What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited February 2024 #58562

    Kj, The same thing happened with Margaret's with the hand surgeon to check his handiwork! The new date meant we had to change our early site booking and move it back. Despite being within the 21 days there was no penalty, no doubt because the website was down at the time, although the site fee has gone up by about £4 for the booking as I think we spill over into the weekend rates. 

    She went back to the hand clinic on Monday, three weeks after the Op. They seem quite happy and no need for dressings. I think Margaret has mixed feelings about that as she is concerned that she could damage the wound. I don't know what they use to mark the operation site but its the devils own job to get it off!



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited February 2024 #58563

    After 8 weeks in hospital my brother finally left and has been transferred to a nursing home in Norwich.  It’s now going to be a 50 mile return journey to visit him. Still it is what it is.

    Checked the caravan today, first time since before Xmas.  All appears to be in order despite the lack of regular maintenance.  Doesn’t look as if we will get away any time soon

    Been really windy here for the last week, temperatures have been quite warmish up to 14C so no need to run the heating for much of the day

    Hope all those suffering are making progress 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58564

    Good news for your brother. Take care on the journeys. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58565

    Glad to read about your brother getting out of hospital OnePutt. 

    We had a meeting with all concerned today at the hospital. Looks like another 3 weeks at the least for MiL. They seem to have stabilised some things so we hope the next weeks will be doing rehab and physio work.

    Doesn't look like we'll be using the caravan anytime soon either, although we are getting out in the mornings when we can.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited February 2024 #58566

    Some years ago OH decided to buy an electric piano with the intention of learning. It has sat, mostly unused, since then. Although one of our granddaughters does play it when she comes. I would like lessons but difficult to find a teacher as they want regular students and we are not always here. Well recently I thought that if all these youngsters can learn skills from the internet then maybe so can I. I learnt touch typing at school and am still very fast so maybe my fingers are used to that sort of rhythm but its not going bad - for an oldie. Although much more difficult for scales etc with my left hand, and I’m not very musical. But they say that learning a new skill is good for our brain. So each day I’ve been practicing for an hour or so. However, for the first few days OH did shut the door of the dining room while I repeatedly played my concerto of Twinkle Twinkle little Star! 😄 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited February 2024 #58567


    I was always a little suspicious that Bert Weedon could teach you to play a guitar in a Day!!! As they say, practise makes perfect and I am sure it will give great satisfaction the more you learn. 



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58570

    Lovely photo Heddlo. We like Burton Agnes as well but never been at this time of year. Will file it away for future years (I can hear OH laughing about my filing system or lack of it).

    Had to join rush hour this morning to get OHs car in for service on edge of Chester. We then arrived at Burton RSPB at opening time, 9am, and had a lovely morning strolling around, just generally relaxing.

    Stopped off on way to garage at hospital and then picked car up, so late afternoon when we got home. Snow due tomorrow so we may well be lazy and have a lie-in.

    Lovely to hear of your birthday celebration Millie, congrats.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited February 2024 #58571

    Thoughts are with you OP, and WN, hoping your loved ones get some stability, it’s tiring doing hospital visits. Happy birthdays to those celebrating. Good to learn new skills Debsc, and the internet is wonderful indeed for this. OH had to resort to YouTube for replacing alternator in our Jeep, but it came up trumps and he had it sorted in no time. 

    Plans for our couple of nights out in MH are tentative. She’s already to roll, cleaned, restocked, etc….. but we have a severe weather warning for snow and ice to arrive tomorrow, and if we don’t get that it will be torrential rain. So it might just be a day out again, but we might get to play in the snow with the Jeep! 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited February 2024 #58572

    Sorry to hear that Lady has been unwell, Moulesy, and pleased to read that she seems to have got over it. Belated happy birthday wishes.

    Good to hear that your brother is no longer in hospital, OP. I hope he continues to improve. 

    More belated birthday greetings to millie. It sounds as if you and the family had a great day.

    Fingers crossed that your MIL is able to come home after the projected 3 weeks, WN. It looks as if the service on your OH's car went ok.

    Hold that the weather isn't as bad as forecast, tda, and that you are able to get away as planned.

    We are out in our caravan, on another new to us CS, in mid Lancashire, following a late start, after having to wait while a new fridge was fitted at home. Booked another new for us CL tonight, very straight forward. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited February 2024 #58573

    Moulesy, I forgot to ask after Lady. Hope she is doing ok, our old lad struggles a bit nowadays, very up and down, but we don’t let him do too much. He was 14 in January. There’s still a mad, daft chocolate pup in there, but his arthritis stops him walking far, he can still just see, and we suspect his hearing is dodgy as well, or it’s very selective🤣 Today’s mad session was to suddenly pounce on a carefully wrapped birthday present for my SIL, which I had foolishly left in his reach. Cue a tug of war and a re wrapping session. He retired to his basket with a nice piece of wrap! 1-0 to the hound🤣

    CS and CL sound interesting Nellie. Anything in Lancs would be new to us. I have booked two nights at Burrs CP site for our East Lancs Railway afternoon tea in June. Easiest thing to do at the moment. We can walk into Bury to get on, then hopefully get off at BCP station on return leg, if not it’s only a mile back to site. Two nights, all we can manage😕

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited February 2024 #58574

    Love Burton Agnes, so much to see and all very interesting. Walled Garden is fabulous. We like to visit from Rectory Farm CL at Barmston. Not sure if it still happens, but they used to have a fantastic Plant Fair, and a good Classic Car Show. Do you know about the haunting legend, and the skull?

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited February 2024 #58575

    7:30 this morning. 12 cows (TB reactors) left the farm.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited February 2024 #58576

    Oh Goldie that is so sad.  We do feel for you all and can only hope things improve.  

    TTDA - Haven’t heard of the car show or a plant fair recently at Burton Agnes although they do sell a good small selection of plants, mostly snowdrops and miniature irises yesterday.  We do know about the Anne Griffiths ghost story.  Think the skull is in a secret location these days, well, if I lived there I wouldn’t want to try to move it!!!! 

    Thinking of those of you with poorly family members.  I remember all that with my late Mum, sadly towards the end she didn’t understand what was going on and it’s very hard to see.  

    Hope the forecasted snow doesn’t cause anyone too much trouble.  At present we just have light rain but maybe that will change, we just hope not!  


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58577

    Really sad to read this Goldie.  😢😢😢😢


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58578

    It's a real pity you can't find someone close to you that can help.  An important part of it, is having someone looking/listening to what you are doing and advising accordingly... they can also offer encouragement when needed.  It's really difficult to go it alone....  do keep looking and stick at it...


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,862
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    edited February 2024 #58579

    I am so sorry to hear your news Goldie.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58580

    Dreadful and dreaded news Goldie. I hope this will be an end to it but obviously the whole yard must still be under a cloud. Best wishes.

    Snowing quite hard here at the moment. As long as we can get off the estate we should be fine for hospital visit this afternoon as we are near the A55 and local hospital not far off main drag.

    No lie-in this morning as a neighbour who is having a refit and has no plumbing (house not herselfsurprisedsmile) took us up on offer of using our washing machine.

    Glad to see you made it away yesterday Nellie. You're both mad!wink

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited February 2024 #58581

    Sorry about your news Goldie.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58582

    Sad news Goldie. 😢  But fingers crossed for the next test. 

    I had a lovely birthday milliehull thank you. Not as many for dinner as you 🤣 but delighted you had a good weekend with the whole family together.

    Belated birthday wishes to moulsey. Very lovely gift from your wife. Sorry about Lady's episode, but good to read she's recovered.

    Beautiful snowdrops heddlo. We have a good show, they along with daffodils, where split and moved last year. Both seem to be doing well. Not a day to admire them today. Wet cold and grey but mercifully no sleet or snow.

    Been a day of tasks after a very wet dog walk, collecting dog wormer/flea treatment from the vets. Filled the car with fuel ⛽️,  collected a Holland and Barrett order, they don't stock the Milled seeds I like, they can't order them as stock 🤐 so I have to order online and collect or have a large supply if delivered for free!  Visit to the physio, things are improving. Changed a birthday present and a food shop in M&S. Indoors and chilling, before doing the dog walk. We have grand dog this week too!

    Laugh of the birthday, was my card from a very good friend, personalised for me, with a number ending in a zero. Which I will return and hope I'm still here to receive it in 2 years when I reach that age 🤣🤣🤣. Her birthday next month and we meet beforehand. She'll be that age plus 1, so thinking cap on to return the compliment 🤔. 

    Hope those recovering are getting on well, and those waiting don't have long to wait. 

    I'm sorry if I've missed folk, but it's impossible to check previous pages whilst typing a post. I know I've tried before!

    Rest time over, don't tell anyone but I'm not sure it's raining.......

    EDIT - oh what a fool. Very heavy mizzle and misty. Well here goes....

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited February 2024 #58583

    Glad to see you made it away yesterday Nellie. You're both mad!

    We would have been really mad had we not made it here yesterday and had waited to come today, WM. Hope the snow wasn't bad enough to prevent your hospital visit.

    Tda, will give you an update on the sites once we see what the next one is like. Your Burrs trip sounds like a good one.

    So sorry to hear your news, Goldie, and fingers crossed that you will be clear on the next test.We

    We have had a mixture of snow, sleet and rain on a strong breeze today, but thankfully it doesn't look like it is sticking. Not done a lot apart for walks with Flyte from the van.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited February 2024 #58584

    Thanks Nellie. Yes, trip on East Lancs railway, something we haven’t done before. It’s a Christmas present. Easier just to book Club Site than search for a CL this time, and have to use a car park in Bury. 

    We got snow yesterday, plenty of it as well, white over by late lunch. 

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited February 2024 #58585

    Sometimes life is not good. I've mentioned our TB outbeak. The ramifications will trundle on until we have a clear herd test. When? Who knows. On Tuesday we're having a meeting with our vet, a ministry vet, someone from the NFU who has been incredibley helpful and the whole family - to discuss the next steps, based on protocol and what is best for us (not always the same thing).

    Yesterday we went to a funeral. In 1969 I started at a Teacher Training College. It was the start of a lifelong friendship of a group of girls that has never faltered. Twelve of us keep in touch and meet up with partners as often as we can. But now we are eleven. A bittersweet day as we looked back with many "do you remember when?" moments.

    But this clip shows how new life comes from the old. We've been part of a project with The Gaia Foundation and The Open Eye Gallery. Yesterday was the launch - watch the link below to see/hear poet Testament and "The Lig". 

    The Lig

    Look ahead while remembering the past.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited February 2024 #58586

    Too late to edit - 1967 not 1969. But what's a difference of a year in a life time?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited February 2024 #58587


    Can't imagine what you are going through with your herd, it sounds absolutely tragic. Likewise with the death of your friend. Is it age or the time of year but we seem to be sending more condolences cards recently. We have to travel down to Southampton soon for the funeral of my Cousin. There are chinks of light out there as well as my Nephew's son and his wife have just had a baby boy, Luca so some joy amongst the darkness?


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2024 #58588

    We arrived back home from Lanzarote last night. We've not been so early in the year before so was a little anxious about how the weather would be. It was brilliant, as good as we've had in March or maybe even better. No rain at all over the 3 weeks, gentle breeze not windy and beautiful blue skies every day. Temps around 24c by midday. The pools are heated to 26c which at first seems cool but once in it was nice. 

    We took advantage of the aqua aerobics classes 3 mornings and the stretching classes also 3 mornings a week. Not joined in before but we found them fun and rediscovered some underused muscles.

    Arrived back to a snow shower in Edinburgh but it didn't last and we have our usual grey, wet and windy weather 😔 OH for the blue skies and warm sun.

    Time to start planning our spring trip to europe, first we must decide which crossing to take. We know where we would like to go just hope this year we make it without the rain and landslide of last year.

    Haven't caught up with all the posts but I noticed the site is no better, still takes ages to load.


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited February 2024 #58589

    Have been catching up with things, so sorry to hear your news Goldie,  really hope things improve soon. 

    Belated Happy Birthday to Millie and Bakers2, hope you both had lovely days. 🎂 

    Fairly busy week, had a dental check up,  and an enjoyable evening out with friends. The contractors have finally finished digging up our pavements and moved on to the next street down, not quite as much noise 🤔

    Had both caravan and home Insurance Renewals this week, caravan insurance increase not too bad, but home insurance not so good will have to do some shopping around this weekend.

    Sounds like a good holiday Tammygirl.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58590

    TG holiday sounds good. As you've been out of the loop Im not sure if you know of the cyber attack on the Clubs website. It was down for nearly a week. It has been recommended that members change their passwords. There are various threads around about it for light reading if you can't get to sleep.

    Had a full day off from visiting hospital today as 2 of MiLs friends like to visit on Friday for a natter and keep her up to date with current gossip. Nevertheless we still found ourselves in the large M&S store looking for nightwear for her. Only the second day OH has had since beginning of January and she needed it.

    I'm trying to sort our car insurance Helen. The combined percentage increase over both cars amounts to 72%surprised Don't think we'll be renewing somehow.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited February 2024 #58591

    Goldie sorry to hear about TB problems, hope it doesn’t drag on too long.

    Brother manage 3 days in the nursing home and now back to hospital. Met with his assessment team this morning and discussed the plan to move him to Hampshire but that may be ‘knocked on the head’ for a while