What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    edited November 2024 #61383

    Thanks @Bakers2. Yes, used the mountain icon (as I always do), but had to resize them first otherwise I get the red link. Don't know why my phone takes such 'large' photos. There doesn't seem to be a way to change it.... 🤫🤫


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Had a rather busy day. Up early, scraped frost off The Van, and took it the 20+ miles to the dealer to have the oven checked out. It doesn't seem to heat above 170ºF. OH had to pick me up so both out early. Stopped off at the Broughton retail park to pick up a few things.

    Had to sort MiL out as it was the last craft class of the year with a few Christmas treats where she goes. The other crafters (about a dozen) don't let her supply anything and given her ongoing problem with a wayward left hand tend to help her when she is doing whatever the subject matter happens to be. It's always a drama leading up to the day with lack of confidence about the cards she made for anyones up coming birthday in the month before the next class or the clothes to wear (as if its a fashion parade) or whatever .. but she always gets there.🤗 She's by far the eldest and they spoil her.

    Picked The Van up and the dealer agreed that the oven just wouldn't get above the 170. Knew we needed it back so they're waiting for their Mr. Know-it-all to return from holiday next week and have contacted the manufacturer to see if they have had other such problems - they haven't. So it will have to go back at some point in the near future.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    Thanks @Freddy55. I've had a quick look and it looks quite a bit different on the Galaxy Note 20+. I'll take a more detailed look later...


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    It also looks different on my Samsung A12, @Freddy55 , so will have to investigate further. Thanks all the same.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @Bakers2 and @milliehull it was more by good luck than inspired work that it came out as it did.🤣 I do think that it is device related how this new system works. I too have lots of trouble getting started and with the @ symbol. I think one has to take ones time entering a person's "name", pausing after each letter to allow the link to catch up. S

    @DSB I too take all my photos on my phone so have to post them from that instead of my Kindle, as I don't know how to load them across from the phone. Grand shots from today.

    @DEBSC hope that your numbness has worn off and that you are not suffering any residual pain.

    Pleased to hear that you have The Van back, @Wherenext, but it is a pity that they were not able to fix the problem and that it has to go back in again.

    We must have had frost here too through the night but thankfully the car windows were clear when we surfaced. it has been a fine sunny day and we drove over to Cheshire Oaks for a bit of retail therapy for OH in particular, and we were surprised just how busy the car parks were. We both came away with what we think are bargains so worth the trip. It appears to be freezing again now, and I am glad that I have insulated the aquarolls and pump.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    No such luck here at Lickpenny CAMC site. It's rained much of the night and I'm not expecting it to stop before lunch. Today was always forcast as the worst day.....

    Enjoy the sun, those of you who have it this morning.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    Lovely photos and lovely weather @Cornersteady.

    Very wet here ☔️, I feel so sorry for those already affected by storm Bert at the weekend and trying to dry out.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    @milliehull you are so right about the wet here! The breeze is colder than of late.🥶. Ground is saturated, ditches overflowing. Goodness know how those in Northampton are fairing. The ditches and ground I mention were OK yesterday…

    LLovely weather some of you are having, not jealous at all...... We had 2 days to enjoy!

    Nice lunch yesterday, added bonus was 50% of one Christmas item, I'd misremembered. Also bought a few plants, one had a good reduction with my loyalty card. Again it would be rude not to!

    It will be an indoor day now dog walk completed. Mucky clothing in the wash. So no excuse not finish the advent calendar! Then There's a cake or 2 to make and cards to write..........

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    Beautiful pictures Cornersteady, we were in the Lakes a couple of weeks ago and we also had fabulous weather.
    We are fortunate to have a lovely day today after early rainy drizzle, just deciding about heading to the garden to do some clearing up as the frost has finished off many of the pot plants! Will leave the leaves for now as they are too soggy!

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited November 2024 #61395

    This was Wastwater.

    Just found the float left/ right bit for pictures!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    edited November 2024 #61396

    After a rainy morning (as expected), we went here.... and bought pudding for evening meal.... 🤣🤣


    Edit: Apologies.... missed this out.... we went to Bakewell.... 😀😀

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,754
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    Dry and sunny here, but pretty cold. Got the last of my wood stuff priced and listed, so now just to pack it all into boxes and sort out all the other stuff we need with us, better make a list.

    Tomorrow we need to do shopping for DD, and go to the bank for change, then on Friday take everything to DD’s as we are staying there overnight to look after the children as mummy and daddy have plans.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,925
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    Great photos @Cornersteady


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    @DSB I had clocked it🤣SIL lives in Bakewell. We know it well.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    @DSB I too guess where you had been from your first sentence. Hope the tart was as good as it looks, like the other photos as well, and those of The Lakes posted by @Cornersteady and @heddlo

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    After rain through the night we woke to a full morning but with the forecast for an improving situation OH did a round of washing of which most had dried off in the caravan while we were off out on our morning walk as the sun had come out by then. After lunch @Wherenext and Mrs WN arrived on site and we had a very pleasant walk around part of the forest, and then a good chat and catch-up this evening over a beer in our caravan.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    OK I have read your post correctly in that you positioned your photos in this post?

    If I'm correct please share. Not sure I have any need to use it 🙃

    before posting I checked it on my phone. Phone has photo centre, tablet has it to the right of text. So even if you've cracked it , it seems device related…..

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited November 2024 #61403

    I use my iPad for CT and photos B2. I have found the new system really easy for adding pictures (so far!). I go to the mountain icon along the bottom here, then photo library, choose picture, go to Options then choose Small, Medium or Large. The Wastwater one I chose Small and then it came up with position and lines for text. I don’t use my phone so can’t comment on how it works on there. I still haven’t worked out the red name thingy but will look into it at some point.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,834
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    Sitting here in the van in ALV's yard at Tebay. Toasty warm with the new heating on - despite it being -3 outside😀. Wouldn't recommend it as a campsite, though with HGV's belting past outside all night. Did manage to get some sleep though.

    Feeling a lot better in that my decision to change the boiler rather than them attempting to repair the old one, was the right one. When they plugged the laptop into the old boiler to try to diagnose the problem, all it said was "electronics locked out" with no indication of why or how. The Truma website wasn't any help either so it means the boiler will have to go back to Truma for them to try to diagnose the problem which would have meant me being without heating for ages. I'll find out eventually whether or not it's worthwhile doing that but at least my immediate problem is now solved. Perhaps, if the boiler was less sophisticated with all these complex electronics, this would never have happened!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    I have to say that over the years we had very few problems with our various Truma heating systems. The exception was on the last motorhome where the PCB went after about 9 months, fortunately replaced under warranty. There is a video channel caller "Life's Too Short" and they changed from a small camper van to a small PVC and had a Truma electric/diesel fitted to their van as they do a lot of off grid. Must say the first I had heard of a diesel option, but makes sense in a motorhome? Anyway the long and short of it was that they had to have replacement boiler quite early on in the life of the van!

    I have still got this very bad cold, nearly a week now, I suppose it will either get better or worse!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited November 2024 #61406


    “Perhaps, if the boiler was less sophisticated with all these complex electronics, this would never have happened!”

    Absolutely agree. We have Truma water and space heating in our 22 year old MH, works on both hook up and gas, and is just so simple. We have had the MH ten years this month, and never had a single issue with it all the time we have owned the outfit. Glad you have got sorted though. New outfits are very nice, but because of the more complicated habitation systems, they don’t seem anything like as reliable or easy/cheap to fix. Wishing you a good run home.

    Hope you had a good meet up @Wherenext and @nelliethehooker

    Lovely photos from others away👍

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    A frosty morning to start with and cold all day. A drive to Buttermere via Lorton in case there was any ice over either Newlands or Honister pass then a walk around the lake. Naturally finished off with a coffee and a Christmas cake.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,845
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    edited November 2024 #61408

    As yesterday was so wet I spent much of the morning wrapping Christmas presents. We are off to the family in N Ireland in a couple of weeks and need all their presents ready to take with us. We also received our first Christmas card!! I have never received a Christmas card in November before. I shan't put it up yet though as I feel it is too early. We woke up to both cars with ice all over them and it doesn't feel as though it has risen above freezing all day. My chair yoga session this afternoon got the circulation going though.

    We had some disappointing news today. We were supposed to be going to a talk by Monty Don in Cambridge on Saturday but it has been postponed because of Monty's ill health.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Right posting photo as above.

    I click on mountain icon, choose photo, click select, photo appears. Don't see anything to resize/small/medium etc it just appears.

    ThThis is on my Samsung phone. Sorry about initial paragraph duplicates but they just appear. Does anyone else suffer from it?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    @Bakers2 if it’s working for you, once the photo has loaded, there should be a little box with four icons appear, right at the top of the photo. I will try and do a photo shot for you.