Have CAMC over priced some sites
And a good point everyone forgets, the club does not have a monopoly on sites and you are not forced to join or stay at a site.
Plenty cheaper ones out there.
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Does a member have any control over the price rises?
You mean besides not paying them? That is the ultimate control, but as long as people do keep paying them... You are talking as if there are no other choices, people have to come on a club site, it is their right!
but the club, doesnt price structure to take into account all members circumstances.
sorry has to be wind up.
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It’s never been anything other than a commercial enterprise to us. We pay a small fee to use Club Sites that are what they are, with and without facilities, usually in nice interesting locations. The Club inspects and oversees a network of very variable small 5 van private sites, and we get member access to these. We are canny enough to make use of the partnership deals that give us savings so that we save more than the cost of £52 membership each year. Have used Club insurance, but shop around nowadays. Not required other services but they are there.
I think if you are a rallier, then maybe the “Club” element might mean something different, but we aren’t, we just see the value of accessing the sites, Club and CL.
Oh, and we have made some nice friends who share the sites preferences we like!😁
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Reading what others post, take some of the clubs profits say 25% use it to make discounts for the elderly, disabled. Or free site night vouchers
Good start is what I would call it rather than wind up.
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Why not, sliding scale.
My point is,
Has the club become too focused on profit?
It appears to me that's exactly what is happening.
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Oh it is!
so (playing along as I'm bored) will this be means tested? or just given out. I think means tested, after all plenty of rich elderly and disabled out there? Perhaps based on age of car or outfit? That would please bu.. sorry Mikey
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and good for the club, I want more, sites bought, HS and SP.
But as you feel strongly about this, donate some money yourself? Pay for a pitch for someone, set up a charity for poor carvaners?
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I am no longer a member but when I was I would’ve preferred they concentrated on making a profit not becoming a charity👍🏻
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Exactly so Corners, and if ANY site charges more than £25 be that either club or any private site they don't ( usually ) get our business.
It matters not to us who's bit of gravel we are parked on or who's EHU we are plugged into, plenty more fish in the sea. If the club are happy to have empty unused pitches in peak, then so am I. In August we were on a £20 private site, big HS with our own tap too, perfect. Gave me great pleasure to have saved £10+ per night....
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Quite so, Rocky.
As Corners said, charities can be set up by the concerned. I look forward to afternoon TV ads begging us to give £2 per month in aid of destitute caravaners.
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If the club are happy to have empty unused pitches in peak, then so am I.
interesting and intriguing comment, are all other non club sites full then? I think it is more about occupancy rates than having each and every site full.
Again another example of people posting to say they won't use club sites and have saved money by not using club sites and it's given you great pleasure to have done so, good for you, but why post and boast about it?
Are you trying to make those who use club sites quite happily regret their choice? Is it some form of not knowing better that those who use club sites should know about and not be so silly to have paid club prices?
I could say (and please this is only for example) I doubt you have got the same standard as a club site and indeed are probably slumming it and you wouldn't catch me on that sort of site and then boast about how good the site I'm on is. But I don't.
I respect your choice and is it too much to ask that you respect those that use club sites rather than keep going on about why we shouldn't?
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Yes I can just picture, old decrepit caravan, two aged caravaners sitting inside, cardigans in tatters, glasses held on with sellotape, trying to warm themselves over a paraffin stove, heating up a tin of beans on a single camping ring. Bin bag over one window.
Once Henry and Beryl had a lavish lifestyle, the best caravans and tow cars, even a Cadac, but now they have come to this (Henry and Beryl turn sad puppy dog eyes to the camera, Beryl goes over and uses the foot pump). Henry start to cough and wraps a tartan blanket around him
Please give £2 per month to help them relive their carefree days on a club site, make them happy again?
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MrC, thanks for the heads up, here take this & give Henry & Beryl my best wishes. I’m struggling here😢😢-
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Please give £2 per month to help them relive their carefree days on a club site, make them happy again?
Head of Drama as well as Maths, then?
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They’ll need more than a Fiver to use a Club Site!😂😂😂 unless it’s low season of course......with mid week discount.......on a no facility site.
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Corners, the thread is titled " Have the CAMC over priced some sites"...
I merely express my opinion ( as one does on a forum ) that as far as we are concerned in many cases they have, and gave an example of a cheaper alternative we found instead ( but not boasting ) .. The quality of the alternative was as good as a club site, except for the toilet, which we didn't use anyway so that didn't bother us one jot, each night was £10 plus cheaper, and that, to us is THE most important thing.. If you, and indeed others find club site prices both acceptable and within your means, then good luck to you, but for us they are not except for during off peak periods.
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Actually......thinking about it. Our caravan is very old, we have a busted window (no bin bags, but a bit of gaffer tape), we have just the two rings and a grill. Not keen on cardigans, but do have a discounted fleece, very old from Mountain Warehouse (Club discount helped). We share glasses, and use the dog for extra warmth, he has the tartan blanket, no idea what a Cadac might be?
Could we actually be.....Henry and Beryl, happy as pigs in poop, touring via bargain sites.....🤣🤣🤣
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Probably for the first time I have to agree with Corners, if you don't want to pay the site fees go somewhere else.
A few weeks ago we checked the price of the CAMC site that was in the rough location for the next part of our tour but we are not ( and I hope never will be) prepared to pay over £30 for a grass pitch in bad weather. We found an alternative a few miles away.
We did actually visit the site and although it would have been nice in the off season, IMO the vans were packed in like sardines. Corners will obviously say " great a full CAMC site" but my point is we like space and it was too crowded for us.
Everyone will always find an alternative to a CAMC site but it will take a little more effort.
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And loyalties?
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I think Corners was joking W&M, or that’s how I interpreted things.
It’s a sad fact of life that not everyone can have exactly what they want, no matter how much assistance or help they are given. I don’t think Caravan holidays rate highly in terms of life’s necessities, certainly not in terms of staying healthy, keeping warm, having enough to eat. As pointed out, it’s not part of the Clubs remit to use Membership fees and income to decide who is needy and who isn’t.
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Nor me. I think it’s up to others if they feel loyalty to the club but it should certainly not be expected. That would be an arrogant assumption.
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Absolutely agree!
I find it rather depressing that folk can appear to rate choosing between club sites and cheaper alternatives as life changing. Let's face it, nobody on this forum lives on the breadline and there are millions of families, young and old, out there who can only dream of living the life style we do. Time for a reality check I think.
Just my personal opinion, not attempting to score points in any way.,
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Absolutely. 👍