What are you all up to
Arrived at Sandringham Club site, yesterday afternoon. We managed to escape the rain and most of the high winds although you could tell that there had been an horrendous rain storm, earlier, when we got to the bottom of the Fens. The traffic was horrendous, though. Never seen it like that - nose to tail on most of the A17.
Was very surprised when we arrived - the site is almost full! So much for comments (including mine!) about CAMC prices being too high. What a contrast to what we saw at Christmas. I'm wondering why?? The weather certainly hasn't improved!
What a lovely, friendly, bunch of people that seem to be here. Had chats with loads of people as we were setting up. Didn't tackle the awning yesterday - we're saving that delight for this morning! Hopefully we'll get it done before the rain is due!
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Although we have no plans to sell, at present, I do seem to have accumulated a lot of extra equipment we no longer use! We use one of our bedrooms (albeit a very small room) as a 'caravan equipment store'.. 😀😀 Perhaps I need to start to get rid of some of the stuff.... The trouble is, I am a 'keep it just in case' sort of person.... 🤣🤣
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I think we were probably the same but now not having either a caravan or a motorhome it tends to concentrate the mind. Somewhere in the garage I have loads of awning pegs of all different varieties, probably of no value but a shame to throw them away. What we probably need is a specialist caravan/motorhome car boot sale!!! And, of course, once you start thinking about clearing out all the hobby related stuff you suddenly realise you have lots of household stuff being kept "just in case". Just in Case has a lot to answer for
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Phew - it's a good job Ros doesn't read this - that would get her started! I've got a garage / workshop jammed full of 'just in case' items - to the extent that it's getting almost impossible to get in there. Then there's the loft in the garage - full of ex- yottie bits and pieces - plus the loft in the house - two sets of motorcycle leathers (and I haven't had bikes for at least 20 years), a 'spare' radio controlled yacht, sailing jackets, fishing rods - oh I could go on. The only time I get rid of things is if they go to the charity shop. I really must have a sort out
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Sunday was a cold and rainy day so kept to Ambleside. The weather has picked up and while still cool when the sun makes an appearance it's very pleasant. Yesterday was Grange Fell and Great Crag around borrowdale but today was the one I've been wanting to do since I first did it over 40 years ago - Crinkle Crags. I must admit to starting from Wrynose pass and skirting the first crinkle by a new path, and taking the easy way up the second to the summit (which was a grassy rake is now mostly stones out there by fix the fells?) and avoiding the path around the bad step. In fact this path is now overgrown and no longer in use! If you look carefully at the last picture you can just spot me at the top. Also the bad step lower right.
A brilliant walk all round.
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You bring back great memories CS. We, many years ago, intended to attempt Crinkle Crags including the bad step with our Westie and went up Pike o'Blisco. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, the weather started to close in near the top and common sense prevailed. It can still be treacherous as I'm sure the mountain rescue services will attest to.
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We have had another couple of fine, dry but breeze days, and although it is not Flaming June it has been pleasant in the sunshine and we have clear skies this evening. Yesterday we walk around by Troon Harbour and along the front and today visited Kilwinning Abbey and then Eglington Castle country park before stopping off in Irvine for much needed food supplies. A walk from the site before dinner took me past Marr College, an impressive building, but much younger than it first appears having been opened in 1935. Photos are of the Abbey and its relatively new clock tower, Marr College, the remains of the Castle and a statue that caught my eye both in the CP.
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And I'll be doing that tomorrow OP - only, for me, it's 7 times that - and a bit more! Happy Birthday to the twins
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Happy birthday to the twins. Our granddaughter celebrated double figures this year 😱.
Happy birthday to Richard for tomorrow. The number maybe bigger, but you're still here! Eat drink and be merry 🎂🍾🍸🍻
Good to read others news.
We've had a completely, so far, dry day 😁. More gardening done. Was hoping to do some this afternoon too but finances dictated a visit to the city to shuffle funds around. Hopefully all sorted for 12 months....
If anyone is a Yorkshire Building Society member they are offering 4.75% up to £100k on a fixed rate bond, launched today. Wasn't what I went in to sort but any enquiry about their rates before I reinvested a matured bond elsewhere 😁
Francis you live in an attractive area, our friends live on the river Irvine further inland.
Milliehull thanks for the info re hospital restaurant, we pass it on the way to cardiology department. Must check it out. Maybe I can when OH oral op happens - soon 🤞
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Goodness OP - 10 years old!! I remember them being born. Hope they are having a lovely day with lots of celebrations
Happy birthday to you as well Richard and hope you are celebrating as well.
We might bump into each in the cardiology dept sometime Bakers! We were there today for OH's pacemaker check. All good. They are talking about him having a monitoring box at home to save having to keeping going to PCH for check ups
. Another appt after we get back from holiday to discuss. Trying to sort out what to take on holiday - I think I have decided on warm jumpers and wet weather gear.
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We might bump into each in the cardiology dept sometime Bakers! We were there today for OH's pacemaker check. All good. They are talking about him having a monitoring box at home to save having to keeping going to PCH for check ups
milliehull we must catch up again! OH has been given a 3 year stay on appointments at PCH. Unless he feels he needs to see them..He has a monitor that talks to his ICD and HQ, wherever that is. But he has an annual physical check of the implant, now Papworth and an annual remote check. Apparently it did kick in once, we had a call from Basildon who he was under at the time, to check all was well. He'd felt nothing! If he gets a monitor it'll make for less visits 🤞.
As for holiday clothing I think you're being sensible. Layers, so that should the temperature rise to the heady heights of the high teens, let alone the 20's you can be ready...... Today I believe we reached the high of 16c. Once again the cloud is thinning and the sun beginning to appear. It would be so nice if it happened earlier in the day!
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Went to MK Hospital for the x-rays on my knees today. I think it must be quite a while since I have visited the x-ray department and in the meantime the Hospital has changed it's main entrance. I am sure in the past x-rays were done where the fracture clinic was but now you have to walk nearly half a mile to the main x-ray department!!! Good exercise I suppose! All very efficient and seen on time so shouldn't really complain. Will await the results with interest!
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Francis, we had a pleasant time in your neck of the woods, thankfully dry although rather chilly in the persistent wind. However we have now moved on again. Thanks for the heads up 're the laybys, we did stop for lunch before getting to the THS.
Happy birthday to the twins, OP, I too am surprised at just how quickly the time has gone since they were born. Birthday greetings to you Richard for tomorrow, have a great day.
The day started of bright and sunny, with less wind than of late, but it did cloud up around breakfast time. It stayed cloudy while we packed up and all the way to our present destination, a CL we have used before, which we reached at noon. By 1:00 OH had the washing out and the sun came out so all had dried before we sat down for our evening meal. It is a calm clear evening, however It is sponsored for the "wee beasties" which are out in force. We have had to close all our windows as the fly screens do not prevent them getting into the van. Thank goodness for "Skin so Soft"!!
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Yes Nellie our area is often overlooked with people bypassing us on their way to the highlands but there is so much to do here and Glasgow is only a 40minute drive from us. We are only one street back from the sea so can have walks along the coast easily. Also lucky that there is a dual carriageway starts only half a mile from us linking us to all the major roads easily we often say that we can get on a dual carriageway almost at our front door and be on main roads all the way down to the south of England.
So glad you enjoyed your time here and that you found somewhere to stop for lunch
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Thank you all for your birthday wishes - sun's shining this morning here in Norfolk - so it looks like being a lovely day. I think a BBQ will be happening later along with the odd glass of red
Amongst other things, Ros has bought me a big box of jigsaw puzzles - 3 x 1000 pieces. I know there are some jigsaw aficionados on here (David K?) but I've never been into them before. These look like a bit of a challenge, though - so that will be interesting!!
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Glad you are still enjoying your trip nellie. We are off to Norfolk again as we are 'creatures of habit' these days. We did all our travelling for many years but stay closer to home now. Does 'Skin so Soft' actually work? I have some in the cupboard and as we used it in France and we didn't get bitten I presume it does! We watched Meggan on Springwatch last week and she was covered in the 'little beasties'.
Enjoy your jigsaws richard and also your glass (or two) of red.
Bright and sunny here today but still chilly.
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Jigsaw puzzles can be satisfying and frustrating in equal measures! I tend only to do them during December and January as we were often not away in the van at that time of year but now we no longer have the motorhome I might have to extend the season to cover all the darker months of the year? Someone once gave me a double sided "cat" jigsaw which I found impossible to complete so gave up in the end! Be interesting to know how you get on with your "new hobby" Good Luck.
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Milliehull I've found skin so soft works very well. I couldn't believe all the midges on Springwatch. I thought Meggan was brave/stupid to remove her head gear for the filming. Just the look at the cameraman was enough to set me itching. And you could see them dancing about in the air ALL the time.
Richard and David I quite like a jigsaw too. I did a funny Donald Gill cheeky postcard one the day of OH's heart bypass. Certainly kept me occupied and slowed the brain jumping around! Our son has bought us reversible ones,golfballs one side golf tees the other 😱 . Tried one - never again they now go to the charity shop in their wrapping if one comes our way again. Friends do several during the winter, they like the wasjig, where you do it as someones view of the scene.
When the children, should I call them offspring now?, were younger we always had one on the go and everyone would dip in and out. Daughter was dolphin mad, she had a mosaic one of photos to make a dolphin. An entire winter of various cursing 🤬 never completed it.....
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Interesting morning. Off to Tesco very early. Left OH throwing ZZZZs at the ceiling. Back for shower then OH decided to try to assimilate MiL back into shopping, as requested by MiL, by taking her down to Tesco to pick up toiletries and bits and pieces.
MiL admitted it took a lot out of her. However the exercise was good as we all now know where we are on the scale of recovery, in other words she won't be going down on her own, but you have to make a start sometime.
We did have a bit of sun first thing but it's now turned to rain. so you can expect it on the east side by late afternoon early evening.
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What a pair, OH smashes up her wrist and today i was feeling rough pretty much same symptoms as when i had covid jab a few weeks ago, so did test hey presto positive, had 5 jabs and still not immune
grey day today so going to have a sleep in the chair and think of all that lovely sunshine
WE MAY get if we are lucky
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I get bitten very badly, usually with a really bad reaction, so I live in “skin so soft” during the Summer months, particularly overnight. I have mozzie netting across our bedroom window, use citronella spray, have a plug in bug killer, build up on things with Vit B in them (marmite🤣) and start taking a daily Loratidine tablet. It all helps prevent, and to try and minimise reactions.
OH says I am just too tasty🤣
Hope you enjoy Norfolk, it’s one of our favourite holiday places in UK.
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That’s bad luck Rufs. Hospital is where we got our only dose of COVID, when we were helping care for Mum in there. Hope it’s not too bad for you, and you get a positive test asap. Best wishes to your OH as well for a good recovery.
Gorgeous morning here, we had breakfast sat outside. But we are back to thick cloud and cool temps again now. Holding fire on buying a new garden pool for the time being🥶
Your MIL is doing really well WN. 😁👍
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We were staying at the clubs Kendal site one year and OH met a woman who had been attacked by a swarm of midges, they never travel solo. Her face was a real mess and she explained that they were on a site (forget which one) in Scotland and someone shouted run. Unfortunately for her she couldn't get to her caravan quick enough. The result was a week in hospital due to the severity of her attack. She'd only just come out and was on her way home. Never to visit Scotland again, or so she said.
Watch out for number 3 Rufs.
Hard rain at present, windy as well. It was warmer in March!