What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59162

    We have a Thule tow ball mounted load carrier. Have used it to carry pooches chariot fine. Bad weather we wrap the chariot in a waterproof cover. Good to hear you have both managed some time out together, it’s so difficult. We had a lovely day yesterday exploring the Howden, Derwent and Ladybower dams. By car though mainly, weather was dreadful. Spectacular overflow down the Derwent face.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59163

    Hi Ttda.

    Any chance of spec for it, dimensions and weight load? Appreciate it if you could. Piccy would be good as well.laughing

    We'll probably get out for an hour tomorrow together as there are 2 friends due for visiting you know who in afternoon. Wish my social diary was as busy as hers.laughing

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59164

    Will do WN, OH will sort out, take photos, I will email later. 👍I know they are quite flexible to use, he used to clamp a roof bike carrier to it, and carry a bike (non electric), dog chariot and some luggage when we had our short wheel base Jeep, so they will take quite a bit of weight, plus you can get boxes of course. Easier than carrying stuff on roof of Jeep, which is rather high. Easy to fold up and put in back of car as well.

    I am having fun painting a pig! A rather lovely present from my sister, a pot piggy bank. 😁

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited April 2024 #59165

     "Also had some good news a couple of days ago as her application for a Blue Badge has been accepted and should be here soon"

    Good news, it took almost 3 months for ours to arrive by which time my wife was much more mobile than when we applied, however, it is very useful especially on the occasions when we use the wheelchair.

    We carry this in the boot of the Sorento and you can always park in a good spot for easy access etc using the blue badge, but a note of warning, where we live you get free parking using a blue badge and you dont have to be in a disabled bay, these are now becoming much more difficult to find, however, we found down in the west country, Devon, you had to pay for how ever long you thought you needed but there was a discretionay 1 hour added to give you time to return possibly late without being penalised.

    Best to read the notice, it would appear there are lots of annomolies,

    gorgeous, day 2 lots of washing out and i have just cut the grass, bring it on cool


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59166

    The dreaded page 5929....

    Before the error page, some of us were talking about getting caravans professionally cleaned.  Someone suggested a company in, I think it was Nottingham or Leicester, who also do ceramic coating.  I thought I'd made a note of the company, but, for the life of me, can't find it!!  I think the post came before page 5929, but I can't get back any further than this error page (without starting at page 1 and going forward 5000 odd pages...  I can't remember who posted the info.... it might have been Rufs??

    Should anyone spot this post and could re-post the name of the company, I'd be really grateful... 🙂


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59167

    I find the Blue Badge really helpful.... even after having 2 new knees and 2 shoulders!!  I find it necessary to open the car door fully in order to get out of the car.  With the size of some of the parking spaces, and having a really large car it is quite a task.  The important thing for me is the size of the parking space rather that specifically its location 

    Renewal for me was really easy.... The last time, I did my application late one evening, on-line, and I had an email back from them before 7.30pm the next morning to say it had all gone through and that I'd get the badge within 7 days.....

    I really wonder whether it depends upon the resources of individual local authorities....???   My 92 year old mother-in-law, has been asked for Drs reports and has had to go for a physical assessment etc., before they eventually agreed to renew her badge.... her need if far greater than mine....  I think there is 'a lot of inconsistency'....


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59168

    DSB - Here's Richards post with the name of the company you are looking for. Hope it helps.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited April 2024 #59169

    DSB - David, here's a link to his website.  I think the coating can only be applied to brand new caravans.  Paul's a really nice chap - give him a ring and have a chat with him about what you need doing.  Good luck! (And if you can mention I recommended him - 'Richard from Hornsea' - that might help me in persuading him to come all the way out here again, if I need him in the future!!)

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59170

    Thanks for that Wherenext and richardandros.  Really grateful... 👍 Brilliant...


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59171

    Couple of photos from our trip out the other day. Ladybower, Derwent and Howden dams all full to the brim, hence fantastic cascade down wall of Derwent Dam. The Dambusters Museum is in the right hand tower, only open selected times.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59172

    We arrived on site early afternoon weather ok but site surprisingly not busy thought it would have been as it’s the school holidays. Dinner from the chippy tonight, not much planned tonight just a few drinks and telly in the van 

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59173

    Enjoy your trip up North. Do let us know how you're doing.... and fingers crossed that the weather gets a bit brighter

    David, we have been having rather mixed weather!! It rained and blew so much last evening that we lost all Wi-Fi signal!! Having continued for half the night before becoming calmer and it was dry in the morning. We had a couple of walks yesterday in Kissock Forest and at New Abbey before the rain came. Today we had a walk in Dalbeattie Forest before lunch, with the intention of a second one at Kippford after lunch, but wind and rain stopped that and we returned to the forest for our afternoon walk as it was well sheltered there. More heavy rain this afternoon and again in the evening. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

    Enjoy your weekend away, Francis. We will be heading up towards the Ayr coast in a few days time.

    Good to read that you have been able to get out for a bit WN, and hopefully the Blue Badge will arrive soon to enable you getting in more trips.

    Tda, grand photos from your trip around the Derbyshire reservoirs.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59174

    Now on the second site of our trip after spending 8 nights in York with DD and the boys.

    Weather was pretty poor, so much rain and very strong winds too, had to add extra pegs to the awning!

    We arrived at our York site to find a MH on the hardstanding pitch we had requested, leaving us with a HS for the van but only muddy gras  for the awning, not good when DD likes to eat in the awning for the safety of the  caravan carpet and upholstery!   Nobody around to speak to so we sited the van and waited for DD to arrive.

    Just as she did, so did the occupants of the MH so we had a word with them  to ask if we could swap as they were not using an awning.  Turned out they had not actually booked a HS, but when they arrived shortly before us and found the  full HS vacant, had understandably taken it.    As the smaller HS was wide enough to allow them to exit their MH onto the gravel, they immediately said they would swap, so that was a relief.

    They left on Monday and on Tuesday their pitch was completely flooded, both grass and HS, so just as well we had not had to use it.  Flood had subsided by Wednesday and another MH arrived on the pitch, however after a couple of hours they disappeared, and were later spotted parked up at on a short bit of tarmac off the end of the access road.  Presumably the flooded pitch had still been very wet.

    Despite the weather, we had a good stay. Visited the Railway Museum, plus Cliffords Tower and the Shambles.  Also the Aircraft Museum, Flamborough Head, the Designer Outlet, a second visit to the Aircraft Museum to see more things, and the swimming pool at  Monk's Cross.

    DD went home on Thursday, which turned out pleasantly warm and sunny, and we got all packed up dry in the afternoon.  CL here in Wales is also very wet, they have had a lot of rain.  Grass pitches are roped off, but HSs are fine.  Farmer complaining as his cows are still inside.

    Tomorrow we have a brunch invitation from our friends near Ruthin, who are excellent hosts, we never need to cook ourselves a meal when here!

    Traffic on the M62 was very heavy, first time we have used that road.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59175

    Sorry you have had a rough time weatherwise in York K, but at least there is plenty to do and see. Not been quite as bad a bit further South, but still a tad damp. Hope Wales proves a bit better (now that is weather optimism😁)

    Nellie good to hear you back out, enjoy D&G, we love it up there. Let us know if Historic Scotland have got their act together yet, and fully re opened their castles etc…. Been three years now since they shut everything. 

    Sis and I started sorting out a few of Dad’s things yesterday. There is a treasure trove of local history information, and a tale of one man’s long career in the Iron and Steel Industry. We have decided to get in touch with our local history society, and see if they might be interested in some stuff. Secretary is my old History teacher from school, so he’s a good contact to start with. Dad loved history, spent hours in the local archives. Need to get stuff sorted though, into types of info, photos, documents, books, etc…. Once you start reading, you are drawn in for hours.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59176

    Sorry to read about the weather, Nellie.  Fingers crossed it will brighten up a bit soon.   Not an area we have been to, to be honest.  We're a bit more familiar with the East/ N East bit of Scotland with the caravan.  When we go towards the west, it tends to be when we travel up to the Outer Hebrides (via the Loch Lomond road, Glencoe, Fort William, Skye).  We must add Ayrshire etc to our list of places to visit with the caravan....  continue to enjoy your break and fingers crossed for the weather....


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59177

    You are right Kj, we have had a lot of rain here in North Wales. Grass has only had 1 cut as its sodden. We might have to borrow a cow as its growing so fast. BTW - the M62 is always busy. 

    Good news day as Blue Badge arrived. Not bad service, just 2 full weeks from application to receiving badge.

    Nothing much happening. Had a stroll around village together whilst MiL did some exercises sitting down.

    Hope the weather improves for those away.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59178

    I'm booked in for the end of April, Richard.  He remembers you.... 'Richard and his lovely Knaus'.... 😀😀


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited April 2024 #59179

    Well done David.  I can guarantee you won't be disappointed!

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited April 2024 #59180

    Hottest day of the year so far 30C phew very different to last year when it was 13.4C, OH did some mowing of the field yesterday afternoon on the ride on and I did some strimming and more done this morning before it got too hot all done by 12.30 and it looks good then lunch and a short snooze.

    Out for lunch with friends tomorrow and sort out their tv and satellite dish as only got about 4 channels good job they do not watch much but now got a mother in law staying for two weeks so she will want to watch tv.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend folks.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2024 #59181

    Wherenext no we haven't got a discount card yet, our nearest Go Outdoors was a 50 mile round trip so it wasn't worth it, will have to get one if we are to use the new shop, although we do get the discount in Mountain Warehouse 😉 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2024 #59182

    Yesterday we spent the day in MK babysitting our Grand-daughter while her parent's went out with friends. I'd forgotten just how lively year old 's are, I was worn out at the end of the day. 🤣 Treated ourselves to Fish and chips on the way home.

    OH is currently experimenting in the kitchen with a new cake recipe,  hope this one works, his plum loaf was a bit dry.😒

    Sunny at the moment so will take a few bits to the caravan as we are away for a few days next week, meeting youngest son and his girlfriend, not seen them in person  since new year.

    Hope you enjoy your trips, Nellie, Francis and KJ 

    Hope everyone has a bit of sunshine 🌞 and has a good day.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59183

    Nice here H&T, I can almost see and hear the garden sighing with dry relief and bursting into bloom. At home day for me today as still schools not back until next week, so it will be a busy Sunday out. Trip to tip, call in at cousin’s animal charity shop with some old clothes etc.., then we are going to look at an old nursery I have used down the years, that is under new owners. It was very run down on my last visit a year ago, but hopefully has had a new breath of fresh air. It’s in a lovely old walled garden. 

    Piggy painting continues, rather good fun. I haven’t done any painting artwork in years, and well out of practice, but it’s not looking too bad. Hats well and truly off to those who wield a brush, etc…. On a regular basis. My hands don’t seem steady enough, and if the hound thunders into the room,and sets the floor shaking, along with OH the air gets a tad blue🤣

    We are holidaying around Europe by default. Watching lots of cycle races via Discovery Eurosport, great racing, but the routes and scenery are so interesting. Belgium, Holland, different areas of France and Spain and Italy. Tour of Jura last night. Think it’s back to Holland today. We end up googling and finding out lots of the places of interest they snake through, filing away for future reference. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59184

    Helen - You don't need to "get" a card for `G.O. Just ask for one at the till if you decide to buy anything, pay £5 for the year. We've lost ours but they locate it via postcode etc if need be. Enjoy your trip.

    We once had a holiday in the Jura with the caravan Ttda. Lovely mountainous area bordering Switzerland. They have their own wine, vin jaune (yellow wine). Good luck with your painting. OH still not settled into anything big, project wise. She got into a rhythm of doing small still lifes, mainly for practice with tones and seeing what some new to her paints could (or couldn't) achieve. Currently doing a small one of a view from Castlerigg looking down to St.Johns Vale, mainly for the shadows on the rocks and hills. She seems happy enough now as MiL not as time consuming.

    The ladies went for a stroll up the close whilst I sorted a border out in the front garden. Saw an ambulance in the close. A dear friend and neighbour found unconscious following an overnight Stroke. One never knows.

    Sun still shining at the moment. Having a coffee break before venturing into the wilderness that is our back garden. Wish me luck.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59185

    We are home after a nice weekend at Ayr Craigie Gardens we didn’t do much but after a stressful week it was nice to get away and relax. Easy half hour tow  home today. First car show of the season next weekend so when we got back I went and got my classic Merc out and took it a blast along the coast first time it’s been out this year all well so will get it cleaned etc ready for the show next weekend looking forward to it.

    DSB - We live in Ayrshire and it would make a great place for a holiday there is so much to do we stay on the coast but are only 40 mins from Glasgow city centre and there are many nice places to visit in the area. If you do come this way I’d recommend Ayr Craigie it is a good site maybe in need of upgrading but it’s perfectly reasonable and very easy to get to and only a short walk from the town and easy access to Glasgow etc.

    Nellie - I know you are due in our area soon when driving home today I noticed the lay by I was talking about that is set back from the road is now open again so if the petrol station at Kilmarnock isn’t an option then this lay by may be 

    We are due off On a10 day break in a couple of weeks we couldn’t decide where to go but now settled on County Durham so booked a site there this morning looking forward to it as it’s an area we have been to but not really stayed too long.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59186

    David, there is an awful to go see in D&G, as tda will testify. Should you choose to go both they and ourselves can point out both places to stop and ones worth visiting. The weather has been a little better over the last couple of days, but we still are having periods of rain and wind. Thankfully it was dry for packing up and moving on to our next site. It was good to get the caravan front cover off and put away dry for a change. We managed dry walks until after dinner this evening and hopefully the last one will be dry too.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59187

    Nellie - I know you are due in our area soon when driving home today I noticed the lay by I was talking about that is set back from the road is now open again so if the petrol station at Kilmarnock isn’t an option then this lay by may be 

    Francis, we won't be heading down to Troon from Linlithgow until early in June but hope to use that layby then, thanks. However we will be up at Maybole from the middle of the week before heading up to Balmaha. My intention is to use the A78/A737 to get to the Erskine Bridge, so avoiding the motorways, and wonder if that is a sensible route?

    Glad that you enjoyed your stay at Craigie Gardens, and that your future trip goes well too, don't forget to visit Tommy at Seaham

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59188

    Thanks Nellie and Francis.  We've booked all our long trips for this year (....it would have to be a long trip because of the distance - couldn't fit it in to one of our many 3-4 day jaunts)... but perhaps we'll go in 2025.  I'll add Craigie Gardens to my 'wish list). 


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59189

    Hi Nellie that is a good road to take we actually live about half a mile from the A78  so use it most days but it’s a good road A737 is ok not dual carriageway but not a bad road to take and a good route if going from Maybole as if you were to take the M77 it would take you out quite a distance from the  Erskine Bridge. Not sure where you are staying in Maybole but we use the Ranch AS site on a regular basis as it’s not far from home nice site with good views and the owners are lovely people also have a swimming pool on site. Enjoy your time here 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59190

    My birthday treat from Mrs M this year was a trip to Krakow, a city I've wanted to visit for some time. And that's where I am right now! They have had a heatwave for the past couple of weeks but, typically, today I arrived to overcast skies and a cool wind!

    Still, it's great to be here and my hotel is just a couple of minute's walk from the historic city Square which has remained relatively undamaged throughout two world wars and the worst of the communist era.

    Had a quick walk around this afternoon to get the lie of the land and tomorrow I've signed up for two (free!) walking tours so will have a more detailed idea about the history of the place then.

    Just had a delicious Polish meal of borscht (beetroot soup) followed by perogi (filled dumplings) and disappointed to say that left me no room for a pudding!

    Some initial pictures around the main city square.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59191

    Thanks, Francis. We are stopping in a CL, Auchenwynd, which we have not used before. We have stopped at the C&CC Site at Culzean in the past but I like to try a few different sites when the opportunity arrives.

    It has been a poor day weather wise after a very wet night. We did manage a few walks just locally without getting too wet, but the forecast is better for tomorrow.