Price increase for the sites without toilet blocks



  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited February 2016 #62

    That already happens KjellNN so the Club's answer seems to be to just extend the peak and shoulder  periods. 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2016 #63
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  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited February 2016 #64

    Further to NickyKnix's post, The Club regrets that Much Wenlock will be closing at the end of the season. Despite the best endeavours of The Club our Landlord has decided to take the site back for his own usage. We would like to thank all members who have used the site over the years and hope that they will take advantage of it whilst we still operate the site. 

    With regards to Bromyard Downs, The Club currently has a lease on this site till the end of 2018 and we will continue to run the site as now whilst discussions take place about the future.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited February 2016 #65

    Rowena, first of all thanks for your post but why oh why (yet again) must members have to ask the club to confirm or deny this sort of thing? Why can't they be up front with us, the members? We've had to winkle this out of them. Maybe they can provide you
    with an answer.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited February 2016 #66

    In most companies, one of the most costly items are staff salaries.  Salaries increase over the years. Low amenity sites stiil employ at least 2 wardens. wheras sites with public toilets and showers have at least twice that amount.  Perhaps what we are seeing is the increase in warden's salaries resulting in higher overnight costs. 

    Possible solution would be to limit the warden staff on low amenity sites to one, having a relief warden allocated in the ratio of 1 per every 5 sites covering days off etc. 

    PS  This method could proportionally work on full amenity sites also, so reducing the overall wages bill. 

    Write your comments here...don't think that works at all, it would need two relief wardens, (a couple)! All about lone workers I think! They, the couples, would also need some overlap time to hand over to each other! Bye the way, like many others, I'm thankful that future generations will receive a living wage, even if this impacts on charges!

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #67

    Hello everyone,

    Here is a statement regarding the price increases on our UK Club sites:

    In response to your comments regarding Club site pitch fees for 2016, this rise is largely due to increased operational costs including government levied increases of the national living wage and unavoidable inflationary increases on utilities. In real terms, this has resulted in site fee increases from 25p up to £1.25 per person per night. 

     As a Club we really value our members and do all we can to provide you with the highest quality sites. Your site fees go towards maintaining the wonderful network of 200 sites, managed by 800 comprehensively trained staff, dedicated to providing you safe and happy holidays.  In addition to this, we are continuously striving to deliver a programme of redevelopment works to ensure that your sites are maintained to the highest standards. This winter alone, we will be upgrading 10 sites across the network at a cost of £4.5 million, ranging from exciting full scale redesigns to road resurfacing. There are many more already in the pipeline for next year and beyond on our continuous improvement plan.

    We are working hard to continue to provide competitive prices and value for money by offering midweek discounts at selected sites, extended family offers, and reduced pitch fees at Southland on the Isle of Wight as well as a number of sites where prices have been flattened to offer great value all season long.



    So Nicky, the reasons for the increases are down to 'government levied increases to the national living wage'. This 'massive' increase of £0.50 per hour, is in order to just start to drag people towards a wage that they can live on. I wonder how that compares to the Club chairman's wage? (Someone who we actually wouldn't notice whether he turned into work or not).

    Lets put that into context........2 wardens, 40 hours/week, that's £40 per week extra.

    You mention increased pitch fees of up to £1.25 per night.....but you say nothing about the 'per person' increase. The op describes increases of £1.50 per night, which sounds more like it. 

    Take a typical small site......40 pitches, booked for 5 nights - that's £300 increased 'take'. Somewhat more than the increased wages bill of £40.

    Nicky, you also mentioned increased utilities costs. Utilities prices have actually reduced over the last year or so (haven't you noticed?)

    We have already had one dreadfully poor response from the Club this week, trying (and failing miserably) to explain why they are trying to sell off our sites. If the Club want to retain any sort of credibility, they really must do far better than this.

  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited February 2016 #68

    Would it not be beneficial if the Club had a section for informing members as to the position with regard to the estate. This would reduce the amount of rumour. For example, the Mutch Wenlock site. The Club could have informed the Members that they were
    in negotiation with the Landlord with regard to the Lease renewal and then updated accordingly. This would make  matters more transparent IMHO.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2016 #69
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  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited February 2016 #70

    Its not just this years price hike from £12-50 to £14, It was only £11 a couple of years ago and promoted by the club as such.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited February 2016 #71

    ..and £10 the year before that.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited February 2016 #72

    Since we don't use these non facility sites the price increase itself doesn't affect us directly. But what does affect us is the signalnit sends to (some) CLs about increasing their prices. Having said that, I'm very happyvto continue supporting CLs and
    their owners.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #73

    Since we don't use these non facility sites the price increase itself doesn't affect us directly. But what does affect us is the signalnit sends to (some) CLs about increasing their prices. Having said that, I'm very happyvto continue supporting CLs and
    their owners.

    It isn't just non-facility sites,'s all Club sites.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #74

    We have already had one dreadfully poor response from the Club this week, trying (and failing miserably) to explain why they are trying to sell off our sites. If the Club want to retain any sort of credibility, they really must do far better than

    Can you really believe  Ian  that paying your membership actually gives you some form of "ownership" of these sites or any other asset of the Caravan Club. Its a commercial undertaking in the travel trade and immediately you stop your subscription  you lose
    all connection  with it. 

    Well, whatever limited feeling of being a 'member' of a Club I might have had, David, is rapidly slipping away.

    I get better communication from my credit card company.....and I pay no fee to them.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited February 2016 #75

    Since we don't use these non facility sites the price increase itself doesn't affect us directly. But what does affect us is the signalnit sends to (some) CLs about increasing their prices. Having said that, I'm very happyvto continue supporting CLs and
    their owners.

    It isn't just non-facility sites,'s all Club sites.

    Agreed Ian, but it's not ust club sites. It's the leisure industry as a whole. But by shopping around we're touring Norfolk and Suffolk for 3 weeks in April/May. By combining CC, C&CC and CL/CS sites it'll cost an average of roughly £15 per night for 2 adults
    and 2 dogs - not bad really.
    Happy. Use left and right arrows to navigate.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2016 #76

    Hello everyone,

    Here is a statement regarding the price increases on our UK Club sites:

    In response to your comments regarding Club site pitch fees for 2016, this rise is largely due to increased operational costs including government levied increases of the national living wage and unavoidable inflationary increases on utilities. In real terms, this has resulted in site fee increases from 25p up to £1.25 per person per night. 

     As a Club we really value our members and do all we can to provide you with the highest quality sites. Your site fees go towards maintaining the wonderful network of 200 sites, managed by 800 comprehensively trained staff, dedicated to providing you safe and happy holidays.  In addition to this, we are continuously striving to deliver a programme of redevelopment works to ensure that your sites are maintained to the highest standards. This winter alone, we will be upgrading 10 sites across the network at a cost of £4.5 million, ranging from exciting full scale redesigns to road resurfacing. There are many more already in the pipeline for next year and beyond on our continuous improvement plan.

    We are working hard to continue to provide competitive prices and value for money by offering midweek discounts at selected sites, extended family offers, and reduced pitch fees at Southland on the Isle of Wight as well as a number of sites where prices have been flattened to offer great value all season long.



    So Nicky, the reasons for the increases are down to 'government levied increases to the national living wage'. This 'massive' increase of £0.50 per hour, is in order to just start to drag people towards a wage that they can live on. I wonder how that compares to the Club chairman's wage? (Someone who we actually wouldn't notice whether he turned into work or not).

    Lets put that into context........2 wardens, 40 hours/week, that's £40 per week extra.

    You mention increased pitch fees of up to £1.25 per night.....but you say nothing about the 'per person' increase. The op describes increases of £1.50 per night, which sounds more like it. 

    Take a typical small site......40 pitches, booked for 5 nights - that's £300 increased 'take'. Somewhat more than the increased wages bill of £40.

    Nicky, you also mentioned increased utilities costs. Utilities prices have actually reduced over the last year or so (haven't you noticed?)

    We have already had one dreadfully poor response from the Club this week, trying (and failing miserably) to explain why they are trying to sell off our sites. If the Club want to retain any sort of credibility, they really must do far better than this.

    Ian, I think your calculations are wrong, unless a site runs at full capacity throughout the season (hardly likely) the "take" is much lower and I would hope the CC finance group have taken this into account. There is an overall increase to cover "general" or "average"capacity.

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited February 2016 #77

    This may have been covered elswere , but we will be putting up our CL prices next year, this is to cover the electricity costs, yes our buying price has droped but the usage over the past 2 years has rocked . More and more vans have Alde heating and electric
    rings for cooking. We plan to go from £10 to £12 for summer plus another £2 in winter.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #78


    Ian, I think your calculations are wrong, unless a site runs at full capacity throughout the season (hardly likely) the "take" is much lower and I would hope the CC finance group have taken this into account. There is an overall increase to cover "general" or "average"capacity.

    Alright, so lets base it on 20 units on a site (i.e. a virtually empty site).......that's an increased 'take' of £150......still almost 4 times the increase in wages. And still ignoring the big reductions in energy costs.

    Most sites, in reality, will be making a huge increase in profit (assuming they can still get the bookings, of course) and to blame the increases on a paltry increase in wages, that has been forced on them, is rather shameful, to be honest.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2016 #79

    Yes, you're right Wildermere, it's usage that increases costs.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2016 #80

    Ian, you can't calculate income like that it's overall usage and expenditure.

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #81

    Ian, you can't calculate income like that it's overall usage.

    Are you saying that electricity usage has increased significantly this year over last year? Even more than the reduction in electricity prices?

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2016 #82

    I'm not privy to the accounts except when I read the yearly accounts. But that's how I see it and try to understand it.Smile

    Unfortunately I haven't yet seen much of a drop in consumer rates for fuel so I don't expect the CC have either.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited February 2016 #83

    This may have been covered elswere , but we will be putting up our CL prices next year, this is to cover the electricity costs, yes our buying price has droped but the usage over the past 2 years has rocked . More and more vans have Alde heating and electric
    rings for cooking. We plan to go from £10 to £12 for summer plus another £2 in winter.

    I don't blame you, I think we all carry more electric gadgets these days, and the waste of electricity by some was discussed at great length not so long ago. 

    But heating of whatever type will use electricity, not just Alde.  Ours uses 2kw max, just like the blown air in our previous van.

    As older vans which had only gas heating disappear, there will be more electricity used.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited February 2016 #84

    Ian, you can't calculate income like that it's overall usage.

    Are you saying that electricity usage has increased significantly this year over last year? Even more than the reduction in electricity prices?

    ...Its a trend that has just been stated by the post from the cl owner,its the I have paid for it i will use it brigade

  • Unknown
    edited February 2016 #85
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  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    edited February 2016 #86

    I'm not privy to the accounts except when I read the yearly accounts. But that's how I see it and try to understand it.Smile

    Unfortunately I haven't yet seen much of a drop in consumer rates for fuel so I don't expect the CC have either.

    We have certainly seen reductions up here.  My OH has signed a 2 year contract for our local Guide Hall at rates below what they were paying 2 years back, and we have switched supplier twice in 6 months as prices have dropped. Our saving is now over 25%
    compared with a year back.

    Our new tariff is 18.9ppd standing charge and 2.635p/Kwh for gas, and 18.9ppd standing charge and 8.137p/Kwh for electricity.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2016 #87

    Yes ours has gone down  but not enough to cover losses elsewhere  etc. I expect the CC surplus investments rates have gone down too.

  • Unknown
    edited February 2016 #88
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,413
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    edited February 2016 #89

    This may have been covered elswere , but we will be putting up our CL prices next year, this is to cover the electricity costs, yes our buying price has droped but the usage over the past 2 years has rocked . More and more vans have Alde heating and electric
    rings for cooking. We plan to go from £10 to £12 for summer plus another £2 in winter.

    Write your comments here...I can quite understand the need for you to do this. We tour throughout the year, and see just how much electricity members use nowadays, compared with years ago. It is the members choice to heat, light, and carry out whatever leisure
    pursuits they enjoy, and of course modern vans are much more geared towards electrical usage, but it must be a massive dilemma for CL owners who try to keep prices reasonable. At the end of the day, members choose how much energy they want to use, CL owners,
    and the Club have to respond accordingly. We are looking at a site that varies it's prices according to electrical usage for later in year, quite simply. If you want to have a heater in your awning, then you pay a bit extra. Sounds a very fair method of keeping
    visitors happy to me. Small site, so easy for owners to manage. We get a bargain, others get the comfort they need for a small fee. 

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited February 2016 #90

    Yes, you're right Wildermere, it's usage that increases costs.

    ...yet still there no easy way for members to opt out of EHU on every CC site and therefore save the club and themselves some cash and the environment some resourses.....

    @wildmere, can your customers opt out and save you (and they) some cash?

    can you set the breakers at a lower level to discourage simultaneous use of heavy drawing appliances?

    as with most things CC (and CLs apparently)  there only seems to be one solution....put the price up.....whats wrong with working on encouraging the reduction in demand?

    now theres a good way to spend your cash to make a saving....

    so, if you are putting the leccy up by £2 in one year, the usage must already be at least £3 (even that is a 66% increase)....

    so, this means the average electricity usage must now be say £5 per pitch, so why not give a £4 discount to folks who dont use your leccy?....a pound profit for doing nothingWink 

    Write your comments here...Yes we have no problem if you do not want EHU. At this time winter the rduction is £4 per night and summer £2. In January this year our CL had 47 nights stay and the electrical cost was £ 4.95 per night

  • IanH
    IanH Club Member Posts: 4,708
    edited February 2016 #91

    This may have been covered elswere , but we will be putting up our CL prices next year, this is to cover the electricity costs, yes our buying price has droped but the usage over the past 2 years has rocked . More and more vans have Alde heating and electric
    rings for cooking. We plan to go from £10 to £12 for summer plus another £2 in winter.

    That is one heck of an increase.

    Why not do as BB suggests and restrict usage via the amp rating of the bollard? That way, the usage wouldn't be able to 'rocket'.

    Another suggestion would be to ban the use of awning heaters (which do no more than heat the sky).......something which the CC seem to be afraid to do. Set an example!