What are you all up to



    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited April 2024 #59222

    When I was young my Dad always watched black and white TV documentaries on the war, the horrors on these programmes have stayed with me and haunted me all my life, like many other people of my age. I don’t think that I could ever be brave enough to visit these terrible places. But I agree they should be kept, youngsters should always know what happened and the inhumanity of man. Sadly with what is going on in the world today and at the moment kindness and caring for others still seems to be in short supply, will some never learn.

    Blue skies and a big red round thing in the sky that we haven’t seen much of here in months.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59223

    Having visited some memorials I'll keep my thoughts to myself lest it ends up being in contravention of T&Cs.

    MiL finally wore me down so took her clothes shopping at the Cheshire Oaks outlet village, specifically M&S (easily walkable from the Chester club site). OH made use of the wheelchair, pushing her around. She does actually push it herself for exercise. Used it again this morning to take her for her covid booster. She had a friend die of Covid a couple of years ago so doesn't need any encouragement to have her jabs. Nursing staff did go through her recent health issues first but satisfied themselves it was safe to have one.

    We had some sun for most of the day yesterday so managed some gardening. Even the lawn has been cut.

    Enjoy your trip to Italy TG. Not sure when we'll be getting out and about again.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited April 2024 #59224

    We had some shattering news, last night. Our 15 year old grandson is a super fit lad - plays football for a local team and regularly goes to the gym - he's also very bright and is about to sit his GCSEs. Hadn't been feeling to well for some time so he and his dad searched the internet, checking his symptoms, (yes, I know you shouldn't!).  Although unlikely, everything pointed towards diabetes.  Got a home blood sugar test kit and the whole family tested themselves - all OK apart from grandson whose sugar levels were obviously too high.  Immediate appointment with the GP who had him admitted to hospital straight away. He has to stay there for three days and it was almost immediately confirmed that he has Type 1 diabetes. No history of it in the family as far as anyone is aware.

    He is being treated by the specialist diabetes team at the hospital who, apparently have been wonderful and have spent all of today with mum and son explaining how his condition has to be managed in the future. He is going to have some sort of insulin pump attached to his ankle which communicates with his phone and automatically keeps his blood sugar stable. Gone are the days, it seems, of having to inject oneself every day - but it's very expensive for the NHS, apparently - about £500 per month.

    Such improvements in treatment and technology are perhaps something we take for granted and clearly aren't compensated for by increased funding of the NHS.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited April 2024 #59225

    "Having visited some memorials I'll keep my thoughts to myself lest it ends up being in contravention of T&Cs" tick in the box

    "MiL finally wore me down so took her clothes"

    read it to quickly and thought you wrote "OFF"

    would def been a contravention of T&C*slaughing

    we are heading off 2nd May, depends on how OH fairs whilst we are away as to what we do next, we did venture out last year and she was ok, but frustratingly the brain stops quite frequently talking to the left foot, now waiting for a scan to measure bone density as they think this might be causing a problem also and concerned re osteoporosis, but this particular dept is only open Tues thru Thur, extended long weekends for all yell

    glorious day, cracked the garden just got to keep the lawn under control now, never seen so much blosom on the apple tree must be all that rain, and almost completed all those niggley little jobs/checks in and around the caravan that need to be done before you move off if possible.



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,189
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    edited April 2024 #59226


    It must have been disturbing news and I imagine its around that age, or perhaps a bit younger, that it is often discovered. I think type 2 tends to run in families. The technology to support diabetics has come on leaps and bounds in recent years and there is no reason why he shouldn't lead a pretty normal life once he takes it all in. Yes it is expensive but these modern ways of controlling things do have big savings elsewhere, so maybe not quite swings and roundabouts but not all of it is additional cost. Even Margaret, who is type 2 diabetic has a glucose reader on her arm that warns her of low sugar levels via her Smart Phone. There must have been an upgrade to the app as it even talks to her now!!! She still has to administer her own insulin. Another clever thing about the about the technology is that it reports back to the Diabetic Nurse at the Surgery so she can spot trends and advise on changes. I am sure that once he gets over the shock and of course starts to feel better he will manage it. 


  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59227

    Today was a free day, so I took a bus to Wieliczka to see the Salt Mine exhibition.

    It's a very impressive place (after you've walked down the 380 steps to the first level which is only half way down!) surprised

    A number of chambers are open to the public and absolutely everything is made of salt. There are actually a number of chapels built by the miners and a huge "cathedral" which can be used for weddings and a concert hall. Apparently you can even take a balloon flight in the largest cavern (though I did take that with a pinch of .... er ... salt - pun intended - but the guide insisted it was true. undecided

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59228

    But first thing this morning I woke up to a beautiful blue sky for the first time on the trip. So I walked across to the city square to take another picture of the cathedral which looks a bit better in the brighter conditions. This afternoon I ventured in and it's a staggeringly impressive interior with every single space covered in the most impressive murals and an astonishing roof. My pictures really don't do it justice. (If you're interested you can use Google images - just search for St Mary's Basilica, Krakow.)

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59229

    Wet at the moment in Kendal, rain started around 12.30 while we were visiting the Lakeland store in Windermere, and is still falling. Hopefully it will stop soon.

    Short shopping list from DD, to which OH added plenty more stuff, always easy to spend way too much there!

    After stashing the shopping we went upstairs for a light lunch, soup and a sandwich, which was excellent, then returned here via Lidl in Kendal for a couple of tools.

    About 15 outfits on site here, slightly more MHs than caravans.

    What we do tomorrow will depend on the weather, the forecast is not great. We also need to fill Adblue, and diesel, before we go home on Sunday.

    The programme for next week is filling up, Monday I need to accompany DD to meet her departing tenant and see what needs to be done in the flat, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we are on grandparent duty.   On Friday we were to be setting up the Guide Hall for their coffee morning on Saturday, but I have a funeral to attend in the morning, former work colleague, so OH will need to start without me.  Should be back up the road by 2pm.

    Any work needed in DD’s flat will start the following week, hopefully mainly just painting, but we do know there will be a few things to be sorted in the kitchen.  And a window to be replaced, but that will not be my job.

    Meantime she needs to decide whether to sell or re-let the property.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,870
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    edited April 2024 #59230

    "Having visited some memorials I'll keep my thoughts to myself lest it ends up being in contravention of T&Cs" tick in the box

    "MiL finally wore me down so took her clothes"

    read it to quickly and thought you wrote "OFF"

    would def been a contravention of T&C*s 

    Rufs, I wish I could unread that! If I have nightmares tonight I might hate you for the rest of my life.

    There must have been an upgrade to the app as it even talks to her now!!!  David, does she pay more attention to it than to yourself?wink

    Moulesy, lovely photos. I worked in Northwich for some years and once had a private showing of the salt mines at nearby Winsford. OH doesn't do caves! I like the photos of the interior of the cathedral.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2024 #59231

    We are now all set up on site, had an easy drive up in sunshine. Its raining now though.😥

    Decided to wander down to the village pub,as we have booked a table there on Saturday for a meal with our youngest son and his girlfriend, and wanted to check it out.  The bar was full with a group from B&Q on a team building day. They were all really friendly and we enjoyed a chat, they even bought us a drink as an apology for being a bit loud, not that they were a problem, we even got a name for 20% discount next time we visit a store.🤣🤣

    Now back onsite with a glass of wine and some choccy truffles together with my birthday cards to open. 

    Sorry to read the news about your grandson R&R hope things work out for him.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited April 2024 #59232

    "Rufs, I wish I could unread that! If I have nightmares tonight I might hate you for the rest of my life."

    if it made you smile it would be worth all the hate,  pleasant nightmaresundecided


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59233

    Birthday greetings, Helen, enjoy your time away and hope you have a pleasant meal with your son and his girlfriend.

    You certainly have managed to fit a lot in during your time in Krakow, Moulesy. Thanks for the lovely photos.

    WN, good to read that your MIL is once again keen in going clothes shopping, definitely a sign of her improvement!wink

    Kjell, fingers crossed for a better day for you tomorrow, and have a safe journey back home on Sunday. We hope to be stopping on the site you are on towards the end of our trip, but hope to be taking in a THS meet there, weather permitting, instead of staying on the H/S pitches.

    It has been a pretty miserable day here on the Ayr coast, with a mixture of rain and drizzle until early evening. We visited both Burns Museum and Farmhouse before our weekly food shop.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited April 2024 #59234

    I’ve often considered visiting the likes of Auschwitz, to get a sense of the enormity, the tragedy, to reflect and pay my respects . In truth, I don’t think I could handle it.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,837
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    edited April 2024 #59235

    Wonderful photos moulesy  - that holiday is one you're not going to forget - for many reasons.

    DK - David - thank you for your reassuring words - I'm sure he'll be fine.  Was just a bit of a shock for something like that to happen to someone who appeared to be in peak health and fitness.  None of us know what's round the corner.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited April 2024 #59236

    My last day in Krakow, but the flight back to Bristol is not until late afternoon. So a chance to walk around the city and pick up a few more images.

    The city used to be surrounded by city walls and a moat, but these were largely destroyed and filled in during the 18th century. The moat is now a lovely park in which you can walk around the whole perimeter of the city.

    In the old university building is a clock which, on odd hours, plays a musical march accompanied by a procession of model knights and cardinals. Nothing like as impressive as the clock in Prague (or even Wells) but still a big tourist attraction.

    Then I walked back up to Wawel Hill to look around the cathedral there and, from the tower you get a great view back over the city.

    And finally back to the city square and this peculiar sculpture called "Eros Bound" (must have a story behind it but haven't been able to discover it yet.

    Now back at the hotel waiting for the airport bus, won't get home till late and can't quite decide who will have missed me most - Mrs M or the dogs!laughing

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited April 2024 #59237

    Moulesy, At 18 years old OHs grandad was in the Lancashire Fusiliers he was gassed and captured by the Germans in the 1st World War and sent to work in that salt mine in Wieliczka (Silesia) he was there for 4 years, treated very badly. But it did probably save his life. He always said that his very bad feet was caused by having to wear clogs and the work down there. OH has been there years ago. So it was very interesting to see your photos of it now. He was a really lovely gentle man.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,757
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    edited April 2024 #59238

    It has been a better day here in Kendal, less rain and more sun, but a chilly wind.    The site has filled up quite a bit for the weekend, twice as many MHs as caravans.

    Had to partly empty the car boot to fill the Adblue, fortunately got it done before the latest rain shower.   Car now filled up for the trip home on Sunday.  

    Today we drove west a bit and also dropped in at the Portmerion/Colony Candles outlet shop to pick up some gifts for birthdays and Christmas.   Not usually there until at least July, so not so much Christmas stuff as usual, and prices seem to have increased quite a bit since last year.

    No plans as yet for tomorrow, might venture to one of the local farm shops and cafe for lunch, but could be very busy being a Saturday.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited April 2024 #59239

    Our cousins have a very popular farm shop Low Sizergh.

    And there is currently a farm walk/exhibition with photographs from the Forty Farms book. We are on one the boards near the shop entrance. https://www.lowsizerghbarn.co.uk/farm-trail/forty-farms-outdoor-exhibition-trail/

    Of course other farm shops are available!

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,325
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    edited April 2024 #59240

    So we're continuing having April showers, odd bright spells but generally grey, very chilly wind. Showers are welcome in our garden for the treated grass and newly laid turf. However only for another week! DIL managing to get her crops in, last should be done as soon as the weather allows.

    Moulsey, I enjoyed your photos, but I don't have the courage to visit the camps. I remember seeing shoes, I'm sure they were in Coventry cathedral,  from the camps and that small display and was overwhelming. It should never be forgotten. But I fear 'lessons' have not been learnt.

    RichardandRos I do hope your grandson adapts to his diagnosis.  A big shock to all, but from what I read the treatment has progressed in so many ways.

    Goldie good to know your cows are out out. I hope other news is on the brighter side.

    I'm having a very lazy few days, bare essentials only as I'm feeling below par but nothing awful.

    Belated birthday greeting HelenandTrevor. 

    Apologises for anyone I've missed, I have enjoyed reading all your posts. Sadly we've lost so many posters 😢

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59241

    A beautiful sunny day, warm in the sunshine but the wind was still rather chilly. We visited Culzean Castle and Estate today, having a good walk around before lunch before going into the Castle with another short walk to the Home Farm after that. Both the castle and the farm buildings were designed by Robert Adams. The armoury in the entrance hall is most impressive as are Adam's ceilings although the feel of the interior is of the Victorian era, and really to our living. The grounds are very well laid out with numerous interesting features. The photos are of the Powder House, the Camilia House, which was once the Orangery, the "Ruined" Arch, Swan Lake and one wall of the Entrance Hall.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59242

    A rather mixed weather day here, Nellie.  Unusually, we are away in the caravan over the weekend - a rare Sunday off for me.  We're at a little site near Northwich.... Elm Cottage Touring Site.  Had a lovely pizza cooked on their outdoor pizza oven.  Tomorrow is E & P day....  Booked in at A & E Leisure for the installation of an E & P levelling system on the caravan....


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,762
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    edited April 2024 #59244

    Great photos Nth and the willow sculptures are amazing.

    A busy day here washing done car washed and will be packed tomorrow before we make our way to UK seems strange no white box behind us but will be a change.

    Weather has improved yesterday wall to wall sunshine and nearly 20C and about the same today but we have had a frost yesterday morning so some plants not looking very well so hope no more frosts.

    Slightly better news Goldie146 and hope for better on next tests and enjoy the band.

    Have a good weekend folks.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited April 2024 #59245

    After a quick trip this morning for a few supplies and some little extra treats, we met youngest son and his girlfriend for a walk round Rudyard Lake. Lovely walk plenty out on the Water in the sunshine. We then had a fab pub lunch and a couple of games of pool. They gave me a beautiful crafting bag for my birthday,it will mean no more storing my stuff in an old carrier bag.🙂

    Back at the van now and the sun is still shining, just watching the birds on our feeder.

    Sorry no photos, too busy chatting.☺️

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend & safe travels.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,858
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    edited April 2024 #59246

    Happy birthday Helen. Sounds like you have had a wonderful time with your son and his girlfriend.

    Our eldest son and DIL came round this afternoon. My printer stopped working last week. It kept saying it was 'in an error state' and then said it was 'asleep'. Very frustrating. Thankfully son has managed to sort it out for me. Also the clutch on our car went on our way home from the airport 2 weeks ago and our usual mechanic seems to be having trouble getting someone to collect it from our drive where the rescue people brought it for us. It has all been a bit worrying and DIL has recomended a garage she uses so OH us going to ring them on Monday. Fingers crossed.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,442
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    edited April 2024 #59247

    We are back home free a great four night trip away up to NY Moors. I’ve currently got no services to my mobile, and our email at home wasn’t working so a frustrating time trying to get things sorted today. Took four and a half hours of ping ponging back and forth between so called experts to get the email back up and running, but at least now I can use email and WhatApp. Still no calls or texts service to my phone mind, that will be another few hours of frustration no doubt. Have to say that I find O2 a shocking service provider. As soon as I can I will be ditching them for another provider. I was “migrated” over from VM, and have had nothing but problems since. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,147
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    edited April 2024 #59248

    I tried to send this post yesterday,  but for some reason it didn't happen. It doesn't help with having to cut photos down to an "acceptable" size for their inclusion!yell

    Millie,  hope that you soon get your car sorted out. You would think that these days that with cars being so much reliable that those that repair them would be eager for the work.

    Helen, hope the rest of your weekend away went well. If you don't mind me asking which site did you stay on in the Dales?

    David, thanks for the heads up on the site. Have you thought of adding a review about it in the appropriate post in the UK Sites section? Hope all goes well with the fitting of your new levelling system.

    We visited Kirkoswald to see Jonnie Souters Cottage and have a look around The Old Kirk and graveyard,  where as well as Burns' Grandparents are buried there is also the graves of Tan O Shanter and Souter Jonnie. Then onto Maidens for a couple of walks in the lovely warm sunshine. 

    Photos of Maidens Harbour with Goat Fell in the background,  the Old Kirk, and one of Culzean Castle from the day before. 


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,066
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    edited April 2024 #59249

    Good day today I was at a classic car show near Glasgow today with the Mercedes’ club it was rainy but not too bad and a lot of nice cars still showed up. There was a museum there too so had a walk around there to get out of the rain.

    Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,931
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    edited April 2024 #59250

     Hi Nellie.  I've left a little review in the 'Small Private Sites' thread...


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,189
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    edited April 2024 #59251

    We were meant to be off to Castleton today but the knee is still playing up and the painkillers causing other issues and after a pretty rough night I decided to cancel at the last minute as I didn't think I could drive that far. Trouble was that I had, by mistake, ticked the box to take site fees automatically rather than pay on arrival which prevents you from cancelling the booking. So first thing I left a message on the site answer phone not knowing whether I would get any money back. Had a phone call from the site this afternoon telling me that he had managed to refund the payment which I thought was very nice of him. Obviously lost the deposit but that was only to be expected. My doctor has arranged for me to have an x-ray but still waiting for an appointment. Very tempted to go private and have a hydrocortisone injection.
