittannia rescue, after reading this thread i contacted the rescue company regarding cover for my caravan and what would happen if i got a puncture on the caravan. The reply back was.

    With regards to a punctured wheel on your caravan, we will assist you in this event of a breakdown and change the wheel. I might add that this cover is about £30 cheaper than than the equivelant mayday cover

    Write your comments here...only problem is they do not do follow on recovery so would only recover the car and van to a local garage, and if the car broke down whilst away from the van and could not be fixed they would not get the van home for you £30 better
    spent on RP in my opinion to cover all scenarios

  • iansoady
    iansoady Club Member Posts: 420
    edited June 2016 #97

    However, as I've said before here and elsewhere, we have saved well over £1,000 (at a conservative estimate) over the years by having Brittania / LV= instead of Mayday / Red Pennant. I'm quite happy to put my hand in my pocket for the odd £100 or so for
    an extra drop off. Especially as I know my vehicle is impeccably maintained......

    But it's all up to the individual and their acceptable risk / benefit / cost ratios. What suits me won't suit others.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
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    edited June 2016 #98

    Red Pennant is a policy specificaly written for caravans and motorhomes and over the years has been updated to cover almost everything you might need. The others except for the C&CC are just giving you add ons that cover most things but can have gaps that
    copuld leave you out of pocket.

    Our car is well maintained and serviced but anythingmaechanical can go wrong so even if it costs a bit more having the best cover you canm akes far more sense to me than taking a cheaper option with gaps.

  • Chris1966
    Chris1966 Forum Participant Posts: 27
    edited June 2016 #99

    However, as I've said before here and elsewhere, we have saved well over £1,000 (at a conservative estimate) over the years by having Brittania / LV= instead of Mayday / Red Pennant. I'm quite happy to put my hand in my pocket for the odd £100 or so for
    an extra drop off. Especially as I know my vehicle is impeccably maintained......

    But it's all up to the individual and their acceptable risk / benefit / cost ratios. What suits me won't suit others.

    Write your comments here... i have it from LV they would only recover to one place either garage or site, if you chose site and tried to get your car fixed your self and couldnt in time for the return they would not get you home hardly a saving ? but each
    to their own.

  • Brian1
    Brian1 Club Member Posts: 247
    edited June 2016 #100

    One thing that CC, C&CC, or any motor insurance I've seen, doesn't cover is (vehicle related) overseas legal costs.  (CC legal cover only covers personal accident.)  Vehicle insurers usually offer 'legal cover' for about £30 extra, but when you read the
    reams of small print it always excludes anything outside the UK.

    To me this is a great big gaping hole.

    As an example of what can happen, 3 years ago our tug was sideswiped (badly) by a French road tanker.  Fortunately, the driver admitted fault and his insurance was with Axa who of course have a UK presence, so that our insurer was able to eventually recover
    all their expenditure and our NCB wasn't affected.  But if that hadn't been the case we'd have lost our NCB and the quite hefty 'other' costs we incurred.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,771
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    edited June 2016 #101

    One thing that CC, C&CC, or any motor insurance I've seen, doesn't cover is (vehicle related) overseas legal costs.  (CC legal cover only covers personal accident.)  Vehicle insurers usually offer 'legal cover' for about £30 extra, but when you read the
    reams of small print it always excludes anything outside the UK.

    To me this is a great big gaping hole.

    As an example of what can happen, 3 years ago our tug was sideswiped (badly) by a French road tanker.  Fortunately, the driver admitted fault and his insurance was with Axa who of course have a UK presence, so that our insurer was able to eventually recover
    all their expenditure and our NCB wasn't affected.  But if that hadn't been the case we'd have lost our NCB and the quite hefty 'other' costs we incurred.

    If the insurer was not represented in the UK your insurer would be looking for their own outlays from them. Some insurers would certainly include any excess and other losses in their correspondence but there is no actual cover for it.

    The legal fees cover will be with another insurer to your car so it might be worth asking them if they can extend the cover particularly if it is one with a European presence. For the others they will not have a network abroad and may therefore not have
    the facilities for running the claim.

    Sounds like something the club might look at as it could be a serious gap in the cover.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,518
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    edited June 2016 #102

    One thing that CC, C&CC, or any motor insurance I've seen, doesn't cover is (vehicle related) overseas legal costs.  (CC legal cover only covers personal accident.)  Vehicle insurers usually offer 'legal cover' for about £30 extra, but when you read the reams of small print it always excludes anything outside the UK.

    To me this is a great big gaping hole.

    Checkout the C&CC's "Arrival" breakdown insurance. They have recently (not sure when) added a number of options to their policy, one of them is Legal cover and it includes some cover in the territory of Europe. You can also now add European breakdown cover.  There are no size limitations or the number of trips and length you can do with this annual policy.You can download their policy documents from their web site.


  • trev70
    trev70 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2016 #103



  • trev70
    trev70 Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited July 2016 #104

    Yes it's trev


  • Crashard
    Crashard Forum Participant Posts: 8
    edited July 2016 #105

    One of the depressing things about reading these discussions is the existence of all the sneaky 'get-outs' in policy wording and benefits. The consumer really needs an effective ombudsman to ensure that a policy taken out with the inention of providing for
    a caravan holiday should do just that. Whether caravans are attached etc shouldn't have any relevance. There is also massive duplication of cover (and expense) yet we never get any benefit from it. For instance in my case my car manufacurer offers European
    roadside repair and recovery, my caravan insurer offers further cover, my car insurance offers 90% of what Red Pennant covers and yet I have to pay full price to Red Pennant to get the extra 10% of cover I need - a driver to get us home if I'm ill so my wife
    (who holds a car licence but is petrified of towing) doesn't have to drive us home. The market is very unsatisfactory from the consumer's point of view and I'm not sure that the CC is fully on the side of its members as a participant. Certainly European touring
    members are providing a good subsidy to the stay at homes.

  • iansoady
    iansoady Club Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2016 #106

    It's called capitalism......

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited July 2016 #107

    Crashard is right in a way that there is a great deal of overlap between the different types of policies available. When I purchased my first Kia Sorento some ten years ago I had breakdown cover for the car provided in the price but it did not cover the caravan so as a result I had to take out Mayday so the manufacturers free breakdown cover was useless. That is, I am sure, just one example amongst many. However the blame can't be laid at the door of Red Pennant. They provide a cover all insurance which gives people peace of mind. If they start stripping away elements of what they offer just to satisfy those that are already partially by that policy or that one it would end up as very fragmented. There is also no certainty that it would work out any cheaper. Having said that it would do no harm for the Club to offer a joint UK and European policy for those that need it rather than having to buy both Mayday and Red Pennant but it would have to be an additional policy because whilst a lot of members might want Mayday they might not want the European element so I suspect its not as easy as it sounds.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2016 #108

    Well we won't be taking out Mayday next year as we have the European + cover with Greenflag that we bought this year instead of RP (as it didn't cover everything we required) As the European + covers us in the UK aswell we don't need Mayday anymore.  How
    all this will be affected by us leaving the EU who knows.

  • iansoady
    iansoady Club Member Posts: 420
    edited July 2016 #109

     Having said that it would do no harm for the Club to offer a joint UK and European policy for those that need it rather than having to buy both Mayday and Red Pennant but it would have to be an additional policy because whilst a lot of members might want
    Mayday they might not want the European element so I suspect its not as easy as it sounds.


    That's exactly what Brittania (and no doubt others) do.

  • sorento
    sorento Forum Participant Posts: 27
    edited September 2016 #110

    We use red pennant, and dog repatriation with the ccc club is not very clear , a car with tow bar is not clear,  I have toured spain and france this year for 5 months and met people who have had to use their red pennant and it has worked very well you always
    get what you pay for with the c/ club , one lady had a habitation charger fault on her motorhome could not be fixed in france so red pennant booked a ferry back to england fixed the fault and sailed her back to france.  pete

  • markNEScotland
    markNEScotland Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited October 2016 #111

    We are heading for South of France next year, and I'm about to takeout Red Pennant. Would those who have experienced a recovery/claim in France or EU, recomend the 'standard' or 'plus' cover? £200 and £300 repectively isn't cheap, but would welcome comments
    on the different cover levels and if 'plus' is necessary. We are in the AA, but not yet looked into what's available for France via our membership. Incidentally the AA recovered our Shogun and twin axle Abbey (8M), a few years ago, Telford to Aberdeen- fantastic


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,756
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    edited October 2016 #112

    How long are you going for?  And do you have a fixed timetable with sites booked?

    If not, the standard cover should be enough.

    There is no need to take cover too soon, unless you have already booked and paid for ferry and sites.

    We are planning on Germany next year, have booked Harwich to Hook of Holland April out, June back, so 2 months.

    We never book sites, have no fixed timetable, so will not take out the RP until a couple of weeks before we go.  All we have to lose is the £112.60 ferry fare, which is a lot less than the RP cover cost, so we wait till we are reasonably sure we will actually
    be travelling.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2016 #113
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited October 2016 #114

    In all the years I have been using RP I have only ever taken out the Standard Cover.


  • markNEScotland
    markNEScotland Forum Participant Posts: 22
    edited October 2016 #115

    Thanks Davids and Ken; will go with the standard cover.

  • Sandgroper
    Sandgroper Forum Participant Posts: 210
    edited October 2016 #116

    Just a point on one subscriber's inference that 'nearly 80' is 'old'. At nearly 78yrs old I reject this inference vehemently !!!!!!!!


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2016 #117
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  • DianneT
    DianneT Forum Participant Posts: 521
    edited October 2016 #118

    We use ADAC which is the 2nd largest Breakdown Organization in the world second to AAA oif USA,

    Even with the bad Europ rate it is still under £100.  We wouldn't travel with out it and have done for over 10 years and whenever we have had to use it Excellent and Prompt Service


  • iansoady
    iansoady Club Member Posts: 420
    edited October 2016 #119

    A Nationwide Flexplus current account gives you full UK and EU breakdown cover (provided by Britannia), worldwide comprehensive travel insurance and 3% interest on balances up to £2,500 for £120 / year. The interest alone is worth £75........

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2016 #120
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,186
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    edited October 2016 #121

    A Nationwide Flexplus current account gives you full UK and EU breakdown cover (provided by Britannia), worldwide comprehensive travel insurance and 3% interest on balances up to £2,500 for £120 / year. The interest alone is worth £75........

    But have you tried to get that medical insurance if you have any medical conditions? I have just been quoted an additional fee of £259 for 31 days European cover by Nationwide. Certainly for a one off trip Red Pennant is far cheaper and I get breakdown insurance. 
