What are you all up to



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,951
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    So sorry to read this @richardandros - all my thoughts are with you.

    One of my jobs today was the 18 monthy haggle with Virgin Media to secure the best deal. Managed to get an upgrade in speed and an upgraded hub for around £1.50 a month more on top of the already discounted offer we were already on. However, that's 2 hours of my life I won't ever get back.... 🙂


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    edited March 10 #62583

    @milliehull thank you. We couldn’t get tickets for the morning unfortunately, plus it’s a two hour drive, so we are booked in at 2.30pm, but we might be there a bit earlier. I will call into shop and see if you are still around👍

    @DSB I haggle the same every 18 months, never fail to get a better deal, and some extras though. I go direct to the “customer retention” section now, and at least it’s usually someone based in UK that you can understand easily, and wear down🤭

    @richardandros sad news for you, hoping he pulls through.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,876
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    edited March 10 #62584

    @Takethedogalong I finish on the shop at 1.00 but OH and I have booked to look round The Yarn at 2.00pm so I shall look out for you and your pooch in his chariot as we go round. I will have my maroon Cathedral fleece on.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,876
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    edited March 10 #62585

    @Bakers2 Thank you so much for your Safe Local Trades recommendation. I looked them up online and gave OH a couple of phone numbers. He rang one of them this morning and he came round this afternoon and replaced the hinges on the cupboard door that had fallen off and mended a couple of others that were 'suspect'. Also as he was going out of the front door he noticed that the lock which OH had replaced a couple of months ago was the wrong way round so he sorted that out as well. Well pleased!

    Had my monthly coffee get together with friends this morning at Blue Diamond. Much chatting and catching up.

    So sorry to hear about your friend @richardandros. I do hope he recovers.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    @milliehull I'm so glad you found them useful. I've been pleased with everyone we've tried from there. I remember the 1st guy telling me that the lady who maintains the list checks them out extremely thoroughly.

    @milliehull @Takethedogalong I won't be able to see either of you, I'm seeing the physio at 3pm for my ankle/leg. It's been much better since I put my support on 😉. Id planned on wearing my walking boots to go Sunday but opted for trainers and omitted my ankle support! I was lucky to get an appointment quickly.

    @richardandros such sad news, thinking of all concerned.

    Been a much colder day here. Murky, grey and cold breeze. Tomorrow worse 🫣

    Our laundry room, I assume it's been in situ since 1976 when the detached garage was built and the attached to the house tandem one converted, lacks a u bend and sink. Not to mention cupboards, it has a double pedestal desk so I exagerate slightly 😉. So I decided it needs a sink. The open shelves need to go, all useful stuff but I don't need to see it when I enter.We've had some drawings prepared, now chosen units and worktops plus a builder. Slightly bigger outlay than 1st thought 😉🫣😂

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,876
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    That's a shame @Bakers2 it would have been nice to see you. I hope the physio can sort out the problem with your leg/ankle.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    @richardandros so sorry to hear your news, hope that your friend pulls through without any complications.

    Nice to read that @Takethedogalong & @milliehull could well meet up tomorrow.

    You seem to have been very fortunate with your handyman, but less so with your injury, hope that It is soon on the mend. It is a shame you could not be there at the cathedral too @Bakers2

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    A different sort of day today, waking to quite thick mist which took most of the day to clear, and it was also much cooler around 9C at most. We went to Nene Washes Nature Reserve where we took a couple of walks along t.he Nene Valley trail. There was plenty of birds around to see, the highlight being a pair of Cranes.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    @milliehull will look out for you😁 You are unlikely to miss us with the chariot🤣

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,763
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    Back at DD’s today to carry on with her temporary screen fence.

    Dropped caravan off at dealer yesterday, after a 2 hour delay……Mover gave up with caravan half way out of the driveway and half way across our street. ☹️

    Phoned Mayday for assistance after trying to get it going again, they came out very quickly. Thought they would just assist to get van onto street and hitched up, but the mechanic was keen to get it going for us, so he and I started going through various checks. He thought the battery was a bit low, but it seemed to be charging OK, so he got the terminals off to check the connections and found that cables were poorly connected and had been hot enough to melt not only some of the insulation but also the top edge of the “bag” that the battery sits in!

    We spent a good while sorting that out, and once that was all connected up again the Mover was fine. That was a big relief as dealer is very busy at present, so there would have been no prospect of a repair or a new Mover for many weeks. Luckily we had planned an early start, so even with the delay we were there before midday, and able to pick up Nathan at 1pm as planned.

    Today has been very sunny, but with a cold wind. We had agreed to come down to continue with the screening as long as it was dry, so were here before 10am and started attaching the screening mesh. Turned out it was pretty solid, close woven stuff, so no need to attach all the second hand, free, vertical slats she had acquired, just putting up 6 per bay to support the fabric. Will carry on until my arms give up, and continue tomorrow, weather permitting.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    Chaotic day yesterday for you @KjellNN. I thought we'd had one until I read about yours. My arms also gave up like yours after doing plenty of gardening, mostly weeding and cutting back. It was quite pleasant in the sun yesterday until late afternoon, no mist or mizzle as forecast. Today has been fine as well if a tad colder due to the northerly wind.

    Dropped the ladies off at MiLs weekly shop around Tesco. She mainly just wanders but OH makes sure she actually does some shopping as well. I had an accumulation of jobs to attend to in town. Took me an hour and a half but they were only just paying at the till when I picked them up.

    Hope you both had a nice day and managed to have a chat with each other @Takethedogalong and @milliehull.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    Another good day here today we spent the day in Liverpool. I wanted to see Everton’s Goodson Park before it gets Knocked down later this year so went there and then went down to park at the waterfront. We had lunch in one of our usual haunts when here the Pump House close to Albert Dock lovely meal as always. Then spent the rest of the afternoon at the Liverpool museum excellent place and free entry we only managed to get round the top floor which was fascinating good exhibitions about the football, music and acting stars from the area we were almost last out at 5 and still hadn’t seen the other two floors so will need to return when down this way next time possibly later this year. Love Liverpool always pay a visit when down this way.We were going to take a walk along the waterfront but it was bitterly cold when we came out so just came back to the van. Not much planned tonight just stay in the van and have a drink and plan what to do tomorrow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    @Francis - My sister used to live in one of those terraced houses that run up from the main road to Goodison Park many years ago just after she got married. We moved over to North Wales in 1984 from Manchester and it took us ages to see the next door neighbour as she had inherited the house but lived elsewhere. When we spoke to her we found out that she was a Primary School Headmistress in inner city Liverpool and astounded to find out that she lived about 6 houses down from my sister.

    I think it's great that Liverpool have access to most of the museums free of charge. It's also has a lot of history to see. Glad you enjoyed your day.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    edited March 11 #62595

    It has been a day of mixed weather, starting off bright so OH decided to do a round of washing as the forecast for the rest of the week wasn't too promising. Had it all out on the whirly dryer but just as we set off for the day it started to rain so we quickly got it spread out inside the van. As it was sunny for quite a bit of the day it was nearly dry by the time we got back, so back out it went to finish off. We visited a small nature reserve just outside of Peterborough, Dogthorpe Star Pit, where I saw a Kingfisher, and then called in at Thorney to view the Abbey and Bedford Hall. What an architecturally interesting village it is, well worth a visit.

    A reminder that this was once a Sand and Gravel pit.

    The Western entrance to the old Abbey now the Church of St Mary and St Botolph

    The Victorian stained glass window behind the alter.

    Bedford Hall, now the town's museum, which is only open on Sundays.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    @KjellNN glad to read that you managed to get to moved problem sorted out, it must have been rather disconcerting to have it pack in when the van was half way out onto the road. Hope it's service goes with out a hitch.

    Grand photos, @Francis you may have passed my sister at the museum as she volunteers there occasionally! I must admit that we have never visited the city for a very long time as we are not city people, much preferring to be out in the countryside away from all the hustle, bustle, traffic and people one finds in towns and cities.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    looks like a good day @nelliethehooker good pics

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    @Wherenext yes lots of terraced housing surrounds the stadium Anfield is similar but I believe Liverpool bought a lot of the houses and then knocked them down in order to expand the stadium when we were down this way a few years ago we done the Anfield stadium tour it was very good.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,876
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    Yes @Takethedogalong such a pity we didn't manage to meet up but so glad you enjoyed your day. Your photos are better than mine as I kept getting a reflection of the light. Your favourite was my favourite as well. A great reflection of how life went on despite the trauma of war. I loved all the small details in all the cases. Such clever people and so much work. Well worth a visit.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,918
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    Lovely photos @Takethedogalong. The details look fantastic. Funnily enough OH and self were talking about the colour of RAF uniform this morning, as my dad was in it, and the knitters seem to have replicated it very well. I particularly like the map. Shame we live so far away. Well done those knitters.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    @Wherenext the map came in for a lot of scrutiny😁 Not sure, but I think the frame was knitted, but the map looked like very fine cross stitch. There were lots of knitted/crocheted planes and gliders, plenty of parachutes as well. I will fetch the book with me for you to browse next time we have chance to say hello.

    It’s so dry here, I selectively watered a few plants this morning. And now we have just had a short hailstorm🤣 Bitterly cold outside. Hoping to fit in a swim once I get home from Mum’s.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,770
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    Great photos of the knitted exhibition would have liked to see it.

    We had a hailstorm here yesterday for about 15 minutes not nice to be out in it and a short thunderstorm this afternoon and much colder brr back to winter.

    Off to friends tomorrow morning for coffee and catch up they are looking after a friends cat as they are away in Yorkshire and he has a dislocated leg due to be caught by a passing car otherwise ok but has to stay in a cage for 4 weeks inside so will see how he is tomorrow, we get quite a few cats here as they check around for mice and other rodents so we have no problem but the other week whilst I was out for a walk and saw one of the cats we see on the cameras dead in a ditch such shame but it was removed quite quickly and he was a lovely big cat as well but cars do go pass here fast sometimes as going downhill towards the village.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,951
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    Mixed weather here today.

    Been into one of our local junior schools this afternoon, at the end of the school day, to do a singing assembly and church choir recruitment. Took a handful of church choir members with me so that they could hear them sing, as well as getting the school pupils to sing too. They all seemed to enjoy having a sing, and it was interesting to hear some of them still singing the 'little ditties' on the way out, up the drive on the way home. The little tunes have a certain annoying attraction which the parents will not thank me for.... 🤣🤣🤣 No doubt we'll see, in due course, if we get any new recruits.

    Thanks for sharing the photos @nelliethehooker @Takethedogalong @Francis .... places to add to my ever growing list of places to visit.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,081
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    another good day here but very cold. Took a drive over to Bury today as we had never been and SWMBO has always wanted to visit the famous Bury market. Not the easiest of places to get to from here in Southport only 30 odd miles but took well over an hour. Worth the visit though and the market was very good better than we expected but it was raining on and off quite heavily. Got a couple of pasties from the bakers there and ate them in the car before taking the scenic route back over the hills. Back at the van cooked pizza on the Cadac but had to eat inside as it’s freezing outside. Not sure of plan for tomorrow will wait and see what the weather is like.

    @DSB do put Liverpool on your list it’s an excellent place to visit we are at Southport at the moment which is a nice site but usually use the Chester Fairoaks site when in this area which is also great and a bit easier to get to than the Southport site.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,951
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    We've been to Southport CAMC site @Francis , but didn't go into Liverpool - must go back. We did view Liverpool from the Wirral farly recently, but can't remember the last time we went into the city.... it's been years..... I remember having a photo in front of the Penny Lane road sign all those years back... 🤣🤣🤣


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,230
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    Thanks for the photos, @Takethedogalong they are great to see. It is just a pity that you had such a long wait to see the exhibition and missed meeting up with @milliehull . We wondered if you were going to come down in the M/H and spend a night away, but obviously not.

    A day of mixed weather, with periods of sunshine intermingled with short rain/hail showers, and quite chilly with it! It is now showing as 3C outside, down from today's high of 10C. Visited March this morning to do some essential food shopping and by chance found a good park for taking Flyte out, along beside the old course of the River Nene, which is still broad enough for vessels to use.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,335
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    @Takethedogalong wonderful photos, thank you. Really looking forward to our visit Sunday, but wondering if we've allowed enough time - 2 hours, to view before our booking at Becket Tearooms 🫣. What a shame that you weren't able to meet up.with @milliehull .

    Glad you found a good park for Flyte @nelliethehooker sounds and looks like your current trip is going well.

    We had a decent day sun wise yesterday, after murky days, with a couple of welcome showers. Fields are already cracked! Woken to a lovely start by very noisy military jets, that are still up there. Noticed more activity of late. Never really heard them in our first couple of years here.

    Good to read others news. I never ceased to be amazed at your energy and work ethic @KjellNN . I hope you get some new recruits @DSB . A very sad find in a local ditch @redkite. Why didn't that one work?

    @Francis we had a great visit to Liverpool from the Southport site. Would love to get back to do more. The site is decent, we were on the new part when it was very new!, but access to Mersey Rail was fabulous. We explored all along it's route including Another Place - Crosby, The red squirrels at Formby, Sunlight Village as well as Liverpool.

    Have a good day folks.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    We are currently watching the Paris-Nice cycle race, and the weather caused chaos yesterday, around Nevers. A Gendarmerie bike rider came off, thankfully ok, a team race car crashed, again all ok. The cyclists were stopped for over an hour due to hail and ice, they were absolutely frozen. Old team colours came out as they were dressed in every piece of clothing in the cars, you could seem them visibly shaking with cold. Exciting finish though when they did finally get going again, but at least one abandoned, and I suspect there will be others that don’t start today. Tirano-Addriatico was very wet all day as well.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    @nelliethehooker not a chance of a night away at moment😢 Rieves cannot manage MH now sadly. He’s fine for a day out in it, but overnight he cannot do. It made it a very long day for us going there and back, but well worth it. He was well cooed over in the Cathedral😁

    Funeral today for us😢

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,951
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    Thanks @Bakers2 - if we can just recruit a couple of youngsters, that would be great. I never thought I'd be saying this, but not too many - we have a limited number of books, robes and space!! 🙂

    On the subject of the '@names', I very, very, occasionally get the same problem. I can usually solve it by creating several line spaces and then typing the @name again. It then comes up correctly. Then I just delete the spaces..
