What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59192

    Enjoy your stay in Krakow, M. Grand photos, looking forward to seeing more from your walks around the city..

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited April 2024 #59194

    What a lovely photo Goldie, and that end of the rainbow pot of gold doesn’t look far away.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59195

    👍👍 Glad to see that the cows are 'back out' after having such an aweful time...  I'm sure they'll soon have the grass under control... 😀


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59196

    Happy birthday, M, and enjoy you visit to Krakow.  Lovely to see the photos.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59197

    Lovely photos moulesy. One of our grand-daughters went to Krakow as part of her 18th birthday celebrations and said what a lovely city it is. Have a wonderful time and Happy Birthday.

    Pleased to hear you had such a good time with your little grand-daughter Helen and Trevor. Yes can't they be lively at that age. We spent an afternoon with our 4 year old great grandson last week and he was a bundle of energy I wish I had their energy!

    After a few pleasant warm days, yesterday was as predicted terrible - torrential rain, hail and even snow at one point all with very high winds. I hope everyone out and about kept safe. Today is grey with a very cold wind. I managed to dry a lot of washing outside during the nice weather and cleared all the garden pots of the bulbs that had finished. We have had a week of medical appointments - 2 follow up appts for OH - all good thank goodness and a couple for me.  We are certainly getting our moneys worth out of the NHS! I have just received an email saying we can now book for our spring covid booster.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59198

    Last day here in Wales, last visit to our friends this afternoon, we will need to go on a diet after being so well fed this week!

    The CL was busy when we arrived, but now only us and one other van on site.

    The weather has been very mixed, Sunday night was bad with strong winds and noisy hail and rain showers, but today there is quite a bit of sun between the showers.  

    Off to Kendal tomorrow, so not a long journey, small detour into Mold required to fill fuel before we go.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59199

    Hi Kj. If you are at the CL in Kinnerton then the slightly cheaper fuel can be found at Tesco's at the shopping complex at Broughton. It's always slightly cheaper there than in Mold. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59200

    Had an appointment at the GPs myself yesterday. Would have been happy with an email reply to my query or even a phone call but system not set up that way. Anyway it was a good job I went. More bloods wanted. Have an appointment in a weeks time for that.

    We're taking MiL down for her Covid booster on Thursday Millie. Good to hear the follow ups proved to be good.

    Sunshine and showers here today. Wind not as fierce as yesterday but cold coming from the NW.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,189
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    edited April 2024 #59201

    Just had a tremendous hailstorm, and some thunder. Strange thing was that the hail wasn't the normal round beads but quite large flakes of ice a bit like heavy snow flakes. It was strong enough to set a nearby car alarm off! Welcome to summer.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited April 2024 #59202

    Walked in just a shirt and sweater this afternoon, oh! and my shorts, 14degs wall to wall sunshine, but over the IOW it was looking a bit on the black side cool, must say this neck of the woods generally misses most of the bad weather although the wind was ferocious yesterday yell

    caravan now gleaming, professional guy had it done in 2 hours this morning, was impressed, he opened all the windows, roof lights, lockers etc and gave them a good wipe round, and my alloy wheels look like new , all i had to provide was a 240v socket,  impressed.cool

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59203

    I think we filled there last time we were here as we were also shopping, but today we were passing Mold anyway so just went there.

    No need to shop at all when here unless we run out of milk for breakfast, such is the level of hospitality!

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59204

    The "smart" ( for which, read expensive!) way of seeing the city sights involves 4 (well 8 actually) legged horsepower! (I declined.)

    So it's been quite a tiring day with 2 walking tours, the first to one of the richest parts of the city, the former Royal site at Wawel where the former kings and Queens of Poland were crowned. It's also the site of one of the city's great legends - the fire breathing dragon!

    And, by contrast, this afternoon, to one of the poorest areas, the old Jewish ghetto where the guide went into great detail about the horrors of the wartime. The most moving sight was the "empty chairs" memorial - 55000 Jews were apparently forced into this small area with just 350 buildings. All the families came with furniture, having been promised they were going to new homes, but of course there was no room so most of it ended up left on the streets. We also visited some of the areas where the film Schindler's List was set.

    Tomorrow is Auschwitz & Birkenau which promises to be a tough but very fulfilling day.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59205

    Grand photos again, M, you are certainly fitting in a lot during your stay there.

    Lovely photo  Goldie, many of the fields that we pass appear a love fresh green.

    Have a safe tow up to Kendal, Kjell. Are you staying on one of the club sites or going back to Spital Farm?

    We too have received out injection invites, but being up here we can't book an appointment but will have to wait till we get back home.

    • It has been a lovely sunny day with no rain to speak of. We went to Drumlanrig this morning  gor a walk around the gardens before lunch and through the woods in the afternoon. Some shots from our day, but not a patch on Moulesy's.
  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59206

    Yes, Nellie, Spital has been booked as usual these days.  No point in paying for a site with facilities that we do not need.  Serviced hard standing is ideal for us, as is the location very close to the retail park.

    Still £19 per night.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59207

    I've also had injection invites, Nellie.... a Covid spring injection..... and I need to book in my second Shingles jab.

    Photos look great... 👍👍


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited April 2024 #59208

    OH has received his email for his Spring Covid booster, although as we are in Macau for another month it will wait until we get back home.  Is it just me or are others wondering about the necessity of 6 monthly boosters?  I do understand the greater need for winter boosters but Spring as well?  We both had Covid in January anyway, what strain obviously we have no idea but the vaccine strain could be the ‘wrong’ one also.  Will ponder further on this one.  It’s been so hot here I almost envy reading the posts about rain and hail.  It’s around 31 degs most days and 23 at night, with 85’ish % humidity - thank heavens for air conditioning.  Taking the little one to school isn’t too bad but collecting at 4pm - phew!  Even so they are still rushing about playing games in the playground after school.  The baby (15 months) is a bit poorly at present, teething perhaps, as he  seems to often have a fever.  Really good for us (Nana and Grandad) babysitting while Mum and Dad are away.  We have Doctors’ numbers in emergencies but fingers crossed things improve.  

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59209

    heddlo We know someone who ended up in hospital after contracting covid a couple of months ago. She got a chest infection then sepsis and ended up on a ventilator an nearly died. Although up and about she still isn't well so I will take anything they offer. I hope your youngest grandchild gets better soon and that you enjoy the rest of your stay in Macau.

    Great photos nellie and moulesy. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59210

    Lovely bright sunny day here today a contrast from yesterday which was miserable. Power washed the slabs in the back garden now got dinner cooking on the Cadac not quite warm enough to sit on the deck so sitting in the summer house which has had the sun most of the day so pleasant in here. How long will this last I wonder before the gales and rain return 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59211

    Today's visit to Auschwitz has been pretty full on to say the least. I've always worried slightly about the morality of setting the place up as a visitor experience, but the guides went to great lengths to point out that the survivors themselves had wanted it to stand as a testament and, hopefully, to ensure the nothing similar can ever happen again. Of course the history of the place is well documented but I don't think anything can prepare you (certainly not me) for the true extent of the horrors perpetrated there. From the moment you walk through the "walk makes you free" gate it is unremitting horrific. The exhibits of confiscated items includes crutches and artificial limbs along with more every day (cookery) items (they had been told they were being taken to new places to live). Perhaps the most moving exhibition, though, was the mountains of shoes - the picture shows less than a quarter of the total number which fills both sides of a long block. You are taken through a number of cell blocks where there are row after row of photographs of the prisoners (taken by the SS) with details of their arrival at the camp and their death (often only a very short time later) and eventually to the "execution wall" where, very often, large groups were summarily shot to death.

    At the end of the tour there is the staggering sight of the "Book of Names" containing the names of over 4 million victims (and still being added to as new information arises.)

    It is a very moving experience and one never to be forgotten, for all the wrong reasons, sadly.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2024 #59213

    Lovely photos, enjoy your holiday/trip Moulesy, heddlo & Nellie.

    Had a few days of reasonable weather, makes a nice change. 🙂

    Had a look round our New Go Outdoors store, quite impressed a good range of stuff, the new shop apparently is replacing the now closed Oxford store. 

    It seems another neighbour is going to a care home permanently, so it will mean another house for sale in our street, they don't seem to be selling very fast at the moment 😕 

    Have had a few stressful days at work so am looking forward to a bit of R&R this weekend, just a few hours at work in the morning then we will head off in the afternoon. 🙂

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,465
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    edited April 2024 #59214

    Moulesy, it should never be forgotten and the visitor experience will help the horrific events live on in our memories and serve as an education for younger folk who probably find it hard to grasp that such things took place only 80 odd years ago.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59215

    What a memorable experience moulesy. As Tinwheeler says it must never, ever be forgotten. I am sure it will live in your memory forever. Thank you for the photos.

    Reasonable weather here today. Sunny but the fresh breeze was very chilly. I did quite a bit of gardening and also more washing which dried nicely on the line. Met the daughter of one of our new neighbours. She said the house was in quite a state when they moved in. The the previous guy was on his own there for the last 2 years or so as the marriage broke down. The new neighbours have quite a lot of work to do apparently

    Sad news about your neighbours Helen.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59216

    I can only iterate what molluscs said about your neighbour, Helen.

    Thanks for the photos, Moulesy. We were talking to our daughter this evening,  who has been there too, and she said It was a harrowing experience. She has visited Poland often, for work, and she said to look out for a Manekin cafe as they do the most delicious Polish pancakes.

    We moved up to a new to us CL at Maybole today. Great big H/S pitches with open views across the neighbouring fields, with 3 other units on tonight and full from tomorrow. The weather has been good, with plenty of sunshine, but it is still not very warm. 


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,189
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    edited April 2024 #59217

    Just booked our next Covid jabs at the Open University again. I think we have been there more times than most of the students!!!


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited April 2024 #59218

    Had a great day out yesterday.

    Met up with our west coast friends at Falkirk. Sun was shining and no wind for a change.

    We started off by collecting them, they were there having a job done on their MH.

    Off we went to the Kelpies, we have all been before but it's always nice to see them again and have a walk while catching up on things.

    Then it was time to collect the MH and go to the Falkirk Wheel. Had a nice walk around there and another cuppa and scone. Lots more catching up done.

    Great to see them and a good day out for all of us. 

    Today wasn't as nice, bit of wind and rain, hoping the weekend will be better as we start driving south.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited April 2024 #59219

    I never got to visit Auschwitz but I well remember the times I visited Bergen Belsen.  My father took me in 1955 when I was 8 years old.  In those days there was no car park and you couldn’t see anything from the road.  All of the barrack blocks had been demolished and the only thing standing were 1 chimney and the remains of an ‘oven’.  There were mounds of the murdered which included 14000 Russian POW’s.  We were the only people there and I remember feeling a sense of foreboding.  I’ve visited several times since and it has grown into a massive memorial with a large museum 

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited April 2024 #59220

    On Saturday a lady pulled out of a side road into my car and kocked my car into a parked car.  Luckily no-one appeared to be injured and the lady admitted liability.  After a flurry of calls, texts and e-mails from and with her insurance company, repairs to my car have been authorised.  Yesterday however, I received a call from someone implying that he was from the insurance company asking for information, before realising that the person was in fact a low life tout, trying to drum up personal injury business to sell on to solicitors.  I don't know who told him that I had had a car accident or who gave him my name and phone number, although the address he had for me had the same wrong postcode as the one which came from the insurance company. I wondered if anyone has had a similar call, after having a vehicle accident?

    Even though the accident was in no way my fault, is it likely to affect my car insurance and also my M/H insurance, which are with different companies?


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,189
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    edited April 2024 #59221


    We visited Bergen Belsen on one of our tours around Germany.  Not sure how we ended up there. We were staying near Celle if I recall and were out for a drive and saw the signs to Bergen and it must have rang a bell. Perhaps understandably they don't have big signs or directions to this type of place. We had previously been in Holland and at some point we had visited the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and we knew that she had died in Bergen Belsen which might have been a prompt for us. Having walked round the grounds I didn't feel I wanted to visit the Museum, the whole place was very eerie. From a British point of view, as you will know,  the camp was actually liberated by British soldiers and I an sure that must have lived with what they saw to the end of their lives.
