What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited January 2024 #58352

    Thanks, Kjell & Mikey, that certainly clears up my question.

    Heddlo  & Richard, pleased to read that you both are out of reach of the flood waters. All things considered we have been fortunate in being over towards the West for the post New Year period and that we came north at just the right time.

    It was grand meeting up with the WNs once again. We were fortunate to get our walk in between the rain showers, and enjoyed our natter in the caravan. Dry at the moment so we, Flyte and I, might get another dry walk in before bedtime.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2024 #58353

    NTH, as Mikey said there are 2 types of vaccine now. My OH only got 1 when he had his 2 years ago. According to the nurse who gave me mine the single dose is 'live' vaccine where as the 2 dose vaccine isn't. I was told I would be called for my second dose by letter in 8 weeks time. Upper arm quite hot with a bump, now not as sore as last night or as hot.

    Yes it will be good to see the gKids, that is once they surface for the day 🤣

    Good to hear you had another meet up with the WNs. 

    Been busy putting Christmas Dec's away. Took them down yesterday but put them back up in the attic this morning. 

    Took a drive into town to the homeless hostel with some bedding and warm clothes, they were very grateful which made me feel guilty, silly really but that's how I felt. 

    Sorted out the spare bedroom ready for tomorrow, still need to sort out the upstairs room, will do that in the morning. 

    Starting to get colder here again but at least it's not raining. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited January 2024 #58354

    Quiet on here today.

    Beautiful blue skies and lovely sunshine but we had a very keen frost overnight and the cars are still covered in frost if not in the sun. 

    Took advantage of the sun on the SPs and did a big wash and tumble dry. 

    Bedrooms all ready for when the family arrive.

    Will go for a walk shortly before the sun goes down as its going to be even colder tonight. 


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58355

    Had a lovely lunch out with friends I used to work with yesterday. We always have our 'Christmas meal' in early January when people are not so busy. Also it is something to look forward to during January. Today we took the Christmas decorations down and packed them away. Of course there was the obligatory grand and glorious clean and tidy afterwards. Tomorrow we are going to our eldest grand-daughter's to celebrate our great grandson's 4th birthday. The years just fly by. It doesn't seem 5 minutes since he was born.

    The flooding is still very bad in this area. Parts of Stamford are badly flooded . The flood gates couldn't cope so the meadows including the car park down there are flooded and some of the roads on slightly higher ground are also closed due to flooding. Similarly with Oundle. A lot of the villages are still cut off and Ferry Meadows/Nene Park is a no go area. I wonder how the caravan site is faring? We should be OK here as long as the drains can cope. I haven't seen anyone clear or clean our drains for years, hence huge puddles across the road. It has been a bit of a damp and drizzly day here, also cold.

    I hope you have a good time with your grandchildren TG. Also hope your MIL is OK WN. Lovely to hear that you had a good meet up with the nellies. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2024 #58356

    Also hope your MIL is OK WN.

    Thank you for asking Millie. She was in good spirits today. I think the fact that 2 of her brothers succumbed to Stomach Cancer and showed similar symptoms to what she has been having that it preyed on her mind. The visit to the doctors on Thursday allayed her mind a little and she has various tests next week. She felt well enough today to walk up and down the hill to the "local" today for a coffee (and a fuss from the wonderful staff who know her0. It's a fair walk for a 90 year old so she did well.

    We headed off ourselves as it was the sort of day that demands it, sunny, cold but not windy. Wrap up and go for a long walk.

    I thought most of your area would be flooded to some degree or other. What a dreadful time for those who have been flooded up and down the land.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58357

    Yes WN I also feel so sorry for those affected by the floods. There is a very large and popular garden centre on the edge of a village just north of here that is so badly flooded that they dont think they will be able to re-open. So sad for them and all the people who work there. By the way, well done on your bike ride. You must feel very chuffed.

    Yes heddlo I can verfy that shingles is a very nasty virus. I still feel very run down and tired so I am taking some multi vitamins to hopefully give me a bit of a boost.

    Pleased to hear you got home safely Helen and had a good New Year trip. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,934
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    edited January 2024 #58358

    Good weather in Tamworth and N Warks today too, TG.  Blue skies, but a bit colder.... at least no more rain, for the moment.  Hope it keeps nice for out caravan visit up to Castleton....

    Still very tired after all the events before Christmas plus all the family gatherings at Christmas and N Year, itself, so hoping for a bit of a quiet time.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited January 2024 #58359

    Sorry to hear about the flooded garden centre and the people who both own it and those that work there, Millie. Hope that the multivitamins speed up your recovery from Shingles. Shame about so little improvement in your weather.

    TG, we too had a frost overnight, but it cleared off the car very quickly this morning as the temperature rose relatively rapidly. It has been sunny all day and with clear skies tonight it will be a cold one. 

    We had a couple of walks around the Little Budworth Country Park today, and by coincidence bumped into a fellow dog walker who we first met about a week before Christmas, on the Whitegate Way, while we were staying at Acorns CL!!

    Pleased to read that your MIL was feeling better and well enough to get out for a walk, WN.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58360

    Battery now successfully almost replaced, though it was not quite as anticipated.

    Having watched some U tube videos about replacing the battery, all from USA or Europe, I began to wonder which seat the battery was actually under.    I decided to investigate the passenger seat first, and it was indeed under there, which was good as more space to work in.   However the seat did not tip back for access, the whole thing had to be unbolted and moved out of the way.

    Then I had  to cut the carpet to access the well in which the battery was sitting, covered by a tightly fitting lid.     The battery is huge, and very heavy, impossible for me to lift, so I had to call on DD and SIL to assist.  They were out for the day, but came up here on their way home and SIL managed to lift it out, must weigh 40kg, and put the new one in  place.

    By the time I got it all connected  up and tested, it was getting dark, so I have had to leave refitting the cover, carpet, seat etc until tomorrow.  

    Sunny day today, but very cold.  Hopefully it will also be dry tomorrow so I can get the work finished.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,159
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    edited January 2024 #58361

    Sounds like one neck of a job, Kjell, so it was fortunate that you had someone to help you. Hope you manage to get all the fittings back tomorrow.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,194
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    edited January 2024 #58362

    Much nicer day here in MK but signs that it is starting to get colder. Had my December Energy Bill today. Used less gas than a year ago but slightly more electricity. Bill was £100 less than a year ago, although not looking forward to the next two months which are usually the most energy intensive. 

    I have been lucky enough to be able to keep both caravans and motorhomes in our back garden but this obviously required wide opening gates. When I installed them, quite a few years ago now, I made sure I put in two heavy duty fence posts which I bolted together thinking that I needed extra to support the weight of the gate. Over the last few months I have noticed the support posts have started to lean out a bit and it looks as if they could have rotted at ground level. I will have to give the fencing contractor we use a call to see what the options are. It might be possible to put in a concrete support post which I image would be fairly straight forward but if the wooden posts have to be replaced it will be a much bigger, and no doubt more expensive, job!!!


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited January 2024 #58363

    Thanks for that Kj - I didn't say anything earlier, but I'm sure that when I bought the car and asked where the battery was, the salesman said that it was under the passenger seat - and - that it was a two day job to change it! (Well, it would be at a main dealers - wouldn't it????)

    Sounds like you did a brilliant job - well done! That said, I will be getting our local garage to do it - if you struggled to lift the battery out - I certainly wouldn't be able toundecided

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited January 2024 #58364

    Battery needs replacing on my car but  fairly easy job to do and OH has done his not all that long ago but the Landcruiser has two batteries so he got two new ones from Amazon they were the cheapest and Bosch ones and they are easy to do 1 each side behind the headlights but he had to stand on a firm caravan step to lift them out and he said glad his are not under a front seat that does sound like a big job hope you get the rest of it done today Kj.

    It is bit cooler here but no frost yet but maybe tonight and tomorrow night.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58365

    On car repairs mine went in on Friday as the gearbox cooler pipe had corroded, garage only found this when it went in for a service. They said not to drive it far a quite bad, so its been sat on the drive since. Lucky I didn’t and timely service to find it as mechanic said the pipe just fell to pieces once he had the bumper off. It’s automatic so would have been a huge bill and new gearbox if hadn’t been found in time. Good local garage, I’ve given up going to the main dealer due to cost and car getting older. But local garage is a nightmare to pull out of, on a bend and vans parked outside the entrance blocking view of the road, it’s not my favourite place to go.

    Decs put back in the loft yesterday, OH very meticulous about everything, including all the baubles, going back in its original box so it all takes some time but he’s very good, and patient as that way they all last for years.  We finally got our half price electricity offer from British Gas each Sunday from 11am til 4pm so just about to do lots of washing etc.

    River gone down at Caravan Park but they are still assessing any damage across the Park and its still closed. They should be closed for the season now but have said that when they safely can they will just open up for people to check their vans. Lots rushed off leaving food in fridges etc. We can’t get there so will ask local friends if it’s possible for them to pop over, they keep a key. We are always very careful but were in a rush and a bit complacent this year and forgot to move the bedroom tv off its little shelf, just hoping it didn’t fall and smash when the van went up and down (and hoping it did safely go up and down!) Also just a couple of other concerns to check. But it’s just a caravan, I feel so very sorry for the poor people whose homes have flooded, it must be terrible. 

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited January 2024 #58366

    We've finally had a few days without any rain, 🙂 gave the van a quick wipe round and its now back in storage. Hopefully we will be able to get away again in a few weeks. Got all the decorations and lights down and packed away too. Had a meet up with some friends yesterday, good catch up as we haven't seen them for a while, they are planning a big move up to Scotland, they have been looking at a place which includes some caravan pitches.

    Good to hear you are slowly recovering from your shingles Millie, hope the vitamins help.

    DEBSC,  hope there isn't too much damage from the floods at your caravan, I saw some pictures of the floods Stratford-upon-Avon even the theatres closed.

    KjellNN sounds like a big job changing the battery, I had thought they were all under the bonnet,😳 OH put me right, apparently the battery in the MG is under the back seat.

    Our Grand-daughter and her parent's are coming for lunch today, OH is making his ginger pudding with toffee sauce 😋 vegetables are all done ready. Also making the most of the half price leccy, washing machine on and another load will go in afterwards. Better get on now with lunch prep, hope everyone has a good day. 


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58367

    Sorry this isn’t quite ‘What are you up to today’ but I keep getting sent photos from granddaughter that I have to view so it sort of is.

    Youngest granddaughter decided a while ago that at 10 she is old enough to look after her own pet, our daughter said if she could save her pocket money, and she has done chores to earn more, then she’d consider it. Quite a discussion on what to have, she thought of a hamster but I pointed out that they sleep most of the day, can bite - hard! And they don’t live long. I suggested 2 guinea pigs as I had them as a child, so did our kids and I’ve had a few since the kids grew up. IMO, charming little creatures. So she settled on this and I willingly offered to look after them if they went on holiday. Yesterday was the day, so they visited the pet shop with the proviso that if none then they’d try a rescue centre or wait. Now granddaughter has had an obsession with bearded dragons since really little. No guinea pigs available so guess what! A photo arrived yesterday of the expected cute fluffy creatures, no! A bright yellow, bearded dragon called Rosie! From the smiles on granddaughters face in the photos she is over the moon. Daughter loves it too, I seem to have offended daughter when I asked if it bites, ‘no! Apparently, it’s really adorable, very friendly and loves sitting on granddaughters chest and being stroked. I’m not so sure about it, it has a very long tail and looks ferocious. I quickly rescinded my offer of looking after it, apparently friends have now offered.

    Just been sent another photo of it in its vivarium with its heat lamp on. With the cold and frost here today I want one, no not a dragon, a vivarium with a heat lamp.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58368

    With love and care, a bearded dragon might end up being a next generation pet. They can live 20-25 years. They sound interesting Debsc, and I hope your GD loves her new friend. 

    Good news on your MIL WN, she has been in our thoughts.

    I am busy crafting today, new year, new project. Embryo stage at the moment, but brain is buzzing……

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited January 2024 #58369

    Well it now seems I got it slightly wrong. They did go to the pet shop, no guinea pigs, so left empty handed. On the way home they called in at a friends and told them about the wanted new pet. Friend was moaning that since son had discovered football his bearded dragon was not getting much attention. Granddaughters ears pricked up and after some discussion the deal was done, maybe meant to be. Rosie is 3 years old and is at present sitting with granddaughter on her bed in the sun while she does her homework.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58370

    2 days.....who are they kidding?!!!!

    Just as well I had second thoughts about where it might be then!  

      Our Smart also had the battery under the floor on the passenger side, so that made me think about it.

    It was only a small battery, but so tightly fitting, and no handle on it, that it was very awkward to remove.  My hand joints are painful these days, so I had to get SIL to help with it too.  Arm muscles are also not what they used to be, 30 years back lifting a 50kg bag of cement was not a problem!

    I would say having the battery changed in a garage would be a 2 hour job max, and the big batteries are £300+ to buy.  Halfords will do it for you, no idea what they charge.  I bought ours from Euro Car Parts, they can also suggest a fitter should your dealer seriously want to charge for 2 days.

    Will  need to check where the battery is in our new T Cross.   In our previous Volvo XC 90 it was under the boot floor at one side.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2024 #58371

    Bitterly cold here today, so I will be leaving finishing putting the car back together meantime.  At least the doors etc are now working.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    edited January 2024 #58372

    Beautiful day in Lee on the Solent, we now have our own beachside sauna, it is a trailor much like a shepherds hut with a big wood burning stove, seats 7 people, looked like a family in there this afternoon when i cycled past, the idea is you sit in the sauna for perhaps 30 mins and then dive into the Solent, which is 3 degs today surprised, not sure i am brave enough to do that took a couple of photies but they are not great but one just shows the sauna and the the folk in the Solent.

    also so today in the car park a "motor home" well a transit van with a diy conversion but interestingly it had a very large open gas ring by the door which was being used to cook bacon, and a wood burning stove inside with the smoke stack out through the roof, in view of what happened on a club site last week I did think this was an accident waiting to happen, not the first one i have seen but this one was actually lit, not something i would like to be parked next to,

    I guess they put the battery under the passenger seat or under the boot because there is no room in the engine compartment, but what a palaver just to change the battery, I guess the battery requires no maintenance, but i also guess it would be very difficult to attach jump leads or a battery charger ?   

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2024 #58373

    That sounds it was meant to be, a really nice story. Hopefully Rosie will have a forever home now. Friends of ours, their daughter works for Jollyes Pet Shops. She sets up and manages stores, and they work with an Exotic Pet Rescue organisation. Sadly so many are given up, or need rescuing. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited January 2024 #58374

    Kj - Totally agree with you about the two days - that was my reaction as well - but we all know what car dealership salesman are likesmile I will be going to our local Bosch Service Centre garage whom I trust absolutely - and before they do anything will get them to check on the state of the battery. When the caravan goes in for service - one of the reports I get is the state of the battery 'health' - so I'm sure my garage can do it as well. This is the garage that charged me £300 to re-pad the brakes (using genuine VW parts) when the main dealer wanted £750!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited January 2024 #58375


    Last night just after 7 pm Mother-in-Law had a Stroke. Fortunately (?) we have experience, recognised it and paramedics were there in 15 minutes. We got home about midnight. It would seem that the Stroke was caused by an undiagnosed Arterial Fibrillation problem. Maybe. The irony is that yesterday was the best she's been since before Christmas.

    We've had a busy day today as you would expect. When we saw her today there was talk of her needing an operation on her brain at Liverpool but that's been put on the back burner at present. She looked bad today and had a rough night but there are rays of her old self still there, as she did point out the lovely coat the lady visitor opposite was wearing. 

    Some days you feel like howling at the moon.


    Moderator comment: Partly moderated 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,693
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    edited January 2024 #58376

    So sorry to hear to all that WN, Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited January 2024 #58377

    So sorry to hear your news WN. Love and best wishes to all of you. Well done to the paramedics for getting there so quckly but I expect it seemed a very long 15 minutes to you. I hope that there are signs of some improvement soon.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,070
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    edited January 2024 #58378

    So sorry to hear about MIL WN best wishes to you all

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2024 #58379

    Really sorry to read your news, WN. Will be thinking of you all.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,327
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    edited January 2024 #58380

    Oh Wherenext. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

    Speed is of the essence with stroke. I don't have to tell you! I'm sure my OH still here cos he was on the operating table when his occurred. Thoughts and prayers with you all.

    Been reading news sorry if I don't mention you but I've taken it in.

    Hope everything's OK at the caravan DEBSC when someone can get in. Love Reading your family tales. Your granddaughters seem very resilient. 

    KjellNN our battery was under the passenger seat in the Picasso.  Thankfully never had an issue. Glad you got it sorted but nothings made easy these days?

    We had some deflating news from cardiologist on our return from our anniversary lunch Friday. Reading the numbers always brings home the seriousness of OH condition. Left side of his heart working hard at 35% as well as AF and heart failure 😢. On the up side, it's almost 5 years since he performed, late January, when I joked to the hospital we have a wedding in April. After many ups and downs he came out with 10 days to spare. Soooo lucky to still be sharing my days with him. We also see the cardiologist in March. The ICD check late December all good.

    Wishing those who are poorly better and those anxious about the flooding all the best.

    Hoping we get to see the big yellow thing in the next few days. Been sooooo grey and WET for so long here. There's been much activity on and around the bird feeders today as the temperature falls.

    Had the family for dinner. DIL went to see Peterborough lose. Had to sit in the stands today 😉. She was frozen. Grandson is a delight, can't believe he's coming up to 3. That makes me sad, as not seen granddaughters in the flesh for almost 6 years 😢 . Youngest was younger than grandson is now. So glad we had long visits when we could!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,934
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    edited January 2024 #58381

    Just read yiur post WN. I'm so sorry to read about your Mother-In-Law.  Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
