What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58442

    Goodness I didnt realise that foxes were into DIY Helen 🤣🤣

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58443

    Very sunny here today, though also pretty cold, yesterday was the same.  

    OH has the washing machine on to use the power from the roof, will hopefully get things dried too before we have to go out.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited January 2024 #58445

    Weather fairly bright but fairly calm but cold.

    Day off from hospital visiting so went to watch granddaughter and team play football. The team, under 9, played really well and won 6-2.  


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #58446

    Your granddaughter's team did well OP. 👏👏

    I guess you have recovered from your cold/covid. How is your brother doing, may I ask?

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #58447

    A generally dull day here in S.Cumbria, with a little light drizzle for a short while and the occasional glimpse of the sun. Although It was about 8C it felt a lot colder at times when the wind blew. I was able to get the outside of the caravan cleaned and Bobby Dazzled, now not much more to do inside before it is ready for the off again, but nothing planned as yet.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited January 2024 #58448

    Thanks Nell for the kind words.

    Brother been in hospital for 5 weeks now.  He is trying to recover from sepsis and also has a serious heart condition.  He’s confused a lot of the time and is not really capable of looking after himself.  The staff are marvellous 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58449

    I was thinking about your brother as well OP. It’s a long hard road is Sepsis, my Dad was in hospital nearly 3 months. Sadly, you are very susceptible to repeat infections as well, and at one bit Dad was in and out of hospital a few times. But he did eventually have a more stable period, and I hope things go as well for your brother.

    Beautifully sunny day here. Frosty start, and cold, but it warmed up. I got away early from Mum’s, and we had a smashing birthday tea with family at a Farm shop tea room near Brodsworth Hall. Good company, lots of little ones and plenty of laughs. Nice to catch up with loved ones.🙂

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58450

    Sorry to hear about your brother OP. Thoughts are with you. It must be hard for you seeing him so poorly. Well done to your grand-daughter, great result. One our grand-daughters (14 today) has played football for some years. Great to see the girls now taking their place on the sporting field. Our 15 year old grand-daughter in N. Ireland is a  rugby player.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 907
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    edited January 2024 #58451

    What am I doing today?  Not a lot.  After 4 years and all the vaccines Covid has finally got me!   I blame the restaurant at Fountains Abbey.  It’s one of our favourite places to visit for a walk around and last Monday I thought, children back at school, so let’s go for a trip there and some lunch.  I was wrong,  the children in that area were having an extra day off for ‘teacher training’ so the restaurant was packed with them and everyone else, we’ve rarely seen it so busy.  I started with a sore throat on Thursday and it’s developed from there into a ‘flu’y cold.  Took a test yesterday which was positive for the first time.  Fingers crossed it doesn’t last too long. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2024 #58452

    Tough luck Heddlo, fingers crossed you have it mild.

     I know 2 couples who went to Panto/Cinema over Christmas and ended up with Covid. Over Christmas period I was doing the food shopping at Tescos at 7.30 in the morning to avoid crowds.

    The week has been a bit of a blur. We've been trying to get out some mornings to give ourselves some downtime and then going on to the hospital. Wish everyone had to wear masks in there, just like Spain has reintroduced. 

    MiL stable, sometimes lucid sometimes not. Mind, it's only been 1 week. Seems like a month. Just having a laugh as OH washing some clothes and we can see one of those heart monitor stickers they attach to you floating around the washing machine. MiL tore them off one day as they were hurting her. Obviously she got told off but one of the stickers must have got caught up in her nightdress

    Best wishes to Oneputt. Hope things improve for you.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,070
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    edited January 2024 #58453

    Good to hear from you WN. Hope MIL improves soon

    Quiet day planned today it’s cold outside but bright so I went out and gave the car a wash it had been washed and valeted during the week when it was in at the Volvo specialist but with all the salt on the roads it was filthy again doubt it will stay clean for long this week.

    We’ve been busy planning the season ahead got a few weekends lined up to our local haunts and also plan a week down in Blackpool early March, won’t be away at Easter this year but for the summer we are planning Norfolk are looking at the Cromer club site but want to get a service pitch and some of our chosen dates are fully booked so looking at the sandringham club site as an alternative it looks good so may go there if we can’t get in to Seacroft. Looking forward to Norfolk it’s the only area of the UK we haven’t really visited. Spending this afternoon watching snooker 

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited January 2024 #58454

    Sorry to hear about your brother OP - but good to hear that he is getting good care. heddlo - what bad luck - hope you are soon feeling better. Ros's daughter (primary school teacher!) and all the family had it a couple of weeks ago - fortunately it was fairly mild - but we kept well away!

    Cold here today - but we've got something we don't seem to have seen for weeks - sunshine! Until today, it's never really seemed to get light.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,194
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    edited January 2024 #58455


    Seacroft is very popular. Interestingly it has as many, if not more, serviced pitches as ordinary pitches! Just a thought on the Sandringham site, I think you would find it better for cycling? The roads around are not so busy. In the past we could walk up to the House from the site but don't think that is a option now with Margaret's hip showing no signs of improvement. 


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58456

    Thinking of you WN, we had quite a collection of monitor stickers, wristbands, tablet cups at one bit. Dad used to take out his IV cannula’s on a regular basis😱 Quite often they’d resort to his foot. 

    Birthday here today. Our beloved hound is 14, it was breakfast with crunchy sprinkles on top, out for a walk, and then back to his Jumbone and his favourite pastime of shredding wrapping paper. Snoozing now, in preparation for his favourite Labrador time of the day……….dinner🤣

    Like others, we are sniffling and coughing a little, not really a cold of sorts, more contending with changes in temperature inside and out. Very cold here today, and looking to drop lower as week goes on……will we get snow we are wondering.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2024 #58457

    One put, sorry to hear your brother has Sepsis. My BIL caught it back in November, spent over a month in hospital. He is still not back to his former self yet. Gets tired very easily and still has to use a stick to walk. He was told it could take up to 3 mths to fully recover. 

    Very cold here the last few days but sunny and dry so prefer that to rain. Days are getting longer, not needing lights on until 16.30 😊

    Checked out another couple of bungalows but still don't give us the space we have here, only things going for them is they are detached, have a decent sized drive and don't have concrete floors. All things we want but not if the inside space isn't right. Oh well it's almost Lanzarote time so we will resume our search on our return. 😊

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #58458

    Happy Birthday to the old guy, Tda, he is doing well to get to that age for a Lab.

    Sorry to read that you have caught Covid, heddlo, there seems to be a number of different strains predictably these days. We just try to avoid busy places.

    Fingers crossed that your MIL is slowly on the road to recovery, WN, and perhaps it won't be too long before she is able to get up for a short while at least.

    Dry again today so finished off the cleaning in the caravan, and all the seat and floor coverings back on. If it stays dry tomorrow I too will give the inside of the cards valet.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58459

     Best wishes to WN's MIL, and OP's brother for  good recoveries, and to heddlo re covid, avoiding it for 4 years was good going!    We had it in March 2022, but had no symptoms at all fortunately.  We reckon Callum brought it home from nursery and passed it round the family.

    A mixed day here, some good sunshine, but also grey periods, and even a few flakes  of snow mid afternoon.

    OH has had me sorting and tidying my wooden items so we know what there is available  to sell.  Trying to catalogue them all, sort into categories, and store sensibly.  Cupboards seem emptier, but DD still has several items at her place that she is listing for sale.

    Some old items have not survived intact, so anything split has been either set aside for repair if possible, or designated as "firewood", our son will be happy to have those!

    SIL's  mum has her 70th  birthday next week, so I have selected 2 large bowls and requested DD to give her opinion on which to take along to the party.

    Letter from Doc re kidney scan, all normal, so that is one less thing to worry about, but still waiting to hear about possible heart problem, seems to be taking ages!

    Caravan service booked for early March, but no sites booked as yet, nor our proposed summer trip to Norway.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited January 2024 #58460

    Lovely photo ttda - Had to smile about "dinner time" and a labrador's reputation for being greedy.  I bet this one in my avatar could match him - she'd eat all day long if I let her!

    Francis - just a comment about Sandringham - we go there fairly regularly and spent this Christmas there.  There aren't any serviced pitches at all - so that might influence your decision.  It's a nice site, though.

    Early start this morning - Meg is off to the 'beauty parlour' for 0900 - so will have to take her out before long - before we set off. Not shedding her fur - it's every six weeks or so - and she does like being pamperedsmile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58461

    He’s surprisingly not that greedy with his meals, although he does enjoy them. His speciality is snaffling disgusting things that he just happens upon, and before we can stop him, nightmare on a beach😱. We got him at seven months, a rehome. He had a day at home with us, then we hauled him off for his first big holiday down in Cornwall. Brain went onto a shelf and total chaos as he stepped onto a huge thankfully deserted beach. Couple of hours later, he started throwing up strange red stuff, and we thought he had taken to eating starfish and urchins, so we were really worried. Upon closer inspection of what he threw up (grisly, but you have to go there🤢) I spotted something glowing. It was a dayglo “MFC” logo on a larger piece of the red stuff. The blighter had eaten our other dog’s Middlesboro Football Club lead! 🤣 Panic over, at least he wasn’t poisoned, but he’s never learned. Dead crab cost us £500 at a Welsh vets, and he was so ill we had to drive home in one go, so lost our night in a lovely hotel. Labs do seem to have sensitive tums.

    Terriers (Airedales) can ingest anything with few signs…….logs, books, tv remote (we did find the batteries), telephone answer machine, staircase, loo rolls, you name it, no effect whatsoever🤣

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2024 #58462

    Bright sunny day here but pretty cold out. 

    I'm busy cleaning venitian blinds, OH lifted them down for me then I was washing them on my hands and knees. All done now ready to re hang. 

    OH doing battle with TP - Link, we bought one of their routers last July, registered it for its 3 year warrenty. We have been having an intermittent problem with it so decided to ask them to check it out or replace it. The phone call was painful, somewhere in Asia I guess, anyway he finally got through to the female on the phone who said she had passed it onto the warrenty department, who would organise a return and replacement. So far so good, they got in touch to say it's not covered under warrenty as it was manufactured in 2016😲 we bought it as new in original packaging. When registering it they did not inform us of this, if they had we could have returned it to the seller. Battle now with seller, TP and ebay 😡😡

    More wooly hat knitting done building up a bit of stock now. 

    More sorting out of cupboards etc, where has it all come from. When we were moving home every 18mths or so we never had clutter but 34 years in the same place and it's built up. Far to many clothes, shoes etc really need to be ruthless. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited January 2024 #58463

    Back to a lot of cloud today and rain later in the day, Saturday a sharp frost but clear blue skies and the sun was lovely not so bright yesterday but at least no rain.

    OH has been busy with scanning old photos still a lot to do and I have been clearing stuff out ready for a small fire in our incinerator next week as more stuff to sort, OH went for his blood test early today got there 7.40am and nurse called him in straight away and usually he has to wait until 8am normal opening time and will get the results later this afternoon as next Monday he sees the specialist nurse instead of the doctor and usually gets more time with her than the doctor, shopping in Villefrance tomorrow and call into Opticians to check my new glasses which not fully happy with long distance ok but reading bit at the bottom is not good far too strong heyho so will what they say.

    Francis I see you are hoping to go to Norfolk all my OH's family come from there and a few years ago we had a look around Norfolk Broads site we thought it a good site and it does have service pitches and very good for cycling straight from site.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58464

    Another very sunny day, but again very cold.  Down to -3 overnight, and never got above +1.5 all day, despite the sun.  Pavements and garden still frosty.  Forecast for tomorrow is for snow.

    Managed to get more turned items  catalogued, so should get it all cleared away by tomorrow afternoon.

     I seem to have developed tinnitus, suppose I better book an appointment with our GP, see what, if any, treatment is available.  Have actually had it very mildly for a while now, but it has suddenly got worse.  Now in trouble with OH for not mentioning it earlier.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,070
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    edited January 2024 #58465

    Thanks to all regarding advice about Nordolk we aren’t overly bothered about a serviced pitches but from research I’ve carried out they are the best ones to get if going to Seacroft. Looking at Sandringham it seems a bit easier to get to and would be good for cycling lots of research still to do

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,934
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    edited January 2024 #58466

    It's been years since we went to Seacroft, but have been thinking about revisiting the area.... we were wondering about trying Incleboro, next time??

    Spent a really wonderful afternoon (not!!) filling in a tax form.


  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited January 2024 #58467

    Sending Best Wishes to Oneputt and Wherenext.

    Bitterly cold day but plenty of sunshine, got the washing mostly dry outside,  brought it in when I got home from work, it was just starting to freeze. 🥶

    Hope you get your holiday plans sorted Francis we still haven't decided where to go yet. 🤔

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58468

    Ww have had a busy weekend as it eas the 14th birthday of two of our grandchildren. They are not twins but cousins, we call them the 'cousin twins'. So we had some nice family gatherings to celebrate. OH went to his history class at the College this morning and I decided that I wanted to get out in the sunshine so went and had a brisk walk around the peremiter of our lovely local park. It took about 20 minutes. It was a lovely bright, sunny but bitterlt cold morning. Even though I was wearing gloves I could hardly feel my hands by the time I finished. Then it was back home for a cup of coffee and housework. Very cold this evening.

    Francis We went to Seacroft many times when we had our caravan and yes you are right the best pitches are the serviced ones. It is a bit of a lottery otherwise. We also stayed at the Norfolk Broads site as mentioned by RK  and I agree that it is a lovely site in a very nice area. We had some good trips there. There was also a local pub we could walk to. No pub within walking distance of the Sandringham site but  few good ones if you dont mind driving.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #58469

    I seem to have developed tinnitus, suppose I better book an appointment with our GP, see what, if any, treatment is available. Have actually had it very mildly for a while now, but it has suddenly got worse. Now in trouble with OH for not mentioning it earlier.

    Kjell, I too have it, and have had it for many years now, after working in a very noisy environment. It has recently got worse, there is no cure for it apparently. It does now affect my hearing at times, and as it so happens I got for a second hearing test tomorrow, this time at our local hospital. Will see (hearlaughing) what they have to say!!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #58470

    Francis and David, we much prefer the C&CC's Sandringham site to the CC's one, much less regimented with more room between pitches, and less expensive too, especially with the over 60's discount.

    A much colder day here, doubt it rose above 2C even in the sun, as there was a breeze. OH got the washing dry outside and I hoovered out the car. It was too chilly to do much else, apart from going for brisk walks with Flyte.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited January 2024 #58471

    Me too. I’ve had tinnitus for about 30 years. I’ve learned to live with it.

    Somebody once asked me if I still had the noises when I was asleep 😂