What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    edited December 2024 #61472

    @Francis re North Norfolk cycling. There are some good rides, but the main coast road is very busy in Summer. If you can get from Cromer into West Runton, you can then turn up through the village, and climb the steady hill until you come to another main road. Cross this, and there are some nice lanes to ride along. We stayed in a cottage in West Runton and OH did a good bit of cycling around. If you can use an OS map, and link up the areas away from the main routes it should be quite nice. It’s not as flat as you would expect either!

    This is a good guide, and there are some decent NT estates to ride round. I would advise checking routes out via a map though, we often find that some of the suggested routes turn out to be a traffic nightmare if there’s too much on road stuff.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,920
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    Very windy day here in the Midlands... difficult to open the car door at Sainsbury's, and some of the shopping trolley's were travelling unaccompanied. Several trees down.... hope all are safe....


  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 578
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    Currently staying at a site near Bath and “survived” the worse weather in 30 odd years of touring,we received a red warning when our mobiles went off warning of the future storm.We did stop off at Chertsey CCC site on way down, only to find the site had only just reopened due to flooding.

    Hopefully through the worse know and Xmas markets back open.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,832
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    I've never known a storm like this one! (Well, not here, anyway!) We got hardly any sleep last night, the wind and rain have been hammering against the back of the house all night. I took Meg out in the garden yesterday afternoon and I literally had to hold onto the side of the house to stop me being blown over (and I'm no lightweight!). It was horrendous. Plus - I have a wheelbarrow and it's a substantial commercial one - usually sold for use on farms / stables - and it's quite heavy. I'd left it on its side down the side of the house and when I went out it had been blown the full length of the house. Couldn't believe it. According to the forecast, we've got this until 2000 tonight - wonderful. All I'm thinking is that it's a good job we got rid of the greenhouse a few months ago - I don't think there'd be much of it left after last night!!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    We have a big Lime Tree opposite our house, although its much nearer the house opposite. Whenever there is any high winds bits break off. This weekend has been no exception, just waiting for a substantial branch to break off!

    Still nursing this cold/cough, been over two weeks now, very unpleasant.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited December 2024 #61478

    thanks TDA for the info regarding cycling. Looks like there are plenty of options for some nice cycles around the countryside. Thanks everyone for all the info about Norfolk think that’s where we will be heading next summer just need to get it booked

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,317
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    @DavidKlyne we too are suffering with the cough/cold/sore throat 🥲. It is miserable isn't it? My brother assures me it takes 3 weeks and you will feel better....... We're now into week 3.

    JJust Back in from a road walk with the dog. Forecast/radar offered a dry spell between 10-11. Got ready, opened the kitchen door to find it was just starting to rain again! Back indoors for my 'vera' hat and set off regardless. Out for about 30 minutes very wet!

    We had a panel blow out, chap next door has kindly fixed it back in, big thank you to him. We have a replacement on the list, measured up already but apparently there is a fencing season apparently. Who knew? So it couldn't be done, (unless we had them made) with the other side a few weeks ago as we got the last 5 panels for doing by the back door. The other side is concrete posts and gravel boards so just a slide in/slide out job 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Was delighted to see little visible damage in the village 🤞

    I hope no one has serious damage and that the storm soon abates.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,753
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    We seem to have avoided most of the bad weather yet again, and today we have lovely sunshine. Thursday/Friday we had some very heavy rain, but yesterday was not bad, just a little breezy. Hope all further south have survived without serious damage.

    Despite not getting the bad weather, the 2 craft fairs we took stuff to yesterday and last Saturday did not go well, so a lot of work put in for a very small return. The one a week past was not as well attended as last year, but we will go next year if invited, but the one yesterday was a total waste of time, so will not bother with it again.By the time we covered the table fee and cost of materials, we just may have made £25 profit! Time to look for other venues for next year.

    DD’s new car will be coming soon, in fact she could have had it delivered on Friday but postponed it due to her jury duty, so maybe the 19th or 20th.
    Bit of a disaster car -wise for her on Friday evening. Her husband’s car is awaiting repair so he has been using hers to get to work, and on his way home he was hit by another vehicle which came right out onto the roundabout, which he was already on, without even slowing down let alone stopping. Smashed the front of the front passenger wing, lights, and half the front bumper, a right mess, though he was able to eventually drive home carefully as nothing was fouling the front wheel, and amazingly the lights were still working.

    As her car, a Volvo V40, is 22 years old and worth very little, other than to her, the insurance are writing it off and will no doubt make her a very low offer. The other driver has admitted responsibility, so she will get her excess back, but it will be bad news for the insurance premium on her new car, despite having a protected NCD. She was in tears when she saw the car.

    She will get a courtesy car soon, but meantime we have loaned her one of our cars so at least she can go shopping and get the boys to school and nursery. Her husband hopes he can borrow his dad’s car to get to work tomorrow, he is not insured to drive our car, no idea how long till his own car is fixed, it is booked in for tomorrow, all workshops seem to be very busy these days.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    Well we survived that storm, I can honestly say that I’ve never known anything like it. Our local FB forum is full of people showing what has blown into their garden and asking who it might belong to, and there is an awful lot of stuff to be collected. A local hotel had their roof blown clean off. Many roads were closed with fallen trees. We had planned to go to the caravan and be there for the weekend but as we were packing last week a flood warning came up so we decided against it, so glad we didn’t go. And the Christmas market we were going for was cancelled anyway. Then I got this bad throat and cold that others seem to have.

    We went to our daughters for lunch today, very nice. Then we played games and a quiz. One of the questions was on literature, our 19yr old granddaughter said, ‘ oh I’m going to be hopeless at this, all I read lately is Pepper Pig!’ I pointed out that if she ever says this in public that she should first mention that she works in a kiddies nursery.🤣

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    Thanks. @DSB ( Same problem again, not able to remove unwanted letters!!😖) @DS3

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited December 2024 #61483

    @DEBSC and @richardandros it sounds as you both have had it much worse than we did, but by the sounds of it neither of you have only suffered lightly compared to lots of others thankfully. I would say you were sensible no going to your caravan @DEBSC looking at the state of the flooded area adjacent to the River Avon that we passed on the M5 this lunchtime.

    We still had wind through the night but it gradually died down and thankfully the rain had stopped too well before we got up. We still had reduced voltage until I switched bollards around 7:15 this morning, but it was very strange as the van had some mains power, at least enough for the clock on the microwave to work, but not high enough to charge the battery or run the fridge! We got packed up in the dry and had an easy run down to Winchcombe, where it just started to rain when we arrived, as bad continued to do so for much of the rest of the day. Site is rather quiet with about 10 occupied units out of a total of 20 on site. We have a grand pitch overlooking the fishing lake, and hope to include a photo when we get some sunshine for a decent shot.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,832
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    Despite the comments from time to time about the disadvantages of keeping your caravan on the drive at home - I was pleased it was there yesterday. We lost all water pressure in the house - as did the rest of Hornsea, it turned out. Apparently the pumps had failed and it took most of the morning to restore water pressure. No problem for us though since, fortunately the van is permanently plumbed into the mains on the drive. Enough water to fill the kettle, and water filter and have two showers. Was feeling a bit smug, really😀.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    We were lucky to be able to keep our caravans and motorhomes in the back garden and they were also used at Christmas for storing extra food and presents. One Christmas we even slept in the van as we had a house full!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,832
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    Reading my previous post above - it could come across as a bit mean - which I didn't intend. I had already sent a text to our lovely neighbours (with small children) and told them what was happening and offered to fill their kettles etc for them!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    We've used the caravan for an extra fridge and even cooker for a neighbour who had an oven failure. Sadly no caravan anymore although the PVC will be used if necessary (once the dealer has fixed the oven - van in dealers tomorrow).

    Finally, finally had Covid jabs this morning. Decided that over next few days that I'll be dropping our Welsh MP a line about the debacle that our system has been, not only for myself but the handling of the jabs at MiLs surgery back in October.

    Currently having someone in to look at changing the shower in MiLs bathroom. She a walk-in shower but there are logistic problems and she's not happy about them. Another company coming Thursday. Van in dealers tomorrow and second shingles jabs for us 2 on Friday so a fairly busy week.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    edited December 2024 #61488

    Well storm Darragh seems to have abated now. It must be 50 years at least since we had a storm of that intensity and length in this area. We have a few bits blown about the garden - the garden chairs all over the place, pots with bulbs in them blown over and our bay tree in a pot blown over but our next door neighbour had their lovely old walnut tree uprooted and blown over and some of their garden furniture blown about the garden and smashed. Apparently there are some of the old and large trees blown over and blocking roads and bus routes. On a lighter note daughter and I went to see Anton du Beke at our local theatre last night. Such a wonderful Christmassy evening. The theatre was packed. We thoroughly enjoyed it. I hope everyone survived the storm without too much damage.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @richardandros that's what I call forward planning! Hope that all systems have now been restored.

    Good to read that you have not suffered any major damage, but a shame about the old Walnut Tree being uprooted, @milliehull

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    Yet again I have been unable to add to a post after going a couple of spaces past someone's red notice, which is a pain in the "butt end" and the reason for a second post.

    A day of mixed weather, with rain showers this morning, with still some wind from the north, and evening when it is less windy. Managed a couple of walks up on Clee Hill before calling into Bishop's Cleeve for some shopping.

    @Wherenext hope you both are having no ill effects from your Covid jabs and that the dealer is able to sort out the oven problem in "The Van" tomorrow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Very nice @Goldie146 We want something similar but with a fixed seat with armrests so MiL can push herself upright. Is the floor slip proof? Mind you my voice is third in pecking order but OH knows what's best for her mother.

    Took the van in, again.

    @nelliethehooker I've got no adverse reaction and OH just had shivers for an hour so 2 happy bunnies.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    @Goldie146 (three attempts at that🤣) nice change. We took out our old shower unit during lockdown. Had hoped to find a good plumber to do the job, but no, they only wanted to do full bathrooms, so we set to and did it ourselves over a period of time. Luckily we could use shower over bath tub, so we didn’t need to rush. But lower step profile and more room is good.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,418
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    Feeling a bit under the weather today.🙁sort of a bit like a cold, but not. Some lurgy or other no doubts. Shall have to do a test later, just to make sure I am safe to go to Mum’s. @Wherenext the comparison between your GP surgery and ours is staggering to be honest. We had our jabs mid September, along with Flu, and it’s a very smoothly run operation. Not sure if that will be Welsh Govt or surgery but you should have had a lot better. Hope things with the van go well👍 Will be in touch.

    Guessing you are somewhere Welsh Marches/Cheltenham area Nellie. Hope the weather is a bit kinder.

    Sorry to hear about all the damage after storm folks, we got off light in comparison.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,508
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    The floor is not slip proof, but we have two 60x60 very good non slip mats we put down. The mat in the photo was just temporary. We considered a fixed seat, but was advised by a friend who had one - that it was always in the wrong place, and she couldn't bend down to wash her feet while sat on it. I thought very carefully about where to pu the handrails and they are just right (for a short a**e like me.)

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,404
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    Takethedog a week ago I had sort of a bit of a cold but not, with a sore throat. It’s been like that all week and finally today the cold and cough has come out, so hoping it will get better now, weird lurgy. Hope you feel better soon.

    I had picked up most of the leaves but after the storm we found a 2ft high pile of them all along the back of the house. I cleared them all up this morning while they were still dry as once wet it’s a much more messy job. Managed to pick up the pots and other bits that had been blown around. I was well wrapped up in scarf coat and hat, thought the fresh air might do my cold good but not sure now, glad it’s done. All leaves down now for this year after that wind!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Can I ask what the mats are as we have tried several in existing shower and they haven't been slip proof no matter how many suckers there are on them. At present MiL has a movable chair but when she presses on handles to push herself up the mat always slips slightly and we're all worried about falls.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    @Takethedogalong Hope your lurgy is just that and that improves.

    Yes, our GP is ****. I'll be writing to the AM soon. How exactly does your system work? Do you wait for GP to contact you or is it like a blood test where you make your own appointment?

    I noticed an article in today paper saying the take-up has been poor this year. Yet another reason which makes me mad and bewildered. When we had ours yesterday, out of our local area but only 5 miles away, we arrived and there was only 3 couples waiting to leave, 1 person being jabbed and nobody waiting! Yet they umm'd and aaah'd about jabbing OH as her appointment was 2 hours later. In the end common sense prevailed but it took it's time arriving! Wonder if we could have it done in England next year?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    @Wherenext How you approach the NHS seems to differ depending on the jurisdiction? Our surgery never did Covid vaccinations but I do get notifications direct from the NHS when they are available and we just book them as available. Our surgery does flu and other vaccinations but they don't call us in, we have to take the initiative in booking. It's the same with regular blood tests and by now I should have had my annual Doppler Test which I haven't booked yet because I have been feeling unwell with this nearly three week cold! I don't suppose I will get a reminder! I do sometimes wonder about more elderly patients who are perhaps less able to keep on top of things. Perhaps after a certain age the surgery is more proactive?

    Just as an aside one interesting thing I discovered the other day. Margaret has Type2 Diabetes and uses insulin. To monitor her blood sugar levels she has been prescribed the Libre 2 sensors that attach to the arm. Not only does she see sugar levels on her phone the surgery also monitor the sensor output. What I discovered was that in Margaret's patient record they have details of how controlled her blood sugar is over any given period. Fortunately it seems well controlled. The interesting thing about this is if the situation is steady there is no need for trips to see the Diabetic Nurse as she can do her work from her desk. Maybe in the future we will see more monitoring like this to help keep us healthy?


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    I seem to have ‘lost’ my mountain icon for adding a picture. Has this happened to anyone else? I was trying to add a picture of a good shower mat for Wherenext.