What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,869
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    edited March 2023 #54482

    Glad you didnt get the strong winds Nellie. It wouldnt have been a lot of fun towing in that weather. Winds have now dropped here and after a very mild afternoon we are forecast very cold weather again tomorrow. Then warmer again for the end of the week.

    Our fixed rate for our energy finished last August and our DD is now double what it was - ouch. Like WN we dont like paying it but at least we can afford it. I feel so sorry for the people who just can't.  We have turned our thermostat down and dont have our heating on for as long as we used to but I am glad we dont have to economise on heating anymore as I hate being cold.

    Dentists: our lovely dentist who we had been with for about 25 years decided to retire during lockdown. I have no complaints about the woman who took over from him but she doesnt seem to do a lot. A quick inspection with no discussion and very little information. Only twice a year instead of every 3 months but my Denplan payment is the same. I think I shall have to have words with them.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,846
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    edited March 2023 #54483

     Hope you have a great time WN - North Yorkshire is our favourite county.  Just a little tip - if you like fish and chips - I can thoroughly recommend Harpers - on the A64 just before you get to the roundabout with the A1039 - a few miles south of Scarbro' and they do have a restaurant was well as a take-away. It's so good that we occasionally travel from Hornsea to go there for a treat and - that's despite the fact we supposedly have the No 1 chippy in the country right on our doorstep!

    Gosh - was it windy yesterday.  We tried to put the awning up when we arrived here (Lincoln) last Friday but it was also so windy then that we gave up and have just managed with the Thule canopy.  Needless to say, that was put away on Sunday afternoon and it's a good job we did otherwise I suspect it would have probably been wrapped around the Cathedral by now.

    Rain lashing down outside as I type - off to Woodhall Spa today to visit Ros's elderly friend (87) and take her one of the excellent cream teas that we can get here. Looks like being a very soggy drive!

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,555
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    edited March 2023 #54484

    Ah, the village of my youth. A beautiful part of the world and now full of nature. Where once the Alkborough Flats were rather sterile farm land this is now a flourishing nature reserve. So much more flora and fauna there today than when I was a youngster. Proof that ‘rewilding’ can work and benefits all! More such project countrywide needed. Hope you find time to enjoy it. 
    As for us today it’s wall paper stripping at the daughter’s and then we will continue investigating our old fashion tour of North Yorkshire booking sites the day before or just turning up on the day as we go along. Yes, even those tours needed a little thought, it’ll be like the old days. I wonder how it will go.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2023 #54485

    Spent yesterday pressure washing the block paved driveway, a task of some magnitude since it's about three years since I last did it. Didn't quite get it finished, so the final bit this morning. Judging from the forecast, I'm not sure when I'll be able to re-sand it.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited March 2023 #54486

    Funny that, i had one of those high pressure sales people knock on my door yesterday asking if i would like my driveway power washed at a special price only for me and only if i agreed NOW, i asked him "what was wrong with my drive; looking as it does,"  he asked , "do you like the rustic effect", I answered "yes" at which he walked away. Have a Karcher pressure washer but dare not think how much electricity it would use to do the whole of my drive, space for 5 cars undecided 


    P.s. my solar panels are kaput just now, invertor not working corectly, should be fixed next week so will wait for a nice sunny day and see how much power we can generate cool

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54487

    Indeed lovely. We often go there as it’s a short hop from home. Fabulous walks and the wildlife is superb. We saw otters and cuckoos our last trip, bitterns, bearded tits and a spoonbill other times. Lovely site is College Farm, nice cycling as well. The cafe is always busy at weekends with cyclists and walkers. 
    You will be fine touring on the hop Micky, we still do it now. Some lovely sites. Can recommend a few nice CLs up there as possibles for you👍

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54488

    We have heavy snow right now, so no chance of any power from the panels.  There was a little snow overnight, sun today early on so hopeful of  thaw, but now very grey.

    Fortunately our new battery arrived yesterday, so van now safely on driveway.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,411
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    edited March 2023 #54489

    Took Granddaughter back to Plymouth yesterday after her stay with us. She was a little better, so fingers really crossed. We just walked in the door after getting home, still had our coats on and she phoned to say she had left her wheelchair charger here! Trip to the post office first thing this morning. As we arrived yesterday at her accommodation a couple of her friends arrived to see her, and us apparently, it seems we have become quite popular with them, which is so lovely. Managed to stock her food cupboards up for her so one chore she won’t have to do.

    Today we got all the caravan bedding down from the loft, which we had brought home for the winter. So glad that I was quite organised and had labelled the bags with the contents and whether I had washed them first or not. 3 loads done including duvets and on the line blowing, a good day for it. Other bits that were previously washed now airing on radiators indoors. 

    I’m beginning to feel my age lately and things seem to take longer and leave their toll a bit. Looking forward to warmer weather and a few stays at the caravan, that might buck me back up. Received an invitation to a friends 70th celebration meal yesterday, not until Sept but looking forward to that. A chicken and mango curry bubbling away in the slow cooker for dinner tonight. I’m testing recipes in it for cooking in the caravan to save on using the cooker and the gas bottles there.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54490

    Amazing change of weather by lunch time.......brilliant sunshine, snow gone.......so dishwasher run from the roof.

    I was also able to go in the van and check out these items listed as not working.

    Nothing wrong with the water pump so can only assume they either could not figure out the valve settings, or did not have a water uptake pipe to try.  We always remove it as they always had their own one previously.  Did not try to put water in the system as frost is forecast, but will check it all out when I clean the water system next week. There will still be time for repairs if necessary.

    Nothing wrong with toilet pump, but it does indeed not flush.......the push button I fitted to operate the pump has stopped working for some reason.   Have ordered a supply of new ones.

    New AlKo stabiliser pads ordered, should come next week.  The old ones are a bit worn, but not terminal as yet.

    So plenty to keep me busy next week.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,555
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    edited March 2023 #54491

    Thanks TtDA. Don’t think it will be as easy in the height of the season. However,  we will ‘chase’ the wildlife, did it a few years back in Norfolk and loved it. We are members of several nature forums and clubs which post current events and appearances to members. It’s a bit like twitching I suppose but far more laid back for us. Yesterday we were tipped off that King Eider appeared at Redcar but commitments meant we missed that.  Oh, and the spontaneity is really quite fun, you never know what will tip up tomorrow or where that rarity shows.

    Enjoy College Farm, don’t know if the Oggs still run it. Last time we went we saw a Great Grey Shrike, Marsh Harriers, Avocets and more, fabulous! The Jaques farmed the land which is now the reserve. Saltwater ingress on severely high tides reduced the productivity and so the land was eventually given over to nature and planned flood plain. Win win all round. More projects like this and restorative farming practices on similar sites around the nation is much needed. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54492

    Hope you have a great time WN - North Yorkshire is our favourite county. Just a little tip - if you like fish and chips - I can thoroughly recommend Harpers - on the A64 just before you get to the roundabout with the A1039 - a few miles south of Scarbro' and they do have a restaurant was well as a take-away. It's so good that we occasionally travel from Hornsea to go there for a treat and - that's despite the fact we supposedly have the No 1 chippy in the country right on our doorstep!

    Cheers Richard. We know the area quite well as we seem to have spent a holiday of some sort in Yorkshire for quite a number of years now. Interesting what you say about the chippy as we had the same experience when down in Exmouth a few years ago. They just happened to have a Chip shop that was voted Best in Britain that year so we tried it. It wouldn't rank in our top 5. As I have to now eat GF I'm careful of the chippies I visit. It's usually no more than a 2/3 times a year event for me.I'll check out Harpers.

    We know the South Humber reserves well Micky. In fact we were there at a CL near Barton only last September. We thought going somewhere familiar might help me reassimilate back in touring.

    Busy morning, lots to do in town. Weather has been very mixed with hail and the odd snow shower this afternoon. Had a lazy, indulgent afternoon.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54493

    Hope your plans work out Wherenext, sensible to go over familiar ground.

    Had a busy time with extra dogs today, then had a rest. Some nice sunshine, noticed the sun is getting higher and lighting up more of the garden etc.

    Will have to brave town tomorrow, it's all being dug up and revamped but without new retailers I can't see real improvements happening. Feel sorry for all the new households being built as there's so little at the centre of things for them to enjoy.

    I expect you'll be glad to get your van sorted KJ, OH did ours last week and although everything got cancelled we are ready to go. Some of the family are borrowing our home when we next go away as they have a visitor who hasn't been well and will find it easier to be here, I'm writing out instructions for various appliances in preparation. smile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2023 #54494

    Much better weather today,  even some sunshine 🌞 

    Glad you have sorted some CL'S for a break Wherenext and all goes well.

    Had a walk through our New park with the dog this morning,  they have been busy planting some more trees, although the tractor they have been using has made a muddy mess! 

    Hope you get the van sorted KjellNN, we are still trying to find some free time to get ours ready, hopefully before May 🤣 

    Our fixed energy tariff ended last September, direct debit almost doubled 😱 have been very grateful for the £400 government help. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54495

    Are you getting away anytime soon Helen? 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54496

    We got back this afternoon from a great 6 nights away in the van at a new to us site Donkey Creek Farm near Lytham St Anne’s in Lancashire. Excellent site it’s very modern with fully serviced pitches and just a 10 minute walk away from the village of Freckilton where there are a couple of nice pubs and a great chip shop. Site is highly recommended for anyone in the area and it’s cheaper than the club site nearby. First long distance tow with the new Volvo very impressed it’s got plenty of power and is very stable on the motorway. Not the most pleasant tow home today it was fine until we got to Moffat then we drove straight in to a heavy snow storm so speed was right down all the way to just outside Glasgow. When we got back the van and the car were covered in salt and grit so they were both washed and cleaned as soon as we got back. Away again at the end of the week just a couple of nights at one of our local haunts.


    Ps. Can anyone help I have been trying to change my avatar on here and can’t remember how to do it I’ve tried edit profile but can’t find the option to update the pic

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,555
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    edited March 2023 #54497

    Yes, the Barton reserves are also worthy of a visit Wherenext, Have stayed at Virgettes CL (Hunger Hill) a couple of times recently. A beautiful site with its own nature walk. 
    Saw a pair of Ospreys on route to Africa at the Far Ings reserve a few years back.. As a result a group of interested folk explored the possibility of reintroducing these iconic birds to the estuary. Much research done the conclusion was that there wasn’t enough fish life left in the estuary to support a reintroduction. Sad really as it was once a commercial fishery and numerous salmonoids used it to migrate up it to their reds in the South and North Pennines via the Trent and Ouse. May be one day! It’ll need a massive mind shift from the powers that be, mind!☹️

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited March 2023 #54498

     Funny sort of day weather wise, as we have had snow showers followed by sunshine then hail, back to sleet then more sun and finally rain, although it seems to be dry at present. Quite cold too out of the sun but pleasant enough in sheltered spots.

    Yet another visit to the dentist for OH, hopefully the penultimate one, but found that the last appointment is in the middle of our next trip away so that had to be rearranged, which means that we will have to return home a day earlier than anticipated, but easily sorted.

    Good to read that things are not as bad as feared, Kjell, and the you got home safely Francis. It has not been the best of weather for dog walking, as I well know, so I feel for both of you brue and Helen

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited March 2023 #54499
  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54500

    Beautiful sunrise this morning, huge ball in the sky. Very frosty but still. Looking forward to dog walk after last couple of days! Have visitors from our old neighbours today 😃.

    Garden help yesterday, very cool but after early rain, including the dog walk, stayed dry until heavy snow/hail shower about 2pm. Cadged a couple of garden bins from neighbours and filled them. Nearly had mine rejected as HEAVY last collection day 😱. So determined to avoid similar situations. Both of my FULL after last garden help visit! Didn't take before photos, but pleasedwith the results. Full corner gives an idea of 'ground cover' I pulled stuff out of there but had to see the difference! Now got 4 BIG tubs of  daffoldil bulbs and leaves to replant, many if which were totally hidden. The bed in front of the replaced wall mercifully hadn't too much debris, I'd grabbed bulbs and plants out before they started. So they'll need homes...

    Good to hear of others 'doings'. Dog walk calls

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54501

    Yea TW thanks for that don’t know how I missed that first time. I just wanted to update the pic to one with our new car in it. I have changed it now but I know it often takes a while to update.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,411
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    edited March 2023 #54502

    Talking of avatars, every time I notice yours Brue I think, we must visit Warwick again soon, walked past that spot many times but never been in that little tea shop, it’s usually very busy, but we must soon. We like Warwick, usually parking in the park car-park and taking a little wander, and our grandson is nearby at Warwick Uni, so usually catch up with him. It will be nice to get back to Stratford as well. We are watching the river levels at present, it makes for nervous breaks when it is high, as we are on a flood plain. So glad we are quite ‘high up’ at home. Someone in our village has put their house on the market, possibly because they are very often at risk of flooding, the house often gets new owners, it must be a constant worry. Hoping to book tickets today to see Macbeth at the RSC later this year. No details as yet, except when it is on but no doubt it will still sell out.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54503

    Yes, Mr and Mrs Ogg, and next generation Oggs are all still there and always busy. 😁 It’s a lovely CL, in a lovely village, with a great deal of interest around. The Farm Cafe is superb, a big bonus to staying on the CL.

    We have cycled all around there, Burton upon Stather, Thornton Abbey Gatehouse, Witton. We used another nice CL the other side of Barton, well hidden away almost on edge of Humber, and cycled across Bridge from there (on a non windy day🤣). Rode around all the flatlands that used to be military bases as well, that was interesting. We like Normanby Hall as well, very interesting House, gardens and Agricultural Museum. Cafe there is nice as well. Never been into Scunthorpe though🤣 We have family at Epworth, so know that area well too. It’s around an hour for us via M18, although I detest this motorway as there are always huge car transporters thundering around. 

    Re CLs, we used How Le Hay Farm for up near Saltburn, you can get directly out into Cleveland Hills from Site, and it’s only a short hop to coast.

    Richmond area, can recommend Scar Close, just outside town, you pass a great MH car park by riverside, and the drives up onto the moors are stunning. Another, closer to Catterick/Brompton on Swale is Deepdale, main site is a walled garden, couple of minutes away from Scotch Corner. 👍

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54504

    Hope you get there Debsc, we often take a stroll around that part of Warwick as we were married just across the lane so nice memories. We are very local to the area and both sets of parents met in Warwick too! If anyone's interested the tourist office is also nearby and the Warwickshire Yeomanry museum which has lots of archives is worth a visit.

    Fingers crossed the Avon doesn't rise too high and you have a relaxing break. I really miss the theatre in  Stratford  but have been lucky to see lots of plays there when young. smile


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,218
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    edited March 2023 #54505

    Well, the remains of the old bathroom were taken away today. It was packed in two Hippo Bags. Both bags were in the front garden so only the hedge to lift over rather than a high fence. I quite like the Hippo Bag system but they are very expensive now compared to when I first used them years ago.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,411
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    edited March 2023 #54506

    Well we finally got our tickets to see Macbeth but what a palaver. Apparently our account has been timed out because we haven’t used it for ages, we couldn’t remember the password and we couldn’t change it or have an email sent cos our account was timed out! I finally got through on the phone (worse than the wait to speak to the Drs receptionist) and got them booked, but we nearly gave up. They don’t make it easy. It’s not til Sept but booked for a few days after our friends birthday meal in Stratford so we are looking forward to that trip.

    Ive been busy chopping veg to make Merry Berry’s Marigold soup, batched cooked 14 portions for the freezer. Phillip, our wild but almost tame pheasant, who almost lives in our garden, could see me through the glass and kept banging on the door to be fed. I’d given him breakfast and lunch but he clearly wanted more. I moved to the living room with a cuppa so he started at the patio doors. OH came downstairs asking what all the banging was. I said, ‘it’s Phillip’. OH retorted, ‘bloody bird!’ I have to admit he is getting a bit demanding. He is now roosting on our decking railings. It will be his tea time soon!

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2023 #54507

    Better not tell OH about Mary Berry's recipe for pheasant soup then, Debs! surprised

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54508


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54509

    We had quite a frost overnight the cars were all iced up this morning. Not done too much today we did manage to get a few trips booked a 10 night break in Chester in May and our main summer break in July in Oxfordshire looking forward to those here’s hoping we get a good spring and summer 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited March 2023 #54510

    After the mixed weather reported above when I took Flyte out after 10:00 last night there was thick frost on all the cars, but thankfully the pavements weren't sllppery. It had started to warm up when we got up this morning but the fields were still white. It stayed dry till after lunch, although still cold, so I ventured into the van to clean the inside. More light rain this afternoon and evening so had to postpone cleaning the outside. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54511

    😱 OH has just gone to bed early, and left me and the biscuit tin unsupervised🫣🤗🤣 The pooch is involved as well……..


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