What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54392



    Glad you're having a good

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54393

    Looks very good B2, OH is very envious.

    Our garden is on a big upward slope behind the house, with several terraced levels.    69 steps from the street to the top.

    It does make it interesting as you cannot see it all at once, but now we are so old, and knees getting very dodgy, it is sadly neglected.

    We have given away both of our greenhouses as we stopped using them when I retired back in 2007.  Greenhouses and long caravanning holidays are incompatible!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54394

    Apologises for last post. I've even changed devices but I can't do on either.....

    Sorry mods 😊😊

    Glad Wherenext's are having a good time. Happy anniversary.

    Takethedogalong caring ain't easy!

    Not going to risk more, in case it gets silly again!

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited March 2023 #54395

    ttda, - very interested about the power to your bikes and have a few (many ) questions. -

    Is the power thingy widely available or is it home made and what does it cost.

    Is it easy to fit and importantly is it effective. 

    What is the increase in weight as I would need to lift it onto the car roof, that wouldn't be a problem but I am approaching the carrying capacity of the roof rack ( wife's electric bike is pretty heavy)

    We are still deliberating about changing to some type of motorhome, so don't want to buy a  matching pair of electric bikes at the moment.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54396

    I've tried to get rid of all the spaces Bakers2...  I may have Deleted User some of your words..... apologies.... can't get them back.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,218
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    edited March 2023 #54397

    Day 5 of the bathroom refurbishment. Seems to be going on for a long time, not used to strangers around the house for so long! Yesterday the electrician came and installed the down lighters and light in the adjacent airing cupboard. Later the fitter put in the shower tray. Today has been tiling day and I would say we are about three quarters complete. Still lots more to do but he assures me he will be finished by Saturday which we will look forward to!


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,869
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    edited March 2023 #54398

    Great photos WN. I went to Llandudno many years ago for a conference. I did get some free time to enjoy myself and thought it was lovely. Sadly I have never been back.  Your weather looks really great, hope it stays that way. It has been a nice bright day here but very cold, luckily there was no frost. Gosh Bakers2 the weather is very localised as we didn't even get a flake of snow today! OH finished the paving slabs this morning while I helped with a school group visiting the Cathedral. They were great kids but I am now shattered!

    Your garden looks really good Bakers2 and I am sure it will look even better when it has matured. It sounds as though you had a very good day out there. I am gad you are now able to enjoy your new ensuite. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54399

    I don't think it is taking that long, if finished by Saturday that will be 9 days. I think  that is about the same, or even less than ours took.  Difficult to remember now!

    Did you get your ceiling painted?

    I still have some bits to finish on both our new  bathrooms, but keep being given other things to do, so bathrooms get sent to the end of the queue.  OH is starting to agitate for the bathrooms to be 100% completed!

    Only 4 weeks till our first trip away, and lots to do before then!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited March 2023 #54400

    Lovely sunny, but chilly day in the Dales. We moved site today, from a CL at Clapham to a small commercial site at Clitheroe, but had to do a 13 ml detour due to road closure near Gisburn. arghh We are the first non-seasonal caravan on the site this year as it only opened today. We have spent some time sorting out our next but one trip and so far have booked 10 sites, with a few more to sort out over the next day or so.

    Lovely photos from both B2 and WN. Enjoy your time in Llandudno WN. Love the look of your bike tda, hope that it is soon powered up and so make it a little easier for you to get up those big Yorkshire hills. Sorry to read that your mum is not too good at the moment. Glad that those with work getting done seem to have the projects processing well.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,218
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    edited March 2023 #54401


    Yes I did, yesterday morning early! It didn't look so good when I first did it but now its dry it looks better. The downlighters have removable bezels and each light comes with three different ones, white,brushed alloy and stainless steel, I think I like the latter. He left them for me to put on as I will want to put a second coat of paint and the are easier to put on than get off. Electrician said that if a bulb goes the whole unit needs replacing. I haven't checked the box yet but I wonder if I should buy a spare. Although £35 worth of light sitting around for years is a bit costly!


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54402

    Really?    Did you choose those yourself?

    There are an increasing number of LED fittings where the lamp is not replaceable, IMO they are to be avoided if possible!     We bought fire rated IP65 downlighters and chose the lamps separately, and got a few extra to make up the purchase to enough to get free delivery, something like £8 for the fitting and £2 or £3 for the LED lamp,  maybe less.

    We had a choice of finish for the bezels, but they are part of the fitting, we went with stainless steel too.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54403

    I was shocked when looking for bathroom lights to find they make lights that need to be discarded when the bulb goes. How is that environmentally friendly? I get so angry at such madness 😡😡. Not to mention mixed messages, we consumer's get a tougher and harder time trying to be ethical.


    What also concerns me is that most of us are not capable of putting in new lights. Very different to changing a bulb! Will there be hidden or not so hidden dangers including fire risk?

    I admit I liked one which turned out to be one of those. Only discovered when I sent link to my brother to check its suitability for a bathroom. He pointed it out...... along with barely good enough for a bathroom despite the description!

    Don't get me started on replacement bulbs theses days 🤐😡😡

    On a happy note, I think, gardener had cancellation for today so coming again sure. Not sure I can join in again today. Lots of aches and other tasks need doing. Might manage an hour or 2. Frost here this mornibg but it's still so doesn't feel too bad.



  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited March 2023 #54404

    On replacement lamps, don't forget modern LED lamps should last up to 50,000 hours, which, if used for 4 hours a day, is around 35 years, so the fitting will more than likely be due for renewal anyway.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,218
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    edited March 2023 #54405

    That is similar to what the electrician said so hopefully it won't be a problem. He also mentioned that if they are removed too often from their setting it can damage the retaining spring which could impact on how tightly they fit. We have replaced most of the bulbs in the house with LED's versions. I have noticed that smaller candle bulbs don't seem to last as long as the larger versions.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 910
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    edited March 2023 #54406

    First full day back at home. It’s a little chilly!! Temperature in Macau has been fairly steady at around 18 to 24 degrees and mainly sunny, so the pilot announcing yesterday the temperature in Heathrow was 2 degrees and drizzle 🥶, oh well, we had checked ourselves and expected as much but boy, did it feel cold, especially when really tired. Very impressed with the ‘Meet and Greet’ car service though, we landed at about 7am and we were out of the airport (with luggage) and on the M25 by 8.15am - rush hour but it wasn’t too bad. After a 14 and a half hour flight, with little sleep, the thought of the 4+ hour drive home didn’t fill one with much enthusiasm, but that was ok too, sunny with none of the forecast snow showers. Very sad to leave the family of course, the baby is now 2 months old and he has changed so much in the month we were there, just getting to smiley stage so sorry to miss all that. Our granddaughter (4), as gorgeous as she is, is getting to the ‘4 going on 14’ stage so we may not miss the attendant tantrums so much! 😂. It may be next year, or longer, before we see anyone in person again - FaceTime is great but not the same as the cuddles and bedtime stories.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54407

    Snow overnight, hoping it clears as we have to go to a funeral this week and then attempt to go away in the van. Not feeling enthusiastic for a trip away. 

    We have mostly LEDS in our downlighters, gradually replacing kitchen ones as the halogen ones go, bathroom totally replaced hoping they last a very long time, no more climbing aloft with replacements! 

    Edit, our posts crossed. Glad you got back safely from your family visit Heddlo, hard to leave them as you say. Hope it doesn't feel too cold! ☃️

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,766
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    edited March 2023 #54408

    We have changed all out lights to LED nearly 2 years ago only bulbs not LED are the microwave, oven and my sewing machine even in our outside building is LED and OH has a small fluorescent light in his shed, and we did have a few spare halogen bulbs so gave them to a friend who will not change to LED thinks they are too expensive, shops can only sell halogen bulbs if they have old stock and cannot get new ones anymore so will not be too long before folk will have to get LED replacements.

    We had some rain yesterday and now raining again today off to skip this afternoon to get rid of a folding bed which we no longer use and takes too much room when stored, friends have had it for when they had B&B guests but this year only doing 2 guests per room as really their rooms are quite small.

    Jet practice here at present from local army camp had helicopter practice the other morning at 5 am right over the roof two of them that woke us up phew.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54409

    I bet it was a bit of a shock Heddlo. You'll probably be shattered by now. Hope you've got some food in the freezer.

    We were due to visit Conwy Castle tomorrow but in view of the forecasted snow decided to go today instead. Got there just in time to see 2 full coach loads of French teenage students decamping outside it. Ah well, another time. Thought we'd have a coffee before leaving but our favourite coffee shop was full of American tourists! We guessed the omens for the day were against us.

    We did get a good walk in but didn't tarry anywhere for long.

    Snow flurries just started here now.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,766
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    edited March 2023 #54410

    Oh well the tourists have arrived then WN.

    Just came back from the local tip and on the way back had 2 big military vehicles go the other way to us not sure about having a large gun pointing towards us and then 2 more vehicles in our village but none by us thankfully.

    No snow here but some rain and now gone warmer 19C a lot warmer than yesterday.

    Off to Villefrance tomorrow morning as OH wants to get something from Lidl's special offers so will do the rest of shopping and then off to visit friends tomorrow afternoon she had her veins done last Friday in her right leg.

    Take care folks.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54411

    For Brue. We passed this on the way out of town this morning so we stopped and took a photo for you.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54412

    Dealership rang today re caravan, which is in for service, it's not great news.

    Wheel bearings are worn out so will need to be replaced, battery is not holding charge, so we will need a new one.

    AlKo pads are worn, but we can change them ourselves.

    Then for some reason they could not get the toilet to flush or the water system to work, I have a feeling the  new person they apparently have in the workshop may just not have known how to do it, they were fine, but will check when we get the van  home, hopefully on Friday .

    Asked the, to change wheel bearings while they had it, but they need to order the parts and are very busy.  When we said we are already booked to  away in April, they agreed to do the work on 28th March.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54413

    Much improved since my childhood visits when the models were made of wobbly flat card. wink

    Thanks WN.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,708
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    edited March 2023 #54414

    A very cold -6C this morning but now balmy +4.

     A few snow showers but nothing of note. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54415

    Another good day gardening here despite the weather! Cold, but virtually dry dog walk, a quick burst of horizontal snow that didn't settle.

    Gardener got stuck in and removed most of the bulbs in the bed as they were amongst lots of rose of sharon or perrywinkle, all gone now. There was also lots of landscapers soil dumpings  Straightened up the edge which added more to the bed. Replanted 2 hellebore, all the snowdrops and lots of the daffodils - put about as many as went in the bed in a tub with compost to spread in the back garden when we start on that next week. Certainly wouldn't have stuck it out without the gardener, snow flurries continually, not settling but dampening.

    Finished at the right time, packed up as it got heavier and within 15 minutes it was settling - not that it lasted thankfully.

    Thankfully tomorrow is reflexology which will be very welcome.

    KjellNN sounds like an expensive day. Doesn't fill one with confidence if your summarising is correct regarding the new employee 🤔

    Heddlo not a great welcome home weatherwise. Hope you recover from jetlag fairly quickly, stay indoors and keep warm. I completely understand about leaving behind family and video calls. Apart from jetlag, 36 hour day 😂 is a strange feeling!, leaving the family it's returning home to the opposite season.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54416

    Indeed B2!    Between the service , the wheel bearings, a new battery and the AlKo pads, there will be little change out of £800-£900.......more if the water pump and toilet pump need replaced.

    In defence of the new lass in the workshop, I doubt she has seen a water system like ours as the van is 15 years old, nor a "doctored" toilet flush system........I have bypassed the PCB in the electric flush as it kept failing, or flushing when not asked to.   The flush pump was however replaced a year ago, so I will be very annoyed if it has failed already!   Water pump is old, but will check things once  we get it home, we do have a spare that could probably be used.

    AlKo pads are old, so probably due to be replaced, and the battery has been slowly failing over the last couple of years.

    Don't know what the life of a wheel bearing is, these have only gone about 45000 miles.

    Biggest problem is the lack of time, we had been expecting to have the last week of the month for cleaning and packing the van. Now  we will have to take it back over there on the Monday, fetch it late on the Tuesday,  2 x 60  mile round trips, and would only have the Friday for doing stuff as we are to take the van to Ayr for DD& Co to use for a week on the Saturday, before we have our 3 weeks away.  

    However, the workshop should not need interior access, so we can hopefully  do all the cleaning the week before and load up the items removed for the service, plus a bit more, leaving just DD's food and clothes to organise.  Have not even discussed with them whether they will bring stuff here to pack.    

    Will check with workshop that they are OK with this, if not then we will need to negotiate Thursday off , as we should be on grandparent duty then (and Wednesday).


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited March 2023 #54417

    Sorry to hear of your service problems, Kjell. Hope all gets sorted before your planned trip.

    Welcome home, heddlo, reading your posts you obviously had a lovely time with your family over there. A good day's rest must now be in the cards for you both.

    I'm surprised to read that the tourist have arrived already, WN, get this weather is a shock for them. Shame that you missed out on the castle visit, and I hope that the snow is only light and you can get out again tomorrow.

    The garden is looking good now B2, both you and your gardener deserve a pat on the back, at the very least.

    Fingers crossed that the snow doesn't put pay to your trip away in the M/H brue.

    Some essential shopping for us this morning before we had a couple of walks at Hurst Green,the second one taking us past the very impressive Stonyhurst College. It has been rather cold all day but we have only had the odd flakes of snow so far. Hope we don't get any more, either.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54418

    There's always expense and conundrums 😉😱. 🤞it'll be sorted without too much angst.

    Snowing steadily now, small flakes, forecast saying snow for us until noon then rain. Glad front garden finished  welcoming the moisture as it'll do the ground good. Handy before I start putting down the bark mulch.

    Stay safe folks - preferably indoors warm and cosy 😀 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54419

    A very strange night last night, two Uni students eating spag bol in our dining room at one am.

     Granddaughter rushed into hospital on Monday evening, well I say rushed, no ambulance available for hours so two of her lovely friends drove her in and the NHS workers on the picket line helped get her from the car to the door. Despite them asking all the ‘walking wounded’ to go home as only two Drs available in A&E she was kept there all night as her blood pressure was soo very high, despite taking medication to lower it. It finally came down and her friends collected her mid morning. She then rallied after sleeping for 24 hours, but yesterday started to feel unwell again.

    As we prepared to collect her, either yesterday or today, she phoned to say two friends were going to bring her. We suggested meeting them half way, it’s a two and a half hour journey at best, but they said no they would come. The issue was that the driver had done an afternoon shift at his part time job so, for various reasons, they wouldn’t leave until 10.pm. They arrived here at 12.30 and the least I could do was to feed them, as the driver hadn’t eaten properly, the bolagnese was cooked, I just did the spaghetti. They were offered a bed but wanted to get back as one has lectures this afternoon.

    Two of the nicest young people, so lovely to have them here they were a delight and so kind. We hear some not so good stories of the younger generation but this would restore anyone’s thoughts. I think we will be seeing them again, and not just through our granddaughter. They both wanted me to join their social media pages (?) to keep in touch and they want to come back for a proper visit, they will be so welcome. Sometimes it’s nice for uni students to have an older contact when their parents are very far away, or abroad, as life is not always easy for them.

    Granddaughter now asleep, OH still in bed, and I’m just having my first cuppa of the day, so a slow start. Hoping this is just a flare up of her long term condition and it will pass, with some rest and TLC.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54420

    Such kindness Debsc, a heartwarming tale, and my best wishes to all.

    We have had snow all night here, and it’s still falling. Looks lovely though. My day off today, so the Mini will be tucked up warm in garage, Jeep will be earning its keep.

    We had a major triumph with Mum yesterday, Occ nurses came and tried out a hoist with her, she rather enjoyed it, and we didn’t make too many mistakes, so hopefully I don’t have to lift her into her chair any more. They have promised us some sort of better supportive chair for her as well, so we can make her comfy and scoot her around the house as well. They are coming back Monday to do more, I think we have become a bit of a let’s do this challenge for Mum’s team, goal is to get her back walking again, but we would happily go with just standing if we could👍 We know we shall have more bad days, but the good ones make up for it😁


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54421

    It’s surprising how just a few innovative changes can help TTD. Sometimes though the problem is getting them put into place. Lifting an invalid does have its challenges on the careers body. And also the general caring challenges. I hope they keep this momentum up and things improve for you all.