What are you all up to
The M6 is sometimes a but difficult to avoid unfortunately , the holds ups were further up this time, the Birmingham bit was ok.
next trip out is the Peak District again, near Ashbourne this time.
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Took mum for her out patients appointment - difficult sums it up, that's all I say 😲. They were brilliant with her and despite saying about an 8 week wait for an op they have given her a date in 10 days. My brother will take her for it, all under local anesthic, as we're on tour.
Tomorrow we have a difficult family funeral. We're not looking forward to it Lord only knows how his parents and sister are feeling. Thank goodness they'll be most of the extended family to support each other.
On a lighter note Tammygirl you must be really excited about collecting your new caravan, and seeing all your matching handiwork in situ 😉
Moulsey lovely photos - not one of you dancing 😢
HelenandTrevor good news on the bed. Ashbourne is somewhere we fancy 😉
JVB66 will you be charged for a trailer at the refuge? I believe trailers and vans are her. Good bargain - your turn to be the lucky today 😁
Wherenext we loved Ripon cathedral and fancy another wander around the area where are you staying.
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Sorry to hear about your Mum Brue, a worrying time for you.
Glad to read wedding went well Moulesy, nice pictures.
Not been up to much only work,
Wherenext we used a CL near Pewsey, Totteridge Farm this year but not on the way to Dorset. Not sure if that's the one you mean?
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The same from me too, brue.
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At Christmas Margaret's sister gave us a voucher for a posh tea at Woburn Abbey. We had intended to use it before now but when Margaret rang to arrange a date they were fully booked so today was the earliest opportunity. It was served in the Bedford Room which is not too large. It was all very nice although rather a lot of cream and sweet cakes but it would have been rude to have left any!! After that we really did need to walk round the Gardens!!! We only live 12 miles from Woburn but this is the first time we have been to the Abbey.
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You'll have to cover part of the tree with a net so that you can get your share of the fruit. Bet it makes a delicious jam. Oh and another cover over the van, as I guess the blackbirds' deposits will be hard to remove.
Glad you enjoyed your day with the "Nellies". He does have far too much energy for his age. Must have been a nightmare as a kid!
I'll have you know I was an angel as a kid, albeit a rather lazy one! You know my nickname from work as I use it for my e-mails!!
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Car all packed up ready for tomorrow
Been a nice day today, even had the sun come out to play for awhile.
Went out for tea/dinner with the DIL and the Gkids tonight, gosh they are growing so big. Its only been 2 months since we last saw them and they have shot up. Granddaughter goes back to boarding school tomorrow
she is looking forward to it but a bit apprehensive about one of the girls she will be sharing a room with, 4 person room but one has a bit of a reputation as a trouble maker.
brue sorry to hear about your Mum, will be thinking of you and your family.
Bakers, excited you bet
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I have just remembered the last Mulberry Tree we saw. A huge one outside Tewkesbury Abbey!
Never been to Woburn DK, looks very interesting. Because our holidaying was a bit restricted in last few years, we took to having short breaks closer to home. You sometimes forget the lovely places that are on your doorstep
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So sorry to hear about your Mum brue. Very best wishes to you and your family.
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I have decided to de Fur the house today. The Dyson is groaning. It's at times like this I recall the joys of terrier ownership. The little blighters cost us loads a money in clipping, but the house was seldom furry........ The chocolate one ain't so bad, the golden one is like a dandelion clock, puff.....and there's a golden cloud of nest stuffing for the birds!
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Had a super walk to Studley Royal from Ripon today. Quite humid but otherwise dry. We then had a reviving drink when back in Ripon and a lovely visit to the cathedral, admiring the Mesiricords and Hand of God! The Mesiricords are fantastic, wonderful craftsmanship. A nice lady helper gave us plenty of information coupled with the fact that we were born within 5 miles of each other on the Wirral! The stained glass windows and art deco pulpit added to a great visit.
There was a bit of kerfuffle in Ripon when we arrived. Apparently a sink hole had opened up in Sainsbury and all the staff were standing outside. It was decided to shut the shop for the immediate future.
All in all a very interesting day.
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I don't think we've stayed at a CL near Devizes, but if you are near Pewsey, we liked Totteridge Farm, it was where I saw my first Barn Owl fly past
Thanks for the wine recommendation, I will look out for it in Aldi.
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Boring day doing the VAT at work, but had a call tonight from our son to say offer for house has been accepted, he couldn't stop grinning!
Just hoping the purchase goes smoothly now .
Just finished a big pile of ironing, a glass of wine beckons
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Got back from our 8 days at Houghton Mill yesterday. I did try to post but it took so long I gave up as I didn't want to use up too much of my data. No Wi-Fi at Houghton. We had a lovely relaxing time. Son, DIL, 2 grandsons and the lovely Jessie (the dog) joined us on Saturday evening for a BBQ and we all sat out until 10.00pm. We had lots of walks, 2 boat trips, a visit to Wimpole Hall walled garden and a visit to Wicken Fen. I was on Welcomer duty at the Cathedral this morning. Gosh what a morning!! We have Tim Peake's spacecraft now and the place was heaving - my job was to 'click' the visitors in as well as welcoming them. Nearly 1000 adults and 500 children during just the morning.
Everyone seemed to have a really great time and it was great fun but I was exhausted by the time I left.
I am still trying to catch up with everyone's posts but there are such lot I haven't caught up with them all yet. Great news about your son's new house Helen. I hope all goes smoothly. Which one did they go for in the end?
How did fetching your new caravan go this morning Tammygirl? I do hope your Mum is improving. This hot weather can be very trying (and tiring) for the elderly.
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Although it's been overcast for much of the day it's felt very warm and steamy. Left Old Brampton just after 9 and arrived at Wharton, by Carnforth shortly after 12:00. Traffic was slow for quite a distance on the M60 up to the M61 junction, and Carnforth is a bit of a bottleneck with road repairs. I went out to Leighton Moss this evening for a quick look, might go again later in the week, weather permitting.
Glad that you had a good time at Houghton Mill site, millie, and this morning sounded very busy.
Glad to hear that your son's offer has been accepted, H&T, hope that it all goes through now without any problems.
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A long and emotional day 😢. Very personal and moving goodbye for a young man who left us too too soon. But good to have a great family support network.
Welcome back milliehull. Good result helenandtrevor hopefully it'll be smooth to completion.
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Yesterday must have been a very difficult day for all of you Bakers2. It is heart breaking when someone so young goes too soon. Good that the family have good support. I hope you can relax and gather your thoughts today.
I hope the rest of this current trip goes well nth.
Enjoy your day folks. I think this might be the end of the warm weather for a while.
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W - not a CL, but if you're looking for something near Devizes, can recommend the site at the Three Magpies pub at Sells Green. Just round the corner from the C&CC site and you can walk to the canal towpath direct from the site. Pub does good food too!
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Many thanks for the good wishes for our sons house purchase, I will pass them on. Millie, the house is a converted coach house down a lane just off the high street in Glossop, probably not somewhere I would live, but great for a young couple, right in the heart of things.
We will have somewhere to stay very close to the peaks now!
Bakers2 it must have been an emotional day for everyone yesterday, but good that there is plenty of support. I had a cousin who was killed in a car accident in her teens and it was very sad, life is very unfair sometimes.
Hope the rest of the trip goes well Nellie, safe travels.
Not at work until later so I'am going to give the house a clean, not keen on housework but hey Ho needs must!
Now I really must get a move on.
PS. Your days at the Cathedral sounded very busy Millie, you'll be needed another break at Houghton Mill soon
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Great photos moulesy. You and Mrs M look very smart.
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Milliehull and HelenandTrevor thanks for your kind words. A day of reflection here. Life isn't always fair, were not guaranteed tomorrow - make the most of now and tell those you love that you do 😍. Lots of questions that will never be answered, but things so appeared to be more hopeful than they had been previously 😢.
Much cooler here today, grey again, but was sunny and warm yesterday. Hoping to get away in the next few days possibly tomorrow but definitely on Monday our local recharge site 😉😁
Oneputt how exciting to maybe take the grandtwins away 😁.
Tidying paperwork now finished, I had to put on an extra layer whilst I was sitting, I'm hoping to remove it once I get moving again. Beds to re-make etc etc! Just indulging self on here. OH out so time alone 😉
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Bakers, it's seems so much sadder when attending a young persons funeral. Best wishes.
Moulesy, thanks for the post. Will check it out.
We walked up to Brimham Rocks this morning from the CL. Fantastic scenery. Plus no parking fee. Must renew our NT membership this week. Quick coffee back at the van then a trip to just down the road Pateley Bridge. Home for lunch then we took the awning down just before the rain arrived.
How did the new van work out Tammy?
Millie, we were glad of a local "Millie" when visiting Ripon Cathedral yesterday.
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Glad you found another 'millie' at Ripon Cathedral WN
I am sure we all aim to please. Do they charge an entry fee at Ripon?
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Thanks WN. I am glad that there are still other Cathedrals not making a charge. Peterborough is the same and long may it remain so. I don't think I could continue as a volunteer welcomer if I had to ask people to pay an entry charge.
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New caravan collected and first night spent in it
all went well at handover no issues. Nice big cheque from the dealer too, first time that's happened usually the other way round.
We drove from Dyce to the C&MC site at Banchory for the night, didn't prebook as it was very Autumnal when we set out after breakfast. The rain started when we were just short of Aberdeen, not heavy just drizzle really but it was chilly. However by the time we got to Banchory it was about 13.00 and the rain had passed and the sun came out for a short time.
Took our time going through things, OH started fitting the gas bottle and the feet to the legs. I got stuck into getting the bedding and stuff into the van from the car.
Water and waste set up, aerial and tv done. Time to learn how to get some hot water going, different controls to what we had in the MH but got there in the end and very impressed with it.
After a few cuppas we decided to try the sun canopy we bought, very simple to erect, only 4 pegs needed. Wouldn't stand up to a high wind but it will give us some shade when needed without much effort, very lightweight too.
Had a good sleep, always important. Then this morning we packed up and set off down the road.
Decided to come back a different way, so came home via Balmoral, Ballater and Braemar. Lovely drive, nice scenery, stopped off at the Glenshee ski area for a bite to eat and a cuppa. Think we have got back into the grove of caravanning
Once home we started putting other things in and working out what tubs/containers fit and what doesn't.
Re Mum, big sister went to see her this morning, she says she is much brighter. Mum had a cuppa and some fruit and biscuits while my sister was there so that's good. I'll go and see her over the weekend.
MillieH glad you had a nice break at Houghton Mill, your morning at the Cathedral sounded fun but very tiring.
H&T glad your son has found a house and things looking good for them.
Bakers, funeral's for you folk are very difficult, best wishes.