What are you all up to
Disappointing for you KJ, hope you get it fixed. OH has had to test quite a lot in our van recently, extremes of temperature etc. We're off soon and I'm hoping everything will keep going!
Our home is now ready for the take over from visitors when we're away, hoping we find it in one piece on return...
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We stayed at the River Breamish Site a few years ago robsail and loved it. Hope you have a good time and come back feeling refreshed.
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Sorry to read of your caravan water problems KjellNN, hope the fix doesn't prove too difficult. OH has been checking over our van this week, he has been making a couple of adaptations too, the plan is that we will be able to go off grid easier.
I will then get in to give it a spring clean, and put all the stuff back in that has been stored in our box room all winter.
Robsail hope you have a relaxing break at R. Breamish, we visited there a good few years ago now, but we enjoyed our stay.
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Frost damage was my first thought brue, as this is the first winter in 15 years that we have not had some low level heating in the van.
The water was all drained down and taps/shower control left in open position, as usual, but the pipework is so convoluted back there (thank you Swift) that it is very difficult to get every drop out.
However, it does not look like typical frost damage as only a tiny pinhole, which I cannot actually see now the pipe is removed. However, a fair bit of the pipe there looks like it has been scored with a sharp implement, which is most odd. Possibly damage during installation, or rubbing on something sharp for the last 15 years, we will never know.
Just as well it happened now and not when we, or worse DD & Co, were away somewhere!
Will put in a dehumidifier for a few days in the hope that might help to dry out any wet areas we cannot see or access. DD has a very effective one we can borrow tomorrow.
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Pleased to read that the car is now ready for towing duties, WN, that your wrist is not broken and is improving, and that you both got a clear bill of health at the dentist.
Sorry to hear of your problems with pipework in your van, Kjell, and hope that you are able to sort it out without too much trouble.
Have a good time at Breamish, Robsail, it is in a fine walking area.
Hope your trip goes to plan, brue, and you too have a good time away, especially after having the rally cancelled.
Apart for a few hours dry we have had rain now for over 48 hours, and still it goes on.😵 We did manage a dry walk on each of the previous two afternoons but I have had to wear wellies and waterproofs for most of my walks with Flyte.
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RK, I'm suffering from good friends being super kind this week. Had to visit surgery out-post on Monday for an interview with the Practice Pharmacist to check out my NHS Medications & their effects { well I am a 30+ year type 2 Diabetic }. Taken there by GF just before his dental appointment -- still waiting when I staggered out into the daylight and ran me straight home.
They turned up at 2.30 today for our regular weekly three handed chitchat -- got oodles of topics covered quite happily
. Then just before they left I was interrogated severely about the Ducato & it's return sniffle sob. So they will be with me tomorrow at about 10am, polished & ready to go bartering at / with several Motoragents in Crewe in order to get me back on 4-wheels, well it's only money isn't it
and every third person walking up the Avenue is asking me where it is and when it's returning ~~ at times I'm finding it difficult to keep a civil tongue ~~~~~
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WN, we fly home on Thursday 😞 good to hear your wrist is not broken and that you've got the tow bar fitted.
Kj, sorry to hear you've had more issues with the caravan I'm sure you will get it sorted. We have all that to do once we get back.
Heard this morning that our eldest grandaughter was admitted to hospital last night, not sure yet what the problem is but she had a lumbar puncture done about teatime, now awaiting results. 😔
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Glad all ok for your OH Goldie146 and how did your old Landrover do in its MOT
The Landrover didn't fare well. It's going back tomorrow to get a long list of jobs done. It's nearly 20 years old and has had very little work done, so it doesn't owe us much. We'll be keeping it going as there's no way we can buy a "modern" replacement.
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Went to Scarborough beach today which is getting ready for the Australian Surf Life Savers Championship, then drove north on the Suncoast Senic Drive to Burns Beach for a spot of lunch sitting on the decking looking over the Indian Ocean.
Freemantle Prison tour planned for tomorrow.
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Lovely spring morning here. Everything is bursting into life in the garden. OH managed to cut the grass which makes the garden look so much better and I got a whole load of towels and bath mats dry on the line. It is clouding over a bit now though. I got a new phone yesterday. I was running out of storage on my old phone and the contract ended 2 years ago so I was sim only. DIL sorted out the best deal for me when they were here on Sunday so after many many years my mobile contract is now with Sky instead of Virgin. I was amazed at how quickly everything was transferred from my old phone to the new one just by putting them next to each other - it was like magic! I am just waiting for Sky to transfer my old phone number to the new phone. I have sent the PAC number and they say it will be done tomorrow. Fingers crossed. My little old Clio passed it's MOT yesterday. All it needed were 2 news tyres so it lives to fight another year
Goodness WN you are firing on all cylinders at the moment! Don't go overdoing it. I am glad your wrist is not broken and hope it is healing up now.
Nellie I hope you have some sunshine in your area and that the rain has stopped. I have lost track of whether you are at home or away.
Helen I am so sorry that you had sad news over the weekend but pleased that your son and his girlfriend were with you.
OP I think the problem with the fuel stations in France is the strikes because Macron wants to put on the pension age. They are blockading all the fuel depots and well as having lots of riots everywhere. You know what the French are like when it comes to going on strike!
TG I hope the news on your grand-daughter isn't too bad. I expect you will be glad to get home now and see her.
KJNN Sorry to hear of the troubles you are having with your van. I hope you can get is sorted out fairly quickly.
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You've been busy yourself Millie.
Always a relief when old cars pass their MOT.
We did intend to take it easy today but the day had other ideas. Went for a walk this morning in sunshine but a strong wind. My legs haven't had any real exercise lately so we were out for a good 2 hours.
Then I decided that I couldn't look at the state of my car anymore so took it down to Tesco jet wash and washed it myself. Quite pleased with the way my hand coped, mind you if it is bothersome tomorrow I'll blame Nellie and Francis for peer pressuring me into cleaning the car.
Mrs WN's doctor actually faxed through a prescription for pain killers to her pharmacist after yesterdays consultation so she accompanied me to town to pick them up. Poor lass has Sciatica. We hope it clears up soon as its affecting her sleeping.
Fingers crossed for your GD Tammy.
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Did managed to get diesel today although a short queue, but there are shortages further south than us and there will be restrictions until Friday, Villefranche was quieter than it usually is but did see a few motorhomes about and not local so hope they all can get fuel for their breaks.
Did stop on the way back at a nice quiet spot we discovered in the winter for a late picnic lunch very nice and weather was warm 22C, back to gardening tomorrow as rain forecast for Friday.
Hope your OH's Sciatica improves WN and I have suffered with it for a long time but now know how to work through it with certain exercises.
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Sorry to hear about your Granddaughter TG, do hope all ok soon. Don’t envy you finding how to sort out your caravan water problem KJN but do hope it can be sorted out quickly for you.
We have a leak in our bathroom from somewhere at the moment, parts of the floor are quite damp! We have Karndean tiles with decorative strips between and water is appearing along the strips, think we have ruled out a shower leakage now, maybe the toilet but all looks ok there, very frustrating as we just can’t see where it’s coming from. Dreading having to prise off some tiles!!!!
Enjoying hearing about everyone getting caravans ready to start the season, do hope it’s a good year for all.
Enjoy River Breamish robsail, it was always one of our favourite sites. Love Northumberland.
Glad all going well for you WN, and hope Mrs WN is more comfortable soon.
GE and GJE your holiday adventure sounds great, enjoy.
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There is a new exhibition at the Cathedral called 'Threads through Creation'. It is an embroidery by an artist called Jacqui Parkinson. The Tour Guides and Embroiderers were given a tour round it yesterday afternoon. It is simply amazing and her enthusiasm and passion were wonderful. There are 12 large panels in all. For anyone in the area it is well coming to see. It is on until the end of April.
Sympathies to Mrs WN. Sciatica is miserable I hope the medication works.
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Nellie I hope you have some sunshine in your area and that the rain has stopped. I have lost track of whether you are at home or away.
Millie, we did have a fine day today and OH got two washing loads dried out on the lines, but we now have rain again!!
We are at home at the moment but head off again on Friday. Great photos of the exhibition at the cathedral. Good to read that your Clio passed its MOT, that will be a relief for another year
TG sorry to hear about your granddaughter, hope that it is not serious.
Sorry to read that your OH has Sciatica, WN, hope that the pain killers work and she is soon fit and feeling better, pass on our best wishes to her. Glad you were able to get out for a decent walk and managed to clean the car too.
Heddlo, Hope you can sort out where the leak is coming from and you are able to fix it without too much trouble and expense.
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Very tired right now following some serious shopping & Fone call to Devitts as well as trip into my BANK
to arrange money transfer and Road Fund for a gharstly sort of Amber coloured body on four wheels which I should pick up on Friday afternoon.
That should take the strain off my settee [ I said, and meant, settee
] as well as allowing yours truly to do a tour of the local supermarkets with out getting a hernia . Oh bliss, oh joy, oh a re--filled fridge & Freezer
. I don't think too many folks will be asking " What the blazes is that please " 'cos they will only see me for the next six to eight months running out to it with a bucket of warm [ not hot ] water and three brand new cloths, soft, cars for the caring of !!
Please keep all the bad weather away from South Cheshire OR ELSE !
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Thanks all for you good wishes for our grandaughter. The LP was clear so that was a relief, she is now at her other grandparents house, with her mum for a few days, having been discharged from hospital. As to what the problem is they are not sure. More appointments planned to get to the bottom of it, she has had 'something' going on for awhile. She will have to go back to school next week as she has mock highers to sit. Then school finishes next Friday for almost 3 weeks.
Flying home tomorrow, we have had brilliant weather for all the 3 weeks but it's time to get back home 😞 all this sitting around in the sun is tiring 🤣🤣🤣
Great catching up with everyone's news, soon be the weekend so have a good one.
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This is becoming a real problem in France, we planned to drive down thru France last October enroute to Spain, but on checking found that most of the service stations had no diesel, fortunately we were booked Portsmouth - Caen with BF and managed to do a last minute switch to Portsmouth - Santander but doing a last minute change might not be so easy during the peak seasons. There were reports of RV's stranded at some service stations.
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Francis ~~ not sure if I should reveal those facts to all and sundry, since it could cause some folk to point and say " So that's the twerp on CT "
{ OK if you promise not to tell all and sundry --- its a Vauxhall Mokka ( daft name I know ) }
easy enough to get in and out of -- well its the one piece of entertainment for my friends (!) seeing me struggle into and out of their Fiesta saloon
TammyG, pleased to hear your g--daughter has had some goodish news if not 100% clear yet, it might get even better with a couple of Easter eggs, you never know
Beautiful Weather in south Cheshire today, the sun is reflecting nicely off the underside of a couple of very threatening dirty black rain clouds right now ( I'm not sure if they are coming or going but . . . . . . . . ) Now I must reload the dryer then go and refill those bird feeders 'cos the starlings are gathering and looking rather grumpy, so bye for now
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Thanks Francis, but to make it clear ( & Honest
) its only 'new' to me -- tis 4 years old next month
but strangely with only a couple of thousand more miles than my 11 year old ducato which is barely run in at 47K
P.S got the birds fed without getting even slightly damp, but its an expensive week chex Brian ~~ I've built up the shopping list for myself but will need to get an E--mail off to my favourite bird-food supplier 'cos there seems to be rather a lot of air where there should be seed/nut/suet chippings ~~ t'wallet will be crying in the corner until the Company pension drops in
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Just booked White Water Park CAMC site for a short stay. Not been before, but the location looks a bit different to our usual sort. It looks like it's right in the middle of Middlesborough/Stockton and not an area we really know! OH want's a trip up to Seaham, although it's half an hours drive further qqqN. Apparently there is a beach where you can find small bits of 'weathered glass' left over from around a hundred years ago when a local bottle company used to get rid of waste glass by throwing it in the sea.
Lovey photos of the exhibition, Millie. Enjoy the new car Brian (ABM). Thought about you yesterday..... we went for an afternoon tea at a farm shop (a left over gift) - no prizes for guessing what they had at the cheese counter 😀. Came away with a chumk of Black Bomber and Amber Mist... 😀 Fingers crossed that the deisel problem in France is sorted and that the problems won't be much of a problem to those venturing over the channel. All good wishes to those who are not well... including Tammygirl's grandaughter. At least the weather is a little brighter here today, and the clocks go forward on Saturday night/ Sunday morning, so hopefully Springcis on the way....
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The exhibition at the cathedral looks interesting Millie.
Not quite as busy today. Absolutely hosed it down this morning, putting paid to a mornings birdwatching that was planned so we had the delights of Tesco for the weekend shop. Dropped MiL off sash was meeting up with a friend for coffee, this after having 2 more friends around to the house for afternoon tea yesterday. We don't have to worry when we're away about her being lonely.
A trip to the tip this afternoon was the only activity after lunch.
Nellie will be able to enlighten you about White Water, David, as he's stopped there a couple of times and lived to tell the tale.
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One of my sons had a Mokka, from new, for several years before changing to their now EV. It gave pretty steadfast service. It's quite a high driving position which is good for getting in and out of. Any update on your motorhome?
We liked White Water, it's a well designed campsite. Beefeater across the road if that is your sort of thing, although recent reviews suggest the pub no longer allows dogs inside. The Transporter Bridge is worth a look, there is a small museum on the town side and parking nearby. I would have liked to have had a go on the bridge but it wasn't working when we were there.
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Thanks David. She's been given 50 tablets to be taken over a week but she hates taking medication so restricted herself to just the 1 before going to sleep and slept the sleep of the innocents, so whilst not great today she feels a bit better. I do feel that sometimes too many meds are passed out like chocolate drops.