What are you all up to



  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited February 2024 #58532

    The last bit is so important JK.  I have an elderly friend who although reasonably tech savvy for her age  (84!), insists on keeping her passwords in a booklet marked "Passwords" on her desk beside her computer and she still gets them wrong! I've given up trying to persuade her to use Dashlane.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,522
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    edited February 2024 #58533

    I use F Secure products. does much the same as Dashlane. It was recommended by Which Magazine a few years ago. F Secure ID synchs with all the devices we have. Before I changed I used to use RoboForm, a free application. I scrapped that because they discontinued the "Go" version which you could keep on a USB stick and carry around to use on any device which accepted USB sticks and there was no need to maintain any synchronisation.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited February 2024 #58534

    Richard said:-

    I'm currently in Cumbria after yet another trip to the dealers at Tebay to get my heating fixed.  The heating elements have burnt out yet again - two years to the day since they were last changed.  The Truma Combi is a good system when it's working but it seems that the life expectancy of the heater elements is no more than two years use. Not good.

    Dealers were brilliant - arrived there at 1045 - started straightaway and I was back on the road to the caravan park for an overnight stay by 1330.  It's a major job, involving removing the boiler completely and stripping it down, so they did well. Not so much the bill though - what was about £350 two years ago becomes over £700, this time.  A sign of the times 

    Someone I know (he posts here occasionally) had the same problem with the Truma in his motorhome. He took his to the Truma facility in Derby. I understand the whole heating cassette is changed rather than just the elements? He was charged a bit less than you but still expensive.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited February 2024 #58535

    Correct David. The Chief Tech at ALV showed me the parts he had changed.  It was a massive lump of aluminium engineering - looked more like the whole boiler without the casing - and the elements were only a small part of it.  The gas burner was also changed for a new design and various other bits have been re-designed so let's hope those changes make it a bit more durable.  Although I was a bit shocked at the cost (putting it mildly!), I can now see why the repair was so expensive.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited February 2024 #58536

    Had a drive across the new bridge this morning, for us it’s very convenient.  In the summer we will be able to walk over the bridge to Yarmouths South Beach

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,069
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    edited February 2024 #58537

    Nice to be back on here and catch up with everyone’s news

    We are away in the van first trip away of the year just local but great to be away again site not too busy we arrived just after 2 and weather has been ok. Not doing a lot tonight just having a few drinks in the van.

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58538

    Have a good time away, Francis. 

    We went down to Ludlow for three nights last week.... stayed at the AS site, owned by Morris Leisure.  We took opportunity of their 3 nights for the price of 2 offer.  A couple of weeks before we went to the club site at Castleton, when we used our 'free night' offer from the CAMC.  Just trying to work out if there are any more free nights going...   🤣🤣🤣


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,069
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    edited February 2024 #58539

    Good day today we went to the caravan show at Glasgow SEC was actually very good much better than last year lots more exhibits and a farmers market so we picked up some nice steak pies from one of the stalls. Now back at the caravan not much planned tonight telly and a few drinks 

    Sounds like you’ve had some good trips away already David 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58540

    Our daughter and Son in Law went to the show earlier this week.  The bought a boat!!  The live on Lewis and had an old boat which Wayne uses for fishing.  The storm blew something off it (can't remember what...😀), and although the boat still works, I think they felt it was time to upgrade...

    As well as the pies, hope you didn't find the trip 'too expensive'.  😀😀


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,069
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    edited February 2024 #58541

    Luckily David not too expensive we looked at a few vans but we like our current caravan we’ve had it from new and it’s now 6 years old but it suits us with the layout and size. Farmers market wasn’t cheap though. We did see the boats there too hope your family enjoy theirs 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited February 2024 #58542

    Thanks Francis.  We went to the NEC last year - that cost us a small fortune....  a new van!  🤣🤣


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58543

    Server errors again. Just posted on that thread. Only one that would open! Tried my open tabs again to find they all open........

    Please keep posting. I'm longing, with everything crossed, to hear from Goldie especially at the moment.

    Nice to read other's news. Not much to report here, I had garden help Friday but I couldn't help! Saturday started with lovely morning and I promised myself a potter out there. It was short lived as heavy shower. Nice to see the bulbs coming up. Plenty of snowdrops. Fingers crossed, and everything else, just one patch of 3 cornered leek- in my new turf 😢. I covered the turf and resorted to weedkiller 😱. It seems to be working.

    I've pots of daffodils that were dug out, to lay turf, in pots doing very well so they can be put in the gaps. 

    We definitely don't have crocus anywhere in the garden. So I'll see if there's any in pots reduced soon 😉 or make a note to buy bulbs in the autumn.

    Enjoy your day folks

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited February 2024 #58544

    Good Morning all, I see we're back, well done to all staff involved 👏

    Had a quick read through the posts,  Fingers crossed for Goldie hoping you get the all clear from the TB tests. Good to have a catch up. Bakers2 we also have lots of snowdrops they are earlier this year. Even a few daffodil heads appearing. 

    We enjoyed a couple days at Moreton in Marsh last weekend, used our free night voucher,  site has changed a bit since we last stayed,  lots more service pitches and now yurts and safari tents too.  It was good to be away, everywhere was fairly busy as the weather good. Discovered when we got home that a back spring had broken on the car, new one ordered, shame it wasn't a front spring OH has a spare in the garage!🤣 New one all fitted now so back up and running, just handy that OH can do the repairs. 

    Otherwise it's been a quiet week. Just waiting for Virgin Media's contractors to start digging up the same pavements that Swish Fibre dug up last year, they have just finished the next  Street up, so expecting them Monday.😫

    Better get a move on,  must change passwords,  it's good to be back though, keep posting all your news, Enjoy the rest of the weekend all.


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited February 2024 #58545

    Not good news.

    Our 60 day TB retest threw up 3 new reactors and 16 Inconclusives. We now wait for official channels to decide what to do next. Nothing happens a weekends. Various options and protocols to observe.

    And in other news - while our son was looking for his dog (busy exploring all round the nearby fields) he noticed that a window had blown out in our caravan. A smallish one over the cooker (not visible from the house - loo with a view). Tempory fix and dehumidifier in place. It's nearly 20 years old and owes us nothing, but there's no way we could afford to replace it. Besides, I like it.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58546

    Oh Goldie, that's like a punch in the stomach to me. Can't imagine how it's it you all. 😢😢😢

    The wheels grind very slowly - let's hope they get their act together very soon. You'll need housing, feed, etc. What about your milk?

    Fingers crossed the caravan will still be a refuge cos you'll need one.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited February 2024 #58547

    The reactors are isolated and are milked separately after the others. They will be going to slaughter to an abattoir that has a government vet - very soon. It is difficult to isolate all the inconclusive as we don’t have enough empty buildings. The upcoming discussions will focus on these. The milk still goes to our milk buyer and is pasteurised. Likewise some milk goes to a local cheese maker where it is also pasteurised. 

    Routine vaccination (for humans) stopped some time ago, so our grandsons are drinking bought milk. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58548

    Yes one wonders where you're supposed to conjur up spare buildings and space!

    Never gave a thought that your grandsons might not be protected. Well done. Without being political we now can't rely on being a country that is measles etc free. My mother in law had TB as a child and hubby was much monitored as a child. Didn't realise routine vaccinations were no longer carried out. I remember queuing for the test at secondary school. My children too. 

    Thoughts are with you

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited February 2024 #58549

    It appears that lots of the preventable illnesses are returning due to children not being vaccinated. I had all the usual vaccines as a child but not for TB, long story, Now I have a slight lung problem, after X-rays Drs decided that I had TB as a child, I didn’t I’m sure. I put the damage down to the dreadful London smogs. Sorry your poor cows have to be slaughtered Goldie, such a shame there isn’t a bovine vaccine for TB.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited February 2024 #58550

    Been a busy 2 weeks with a couple of birthdays to celebrate.  On the 21st it was SIL's mother's 70th, so one  of her daughters held a lunch party for her, to which we were invited.

    Then the following Saturday we looked after the boys while the adults in her family  celebrated her 70th and her sister's 60th out at an Italian restuarant.

    Last week, on the 31st, it was Nathan's 3rd birthday, so we had a special lunch, then  yesterday all the family turned up for a buffet lunch at the house, with the big cake, and lots of presents.    Next birthday will be when Callum is 6, next month.

    Have booked a trip to York after Easter in the hope we will be able to go......still waiting to hear when my op might be rescheduled.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,069
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    edited February 2024 #58551

    We got home early this afternoon from a lovely first weekend of the year away at Strathclyde Park club site. Weather wasn’t too bad yesterday we went to the caravan show in Glasgow which was enjoyable much better than last years but quite expensive to get in to even with the club discount. Easy hour tow home today although there was quite a bit of fog on the M77 . Street was clear when we got home so had the van back on the drive and in it’s space within 5 mins. Hoping to get away again near the end of the month. 

    Hope things improve Goldie 

    Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited February 2024 #58552

    Just returned from a lovely huge birthday dinner. A day early.

    Just us 2 and our son, so had my boys to myself 😀. Daughter in law away with her mum.and our grandson. Which meant we've had the grand dog for a week. Collected Friday, returned today. Now looks like DIL away overnight Wednesday for a conference so highly likely grand dog will stay until the end of the week. Now I understand why they think it's nice that we're nearer! 😉😉😉

    Trying to book a day at Audley End to include us and our sons family, brother, his offspring and partners and grandchildren. Logistics.......... Thank goodness not got NZ family to include..... These days it's about halfway between us all. But little ones need train ride and  Fairy Glen 🧚‍♀️ too. Good job we've done the house and grounds before. Next will be organising the picnic and weather!

    Hope folks have enjoyed their weekends. Nice to see others finding we can post again 😀

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited February 2024 #58553

    Two weeks ago tomorrow Margaret had her first hand operated on for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Trigger Finger. We are back at the hospital tomorrow for the second inspection at the Hand Therapy Department. In the meantime I have been dressing the hand so will be interesting to see how they are progressing. She can move her finger more easily but still a bit of pain from the operation site. She has to have the second hand done but before she can she will have to have the rings removed from her ring finger! She has also had an appointment come through to see the Physio about her Hip. So things are moving forward, albeit slowly!


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58554

    Good news David. I was going to say fingers crossed but maybe not yet eh?smile

    Days are packed. Today we picked up a Rug Doctor from Tesco first thing and moved a lot of furniture out of various rooms, at least as much as we could manage and spent the rest of the morning cleaning 5 rooms worth. Still have current living room to do before we retire for the night.

    In between times we were hospital visiting MiL. If you had asked me last weekend for an update I would have been very pessimistic but the last 2 days have shown signs of an improvement. Still lots to be sorted but I was cheekily told off by her today and funnily enough didn't mind one bit. Signs of normality always good to see.

    Sad to hear of Goldies' woes, especially when one doesn't know how it infiltrated itself. Best wishes

    Hope everyone else chugging along safe and sound.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited February 2024 #58555

    Sorry to read your news Goldie. Hope that you can get some useful information about what to do with the "inconclusives". 

    David, best of luck at the hospital, hope they say what a good job you have been doing, and that the operation was a complete success.

    Pleaders to read that the MIL is showing some improvement, WN. Hopefully that will continue.

    I take it that it is your birthday tomorrow, B2. My best wishes for a lovely day.

    We have booked a few days away at a new site to us in the not too distant future, just hope that the weather is kind to us when we do head off, as it has been such a wet start to the year. Spectacular red sky tonight which should promise a good day tomorrow.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,449
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    edited February 2024 #58556

    Thinking of you Goldie. So difficult for you. Hope others are doing ok as well. 

    Been very busy here with lots of things, but hoping we might get a couple of nights out next weekend. Skipton and Harrogate areas if it comes off. Skipton for castle and some craft supplies I need, then Rock and Gem Show Sunday at Harrogate. Keeping an eye on forecast, as we might get some snow. Be just a ride up to Harrogate for day if it snows.

    We had a good day out in Bakewell last week, finally had a look around church which is very interesting. Some Saxon remains, and the Vernon and Manners (Of Haddon Hall) tombs are in there. This gave MH a good run out after clutch sorted. We stopped off at Shillito Woods on way home, up above Baslow, for a cuppa and to walk the hound. MH wouldn’t start when we tried to set off. Tried a couple of times, then it kicked in really strongly. OH checked it out once home, looks like an Earth wire on starter had not been fastened up correctly from clutch work, so hoping all is fine now.🤞We have noticed garage we have used for MH for last few years isn’t as good as it used to be, so currently looking for an alternative. Has to have a workshop capable of taking MH, but will ask our other usual vehicle garage for a recommend. Unfortunately they cannot get MH in. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited February 2024 #58557

    Good luck for your plans Ttda.  We're supposed to get some snow on Thursday through to early Friday.

    Returned the carpet cleaner to Tesco first thing so did a food shop as well. I had a "free" afternoon but did some cooking for later in the week. OH took one of MiLs friends with her today.

    We then had to pick up some nutrition drinks from a Pharmacy as Hospital out of stock!! Anyway we took them down there and on the way back thought we'd nip into our usual pub for a bite to eat. Just after 5 on a Monday? Shouldn't be a problem. Place was heaving. No tables all night. I thought people were short of money. Good job we had food at home.

    Wish someone would turn this incessant strong wind off. Seems to have been blowing for months on end.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited February 2024 #58558

    Thinking of you as well Goldie - I hope things get sorted out soon, must be such a worry for you both.

    Agree about the wind WN - when I went up to the dealers in Cumbria last week, I had to stay an extra night.  One of the guys who travels from Durham to Tebay every day rang me on Friday morning and said - "don't - under any circumstances attempt to tow the van over the A66 today - there are lorries getting blown all over the place. I've even had trouble controlling the car"!

    Was much calmer when I did the trip on Saturday morning, thank goodness.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited February 2024 #58559

    I'd got out of the habit of checking in on CT in the morning and missed the fact that it's obviously been up and running again for a few days now. So good to be able to catch up on everyone's news.

    We had a bit of a scary time with Lady last week - spent the whole of Monday asleep, wouldn't eat or drink and very reluctant to go outdoors. I stayed up all night with her, fearing the worst. She was a bit better on Tuesday and then, on Wednesday, almost back to her old, very vocal self! She even managed to make it into school this week for her "reading to dogs" session. It's coming up to a year now since she had her first collapse with vestibular syndrome  (which causes balance problems) - a year we never thought we'd have with her - and if she makes it to May she'll be 14 so each day with her now is a bit of a bonus. smile 🐕

    In the meantime, I've had another birthday and Mrs M as bought me a trip to Krakow in April, a place I've always wanted to visit. She's not into city breaks so she's staying at home to look after the dogs and insisting that I behave myself while away! surprised

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited February 2024 #58560

    Pretty mundane couple of weeks for us, had a very good talk on Fraud/scamming by the local Fraud & Crime prevention officer at the Stroke club last week, I am not surprised at how many older folk get scammed or are the victim of fraud mostly done over the telephone, a lot do not have mobile phones only land lines which makes it much easier for the scammer as they can call you and then keep the line up whilst pretending to be the bank etc, very sad for some folks.

    my main goal today was to cut the grass and i achieved it, we have had a very strong westerly for the last couple of days and the grass was not dry, but dry enough to cut, really pleased as we are due a few days of rain with temperatures in the low teens so the grass grows quite quickly at anything over 10c.

    do hope all those who are having a particularly hard time just now for what ever reason pull through to better times, spring is around the corner, we have snow drops and daffs out, not in abundance but they are there.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited February 2024 #58561

    OH was not feeling great after the party on Saturday, possibly something she ate, though nobody else at the party has reported a problem, thankfully.   She now seems back to normal.

    Today I received a new appointment with the cardiologist, strangely for a week before the previous, cancelled, one.  I also have to have another blood test at our GP to check kidney function.  At least things are finally happening.