What are you all up to
Try to get the next BP checks done by a Nurse, MillieH . Only once has my pressure been normal when Doc took it, but even the most beautiful nurse says -- That's OK Brian !!
. White Coat Syndrome they call it even tho' my doc is always in mufti.
I'm in for Thyroid Bloods on Friday, then I'll be booking my MOT for late March Early April before "The Season" starts
Have a good time Moulesy, and get back fighting fit and in time for the Climax of the footy season !
P.S. / Edit -- Hope Mrs M thoroughly enjoys her time in / by the pool -- really does improve the "Results Service"
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Thirty years of BP visits has told me that even just stepping into the surgery doesn't do me much good.
I waited several minutes with a nurse last time as even chatting sends it up. Hope MillieH that yours will go down like it did at home.
A couple of photos. Little bits of Spring trying their best to get through in our garden today. The Camellia survived the snow the other week.
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Happy holidays Mr and Mrs M 😎🌞✈.
ABM I used the machine in the surgery reception area as instructed - BP too high says (male) nurse so he then took it. Still high 😣. It cant be 'white coat' syndrom as his uniform was blue 😄
Lovely photos brue. Such a cheery sight. The crocus near our conservatory door are in full bloom and I have just been watching lots of bees making good use of them.
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Me too. Hope all goes well, fingers crossed.
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At last i have the 'Concorde' back !! Lots of outstanding jobs caught up with including the M.O.T works .But one strange thing that has caused a problem in the past ,the air suspension defects ,turned out to be the ECU control associated with it .The cover had been infiltrated by a mouse which had made it's nest for the winter ,and decided to eat the plastic on cables for it's meals !! BEWARE where you store your 'van !!
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We took delivery of a new mattress yesterday - deep and firm with a soft topper built in. The only problem is my short legs. Our bed is quite high to start with (wooden slats), and I was struggling to even sit on the bed. But many years ago in an old caravan we had a wooden upturned box to stand the Porta Potti on. Never having been thrown out (it looked useful), it’s saved the day and I don’t have to take a run up and jump into bed.
It was that or a plastic step up last used by grandchildren.
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Phew what a long day! Managed to keep busy until about 3pm. Knew OH went down about 0830 expected phone call from 1400 onwards. Couldn't contain myself much after 1545. Told he was on the ITU ward his nurse would phone 10-15 minutes. Took 45 minutes, even my jigsaw couldn't totally distract me. Upshot critical but stable and closely monitored, exactly as they told me it would be afterwards.
Son on his way to stay, he said it was a day for clock watching, unusual for him he's usually full on whilst at work! We're not visiting tonight but have a direct line to phone the ward anytime.
Thanks for all your thoughts from us both.
Feeling exhausted, for a change! So best to everyone
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"So best to everyone "
To you and OH as well, B2.
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All the very best to you all bakers2. As JVB says your OH will be getting the very best of care. You will be pleased to have your son with you.
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Sounds as though all has gone well B, if it’s any consolation I finally got to see my OH at midnight after dropping him off at 7.00am for his last operation last year. But the relief of just seeing him was priceless. Hope things go well the next few days, look after yourself as well.
Have a good trip M!
Lovely day in garden today, it was so warm I was out in just a t shirt until late in afternoon, 15c, way too warm for February. Lots of things coming up now. I found a little pot of Frittilaries I planted last Autumn, they are putting through shoots. First Daffy out, lots of other bulbs showing. OH was busy washing car and has done MH as well. Hospital tomorrow with Mum, something to do with remedial work to a lens that has moved after cataract op few years ago.
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Best Wishes to you and your OH Bakers2. Good that you will have your son for company tonight.
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It has been a lovely day today,the doc said i must not do anything strenuous for about a month but walking is fine,so have been out across the fields with Rosa (slowly) although she still kept looking back as if to say "keep up"Oh came on first walk (but she has difficulty on anything but hard made footpaths now even with walking stick) so she was "worried" when i went later,even on most walks there are others with their dogs so its not as if their is no one around even,
Two good things ,Dvla say no need to advise ,and insurance just accepted that i had told them but no add premium
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Cheers ttda. The local garage were going to have to replace the part with a non Hyundai one as Hyundai doesn't have a single caliper in the whole of the UK!!! 2 days - 4 weeks delay. Trouble was that in doing so they would invalidate the warranty. Hyundai agreed to turn a blind eye if we had a geniune part put on when one available.
The cost of replacing the part twice would be near to £1,000. Either Hyundai or my my deal would be paying as my dealer nicked the caliper when replacing ball joint.
Eventually dealer put car on ramp and hey presto, they could repair part. What a saga. So we got car back last Friday but extended stay to make up loss, plus recover from visit of Nellie.
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Yes, best wishes to you and OH Bakers. Fingers most definitely crossed.
Have a good holiday, Moulesy. Sounds like you need a rest.
Parked at Studely today and walked into Ripon. Lovely day for a walk. Called in at the Royal Oak to stock up on liquid (can't be too careful). Recommended, dog friendly in the bar, great beer and good food.
Off to Ilkley tomorrow to do my Heathcliff impersonation.
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Let me guess.....you did a Nellie walk. Not sure where they get the energy and get up and go from!😁 Wish I was as fit. Glad your car got sorted. Thanks for the Rosedale Site, looks very nice.
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B2...good to hear that your OH is doing well.
When I was operated on, OH got the call about 16.30 to say I was in recovery. I was well drugged, so she was advised not to visit until the next day.
She and DS came in the next morning, apparently I was only with it off and on, and I must admit I remember very little from that morning.
OH and DD came back in the afternoon, and found I had progressed to the Intensive care unit. Lots of tubes, and monitors bleeping and flashing, I remember a bit of that day, but not a lot.
Next day I was much more awake, eating real food, some tubes removed.
Day 3 I was even better, then on day 4 I was moved to an ordinary room, all tubes removed first, and was encouraged to be as mobile as possible. I was also allowed to shower.
Having made steady progress, I was allowed home on day 6. First I was tested to ensure I could manage stairs, and was instructed on how to use the stockings and given various pills to take at home.
I was told to get plenty of rest, snoozes both am and pm, but also to keep mobile as much as possible, just to do what I felt I could.
Walking outside in decent weather is good, day one you go to the first lamppost, day 2 to the second etc etc. If weather is bad, drive to a shopping mall or the supermarket for indoor exercise space.
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Good news B2, hope that everything continues in that vein.
Glad to hear that you've got Concorde all fixed now Tricky. H
ope that no mouse was injured in the process!
Fingers crossed that the remedial work on your mum eye is a success, tda. The walk that WN did today may well have been a Nellie one but we did it before Christmas!! We are now at White Water Park until Sunday, and off to the beach tomorrow to give Flyte a run on the sand.
Have managed to get 5 nights on Barleywood from 1st March, yippee!! That's 4 more Cls now booked for this trip, including New Willow Cottage....thanks for the tip ADD. Just have to sort out some more when we know what the weather's going to be like in 3 weeks time.
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Lovely morning here, I'm envious of anyone away just now. I have been tottering round the garden picking up stuff blown around by recent winds, we have birch trees that shed a lot of big twigs etc. The "workers" are busy laying slabs so I've supplied them with coffee and doughnuts (what has happened to doughnuts, our local ones are so stodgy and the jam isn't proper jam) but they fill a space. Visiting dog has spotted a rat under a shed, so he and the rat won't be moving, both a bit pre-occupied!
So that's it from me, hope things are going well for everyone.
PS. Triky, I think we've been lucky so far in not finding a mouse lurking somewhere in our M/H, it has been at a standstill for several months and one of the things I fear is a mouse or bird setting up home.
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Very frosty and a misty walk this morning,but is now quite warm,we have been to town on the bus,for a few bits from savers ,and then a coffee and a cake in Waterstones cafe and a browse of the books,,then home,
received,my appointment letter for MRI at the Royal Brompton Hospital,they say need a least two hours there,no caffeine for 24hrs prior, its about 10min walk from South Kensington tube station,not forward to return journey as will be in the rush hour
Have also just remembered that i did not open C/van fridge on Sunday in storage,so hope its ok until next week ,when i can drive again
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Steady on, JVB, no rushing now you scamp
. The cheese in the fridge will be just approaching maturity by late February
Hoping your recovery is proceeding as it should -- it could be quite a confidence booster for B2 & her OH to hear how well you are doing.