What are you all up to
Happy birthday Ttda whenever it arrives. Another line etched on the prison walls until "P.Day" (pension day).😂 Good to read of your mum.
Mrs WN now much better, well enough for the 3 of us to drive down to the Tweed Mill just outside St.Asaph. MiL's favourite hobby, clothes shopping! Although I think people watching might come first.🤔 She actually couldn't find anything suitable no matter how hard she tried. Annoyed at me as I walked over to the coats, tried one on and bought it, took 10 minutes. Anyway I had time for a relaxing coffee and read of the newspaper whilst Mrs.WN was escorting mother and wishing she hadn't recovered so quickly.🤣
As recompense I offered to stop off en route home at a lovely spacious pub for a meal, which we all enjoyed.
Quite cold, overcast with showers.
Hope your journey home goes smoothly Heddlo.
Best wishes to those nursing sick bodies or wallets.
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Enjoy your holiday TG and glad you are still improving WN I am with you on clothes shopping usually get things quickly OH not so, got two new tee shirts for me in LeClerc last week 4.95 euros each so pleased with that and now washed and pressed and put away.
Going to try and see where my very small new greenhouse will go in the next couple of days and off for a bit of shopping tomorrow.
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Day one of bathroom refit over. The room has been completely gutted and the previous contents are now in a Hippo Bag in the front garden! The fitter can now see the wood for the trees so to speak and it looks like tomorrow will be pipework day, he could be busy. Having only one toilet in the house is making us a bit nervous
Can't double up with the motorhome as that is away being serviced, the bad timing has already been pointed out to me! Our fitter seems to keep quite civilised hours, 8.30/9.00 am start and if today is anything to go by 4.00pm finish but no lunch break. At that rate we might even be able to get our shopping done later tomorrow afternoon?
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Today was a special day.........little Nathan had his first haircut!
He can now see where he is going......Mummy has been very reluctant to cut off his beautiful blonde locks.
He now looks quite different, more like a little boy than a very cute little girl!!
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Finished off the inside of the van this morning after our dog walk, so just clothes to sort out tomorrow and we will be ready for the off again on Friday. We had some very short light rain showers so I decided to walk the 3 mls down to the dentist after lunch. Filling done by 3:15 and I just missed the bus home so walked half way back before catching the next one.I
Good to see you should your ladies how to do the clothes shopping WN, and pleased to read that your OH has recovered from her cold. Hope that all those that are still suffering have soon returned to normal health.
Your garden looks grand, B2, and as it warns up it should improve even further.
By greeting to both you and your mum, tda. The blanket sound a lovely idea, and hopefully you will enjoy your "gentle" ride out. ,
Heddlo, you certainly have had a fascinating trip and give us some lovely photos. Hope your return trip goes without a hitch.
Best of luck with the bathroom refit, DK. We had ours done a few years ago but thankfully we didn't have any problems
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All being well we are supposed to have a short break this month but the forecast is snow! Hope your next trip goes well Nellie, I haven't summoned up the energy yet to sort our van although OH will do the main cleaning etc.
I hope we can get our bathroom renewed this year, it was the first room we tackled on arrival here and it's in dire need of a revamp. Good luck with yours DK, I'm sure you'll be pleased to see it transformed.
I had a wander round the garden in the sunshine this morning although it's very cold it was nice to see a Forsythia coming out and lots more bulbs etc appearing, just a bit too cold to enjoy it. Came inside and ordered a new arch to replace a dilapidated one that has a vigorous clematis on it, about to flower and pushing the old arch over.
OH took dog to vets for yearly check, all ok, another pay out...
Have a good day folks, keep warm!
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"OH took dog to vets for yearly check, all ok, another pay out..."
Brue - I took Meg to the Vet's on Tuesday - for the same reason - and it's the one time I don't have to reach for my 'money' card! When we first got her, they were doing a deal - £45 - and free health checks and injections for life. I didn't have to think twice whether or not it was a good deal but I note that it went up to £90 shortly afterwards. Makes a very pleasant change from having to pay the usual big bills.
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I had an hour in garden yesterday putting fleece around some of the delicate stuff like Delphiniums that have decided to grow early🤨 Hope I can get them through next week, we have frost and snow predicted.
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Dried 2 loads of washing, breeze very chilly and sun has gone now.
Planted a couple of ivy's to cover holes in hedge. Was going to potter some more but too uncomfortable and I no urgency - yet! So came in and after comparisons indeed bagged bark from local nursery with delivery. Given a large merchant recommendation but that worked out slightly more even before delivery. Coming on Tuesday.
Landscapers turned up and dry sanded blocks. I expect the bill will arrive very soon. We had them quote for the 3 different areas and have settled each area after completion. New front door and side panel going in as I type. Very pleased with our choice. Surprise surprise the existing one wasn't in square - which is why it always swings wide open. They'll be back tomorrow to do the extras on door and trim the bay now it's all dry.
Just heard niece has gone down with covid - 3 years clear despite teaching in a special school.where it's been prevalent throughout. Seems her husband may have succumbed too. Brother and sister in law extra day off having the girls. He had it Christmas eve, she Boxing Day and it was more than 3 weeks before they were clear. Both still bunged up and coughing!
We too are in for a cold snap, possible white stuff.
Spoke to royal mail re cards sent to NZ on 7 February and not yet received. Unhelpful. I sent as large letter deliberately to avoid cyber issues. Told earliest I can raise a complaint is 14 March. Already missed daughters wedding anniversary hope it makes grand daughters birthday on 10th. It's important when you are going to be 9 😡. In 15 years it's always been 2-3 weeks at the most.....
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Your garden looks and sounds lovely Bakers2. You seem to be really busy with all the work on your house and garden. Will you have a holiday when it is all finished? As regards Royal Mail, I tried to post a birthday card to a friend in Spain back in January but was told that I couldnt because of a cyber attack so I had to send an ecard instead. I hope your grand-daughter's card arrives in time.
I hope both you and your Mum have great birthdays tda. The blanket for your Mum sounds a wonderful idea but like others I would give the bike ride a miss!
I am pleased to hear that your OH is so much better WN and I also like your style when buying a new jacket!
I hope your next trip goes well nellie.
OH had an appointment at the audiology dept this afternoon and now has a new hearing aid so hopefully I now won't have to keep repeating myself. He thinks his old hearing aid is somewhere in the car engine as he thinks he lost it when re-filling the windscreen washers a few weeks ago! A couple more trips to the local tip this week as OH has cleared some of the stuff he was storing behind our shed 'just in case' and also a huge pile of plastic plant pots also being stored in our greenhouse 'just in case' were taken to our local garden centre where they have a recycling point for unwanted plastic garden pots and trays. I had a walk around our garden this afternoon to check what is in bud and what needs doing but it was too cold to stay out there for long. Snow is forecast for next week so I think we might wait to do any planting. It is planning only for the next few weeks.
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I read an article yesterday about food and helping your brain stay healthy. It had 10 bullet points with things such as eating berries, grains, pulses, fruit and veg, drinking coffee black with no sugar etc. etc.
I thought "Great, I tick all 10 boxes"
This from the man who only last week left his mobile phone on top of the car before we drove off.🤫😂
I'm just glad my brain is the healthiest bit of me!!!🤣🤣
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Milliehull I'm not sure about a holiday, I think I want to sit and admire my/our achievements.
We visited audiologist before Christmas, the new aids work well - especially in their charger.........
I ventured out again this afternoon, sun had gone in, I topped up the bird feeders - they'll need it first thing, did their water and then watered pots, yes in March and called it quits!
I think the new hose will be going back, almost impossible to wind up back in. No it is impossible to wind back in. Not impressed despite large outlay. If you see a woman on a mission with a hosepipe reel trailing a very long length of hose behind her - steer clear.
I sowed some morning glory and sweet peas from a free packet, lots more to sow, shocked at the speed of germination of morning glory within 5 days, now trying to keep them warm and cool enough with decent light 😆. Just 3 sweet peas, looking more like grass have germinated, 2 outside the toilet rolls in the loose compost??? Examined them closely, definitely coming from the seed..?.. I'm not a seed sower this is first attempt, quite likely last too 😅
Edit with regard royal mail posting, we had a conversation at the post office re the cyber attack, had it been a parcel I couldn't send it but letters we not effected on date if posting. Woman in tge contact centre seemed to think that was rubbish, I paraphrase 😉. Package also contained daughter's new bank card which means she can't access granddaughter's birthday money.....
Great advice ABM I've not discarded mine yet!
Wherenext I think those articles are penned to give you false prospective. Good that you're improving, it all takes time. Frustrating sometimes but never give up trying.
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Yes I read that article as well WN .... 😁
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Acclimatising to a return to home. It’s, so cold, damp and pretty miserable on the journey back from Spain. Like Emile from that 1929 novel I stared out the railway carriage window and wondered and pondered on all I witnessed. Lots of rubbish littering the trackside, dismal looking individuals enduring the inclement weather. Then a buzzard, a red kite, a couple of deer and a male mandarin duck all in the Esk Valley. I fear for all of these creatures. Possibly wrong place and wrong time for them right now! Oh, how I long to enjoy the warmer rays of spring! It is just round the corner and hope willing nature will prevail.
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You'll have to take my word for it that there is a spectacular sight early evening in the S western sky over the next few nights, Jupiter and Venus hanging out together. I asked OH to take a photo as my wrists are no good for long distance shots but he couldn't do it justice either. They really are impressive.
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I didn't intend my "look up at the stars" post as a response to Micky but I haven't been away anywhere so not suffering from traveller's return. Although snow is forecast there are good signs of Spring. I read on the BBC about the lady from the Yukon who mistakenly said in her Canadian blog that Wales was in England. She got an invite and paid for trip to visit Wales from the Welsh Gov. Her response to the trip has been enthusiastic and fun to read. Have to say the residents of the Yukon endure a much harsher climate than the UK but still love home. How we all live differently but together.
Today will be much like yesterday but colder, expecting some new curtains and doing some spring cleaning...moving a bit of furniture around to see what's lurking behind...not looking forward to that bit! 😀
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Just back after a few days on a CL near Rainham, Kent. Visited the Historic Dockyard but boy was it cold. With the forecast for the coming week it looks like I may have to drain the system down as frost protection too.
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A scary time ahead. Our fixed electric tariff is coming to an end. It's a Business one and a dairy farm uses a lot of electricity, so it certainly focuses the mind on future costs. Our solar panels have been operational for nearly a week and we're hopeful they will help mitigate the the upcoming costs.
Meanwhile I'm planning what to cook this weekend. Beef? Or maybe beef?
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Hope the solar panels can take the strain Goldie. As for beef...we won a meat voucher not long ago, time was running out to use it. OH went off to the butcher yesterday as I don't eat a lot of meat so he had a free rein...he was a bit surprised at the £30 not stretching very far but beef was on his choice list, steaks, a lamb shank and some local chicken.
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Yes jolly chilly morning, not overly bright here either. Rufus please send the sun up this way.
Awoke to message that NZ package arrived there today 😃.
Good luck with the curtains brue. Not a job I enjoy, but we have curtain poles here - they don't go with bays so couldn't have in old house. Much easier. Don't go a bundle on furniture moving for cleaning either. Enjoy yourself 😉
Goldie best of luck sorting electric, everything is hassle these days, without the current prices.
Our new gas meter recording nicely I take weekly readings as despite it being smart, like it's predessor, it isn't 😡. Tried talking to UW but girl completely missed the point. Since our gas bills have been estimated since our arrival - really cross with myself for missing. that 🤐. We are using way way less than they've estimated. Been advised to wait 6 months minimum for our usage to be seen for sorting refund. Naturally works in their favour!
Stay warm folks, I was going to garden but decided on dog walk, you could see Dora's breath at times and she wasn't exerting herself, the ironing didn't seem so bad!
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As well as discussing our electricity usage (and the costs) we're now looking into water usage. Well, at least my husband is. He stuck his round the door and asked “when you have a minute”, could you look up how much water we use and the cost etc.
Water is another thing that dairy farms use a lot off - as well as washing out the parlour and dairy system twice a day, and generally swishing a lot of water about, cows drink a lot of water. So he’s gone off with a piece of paper showing the high costs, and ideas to reduce them.
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Our window fitters have now left. Very pleased with their work, especially their tidiness and cleanliness. We have the house back to ourselves. Not quite sure what Dora will make of no human arrivals each morning after 9 weeks of extra fuss. Because she's not loved or treated well by us!
Relief that our 2 VERY HEAVY garden bins were emptied today. It was a bit touch and go, but lovely window man encouraged them whilst I was dog walking.
Goldie it sounds like reforms are on the cards, but it must be hard to make savings when livestock I'd involved.
I wonder what my next project will be? It'll be physical without doubt! I'll continue gardening but I can start on the nice things indoors like choosing decor 😃 but I think I'll give myself some time off.
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I did notice in passing something I read about generating electricity by wind turbine, not the size of the ones you see in the North Sea but much smaller but apparently quite effective.
As you are based in Cumberland I assume you get a lot of rain. Is there any chance you could harvest rainwater to use for cleaning the stalls. Reserving the mains water for the more hygiene critical uses?
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Good luck Goldie. Scary time indeed for businesses.
Our 2 year tariff runs out at the end of this month. Normally we'd have a letter from supplier outlining new deals but nothing heard yet. Tried Martin Lewis's find me a tariff site yesterday and he says its not worth it as all much of a muchness and even if you found a deal new company may not take you on. So much for Privatisation and Competition.
Busy 2 days.Yesterday was day for sorting out arrangements to pick new car up for today. Given go ahead from garage, so contacted existing motor insurer to change vehicle. Problem with change. Had to wait for an email "within next 24 hours". As exchange was in 16 hours I was a bit concerned. Got email at 8 o'clock last night. They don't want to insure it. Totally astounded as same Make, Model just different range and newer but automatic. So urgent rearranging of new policy plus arranging leaving existing one in place until I could get old car to garage.
Then we had to sort out cottage for MiLs birthday later this month. All arranged.
Swapped cars at lunchtime today. Phew.
Could do without the hassle.
Give yourself a break Bakers, you'll drive yourself into the ground otherwise.
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Wherenext that insurance business must have come as a shock! Especially with your background. Stress you could do without....
I certainly intend to take my foot of the gas for a while, just pottering at things I love doing - gardening especially. But I want the weather to pick up a bit. Celebrated workman finishing by a cuppa and nod in front if the tv in a nice warm lounge 🤣🤣🤣
Goldie I like DavidKlyne's idea of harvesting rain water. You've probably got the ground work equipment and skills to make holes for tanks and laying pipes etc.
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Bakers, I wouldn't have minded if I had overlooked some information about having no email or telephone contact. It was Aviva as well, one of the biggest insurers in the country. A policy that was supposedly environmentally friendly, offsetting carbon etc. I've used online companies before and never had a problem.
Doesn't matter what you do as long as you get some benefit from it. Good luck.
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Following on about water -
We have a rainwater harvesting system that feeds the troughs in one of the buildings.
And, we have a Borehole. In 2007 we got a drilling company in to do a test drill in what we thought was a likely place quite near the buildings. Wrong! No water found. We then went a bit left field and got in a Dowser (water diviner). He suggested the top of a hill opposite the buildings. Oh, how we laughed! But he was right! Because 30 months later in 2010 we eventually got the drill back and up the hill, and did indeed find water where he said.
We then laid a pipe down to a shed near the yard and installed a pump etc. There isn’t sufficient water to do everything - and it’s not good enough for the parlour etc, but we are planning on making more use of it.