What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54362

    Glad to hear you and Nellie are out and about WN, hope others get health and any other issues sorted. I had a nice birthday week, and still got a few presents to go yet from family members. Tried my new bike out today, really good, OH has got things well sorted to give me confidence and comfort. Just needs the power now, but that’s apparently on hand.. Mum had a nice birthday as well, we did miss taking her out though, couldn’t even do a tea for her, as she’s still not eating much normal food.

    Dropping very cold here tonight. We still don’t know what we will get in terms of weather here, forecast very variable still.

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited March 2023 #54363

    Nice bike ttda - I have got the same.

    Definitely must get out on it a lot more this year.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54364

    Yes, it’s lovely. My OH has got the same, bought his from new, then added his own motor. (He isn’t allowed to raise his heart rate above a certain level after having heart surgery a few years ago)

    Mine isn’t new, we found it on eBay, going for a song. Picked it up off a serious lady cyclist last month, and delighted with condition, just like new, been well looked after. I don’t like cleats (recipe for disaster for me😱) so have gone for flat pedals. It’s done Le Jog, but I don’t think it will be going as far again…..it’s sort of due for a nice semi retirement with me!🤣

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,869
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    edited March 2023 #54365

    Pleased to hear that the WN's have escaped for a few days. Hope you have a lovely time and the weather behaves itself. Good wishes to the nellies and tammygirl as well. Not at all envious of TG's sunshine 😏

    OH has been laying a few paving slabs today. We decided we needed to lay a few stepping stones to the greenhouse to save keep walking over the grass. He had to give up after lunch as the rain was too heavy. What he has done looks good though. Very heavy rain this afternoon and the weather forecast tomorrow doesn't look at all good. Like tda says the weather forecast is very viable.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54366

    Very cold here, but no snow as yet.

    Made it to the dealer today......eventually.  Had planned to leave here by 10.30, but needed to put air in one tyre.  Cable on compressor too short to reach from car to van, as it was now hitched up, found an extension but that did not work, fuse blown.  New fuse put in, blew again, so had to do some surgery to get things working.

    Eventually left home at 11.40.  Arrived at dealer at 12.35, with 10 minutes to spare before the workshop staff stop for lunch.

     Before we came home we spent some time looking at a few new caravans, not for us but for DD who was wondering what was available with fixed bunks for the children.  The answer is apparently "not a lot".  

    We saw a Swift, which OH reckoned was unsuitable as it was far too narrow in the middle, having shower room opposite kitchen.   Better was a  Bailey where the shower room was at the rear, and even better from our point of view, should this become a "shared caravan", was another Bailey, shower room at rear, but with 2 single beds rather than the bunks and small dinette.  Showers were tried for size and deemed acceptable.

    All however had only small fridges, so did not get approval from OH.  We would also miss the Alde heating, and a lot of equipment was optional at extra cost.  Options reduce user payload too, which is already minimal these days, then there is the Mover.........

    A weight upgrade may be an option on some models, but can be as little as 20kg.

    We had a good chat with the sales staff and they were saying Swift have decided  that the market for family vans will be poor this year, so they are limiting how many they make.   So much so that our dealer was allowed only one van of the layout with the bunk beds for the whole year.

    Just saw the weather forecast      Supposed to be snow here on Friday, which is when we are due to collect our caravan.      🙁

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited March 2023 #54367

    Still mostly fine today, although we had some rain overnight and from any showers about we only caught the odd spot, including a little hail. We had a couple of Scottish walks today, one at Long Preston, after having a look around the Rohan shop, ( no purchases ) and another at Tosside up into Gisburn Forest, from the East this time. Managed to get 4 sites booked for our post Easter trip, with more to sort out tomorrow. Last night here before we move on to a commercial site at Clitheroe that we have used before.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2023 #54368

    Hoping that all you good and happy campers are warm & dry  with all the facilities one needs in these c-c-cold and freezing days , with the occasional layer of white stuff promised  surprised.

    I've been 'tested' for my health twice today a) firstly by the Good Neighbour who is thinking of having this  weekend somewhere up in Cumbria & trusting yours truly to feed & water about 10 new pairings of Racing pigeons  ~~ latest decision will be later on Thursday afternoon just in case it's a non--starter  so I wont have to do a fry--up for their brekky  wink

    b) the second check was by the Surgery checking that my own recent hiccough was a thing of the past and that all is clear  chez A B M.  Their pharmacist rang me back a half hour later after I told her that I was now in need of a check on my medications & such  So I'm due in the 2nd branch surgery next Tuesday before 10 a.m. { I will take my big calculator to find out just how much of a drain I am on NHS resources  money-mouth }

    Keep warm, dry and safe please  


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54369

    Great to read there are some of you 'out and about' at the moment.  I hear we are in for a cold spell this week.  Hope it won't last for too long.  I really do hope that 'Real Spring' is on it's way soon.

    All the best for your search for a suitable caravan KjellNN.  The user payload and ability to upgrade was a key feature for us when we went to the NEC a few weeks back... although we have to wait until June/July for the new van to arrive (hopefully!!!)

    I think so many of us seem to spend time up at the Doctors, these days ABM..... and as for medication, when I get my repeat prescriptions, it takes me an age to put them in the little containers.... and goodness help me should I drop a tablet on the floor..  🤣🤣

    As for getting out in the garden, I haven't given it much thought as yet...  I'm waiting for it to get a touch warmer.  Well done to you OH, Millie, for even attempting paving slabs.  These days, I think I'd be getting someone in. 😀

    Enjoy your visits out WN and Nellie..... and careful on that bike TTDA..



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54370

    Gorgeous morning here, blue skies and sunny. I am up early (for me😁) trying to get through to Pension Services yet again. Ongoing nightmare trying to get through, but I am persevering. The long schpiel is the most annoying thing, I know it off by heart now. I don’t think there is any other way to talk to anyone other than on the phone🤷‍♀️ If my Welsh was good enough that might be a short cut🤣


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54371

    Damp here,  asked to have visiting dogs so bang goes a coffee and cake out....wink🐶🐶

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54372

    Lovely weekend catching up with Son and family, travelled home yesterday, stopping off at Cribbs Causeway. OH bought a shirt but that was it, I have a Christmas present voucher for Marks but couldn’t see anything that I liked, even in that big store, not sure who their buyers are lately but not keen on their choices. Sadly it’s one of the few places I shop now that Debenhams have gone. We did have a nice lunch though.

    My promised treat from Son to visit Costco didn’t go much to plan either. It was soo busy. The petrol station was a nightmare with two attendants out directing the traffic in! I wouldn’t have bothered just to save a few pence but we were already in the queue before we realised. I did get 3 nice pork loins for a good price though and my dried herbs are now stocked up for many many months. I also succumbed and bought a double air fryer for the caravan, I was going to get a single one but both ‘kids’ had them and said they weren’t much good, too small, Son soon ditched his and bought a double. With the price of the gas canisters at our Park I’m hoping it will save me using the oven and pay for itself over time, especially with the family using it there as well. OH was pleased, might save him using the bbq when the weather isn’t brilliant.

    Have noticed a small difference in things greening up in the garden in just these few days. Well home now and things to get on with.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54373

    It's quite bright here this morning... no snow, no frost, bit a bit chilly.  Folk are saying there has been snow further north and even some a bit futher south than us, but so far we have escaped it.  Our daughter Ruth put a photo on FB from their home in the Outer Hebrides.  I reckon our 18 month old grandson will be playing out later.... 😃


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54374

    Our daffs are beginning to come through, too Debsc.  Just hope they survive the predicted cold snap.  I'd be interested to hear how you get on with the air fryer.  We've never used one...   I guess my main concern would be the weight of them in the caravan... 


  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2023 #54375

    Moho had its Damp Check yesterday, so I can start reloading all/some of the stuff we took out. Surprising how bits and pieces accumulate. Managed to re-sand some of the block paving on the drive. Just have to pressure wash and re-sand the rest of it now. Forecast for the next ten days isn't very conducive to outside tasks though.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54376

    It is difficult to look for something for someone else.   What we think is good or bad may not be so to them.

    However, there is the distinct possibility that this, if purchased, would become a shared van, so we would want to have some input.

    If the Bailey Phoenix had a bigger fridge then it would be OK.   There is headroom for a taller fridge where the small one is,  though you would lose a useful worktop,  but  presumably the smaller one keeps the price, and weight, down.  Though there is a 90kg payload upgrade available, so they could have used some of that.    

    I can see that the model with the 2 fixed singles may be aimed more at couples, but the one with bunks is for a family.   With a small fridge you would be shopping every second day.  Our previous vans had only small fridges, but now we have the taller fridge freezer we would miss it.   We would also find accessing the under counter one a pain, now we do not bend so easily!!

    Using an electric cool box for drinks would be essential, but then that needs to be kept somewhere, and when touring we do not always use the awning.

    The Bailey Unicorn Cadiz with 2 singles would seem ideal from our point of view, we have only seen it online,  but is almost £7k more expensive.    It has everything we would like, but the payload is pathetic and there is no mention of an upgrade being available.

      Only other candidates are a couple of Adrias, excellent payloads available, but a bit longer than we would really like.   Only dealers in Scotland are in Perth and Aberdeen, but we will look out for dealers down south when away in the summer.

    Our dealer had an Evora there for sale DSB, is that not what you have ordered?     Looked very nice, but also BIG!


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54378

    KJN our last tourer was a Bailey Cadiz, by far the best caravan we have ever owned, suited us perfectly with the two single beds and the rest of its layout. We took everything that we wanted to take, and I don’t travel light, including a large awning. They are not cheap but if you are sharing the cost and upkeep with family it might be worth it. We found it well worth the money and when we sold it we found it had held its price very well. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54379

    Spent many happy hours as a child scampering around the Great Orme visiting my grandparents in nearby Deganwy. I think we also visited "Happy Valley" in the  summer which was lit up with characters from Alice in Wonderland (remembering the nearby  Lewis Carroll memorial.) Looks as though you are in a lovely spot, hope you've taken your sledge with you too.....laughing 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54380

    Just got back. If'd seen your post before I went out Brue I would have taken a few photos of the various well known characters from "Alice" that are dotted around town.laughing

    They were checking the tram rails today so won't be long before they start up again.

    We carry snow socks for the car tyres, except I don't think I've repacked them following recent change of car. Cripes!surprised

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54381

    It is really difficult to shop for someone else.... especially for caravans - all our needs are,different.  Do let us know what you get in the end....

    Yes, it is the Evora we ordered.  It is a large van, so no douby it will take a bit of getting used to.  Not that botgered about the 'mood lighting'.... and I think those net curtains will have a limited life.  We wanted avan with access to the bed from both sides and a decent payload.  The Evoraxhas 305kg user payload, with the upgrade.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54382

    It's been years since we've been to Landudno, WN - we must revisit....  Mind you it's been even longer since we've visited Anglesey, so I've booked us into the Penrhos site for a stay as part of our summer travels.  Thanks for sharing the lovely photos, WN.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54383

    We like Llandudno David. Hasn't changed much and you can find plenty to do in the environs. Plus it's less than an hours drive away.. 

    The scene in front of us is very inviting, sun, beach, bay, white houses and hotels around the bay but look right and there's snow on them tha hills.

    Funnily enough we might be in Angelsey in summer as well, probably on a CL.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54384

    Great pics WN. We love Llandudno last visit there was October 2021 it may have been autumn but it was warm enough to have a pint outside at the end of the pier weather was lovely. Hoping to be down that way again in May


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,175
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    edited March 2023 #54385

    Lovely sunny day in East Norfolk although kept cool by an Easterly breeze. No beast from the East or anywhere else so far.  Just worked it out it must be 47 years since we last visited Llandudno.  Must get their again 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54386

    Been another chilly day here, very still. A bit of rain overnight but not much. Any that there has been must be very local, we had none yesterday but milliehull, fairly local, driven indoors with heavy rain. We did have a couple of snow showers today, but I had to remove my coat as too hot but bodywarmer was sufficient, didn't settle.

    Had garden help, he worked virtually non stop from 0830 to 1615, i worked with him from about 1030 until he finished. 'We' finally finished the area known as the 'orchard' cos it has 2 fruit trees 🤣. Edges now reshaped, sadly redesign resulted in slightly larger beds. I worked on the small 'vandalised' by the hard landscapers, bed. I found 3 bulbs but had emptied it before. Turned it over several times and pulled out roots etc. Took a full 3 hours, but pleased with the result. 

    Gardener moved on to last bed in the front, full of rose of Sharon and Perry winkle tangled in with bulbs. He also liberated another shrub we bought with us. I was about to redistribute the bulbs dislodged by hard landscaping, popped into pots temporarily. But gardener had to dig out lots of snowdrops to remove roots so redistributed those instead and popped pots on the beds for action tomorrow.

     Came in and had a soak in the bath in warmer ensuite,so much nicer than settling for a shower as I had to before, then into dressing gown 😉.  OH cooking M&S ready meal 😃


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54387

    Deleted User by me


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54389

    Looking very nice Bakers, won’t take long for things to get established and mature, some nice looking plants in there. I managed an hour and a half out in garden at Mum’s today, bit of weeding and tidying. Her gardeners will start back soon, but they are more cut and tidy than plantsmen, so I like to do the beds, leave the lawns and hedges to them.

    Unwrapped another birthday present today, a new Fig (Brown Turkey). It’s safe in greenhouse wrapped in fleece now for this week. Still got my new Magnolia to go in, but not risking frost conditions at the moment. Not had the best of days today with Mum, absolutely crackered now. But I did at least get for a bit of a walk in the sunshine.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,895
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    edited March 2023 #54390

    Congrats Bakers. Oh not on your gardening but on the spacing of your post. Brilliant.👏😂

    (Garden looking good too)

    I think I might nip into the Llandudno tourist office and ask for commission.😀

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54391

    Our abiding memory of Llandudno is of having to take DS, age 3, to A&E there back in 1973, after he fell backwards off the caravan seat and cut the back of his head on a sharp corner. 

    He was very brave,  needed 4 stitches.  He has been to A&E several places as a child with cuts and broken arms (3) , he was very accident prone, generally when doing something he had been told not to do!!