CLOSED - Club sites and full-time working users



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,446
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    edited January 2016 #62

    I do wish people could look at issues objectively instead of resorting to insult.    My comment and original post are not personal.  They were intended to raise an issue which several initial posters agreed is an issue of note.    For the information of
    those who think they know it all, these views are not specifically mine but are from a friend who is Dip.TP., M.Sc., MRTPI.....  

    Have you been insulted, OGS? If your OP was not personal it certainly demonstrates lack of judgement both in its content and in the timing of its posting.

    The sway of opinion says there is little or no problem in what you perceive so it would seem appropriate for you to contact CC and put your case to them along with the evidence you have amassed.

    ...I did not feel personally insulted until your comment above.  Mine was an observation of how sad it is that people do not seem to be able to discuss an issue without resorting to such behaviour.  Whether my post was 'in good judgement' is irrelevant. 
    I have as much right to make such observations as you have to comment - somewhat rudely - on them.

    I don't believe I have been other than polite, OGS, but offer my apology if you have not been able to construe my comments in the manner they were intended.

    Yes, you have the right to post (within the T&Cs) as does every single one of us.

    Now I believe we are drifting off topic so think we should return to the subject and I urge you to take your concerns to CC if you think there is a problem with workers on site. I hope you will let us know the response.


  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited January 2016 #63

    They'd struggle though...

    ...I'm sure you are right.  .... as you no doubt always are JayEss. 

  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited January 2016 #64

    I agree Tinwheeler.  I accept your apology.  

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited January 2016 #65

    They'd struggle though...

    ...I'm sure you are right.  .... as you no doubt always are JayEss. 

    No not always but all I asked for was why your friend believes that the Club is treated differently from any other applicant for any touring caravan site.  If there was such an exemption why would they have submitted these documents  for the extension at Southport?  

    The Clubs 21 day rule fits well with the requirement for any touring site to be for recreational purposes and the LPA are potentially likely to look more favourably at a CC application because it is a touring club but they still have to apply

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #66

    There is a site in the Cotswolds on which the cc installed extra hardstandings,then had to apply for retrospective planning permission after a local objection

  • NHL
    NHL Forum Participant Posts: 9
    edited January 2016 #67

    I agree with you OG&S. Theoretically, people comuting from CC sites to their place of work and working on site are saving themselves and their company a lot of money to the detrement of those who want to stay for leasure and personal reasons but cant get
    booked, particularly at weekends.

    So whether you are there for a holiday, dog show, hospital visits etc etc, its not for financial gain as it would be for working purposes. What a load of tosh to say you dont want to stay in a souless hotel, if they were cheaper than the CC you would stay
    in them.

    But like others have said, how can it be policed? Workers will take advantage of this and I dont blame them, I would if I needed to.

  • rogerwyn
    rogerwyn Forum Participant Posts: 63
    edited January 2016 #68

    I agree with you OG&S. Theoretically, people comuting from CC sites to their place of work and working on site are saving themselves and their company a lot of money to the detrement of those who want to stay for leasure and personal reasons but cant get
    booked, particularly at weekends.

    So whether you are there for a holiday, dog show, hospital visits etc etc, its not for financial gain as it would be for working purposes. What a load of tosh to say you dont want to stay in a souless hotel, if they were cheaper than the CC you would stay
    in them.

    But like others have said, how can it be policed? Workers will take advantage of this and I dont blame them, I would if I needed to.


    As the company takes care of any hotel costs I incer but does not allow me reclaim the cost of site fees when using the caravan, yes most hotels in my opinion are soulless.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #69
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  • cariadon
    cariadon Forum Participant Posts: 861
    edited January 2016 #70

    Agree with you Deleted User User, on non member site anyone can pitch up, and one way for migrant workers to work at different location cheaply when there are many of them.  With regards planning, I did read on the gov site that clubs are exempt from license,
    cannot remember that well to quote, but I found the information when googled "caravan site planning" 

  • Oldgirl and Staffy
    Oldgirl and Staffy Forum Participant Posts: 414
    edited January 2016 #71

    They'd struggle though...

    ...I'm sure you are right.  .... as you no doubt always are JayEss. 

    No not always but all I asked for was why your friend believes that the Club is treated differently from any other applicant for any touring caravan site.  If there was such an exemption why would they have submitted these documents  for the extension at Southport?  

    The Clubs 21 day rule fits well with the requirement for any touring site to be for recreational purposes and the LPA are potentially likely to look more favourably at a CC application because it is a touring club but they still have to apply

    ...because unlike in the past, Club sites (unlike the old days and today some C&CC sites) want to cater for non-members as well as members.  But, if you are a planning expert you will know that anyway as well as the Section that gives deemed consent.

  • JayEss
    JayEss Forum Participant Posts: 1,663
    edited January 2016 #72

    Deemed consent does not apply to developments on the scale of club sites.  

    Licensing and planning are separate Issues and dealt with by different departments   


  • JohnDH
    JohnDH Forum Participant Posts: 183
    edited January 2016 #73

    Apart from seeing people leave in the morning and arrive back at tea time, is there any other evidence that these filthy scoundrels are working? Common workers on a club site. Whatever next.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #74

    I think most of the attacks on OSM here are just deliberately disingenuous, everyone here knows if they are honest what type of "workers" she refers too, and its not someone taking a phone call or a rep making a call in the area, its people with a totally different  lifestyle using a leisure facility for long term accommodation. Their behaviour may be perfectly acceptable or  they may spend their evenings in a totally different way from others actually on holiday, when I come across these type of units abroad my experience tells me to find a pitch as far away as possible or  better stilll another site.

    Well, that's a mighty big assumption to start with David - I try not to categorise any fellow site users into "types".

    Anyway, either they're members in which case, whatever "type" they are, they're doing nothing against the club's rules, or they're non members paying an extra tenner a night for their pitch - winner for the club I'd have thought!

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited January 2016 #75

    This subject about workers using sites is hard to find an answer!

    I have nothing against workers staying on sites as long as they leave every 21 days, plus weekends!  Are clean and tidy and do not take commercial advertising vans and the like on site. Obey the rules and also respect that holiday makers do not want to be
    woken at 7am or when ever to a noisy engine left running, or doors being slammed and engines revving as they leave!

    I go on a site to relax, chill out and enjoy my stay, not to be part of a commuters morning routine!

    i can understand if someone has to work away from home for a few days using sites as a base, but weeks on end is a no go!

    and as for the likes of living on sites to work local and not actually own a house to go back too! 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #76
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #77

    David, with respect, (I mean that) you don't "know full well" what anyone on here would do other than yourself; you are just making assumptions.

    Anyway, how does anyone know when they arrive who their neighbours are? You would certainly have no idea if they were out at work would you?

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,764
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    edited January 2016 #78

    I cannot say I have ever noticed any but may be we use different sites to everyone else. Given they probably will need a site at short notice then presumably they use less popular sites as otherwise they would not get a booking.

    If they do book and turn up looking reasonably smart then the wardens may not spot them but if having confirmed a booking the club might be on dicey grounds turning them away and could only eject them if they break the rules.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited January 2016 #79

    I think most of the attacks on OSM here are just deliberately disingenuous, everyone here knows if they are honest what type of "workers" she refers too, and its not someone taking a phone call or a rep making a call in the area, its people with a totally different  lifestyle using a leisure facility for long term accommodation. Their behaviour may be perfectly acceptable or  they may spend their evenings in a totally different way from others actually on holiday, when I come across these type of units abroad my experience tells me to find a pitch as far away as possible or  better stilll another site.

    It is of course all too easy to stereotype. Several years ago we stopped on a municipal just south of Le Mans. It was early October and there were very few on site. However, there were about 10 young men from one of France's ex African colonies, stopping there doing picking work on the local farms. To start with we were a little worried, but a more nice bunch it would be difficult to meet. Several were being educated in France and spoke reasonable English. Apart from some very questionable wiring with their electrical hot plates, which they plugged in near the dish washing sinks, we had no concerns.

  • Gandam
    Gandam Forum Participant Posts: 23
    edited January 2016 #80

    We did  a Motorhome trip in Australia & couldnt get on one or 2 'touring sites' inland as they were full of permanent workers from the local mining works. One day drove over 500 miles as all the sites we passed were full.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited January 2016 #81

    There was a Polish registered caravan at Henley Four Oaks when I was there in November, the occupant of which was clearly using it as a base for work as he departed regularly at 7.30am in a somewhat throaty diesel, arriving back each evening around 18:00.
    It would therefore seem a not uncommon practice.

    On the point of work and leisure, many years ago when working temporarily on the Isle of Wight, I stayed at a residential sailing school, commuting to work each day but managing to fit in a sail each evening.

  • vivien
    vivien Forum Participant Posts: 449
    edited January 2016 #82

    If you want to experience caravanning workers then go to Aldwestward Heath CC site!  When I stayed there 90% were workers, mainly road workers!  There was a handful of genuine touring pitches being used!

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #83
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  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited January 2016 #84

    They may be wonderful deserving characters but my experiance with seasonal workers leads me to find a pitch elsewhere if possible and I know full well  most of those replying  here in  favour of the practice will do the same.

    Write your comments here...

    I am a member, I am a seasonal worker, I work for the Caravan Club. Other site workers here and abroard are too, what is the difference?

    Any new member reading this would surely confirm what a lot of folk perceive the Caravan Club to be...A bunch of snobs.

    As has been said, there are no rules being broken so if you don't like your neighbour "going to work" tell him to his face.


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #85
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  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #86

    David, that's the second time you've called other posters on here "disingenuous". Do you really think that's appropriate? Do you know the reasons why others post?

    And I'm still a bit confused about how you know, when you arrive on site, that your neighbours are likely to be a certain "type" and make sure you pitch away from them. If they're working (ie not on site) how do you know?

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited January 2016 #87

    Hi everyone,

    I have forwarded this discussion to my colleagues in order to get a response from The Club. 

    In the meantime can I please ask people to keep this discussion free from arguments and don't post anything that might cause offence. We need to ensure all discussions are constructive and that this type of conversation remains informative, as otherwise
    we will need to close and remove posts. 

    Many thanks everyone for your understanding and I will post a response from The Club as soon as I have further information. 

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited January 2016 #88

    All during this thread there has been reference to a certain mythical Type .   Who are the people who qualify to be that "type "that certain people take exception to ?, there has been no explanation , come on let us all know. Otherwise this thread makes no sense.


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #89

    Agreed K. Some folk hide behind very clever use of words. If only I'd been an English teacher, I too could use long words to bamboozle people! Laughing. Use left and right arrows to navigate.

  • David2115
    David2115 Club Member Posts: 548
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    edited January 2016 #90

    If you are a member of the club and are within the rules you can book a pitch. Simple 

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #91
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