What are you all up to
Lovely photos OP. Lucky dogs. They certainly look as though they are having a great time. What a beautiful beach. Did the grandtwins go in the water as well?
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Thanks for the photos Oneputt, I thought that stretch of sand looked lovely too, the sea is a lot warmer this year, must go and have an evening swim myself down at Hive or Lyme.
The labs look happy in the water, our dear old terrier is finding cold places to cool off in the house, she has never liked water, happier on land.
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Just sent an e-mail to the CEO of Virgin media about the TV programme debacle. Some of the channels no longer available are the ones I watch on a fairly regular basis.
Tried to contact the call centre which is swamped with unhappy customers seeking to leave or get a price reduction for loss of service.
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Let us know how you get on OP. We have lost some of our favourites as well. I hope they get it sorted out soon.
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Give 'em hell. We would be doing same if we were on a premium package, as it is we don't use the TV box they sent us, prefer Freeview. Our contract is more based on internet and home phone.
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Lovely photos, as usual, Oneputt. Beautiful beaches is that Gorleston? Norfolk has sum stunners.
Just delivered to charity shop, the dump and taken clean bits back to motorhome storage. Stopped off for a lovely pub lunch and OH had a Ridley bitter, his first in years 😉. Pub only across the fields, as the crow flies, from my mums but we haven't visited for yonks! So quite a circuitous tour which finished by calling in at mums as we were so close, couple of my cousins in there so a bit of a catch up.
Oneputt I'm so pleased you've taken some action re virgin channels loss. Those are ones we watch too. Seriously contemplating our position but negotiated a new deal a month or 2 back so tied for 12? months I think. That was because they constantly advertised offers FAR cheaper than we were getting for less channels. I have to say love their broadband and family mobile deals but that may well change. Please let us know when and what response you get.
Now back home with nicely padded sun chairs tucked fully in the shade with a nice cuppa and about to start on my book.
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Enoughs, enough, brue. I'm leaving of my own accord because I do not want or need these kind of responses. People asked me to come back and ignore my detractors but these detractors are once again targetting me. So I should have stayed away. My mistake!
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Good luck Husky.
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Good luck with the with the shop HD.
Yes B2 its our local beach. To get there we walk through a small park then down and along the river. It's a nice walk and ends up on our fab beach.
I don't expect to hear anything from virgin. The switchboard is jammed and social media is really showing virgin in a negative light. We have a rolling contract as I've been with them for a lot of years, but we will see
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Oneputt we had a rolling contract as we've been with them for years too, maybe 20. So cross with myself but was fed up with our prices increasing and new folks getting rock bottom 😤😤.
Youre certainly lucky to have a nice walk with a wonderful destination.
Malcolm I'll miss you posts about places to visit, not sure what you mean about detractors. You had a clear request from a mod re a certain subject following other posters asking you to not be constant about it. However you didn't act on the request as is shown by the Deleted User posts and a mods comments stating why post was Deleted User. Good luck I hope it all works out and that your wife gets her visa before too long.
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I think I am right in saying that just being banned from contributing to the forum does now not automatically lead to the withdrawal of being able to book Club sites. However I am sure more persistent breaking of the the T&C's despite warnings might lead to a more severe ban.
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Both my spelling and wording didn't come over very well, but the gist was about actions leading to the account being locked and not getting easy access to anything.
It does seem a bit stupid to put yourself in this situation, but some no doubt do.
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Back from Glasgow about an hour ago.
Stopped off at Stirling mills for a quick retail fix
both of us bought stuff, me a new dress for our cruise next January. OH bought a new tailored jacket (also for cruise) from M&S outlet shop £9
in the sale. couldn't believe it when he showed me it. A lovely lightweight type but smart, will do nicely thank you very much M&S. Then he blew all his pocket money
on a pair of Sketchers casual shoes. I've been telling him for years how comfy they are and light weight for packing, well he now has a pair
After the shopping we decided on treating ourselves to afternoon tea (we missed lunch) in the Butterfly Inn across the road. What a good spread they do, am now full to the brim.
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We arrived home yesterday afternoon after a fab time in Wales
great CL, good weather so couldn't ask for more.
Been busy since our return so Just spent a while catching up with what everyone has been up to. You are certainly a busy lot!
It's taken me a while
wish some of my days were as exciting
Spoke to our neighbour who said no rain while we were away, she had kindly watered our baskets and pots, but grass is very brown. Next door neighbours have moved out, it's rented so hope new tenants will be ok.
At least this hot weather has meant all holiday washing dried in record speed, just don't fancy the ironing!!
Going to try and sort out the holiday photos tonight.
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Your holiday sounds fabulous Helen. I know what you mean about the ironing
. I find very early in the morning or in the evening best when it is (hopefully) cooler. Have you got any more trips planned?
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Thanks Millie, may tackle the ironing early, it small batches
Hope to get a couple of weekends away in August, Peak District over the BH. What about you, anything planned soon?
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Its another lovely day here today so visited a military Musuem which was very interesting with lots of war time memrobelia aswell as a few classic trucks and tanks. After that we went in to Newport where I sat outside The Wheatsheaf with a pint of Timothy Taylors Landlord while SWMBO went round the shops. On our way back to the van we stopped off at The Fighting Cocks Inn for a meal which was lovely now dog sitting sister and BILs dog while they head in to Sandown for a walk down the pier
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Have followed your posts while we've also been away, Helen, and you'very obviously had a great time. It's a few years since we were in that area but I'very got a hankering to go back again now. Glad you enjoyed it!
PS, Harry not impressed by the thought of being photographed wearing that Welsh frock!
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We are away again in the middle of August and then Sandringham in September. We are trying to work around looking after grandchildren. Also OH is waiting for a carpul tunnel op. Best of luck with the ironing. I have just done mine this evening. There wasn't much as I try and rinse through what we have worn each day at the moment. Son in N. Ireland rang this evening. Their weather is cooler and fresher than ours. I am tempted to go over there for a couple of weeks
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Oh go on moulesy. He would look very glamorous
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Had several missed calls on my mobile and house phone over the last week or so, an 0203 starting number. Got one again tonight, answered it on house phone. Caller asked to speak to me. Asked who was calling, am I Joe blogs? Why I ask? Can't continental with the conversation until we clear some security questions, your full name and address? I'm not telling says I. This conversation is being recorded. I very politely point out he called me, I have no idea why and I will not give details until I understand nature of the call. Can't continue this conversation until you've cleared security. Impasse. Told them not to call again. Left me feeling somewhat uneasy, how would it be if I was elderky (well older than i am 😉) lived alone and gave the requested information without thought?
Really cross 😤.
Helenandtrevor sounds like you had a lovely holiday, an area we've not visited, so I've put it on the list! I iron as little as possible 😉 I did those few bits very first thing this morning. Far too hot answer sticky to contemplate now. Good luck, I agree a little at a time.
Francis sounds like a lovely break. Is Fighting Cocks the pub down the road from Southland? I thought it was a dog name???? Great food there, lively garden and dog friendly. Very happy childhood memories of holidays on the Island as well as a couple of recent trips in the motorhome. I'll add it back on the list 😉
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DSB, are you following the heat of the sun?
B2 if you look 0203 numbers up they are a known "scam."
Well one more day and part of the family move in for the summer, although now we have all their "stuff" there isn't much room for them.
The builders have finally got the main frame for the conservatory up, really hard work in all this hot weather as much stonework to cut through, walls to build etc.
Have decided to retreat to the van if things get too much...except it's now next to the concrete mixer.
Good that all those away are having a good time, commiserations for all those coming home.
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I too am worried about these scam phone calls bakers2. This last week we keep getting phone calls to say there is a problem with our BT line (we haven't got one) and presumably want personal or bank details or both. It is very worrying if elderly people on their own could be caught out.
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Just been to feed the hedgehog. And found Arbuthnott in residence 😃😃😃😃. Delighted.
Good use of our old wooden bread bin, able to ensure the local cats can't reach the food.
Not a great photo as I didn't want to disturb him too much. We thought he'd been using it as a resting place too. Very very warm here 26c and humid.
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I speak Welsh to these scam callers, for some reason they put their phone down. Had one the other day from a very English speaking gentleman regarding the warranty renewal of my washing machine, when I queried it, they put the phone down, how many would get caught out with that one.