What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,950
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    edited February 2023 #54242

    Some wonderful photos coming out on FB this evening of the Northern Lights, especially some red and green skies from the Isle of Skye.

    Still lots of coughs and colds going around - get well soon, those who are suffering.

    Only just spotted the motorhome problem ABM... hope it all gets sorted soon.  Cleaning the outside of the xaravan is a job I need to get done, but it may just have to wait until it gets a touch warmer, Nellie....


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2023 #54243

    I think ignoring things is a big part of the problem WN, so that will not get a good reaction.   🤣

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2023 #54244

    KjellNN,  I'm fortunate in that I won't need any visits to the opticians until October this year then theres a full eye test awaiting me, so I might, just might, try for a hearing test while I'm there undecided.  Well they do speak loudly when I walk in through the door and I just answer  "Sorry, Im blind not deaf " which normally gets a smile from the staff smile

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2023 #54245

    Got our  monthly gas and electricity bill yesterday, relieved to find our consumption is well down on this time last year!

    Electricity use was 81% of last years figure, mainly due to not running any heating in the caravan these days,  and gas was right down to 54% of last year, due to new boiler, more precise  controls, and heating less of the house.

    Total bill was however still 7% higher.  This month last year was our first month off our previous fixed rates.

    We were out in the caravan to check things over the other day, felt really cold in it.  Last year we warmed it up a bit before the service as when it is cold they always report a 20% + damp test reading in the rear bathroom wall, which disappears when we heat it a  bit, but not doing that this year.

    Relieved to find everything was working fine in the van.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2023 #54246

    Kj. We've kept things to a minimum with our van but the contents are not in the usual good shape, so now some extra work to get it back in order. We are on a fixed rate with fuel til July, fixed at a fairly high rate two years ago but it was worth it and we haven't worried too much. Come July the shock might happen unless prices have steadied, unlikely to come down much sadly. 

    Bought some tomato bags at the garden centre today, we had money off from our garden club but as OH pointed out, it's an expensive way to grow tomatoes (but a very tasty way and we have them from the freezer all year round.)🍅🍅🍅

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2023 #54247

    13 months back our fix was something like 2.5p for gas and 14.5p for electricity, and both standing charges were around 26p.

    That has now gone up three times since then, even with the price cap and gov help, so now paying something like 33p for electricity and 10p for gas, plus the standing charges of 50p and 28p respectively.  Less of course the £400 over 6 months and the extra £300 on our existing £300 WFA.  We also get around £1800 FIT from our solar panels.  That alone used to cover all our bills!

    Have the prices from April been announced yet?

    Apart from being very cold in the van, everything looked OK.  Just needs a good clean as not been used since mid October.  We leave upholstery and carpets in, plus pots and plates etc, but otherwise everything comes in for winter.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,239
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    edited February 2023 #54248

    Was listening to BBC Radio 4 this lunchtime on the way back from a shopping trip. The speaker was discussing the various elements on the Cap etc. He also said that consumption was down. Our own consumption is down but not enough to make a massive difference to the bill. We are certainly running the CH at a lower temperature than we ever had before. When it's cold outside, hovering around freezing, it's not so bad as the heating kicks in at regular intervals  so the house temperature is maintained and it feels comfortable. Where it is more difficult is when the temperature outside is high single figures, with perhaps a stiff breeze, in such circumstances it's less comfortable inside as the heating doesn't kick in as frequently. Does have the advantage of saving money. Be interesting if and when energy prices fall back towards what they were before whether we go back to our old ways?


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,862
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    edited February 2023 #54249

    "Apart from being very cold in the van, everything looked OK. Just needs a good clean as not been used since mid October. We leave upholstery and carpets in, plus pots and plates etc, but otherwise everything comes in for winter."

    We're the opposite Kj.  Van is parked on the drive - plugged into mains, water and drainage.  Heating on 9 degrees overnight at this time of year and except for food and clothes, is all ready to go.  I often go in there in the afternoon and read my Kindle and give the heating a blast on gas for an hour or so - and with two Safefills, I reckon that's costing me less than £10 per month.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2023 #54250

    We have gaslow, but a fixed system, so a bit reluctant to use up all our gas unnecessarily!

    We used to have the Alde ( 2kW)  on frost protection (5 degrees) all winter, but the insulation  in our 15 year old van is poor compared to newer vans so it uses a lot of power, even more if it was to be suitable to sit in!

    Over the last 12 months we have used 1000 kWh less than in previous years, the only other thing  we have unplugged is an old drinks fridge, so a lot  of that 1000 kWh must be down to the caravan.  Unsustainable extra spending at today's prices unfortunately.

    We have care duties during school terms, and never have done weekends, so in late October the van is emptied of most contents.  It has to be mainly emptied for its service in March anyway, so might as well do it before the bad weather sets in.

    We do still keep it plugged in so we can keep the battery well charged.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited February 2023 #54251

    The new boiler we got last  May is much more efficient than our old one, so that has saved at least 30% on the gas, plus the new control system we put in in December lets us set the temperature in each room individually, so we have not reduced the temperature in the living area, it is a cosy  22 degrees in here right now.   OH has poor circulation so does feel the cold a lot.

    However we have set other areas lower.......18 in the hallway, 19 in the cloakroom, and do not heat at all overnight.  Since we can easily turn off or adjust temperatures in different rooms from our i pads or phones, we find we are more likely to do so.  We have set up a "smart schedule" which is easy to change  depending on whether we are home or not, so overall we are making good savings.

    Will be interesting to see the overall saving with the new system once we have had a full year of use.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited February 2023 #54252

    Another busy day here for a change 🤣 but productive.


    Bay window removed and new one put in. Taken them all day and it'not finished yet. Another couple of hours tomorrow they reckon. Then other lounge window, back and front door to go. Should be completed by the end of the week. We are noticing the difference in warmth as each room has been completed.


    Garden help today, had a couple of days last week too. Front garden begins to look cared for. I've helped today as well, always good therapy 😀 


  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2023 #54253

    It would be interesting to know why you need a new engine Brian, your van is newer than minewink


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,239
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    edited February 2023 #54254


    Our boiler is now 4 years old so we have already experienced the benefit of using less gas but that had already been baked in to our regular bills. Yours is fairly recent so you are probably still reaping the benefit compared to the old one. As I have mentioned before our heating is on 24/7. When I say that, the boiler is obviously not working all that time only when the temperature falls before that what has been set. Overnight it's 17 degrees which rarely activates the heating except in very cold conditions, like when we were having minus 8 overnight. For most of the day it is set at 18, then 18.5 from mid afternoon and then 19 for the evening. With the odd exception it seems to keep us warm enough and we always have the option of the boost system but I can't remember the last time we used that!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    edited February 2023 #54255

    Cleaning the outside of the xaravan is a job I need to get done, but it may just have to wait until it gets a touch warmer, Nellie....

    David, I try to get it done on the first fine day after getting back from a trip, Jefferson up warm if it is rather cold. 

    OH had another dental appointment this morning so after that had a walk through our local park and the spring bulbs have come on leaps and bounds in the last week or so. Called in at Aldi on the way home and there was no shortage of salad or vegetables. Managed to get the car washed and then polished this afternoon/evening.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,414
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    edited February 2023 #54256

    Well we have certainly used some fuel today. As said before, our granddaughter is stopping with us this week and today her sister, there is only 11 months between them, also came to stop overnight so they could catch up. I made a big roast with all the trimmings, plus puds, so both ovens were used on our range. It hasn’t been used much lately as I’ve been batch cooking using the slow cooker, also been using the airfryer. That certainly pushed the smart meter up. Then we opened the dining room up and turned the fire on, we haven’t bothered to use it much this winter. Also washing machine, dishwasher and vacuum used today. The smart meter has just registered over £10 for the day. Good job that’s not every day. It has been good though, after our meal we played trivial pursuit using controls and the tv, the girls and us were pretty well matched, but I knew little regarding modern singers, and their lack of knowledge on World War One battles evened us out somewhat. It’s been a bit like meals and games at Christmas. Eldest one retired early as usual to rest and youngest one now watching Love Island!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2023 #54257

    Well, Jolly lad, its12 reg ( to the day as I write this frown  )  with only 47k on the clock but even my usual garage says he was concerned since there was absolutley zero compression.  Since its about 60 years since I did an engine strip down & even that was only petrol not diesel I'm not in any position to agree or disagree with pro engineers nowadays. sealed

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 912
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    edited March 2023 #54258

    Your garden looks really good B2.  It should be easier to tidy when everything grows a bit more.  We had some Berginia for a few years but they go so scruffy looking after a while, maybe we just don’t treat them well?  Good luck with the rest of your house revamp it will be great to see it all finished I’m sure. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2023 #54260

    Maybe I hadn't upset the gods as much as I feared? 

    We seem to have had a reasonable amount of moisture, as shower(s) overnight 😃. So will help to settle my plantings, many but plenty more to go, from our last house 🏠 😀. 

    Heddlo I feel we are reaching the summit as regards to jobs being done. The garden and a new boiler were all that were obvious when we viewed and moved in. Garden neglected really. Can't imagine waking up and not having workmen in next week 🤞. It's been constant since 3 January! 

    I retained a bit of elephants ears but I think it looks more scuffy than I thought, I think these things are relevant 😉 to surroundings. So it may well be on borrowed time! 

    Heddlo view looks interesting and restaurant sounds different. Couldn't do Hong Kong, or anywhere with towers, because I can't do heights these days. Inside or out. And this from the girl who was up a tree like a natural 🤔😳. 

    Glad to read some are recovering from coughs etc, OH's has lessened but not gone,. Need a quick cure from last 2 days of antibiotics.....


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,917
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    edited March 2023 #54261

    How are you going to celebrate Bakers? It deserves something sparkling, even Prosecco if you've run out of money.😅

    How long before you come home Heddlo?





  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited March 2023 #54262

    Your garden will look lovely when it's established B. I showed the wife those photos, she does miss her garden still. I've made quite a few wooden planters to put in our private area so should be nice when we sit out after work. I've also recovered the redundant bottle gas cage again with polythene, it made a good greenhouse last year with a good crop of tomatoes & cucumbers. Couldn't get peppers to grow though.

    Although we don't officially start work until the 20th, I'm here so have been doing a bit here and there at my leisure. Yesterday I got water running to all the service points ready for jet washing today, no leaks, that makes a change!. This morning will be attempting to power up everywhere, there's always problems with the bollards at this point, a dodgy trip or ten, failed lights, dry sockets etc. Hopefully done by lunchtime so I can request the electrician if needed. The weather has been kind although  really cold wind so later on today / tomorrow will be one man went to mow. 11 acres to tidy up, shouldn't be too bad because the farmer booked to flail the hedges didn't show so no thorn to rake up first. I'll tackle the hedges best I can another day.

    Have a good day folks


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54263

    The garden will now be ready for you to enjoy B2, as for Elephant's Ears I have a few around too but I have a lot of edges to fill so like them. I bought some Heathers yesterday as they are going to fill gaps, I don't like gaps, that means weeding! wink

    I have still got a cough so I hope it will fade out and the same for anyone else with this long lasting "thingy."

    Heddlo that tower is tall! 

    WN good that the physio looked at your wrist, hope all is OK.

    ABM good luck with the engine. We have had a recall on our motorhome airbags, it's over ten years old but is now booked in next month.

    White rabbits and Meteorological Spring...plus snow?! I am confused....🙃

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2023 #54264

    I'm with you on gaps in the garden! Not had them for years..... My next purchase is bark for mulching. Been recommended somewhere fairly local that delivers so as yesterday was my work pension day I'm blowing it on bark.

    Wherenext that'll be my celebration of sorts 😉

    Feels jolly cold out there again 5c here, but damp

    Ensuite flooring going down today and doors back on

    ABM forgot to about new engine ouch. Hope it can be sorted quickly and you're not reliant on shank's pony!

    Waiting to be asked what I'd like for mother's day 🤞. I'm going to do a my mum and say a few hours of your time to help. I never really understand her request, we were always around and doing but I get it now 🤔. 

    Stay warm folks and enjoy your day.





  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,475
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    edited March 2023 #54265

    Good morning to everyone😁 I hope the poorly are on the road to recovery, the “at homes” either enjoying planning the next trip, or busy packing, the “aways” having a good time and keeping warm, and those like us not currently planning anything, just having a decent day and keeping happy😁 Keep up the good work JK, lots for staff to do this time of year, it is appreciated though👍

    🎂Birthday week here, so trying to make something of a birthday treat for Mum, who will be 94. Have spent last couple of days putting together a Twiddle Blanket with my Sister, full of all sorts of memories and things for Mum to do. It’s been rather good fun as we have raided her lovely old sewing cabinet, and some of the bags of materials, and come up with all sorts of things to add to the blanket, including some things Mum actually made herself. Lots of tactile stuff and things to keep hands and brain busy. 

    My birthday this week as well, so OH has been beavering away on my bike, should be ready for an unpowered up ride out shortly, won’t be too far locally as we are surrounded by very big and steep hills, and I need a motor, but I might just scatter the youngsters in our local park one afternoon🤣 I usually get blown away by some cocky little 5 year old still with stabilisers on the uphill bits, but it adds to the fun🤣 Could be a garden centre visit today as part of a dog walk, and I know I have some new garden things to look forward to, as I chose them. Decided I don’t want to go out for a meal, so will cook something for us to share at the weekend. Still keeping an eye on the weather, forecast isn’t great here at the moment, so still undecided where to go for a short break.

    Have a good day everyone👍😁

    PS, garden looking good Bakers, bark is on my birthday list as well, I need a lot. Works a treat though👍



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,950
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    edited March 2023 #54266

    I have different cleaning regimes for the outside of the caeavan.  The 'big clean' involves buckets and water, and incudes the dreaded roof!!  I have to be honest and say we don't do this that often (2-3 times a year).  Other than that, I tend to use one of the dry wash alternatives, and do it while we are out and about.  I tend to do 'a side at a time'...  I always take step ladders with me..... I can virtually do a side whilst Carol does the washing up and tivvying about in the inside of the van...  🤣🤣🤣

    It's the 'big clean' with the buckets I need to get done.... usually in the spring....

    All the best for the dentist, Nellie.....  We're off shopping in a moment....  As for the car.... I do the inside regularly, but take the outside up to the hand car wash...   it's worth a tenner, and they do a really good job 


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54267

    TDA, hope you all enjoy the "birthday week" the blanket sounds lovely....I think the bike ride sounds a bit more strenuous!  Hope you enjoy the garden centre, there is so much coming in at the moment, lots to think about for warmer months. smile

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,770
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    edited March 2023 #54268

    Agree with brue TDA and a lovely idea with the blanket, bike ride I will give that a miss but the garden centre I would enjoy and looking forward to visiting a few in September when we are in UK and bruee we will visit Groves at Bridport awhile since we have been there also will do Otter Nurseries at Ottery St Mary just cannot bring any plants back but have got a local nursery here but only online only at least we can collect from there, but have found a few other places online and some are doing special spring offers so may get an order in the next week

    A sunny morning here after a sharp frost so some charge going into our small 8 solar panels.

    Gosh JK that will keep you busy with the grass cutting we have only 1 1/2 acres  we did 3 cuts last year and usually do about 4 or 5  and at present the grass is not growing much after last years drought and now talks of water restrictions again but earlier than last year also got a lot more weeds at the moment but it is a field not you normal garden lawn.

    Good photos of your garden bakers2 and hope all the diy soon gets done.

    Take care folks.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54269

    Everyone sounds busy on here today, me I'm not up to much for a change. 

    Yesterday I finished the last bit of weeding and tidying up in the garden. Then went over all the other beds with the 3 pronged hoe to give the soil a lift again. All looking fairly decent. I to have gaps in the beds but only once the bulbs die back. I no longer do annuals as we are not here enough to look after them. 

    Washer on, final wash before we fly tomorrow, I hate leaving laundry behind at home.

    We have sun again today but with clouds, the SP are doing fine for this time of year so can't grumble. At least they will cover the gas and electric bill.

    We got an extra payment from the government this week of £200. All alternative fuels like LPG, Oil, coal etc are getting it to help with the cost of fuel. We had our LPG tank filled a week ago £500+ its never been that high before. Price has risen from 38p to 52p a litre. At least the standing charge hasn't gone up.

    Sorry to hear Duckie needs a new engine ABM. 

    Garden looking good Bakers you'll be glad to see the end of all the work. What will you do with your time 😅

    Right spot of lunch me thinks then walk this afternoon, just chilling today. Bit of hoovering to do later on and shower and hair to do as it's an early start tomorrow morning for the airport😴 



  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 912
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    edited March 2023 #54270

    We will be leaving here on Monday evening Wherenext.  Will miss the little ones, and son of course, but I think we may enjoy the peace for a while!! 😂

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    edited March 2023 #54271

    Heddlo your time away seems to have gone fast! At least you'll be able to blame the red eyes on the flight 😉. Safe travels.

    Takethedogalong the blanket sounds wonderful, a photo would be nice. Happy birthday to you and your mum 🎉🥳🎂

    Tammygirl it'll do you good to rest up for the day. Have a lovely holiday.

    Ensuite flooring down, pleased with our choice. Dog wasn't happy with the guys last week, not a lot better this week. Actually I'm not a very happy bunny, job satisfactory just, but attitude not good. Announced he'd have to use our toilet..... I've no objection but a request would have been nice! I did say the ensuite doesn't have a door at present..... Very little waste, which was a bonus. Last time they left a black bucket full of something, screed it turned out. So I returned that to them - politely. The surplus off the doors was done literally outside the front door and trodden in. I asked them to sweep the shavings, response I have but I can do it again - yes please. Me oh no dustpan no they go missing....... Lastly I look on our beautiful front lawn 🤐 still awaiting lots of tlc to see a white area. Ask oh its okay water off the screed it'll soak in 🤬. That's a local firm, not the guy who came out, that won't be invited to quote for new carpets throughout...... I'm waiting for his call to pay the balance! Going to be an interesting conversation....

    The guys doing the windows and doors, did the guttering for us. Never leave ANY mess indoors or outside so I know it can be done....

    Right back to assembling the newly purchased hosepipe. Fancy assuming it would come ready to use 🤣🤣🤣. I had to unwind all the hose to get to instructions and fittings. All pictures, not easy, or am I silly?, to follow. I think it's them - as first picture has hose nicely on the reel and packet of fittings separately. Tells you to unwind hose...... Rude words 🤐