What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,754
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    edited December 2024 #61502

    I can recommend the Mira Flight Safe shower trays…….totally slip proof.

    We have gone for 900x1200 mm trays, low rise, but do have full enclosures with pretty wide hinged doors. OH was not convinced that the ones that are completely walk in, with no doors, would stop any water splashing out.

    We have a stool we can use, but do not need to do so as yet, and we have not fitted any handles, but may well do so soon.

    We have tiles on the walls , but they are matt finish, so wondering if suction fixed ones would be suitable?

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,754
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    In Scotland we seem to get sent appointments for what is required or on offer, and it is quite easy to alter the appointments to suit.

    Covid arrangements have improved as time has gone on, better organised, less hanging around, and for our last 2 we got called to the same place at the same time. Flu vaccinations given at the same time as Covid.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2024 #61504

    From Amazon - I'll try and post a link. They stay put, and dry quickly (draped over the stool). Two very nearly fill the showeer tray space. So far so good. I'll try and post a link . . .


    Well the link posting didn't work. I'll just copy and paste.


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2024 #61505

    slip of the finger.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited December 2024 #61506
    “Venuso Square Shower Mats Non Slip Anti Mould, 53 x 53 cm Rubber Anti Slip Shower Mat with Drain Holes, Machine Washable, White “

    Good idea Goldie. This one is again from Amazon.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Sorry @heddlo but mine is still there. Photo is just a random one, think it's one of Alton Castle in Staffs.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    I've lost all but the <> in a box and backward very dark P

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited December 2024 #61509

    Typical man, doesn't give you the full picture. The shower tray has a textured surface so suckers won't stick to them. Do not ask me why this surface was agreed 10 years ago, I wasn't consulted. I will check out suggestions, much appreciated.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited December 2024 #61510

    I'm beginning to feel human again. I can even think! Maybe binge watching The Split and doing as little as possible over the stormy weekend? We rarely cough now and it's not so prolonged. As I typed that OH proved he still can and it still sounds awful.

    I hope those suffering can shift it faster than we've managed - not counted the days but not far off 3 weeks.

    I suppose now I'll have to move fast to get Christmas prep going. We're not hosting this year.

    @Wherenext I tend to agree on fixed seat in the shower. We had a wet room done for my dad after he lost his leg, sadly he never Got to use it. Random capital I can't clear... But my mum used it. She managed by I don't think it was ideal. No arms but handles. She had a fab 'thing' for scrubbing her feet. If I recall correctly it may have suctioned to the floor? It was the outline of 2 feet and had 'bristles'. The original might have been Avon years ago or possibly Kleeneze? I'll have a look.

    WWell Very quick success no icon to ost link so might need to copy and paste


    @Goldie146 lovely birthday present. Much better than the latest album, mini skirt, crop top, knee high boots 👢 and that probably shows my age in more ways than one 🤣

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    Others talking of GP appointments etc. We received a text from our GP surgery recently telling us that we would no longer be able to book appointments by ringing and talking to the receptionist or by visiting the surgery in person. As from January all appointments must be made via their website! Then someone will triage appointments, so it said full details of the problem must be written. Then someone will get back to us to advise when the appointment will be and whether it will be with a nurse, Dr or pharmacist. We are getting on a bit and hope it works on their website but what about the real oldies. Don’t think I like the way everything is going in this modern era.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    edited December 2024 #61512

    ....My mountain icon is still there.....


    Picture deleted by me....


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    I have also lost the mountain icon so can't now post photos 😫. Please could @Rowena look into this? (I hope I have the right rowena) or could one of the mods ask her on our behalf please.

    Glad to hear that you are beginning to feel a bit better @Bakers2

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited December 2024 #61514

    Don't get me started on modern tech......

    Last week we went into Boots and Tesco, wasn't feeling great so shorter fuse, for myself not others. Boots don't offer a personned till ALL DIY. Can't add your bag to pack into, upsets the system. Assistant comes over, clears the error and says that's fine now. It wasn't she had to come back 3 more times. I spent almost £100 no customer care! Foolishly opted for self scan in Tesco as all assisted tills had large queues, we had all non food items. That assistant really got the hump cos I don't think one thing went through without issue! She stood beside us and told OH off, reasonably politely, as he moved our bag to put an item in. I scanned everything instructing OH to rest stuff I didn't want marked on our bag as they had tags. They HAD to be put on the firm surface. As I finished I asked if she could you remove the tags please? Not until you've paid.... OH not like the bright young thing he was couldn't grasp he mustn't touch fiddle with the firm surface. It's at these times i realise exactly what the stroke did 🥲. Assistant had no empathy!

    Never was a shopper, but found those couple of hours unbelievably stressful.

    OOur Pharmacy had a large notice up saying after July they wouldn't be reordering on our behalf. Our 1st need to DIY with the GP they told me was this time. I duly log on, having previously registered in preparation. Try as much as I could, unable to order. Did notice his l o n g list of meds said April 2025. Confused. Had to ring the GP - 26 minute wait, not too bothered by that, but waste of the GP clerk and my time. They've extended the date so send to pharmacy for us to collect until April 2025...

    TThere is no way OH could have began to sort and he can't get to the surgery to drop off paper request.

    @DEBSC you are so right. Why are we being forced to ensure we have up to date electronic equipment to suit them, not particularly in GP circumstances, to protect their bottom line.

    Rant over - I think 🤔

    @DEBSC typing your full, possibly highly personal details for who knows who to read. No wonder there a mental health issues. Where would you start there? Ho

    HHow Will you know if you never hear back? We're you considered unworthy of a call?

    Our GP practice is brilliant, couldn't have chosen better after our move. However they are building LOADS of new houses, 5300 I believe, without dentist or doctor provision. The practice have been very vocal about it, so far shouting in the dark. I fear our service may well deteriorate.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    @DEBSC Interesting move by your surgery? In some ways I would welcome that system as currently we have to set the alarm to be up and ready for the morning battle when appointments open at 8.00am, only to be told you are caller number 29!!! A lot of people only need reassurance that the issue they have, whilst it might be a worry, there are steps they can take themselves to sort the problem and no need to travel to the surgery. I think for the NHS to survive there will need to be a greater move towards electronic communications. Part of the problem for older people is that they have not been forced, at a younger age, to use computers/phones/tablets so the problem has perpetuated over the years. Now I accept there are those where all communication is difficult but in those circumstances you would have hoped that the surgery would be aware of the issues and be prepared to make other arrangement for the small number that it impacts?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    We must be very fortunate, so far at least, with our surgery. Email to arrange repeat prescriptions, but an early morning phone call produces results for appointments etc. These are usually arranged over the phone there and then or by a call back. We get both text and emails to arrange appointments for both the Flu and Covid jabs, as appropriate, and we are able at arrange them so we get them together. If we are away we use the NHS phone line to book them at a clinic close to where we are likely to be at the time. This has worked well as we have jabs at numerous different places.

    SSorrSSorry Now look what's happened! I started to say Sorry to read that other are having health issues similar to colds and I hope you all soon get over it. So far we have managed to stay clear of such infections, thankfully.

    Today it has stayed cloudy with just a little light drizzle at times. We visited our favourite Cotswold village this morning, Stanton, where we just had a wander around admiring the properties and visited the church, St Michael's and All Saints. After lunch we drove up to Stump Cross and had another walk along the escarpment bridle path, which was rather muddy! Hope to add a few photos during editting!

    @Takethedogalong we have moved from the Marches down to near Winchcombe to get our annual dose of the Cotswold, as we had to ourvplannedplanned oops, our planned visit earlier in the year.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited December 2024 #61517

    Hope the photos come out. Stanton Village WW1 memorial cross and Stott Lantern, either side of one of the church.

    LLois ....looks as if I have lost a full post with the photos!!😖😖😖😖 Pleased bring back the old CT.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    @Bakers2 I absolutely refuse to use DIY tills. In Boots I take my purchases to the make up counters, one assistant was chatting to her colleague but tried to direct me to the DIY. I refused passing my purchase to her. I will stand in line at our local Asda for however long, I don’t normally go in there due to only a couple of checkouts being manned, I have contacted their HO complaining. I will not shop in shops that don’t have a manned checkout. The reason I shop in our local Tesco is because they have lots of manned checkouts. I know I’m bloody minded about this but I don’t work for these shops so why should I do it. Also I believe it is wrong not to have manned checkouts as not everyone is capable of using the DIY ones. They really shouldn’t have been short with your OH, as you say, no empathy.

    Yes we have already considered what would happen if the info didn’t go through to the Drs for some reason, would we just be left waiting never knowing no one had seen it. Before we have had problems ordering prescriptions online, now we take prescription requests to the surgery and pop them in a box, hoping they don’t change that. The main problem is that in the last few years 6 new large housing estates have been built in our village and our surgery just can’t cope with it all.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    I don't always avoid the DIY tills, @DEBSC, but I do prefer to go to a till with a person... particularly if I have cash. I hate having loose change, so if my bill comes to, say, £23.49, I will pay a £20 note and £3.49 off the card, to avoid the coins... This is easier to do at a till with a person serving, and not always possible at the unmanned tills.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    @DEBS Oh, I'm completely with you. I knew I was short fused and had OH with me so stupidly weakened. It won't happen again!

    I saw a poston fb the other day asking where Tesco were holding their Christmas do. They wanted to join in as an employee as they had self scanned so often they felt they worked there.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    @DEBSC our GP surgery has had that system in place for about 3 years now and it usually works ok. After triage we get a text message (yes you need a mobile as well!) to say they will get back to you within 48 hours. We are then given an appointment, which in the first instance, is usually a telephone call from Doctor, if they deem it necessary we may then be given a face-to-face appointment. This is over a period of a few days to 6 weeks if not urgent. I agree with you that for the really old people it must be impossible. As for the amount of detail they need, that’s difficult too, we get confused with some of the requests about what symptoms they need to know, we are not Doctors so how do we know what is important and what isn’t! To be fair to them we have occasionally had an appointment the same day that the request goes in.

    @Rowena I have lost my mountain icon for adding photos. All I have now is a smiling emoji and a <> (in a box). Could you please find out why. Thank you.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    I have emailed Rowena and now have my 'mountain' icon back 😊.

    @Bakers2 I too saw that post on Facebook about the Tesco Christmas lunch and using the self check outs - very funny but sadly true.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    Don't think we have used a manned checkout in Waitrose for about 25 years! They have a system called Quick Check. You have to have a "My Waitrose Card" which you scan to release a scanner. As we go round the shop we scan and pack as we go. When we have finished we go to the Quick Check bank of tills, scan a barcode which recalls all of our purchases from the scanner and pay. Depending on what we buy there is sometimes a need for age verification but otherwise there is little need for interaction with staff. The system does have some security features built in which means you randomly get a rescan where staff check that what you have on the scanner is what you have in the trolley!

    I suspect its older people that tend to not like self checkout? Retailers do a lot of research into how customers want to pay for things. Most working people, especially during the week, are in a rush to buy their lunch. The last thing they want is to be waiting at a till with someone doing the weekly shop in front of them. Self checkout is idea in those circumstances. It won't suit all but I wonder how big the percentage of those that don't like them is?


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,754
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    I am not a big fan of the self check outs, something always seems to go wrong and I have to wait for help! OK if we only have a few items, but always use a manned till if we have more items.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    I also think self checkouts are a way of reducing staff.

    I don't agree either with these new systems at GP surgeries. If I wasn't around OH would not be able to contact the surgery to make an appt or request prescriptions as he doesnt use the internet or have a smartphone. Luckily our surgery hasn't brought in the new system …. yet.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    @DavidKlyne we always use this in Waitrose David. Also a similar system in Sainsburys. Perhaps we have been lucky but we have rarely had any issues with DIY checkouts. The only poor one, and will never use again, is Marks and Spencer; they were really bad and wanted to to check all our shopping again, we bought steak which needed a further check, ridiculous! Sadly a sign of the times perhaps?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    @heddlo I remember years ago in the original Waitrose here in MK, which was actually in the Shopping Building, at Christmas the queues for the tills were literally from one end of the shop to the other, complete nightmare! We are now on our third new branch in MK, all of them probably more than doubling is size from the previous one. Why we like the quick check (or Scan, Pay, Go as I think its now called) is that we can scan and pack into bags in the order that we will put they stuff away at home, rather than having a mountain of goods on a conveyor belt which immediately needs packing. We don't go to Sainsburys much but I have seen the scanners in Tesco.


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    I've never used a Self Scan. I have used Booths for my main shop for more than 25 years. At Windermere until retired * in 2010, and since then at Kirkby Lonsdale. As far as I know none of their stores have self scanners. We are regular Sunday shoppers and the staff recognise us and remember what we buy, and why (parties etc). Probably because it's a small (relatively quite) store.

    • When I say "retired" I mean retired from paid work. As I was reminded this morning. I had better get back to work!
  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    I started to this this decades ago with Sainsbury's. Always thought it was brilliant. As you picked, scanned and packed, then into the car. Better than pick, trolley, unload, put into bag, take to the car.

    SaSadly Our Sainsbury's moved, we did drive to begin with once it reopened. But we got a large Tesco within walking distance. They were late adopters of the system. Tried using it here, bur my card's too old and for my few ventures in I've not bothered with hassle involved in sorting it. We now have home delivery.

    I have no issue with that method of self service. It's the unmanned ones that annoy me and make me feel I'm an inconvenience. I too think they've been introduced to cut staff and thus the wage bill so that profits rise.

    I managed with the help one of my lady neighbours to put our outdoor tree lights up this morning. I have never even put lights on tge indoor Christmas tree. Very chilly. Lots more pottering around,but not in the garden.