What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58472

    Yes, I have tinnitus as well. I was told that there is no cure and I have learnt to live with it. It is worse some days than others.  I was told when I went for a hearing test last year that it is pretty typical amongst 'older' people. undecided

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited January 2024 #58473

    Fanstatic morning -5degs out walking so just had to put some calories in my body at the beach cafe, but despite the low temperatures people out swimming in the Solent, thought i was being brave walking in shorts coolreally dont mind the cold just so long as the sun is shining.

    Tinnitus seems to be quite common, i have had it for donkies years, overtime you just learn to live with it, but i understand some folk do suffer quite badley


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58474

    We enjoyed Incleborough, good with a dog. Only stayed once, but we did have a cottage in the village for a couple of weeks in 2020. Village is nice, good camping shop, nice to walk around. Shire Horse Sanctuary is close by, Felbrigg just up Sandy Lane hill, station on approach road to Site goes to Norwich. Muckleburgh Collection Museum is five minutes away. We prefer to be more central along North Norfolk Coast road, so it worked better for us than Cromer Site. Nowadays, our first choice is a CS site near Binham Priory, but in the past we used Fakenham Racecourse Site (used to be Club) as it’s a good location for visiting lots of different parts of Norfolk.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58475

    To all who are visiting relatives in hospital I hope they soon make a good recovery.

    Our caravan Park has opened the gate for just one week for people to view their vans after the high floods, no staying over but just to assess any damage. As we are so far away, our kind friends have been to check ours, sending photos and FaceTiming us while there. Our lovely white decking, which is just over 4ft high, is covered in mud and silt, which shows how high the water rose, and the shed contents are the same, so a lot of cleaning in spring. However, it appears no damage, we are so lucky, some others not so much. It seems our floats worked as they should. TV still on its shelf in the bedroom and our books, which are precarious on their shelf at the best of times, haven’t even moved. Grateful to our friends for checking, feel relieved. I feel so sorry for people who’s actual homes got flooded.

    A few items that are not ours, small tables etc laying on our lawn. Someone’s plastic chest with cushions in was found half a mile away in a car park, shows how strong the river was running. After October we pick up everything and lock it in our shed or on our decking, to stop it floating away, or worse getting trapped under someone’s floats and tipping their van, just wish others would think and do the same, they are told to by the Park each year, some never learn. 




  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58476

    No, it seems there is  nothing much that can be done.


    The surgery rang me today regarding another matter, and  to make an appointment, so I asked if the doc could check out my ears too, at the same time.
    Instead they asked if I could come in today for that, so I have just been there.   Ears are not full of wax, so the doc, a trainee GP, is going to discuss it with the boss and get back to me, but she reckoned there was not any treatment.

    I think my mum may have suffered with it too as she kept telling us she could hear music in her head.  Mine is not music, just a sort of hissing.

    It is starting to interfere with my hearing, I am having problems sometimes with distinguishing between letters such as B and P and D, F and S, M and N, when OH is spelling something for me.   Spelling using the English version of the alphabet is something I have always struggled with in the first place, so this does not help!

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58477

    Yes mine is a hissing noise as well and very occasionally a ringing. Luckily I dont have music, I dont think I could cope with that!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58478

    OH suffers at times with his hearing. Currently awaiting to hear about aid options.

    Has anyone else had a letter from The Coop about them ending the divi scheme? Lots grumbling about it in our local Co op this morning.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,540
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    edited January 2024 #58479

    Yes, been a member of the Co-op man and boy. They are adopting a member price reduction scheme similar to Sainsbury’s. With so many now struggling to make weekly budgets I can see the advantage of this immediate money off at the till approach rather than the accrued dividends. I think it will appeal to more folk, possible the more needy having said that our Co-op is a bit on the expensive side presently and needs to become more competitive price wise, quality of products is high in my opinion mind.. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2024 #58480

    Has anyone else had a letter from The Coop about them ending the divi scheme? Lots grumbling about it in our local Co op this morning.

    We've never got over losing Green Shield Stamps.🤣

    Anyway we had some good news. MiL has been moved to the local community hospital that has a dedicated rehab team there. Saw her today and she seemed settled already. She'll benefit from being in a single room with her own bathroom as well, probably until they're satisfied she's progressing. The other ward at Wrexham was manic, no place for recuperation.

    OH bought her belated birthday present from MiL as she was told off the other day for not getting a coat. So we had a morning coat shopping, which we both hate.

    Had to shake snow off the car before setting off. Getting out of the village was careful but main roads were fine. There's a woman and her 4 y.o.son here from Sri Lanka. Neither had ever seen snow before. The boy was besotted. Sometimes the innocence of the young gives you a huge smile.☃️😃

    Hope one and all well.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited January 2024 #58481

    Sorry to hear of folks suffering with tinnitus. Fingers crossed here 🤞

    Another bright and cold day. Not such a strong northerly wind today so pleasant. Glorious sun streaming into the lounge. Dried bedding outside yesterday, smelt wonderful and managed to dry towels today. They did freeze hard on the line. Good hard underfoot, at long last, walk across fields with unexpected company this morning. Always nice to bump into a fellow dog owner friend walking at the same time.

    Yesterday got silly hectic despite it all being planned. Car collected for service and MOT - all good 👍.  Chimney repair, mortar around the cowl - storm Beta showed it had weakness back in October. Walking back from street lead walk I glanced up as I walked behind our house to see chimney being worked on. So indoors and all sorted. Good clean up of cupboard where chimney came into, was old floor standing boiler went into the chimney. Plenty of stuff fell down the flue and all sooty water washed from where it had come in. Lunch, return of car, dog walk and prescription collection. Who said retired is sitting around?

    Today has been kind of similar, but unplanned....

    Had started on this and suddenly a lovely surprise video call with daughter. Remembered to copy what I'd already typed in case it was lost, still not sure 😉 as it appeared I'd not been logged out. Summer has finally arrived for them, high 20's and not lowering overnight so 2 sleepy girls, still awake at half past midnight, came through. Can't believe they are too hot!

    Good to know your caravan ok DEBSC.

    Best wishes to all those poorly or with loved ones who are. Thinking of you all.

    Closing now as it's Winter Watch 😀 from one of my very favourite areas.

    I had been logged out, but it wasn't obvious! So now able to add heard nothing from the Coop, but there are member prices in store.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited January 2024 #58482

    Woke to a light covering of snow this morning, and it continued to snow while out with Flyte first thing. It then changed to sleet and finally rain which continued through threat till early evening. 

    I have been suffering from a very sensitive tooth for a while which developed into full blown toothache last night in bed. I managed to get some sleep after taking a couple of paracetamol. Phoned up our dentist at 9:00 and had an appointment for 3:00 this afternoon. I could have had one in the morning but had my visit to the Audiologist at the hospital. Hearing test carried out and now await a coupled more appointments, one with the consultant and a second with someone who will assist in my dealing with the tinnitus and discuss whether or not I will require hearing aids. Saw the dentist as arranged and by 3:30 ideas back in the car on the way home minus a tooth!! Fingers crossed I get a good night's sleep tonight.

    Good to read that you caravan is ok Debs, and that your MIL is is a better location to aid her recovery WN.

    Hope all others with tinnitus do not suffer too much from having it.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58483

    Good news on your MIL WN, so pleased she is progressing, and hopefully easier for you as well to visit. 

    I don’t hesitate nowadays with niggly teeth Nellie. One chance and then it’s “get it out” Luckily the few I have lost have all been at the back. Toothache is awful. I am a two minutes, twice a day, rinse and floss fanatic, do my best to self help.

    Hope others with health issues are doing ok, getting sorted, and glad things not too bad with your caravan Debsc👍

    somewhat surprised we didn’t get snow today. A few flakes, that was all. Very cold here. Pooch had his monthly vet trip, he’s fine. Rest of this month is just routine appointments, but we shall try and fit in a nice day out somewhere. OH has been working on MG, took it for a spin, changed oil, bit of tinkering. I am still crafting, nearly finished a bridal head band for a niece, quite a difficult project, very involved, but hopefully it will be what she wants. In between I am making tweed and felt corsages, some with feather trims. Great for trimming bags, hats, coats, gave two away to my chief testers, SILs, they loved them.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited January 2024 #58484

    We had a letter yesterday about the one we use locally. I don't suppose our dividends ever amount to much anyway as we tend only to use the Co-Op for what we have missed elsewhere. Although having said that we tend to use more of them when we are away in the van. As an aside to that we had an energy account with the Co-Op (different region) which was transferred to Octopus but still  retains the Co-Op dividend which is added to our energy account credit balance. Sounds grand but it amounts to less than a fiver a year!

    Nellie, hopefully the missing tooth will heal quickly and any discomfort will subside quickly. The irony of course is the for most having a tooth out is a big thing but its probably one of the cheapest dental treatments you can have!

    Went to the Morrisons in CMK today as they have a car wash in the under shop car park. I don't mind doing it myself when its warmer but its just too cold at the minute to get out there with a bucket of water! Strange thing was as we were travelling there I notice the TPMS warning light was on, I had low pressure in two tyres, probably not so unusual in cold conditions. Added air to all tyres but warning still on so hopefully it will clear overnight?



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited January 2024 #58485

    Funny you should say that about the TPMS, David. Our Hyundai warning came on yesterday and stayed lit despite checking and adjusting pressures. According to the garage, although being set to 32, the warning will activate if pressure drops below 35. Inflated all the tyres to 35 and the warning went out. Crazy😵‍💫

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited January 2024 #58486


    On the Kia Forum somebody suggested inflating to just above the recommend pressures in order to resolve the problem. I will check again today and perhaps add a little more pressure to see what happens. Some Kia Niro's have a reset button but on my model everything seems to be electronic so not the option for a manual override. I suspect the problem is also  to do with only rarely getting the tyres up to temperature as I do a lot of short runs in the car.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2024 #58487

    Lovely bright sunny day here. We had a bit of snow yesterday late afternoon but not a lot. Very cold overnight and set to be even colder tonight - 8c is forecast. We will have to be leaving here about 05.15 to drive to Edinburgh airport given the conditions. Just hope we make it and the plane goes. I've spent too much time at airports in Scotland waiting for planes to be de iced.

    My sister suffers from tinnitus and I think I have the very start of it, only occasionally thankfully. 

    Good to hear the caravan is OK Debsc.

    WN, nice that MIL is in a better place. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58488

    WN so pleased to hear that your MIL has been moved to a calmer hospital with a dedicated team to help her. I hope she now makes good progress. Good to hear that Mrs WN got her new coat.

    Glad to hear that your caravan is OK DEBSC but it sounds as though you will have a lo of cleaning and clearing up to do when you can get proper access.

    Best of luck with you journey to Lanzarote TG. I hope you have a lovely time.

    Back to the Cathedral yesterday after 2 months off (OH in hospital and then recovering and me with shingles). I have decided on a different volunteering role. Having been a Welcomer for nearly 7 years I decided that I had had enough of standing for 3 hours by the cold front door so I am now volunteering in the lovely new shop. I think I got the hang of the till yesterday wink. It is nice to have a change of scene but still keep in touch with the other volunteers and staff that I have always worked with.

    Not so sunny today but still freezing cold.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58489

    We have been looking for a new fire and surround for the living room. Only managed to find one shop selling them, and that was a journey, none in stock that we liked. Looked online but I find it very difficult to see exactly what they are like, one we liked online was in the store but when we actually saw it it was not as we thought. We didn’t want to order one online and then not like it and have to live with it. So a bit stuck. I’m not keen on all this online shopping, I like to really see what I am getting. The reason we wanted to change it is because the surround was dark wood and doesn’t fit in with the living room anymore. I wanted to try and paint it but worried I’d spoil it. OH said that if we were going to take it out anyway why not have a go. 5 tester pots later and I found the perfect cream colour, it now looks lovely, like stone and completely transformed. I sent WhatsApp photos to Son and daughter and daughter replied that she loved our new fireplace, she really thought it was new. Just about to put the final coat on. 

    Middle granddaughter staying once a week, she is having driving lessons and difficult getting a driving instructor to collect her from Woolacombe so now she’s picked up from here. Nice to have her company and she seems to be doing well, even with the parallel parking.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58490

    Very sunny here but bitterly cold, was -6 at 9am.

    OH had a wasted trip to theGuide Hall to meet up with one of the leaders and Open-reach, who were coming to install broadband.     Nobody told them, and they did not ask, that there is no phone line there.  There used to be one,  but  it was taken out  at least 20 years ago.   You would have thought BT should have known that!

    OH had assumed that this was to be a new connection dug to a box nearby, but apparently there isn't one.   And the telegraph poles have been moved since back then, so now a cable to the building would hang too low over the road to be safe.  No idea what can be done, we were not involved in arranging any of this.   Sounds expensive to sort, so may be ruled out.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58491

    Oops, best laid plans K😕 Hope it all gets sorted. Well done on the fireplace renovation as well Debsc, that’s the sort of approach we often have.

    I seem to be smitten at the moment, thankfully not COVID, just some sort of horrible cold like virus. Will have to mask up to look after Mum, and keep my distance as much as I can. Still doing most things ok, just wheezing a bit at times. 

    Enjoy the shop Millie, I recall it being very nice, can’t quite recall what I bought from there last time we were in. It might have been a misericord wall plaque as I collect these.🤔

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited January 2024 #58492

    The strange thing with ours is that recommendations are 32 with 2 people on board but 40 with 4 people. The TPMS isn’t manually adjustable so how does it know which is appropriate? It’s my guess that it’s actually set somewhere in between, hence the 35. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58493

    OH now looking into mobile broadband, Vodaphone seem to have a good signal in the area, and no need for any digging or cables.

    We ourselves have 3 home broadband, but the 3 signal is not great where the guide hall is.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58494

    Not sure how expensive it is K, but we use a cottage in Borders where wifi connection options have been very limited. Last time we visited, they had opted for some kind of satellite system (haven’t a clue how it works). This had improved things hugely in terms of wifi, but we still had to climb half a mile up a hill for a decent reliable phone signal. Wouldn’t have been a problem normally, but OH needed to talk to a consultant as a matter of some urgency, and had to go out and wait for an incoming call. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited January 2024 #58495

    I have successfully got the warning light to go out! Whilst Margaret was at the hairdressers this morning I took the car for a run at high speeds over about 10 miles. It seemed to partially work with only the nearside rear still showing less that perfect pressure. Got my little machine out and added more air all the way round, another run and all seems to be well. Just have to wait until tomorrow to see if the cold temperatures overnight cause the same problem. I use a mains inflator and I did notice that once it stops and you wait a while that the pressures take a moment to settle and I may have been removing the pump too soon? Also realised that the digital pressure gauge I have seems to be misreading so will have to buy another.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited January 2024 #58496

    Hopefully, that's cracked it, David. Ours is still OK today.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited January 2024 #58497

    A very cold day but a lovely walk around Wallington Hall (NT) the house is closed but the grounds are open and the tea room of course.

    I am amazed at this camera's low light and low noise capabilities, these were taken at ISO 5000!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58498

    Wallington is one of our favourite NT places Corners, the Walled Garden there is always really nice. Great quacker photos. I always think ducks and rabbits are two of nature’s most pleasing shapes. Lovely colours as well.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2024 #58499

    Hope you're feeling OK after the extraction Nellie. Strangely, OH had a front tooth filling fall out late on today so will be ringing dentist first thing tomorrow. Fortunately if we do get an appointment we won't have to worry about someone seeing MiL as 2 of her friends are visiting her.

    Very icy this morning so we settled for a local stroll. Have an easy, relaxing morning we said. Called in to see an elderly lady nearby to thank her on behalf of MiL for her card. Her car was frost bound and she needed to get to town urgently for her prescription. (why do some people leave everything to the last moment?) So we volunteered to pick them up from town.

     Visiting this afternoon, ringing around with updates this evening. I've had to reward myself with a beer. Mrs.WN insisted she needed 2 gins to quell the pain.sealed

    Nice photos CS. Wallington one of our faves as well.



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited January 2024 #58500

    WN, my jaw is feeling a bit sore at the moment, but ibuprofen help, and I did manage a reasonable night's sleep last night. Hope your OH gets an early appointment. You both deserve that drink tonight!!😃

    Tda, I too brush my teeth twice a day but they have had a fair bit of hammer through the years especially when playing rugby before him shields became the done thing to wear. Having a sweet tooth too hasn't helped!!

    Fingers crossed that you made it ok to the airport, TG. Enjoy your stay at Lanzerote.

    Like the photos of the Mallards, CS. We too enjoy visiting Wellington Hall.

    After yesterday's rain and then the forecasted freeze over night I expected to find the pavements iced up  this morning, but that was not the case. There must have been a drying wind after 10:00pm because although the ground was frozen the pavements weren't at all slippery. We have had a lovely sunny day with very little wind and it felt much warmer than yesterday although I doubt that the temperature rose much above 0C.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58501

    It’s Devon and snow has settled here and not just on the moors. Very surprised when I pulled back the curtains. Most unusual for us.