What are you all up to
Ha!!! that is why the photographs show such a splendid house, and i was giving him some credit for building something that seemed to be very much in keeping with the local area.
The company i worked for has a satellite earth station out at Dyce so I know that area fairly well, lovely time in the area and indeed in Scotland as a whole for 14 years.
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The stables have also been converted to 9 luxury lodges apparently.
I don't think he ever got anywhere with the locals, most were against the whole thing, most councillors too, so when his applications for planning permission were rejected he took it to Edinburgh who gave the go ahead.
Then they gave permission for the offshore turbines and he threatened to sue the Scottish Government and fell out with them. He does like to get his own way it seems.
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We have gone retro doorbell in our house😁 We have had a few battery ones, but OH did a bit of research, and found these
Brilliant. Nothing to go wrong, cost money on batteries or being wired up. Loud enough to be heard up in attic (so long as music isn’t loud), and won’t conk out next door’s fancy car electronics🤣 Goes with our older house as well. I love quite simple things sometimes.
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I love quite simple things sometimes.
I refuse to rise to the bait.🤣
Bakers - Yes ours is wireless but we may well investigate Ttda's suggestion. Next doors car fob used to set our old doorbell off until we twigged it. BTW is your email problem sorted now?
RandR - Your post made me laugh, so apologies for your misfortune. New fangled gadgets and modern tech not always the most reliable. Good to have a practical Plan B.
Brue - I've seen Ttda's jewellery and they are exceptionally good.
Vbfg - 😂😂
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Thank you for the jewellery compliment👍
It’s something to do in between the caring moments, keeps me sane. I went to see owner of another little outlet yesterday, who is interested in selling my stuff. It’s a rather lovely tea rooms, antiques centre and deli complex, not far from where Mum lives. She has a jewellery cabinet inside the tea rooms, and thinks it will go well, as folks visiting often impulse buy. I drive OH mad with it, beads everywhere he says, my riposte is usually “smaller than Bikes” Currently seven up in attic, which he uses as a cycle room cum workshop. The idea was originally that I would have half of attic space for craft projects, but I got fed up of stumbling over the bikes he hadn’t hung on the walls🫣 I’m not complaining, my new bike is now almost converted to an ebike, so hoping to do a test ride soon.
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"Just found this video on YouTube by What Car where they measured the relative economy of the three types, the HEV came out quite well compared to the other two. If EV's have to use public charging points they seem to be quite expensive to run, although that changes a lot if you can charge at home."
found this most interesting David, my take today is, if we should need a small run around for local use then the EV would come out tops, especially as we have solar panels, however, the thought of hanging around at a motorway service station for 20 mins or more, frequently, is not what i want to be doing. our run around just now is a 2007 Kia Carens 2ltr diesel, bought because my OH was doing a round trip to Tring at least once per week at the time, my biggest gripe is that this vehicle seldom today does more than 2K miles per annum, yes its emissions are not great but in terms of pollution it is probably much less than a new Hybrid doing 10K+ miles per annum and yet we have to pay £300+ per annum in road tax & £300 for insurance, car is only worth £500, so if we stopped towing and reverted to a 1 car family it would have to be the hybrid see no point in buying the EHV, savings on fuel miniscule but more expensive to buy, or would it, arent the government black listing the hybrid ? arghhh!, so stay as we are for now, save ourselves £35k+ and pocket the interest
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I think it all boils down to the sort of use you put a car to. I haven't done more than 2000 miles a year in a car since 2019! Obviously if we give up motorhoming and some point we will start to do more miles in a year but I somehow doubt it would be more than 5000 a year. The video does sort of back up my decision to go for the HEV. I quite fancied the PHEV but I am not sure the video pointed to any advantage. OK they were only comparing economy and not performance. My eldest son has an EV which he charges at home at much better rates than commercial chargers, albeit slower, but does that matter if you do it overnight? I suspect he is paying a lot less than he did when he had a petrol car. Prior to owning a motorhome we only ever had one car so it had to be a jack of all trades starting with being able to tow a caravan.
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Well - we've had a lovely day today and a big boost in my faith in human nature. As most of you know, Ros can't walk far at the moment, but wanted to go into Whitby to, at least, "see the sea" and have a coffee etc. (She refuses, point blank, to use a wheelchair!)
The car park we usually use - near the marina and the Co-op was too far away so I had this bright idea to park on West Cliff and use the Cliff Lift to get down to the sea front. Fine - except the lift closed two years ago due to flooding etc.
However, it has been replaced by a free taxi service - so we waited for it to arrive. A red minibus (adapted for wheelchairs) turned up complete with lovely driver, his wife and their two little dogs in the front. Both of them couldn't have been more kind, understanding and compassionate and he went to great care to make sure Ros could get into the minibus as easily as possible. They were wonderful and came to pick us up later after we had had a leisurely coffee and a gentle stroll on the prom. I was so impressed with their kindness, I have written to NYCC to pass on my praise both for them and the service. Thank you to both of them.
Finished the morning off with lunch at the Hare and Hounds in Hawsker - just changed hands and their whale and chips has to be seen to be believed. Wonderful
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We are not long home from a wonderful 3 week trip away. Spent a fortnight at the clubs site in Broadway what a great place and a nice site set in a lovely village with lots of nice pubs also great for exploring the surrounding area. Weather was ok only really had 2 bad days the rest of the time was warm with some bright spells nice weather for cycling and not too warm to walk around in so a bit of a change from last years break in Devon where we spent a lot of time in the car with the air con on. We then spent a few days at Donkey Creek Farm near Blackpool again mixed weather but still enjoyable I know Blackpool is a marmite sort of place but we love it like a walk down the piers and the shore front SWMBO also loves the shops on the front happy days from when the kids were young we visit a few times a year as it’s not too far for a long weekend. Easy tow home today motorways not too busy so took us 4 hours not too bad. Caravan unpacked and back on its space in the drive car is filthy but will need to wait until the weekend to get cleaned. Few things to catch up on at home over the next few days then we plan to go away again near the end of next week just to one of our local sites.
WN - Hope you get the van fixed without any hassle ours is due back in soon to get the hot water sorted hoping the part came in while we were away will cal the dealer tomorrow
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How wonderful. They sound such kind people. So glad you had a good day.
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Hope Mr.H on the road to recovery Millie.
Lovely story from RandR. I've found that there is usually more kindness around than not but generally goes unreported so it's good to hear someone's praise being sung.
Francis - someone has been out to see the caravan and is searching for a replacement steady so still up in the air at the moment. Good to hear your summer break went well.
Had a peaceful afternoon as MiL at craft class for most of it.
I love her really.
Just tried a new recipe out on them that involved a lot of 2 hand action needed in the kitchen so my right hand feels like it's gone through a wringer. Have to drink my wine using my left hand.
A trial I know but I'm sure that I'll manage. Anyway the ladies enjoyed the meal. Hardest I've done since taking the reins on the cooking front again. Quite enjoyed it in a masochistic kind of way.
Been a lovely day here after the rain stopped about 9 am.
Had to have the "Wasp" man in again. Lovely chap. He explained a lot about the way the wasps go about things and their habits.
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One of our often visited areas, OP as there are lots of interesting historic properties close by. We stop at Messuage Farm CL, although there is another not far up the road from it. Enjoy your stay there.
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Glad to read that you had a smashing day today, R&R. That taxi service was exceptional, there are not many places where the likes of that are available.
Good to read that you got home safe and sound, Francis. It sounds as if you had a grand trip away. Best of luck with getting the hot water system fixed before you get away next time.
Amused by the tales of "ghost" door bells, and stranded vehicle, due to electronics. Having neither a door bell or a knocker on our front door we don't encounter such problems.
WN, we have a handy "wasp man" as he lives directly opposite us. Thankfully we have not had to call upon his help recently. Hope your chap is able to fid you of them this time. Best of luck with finding a replacement corner steady. Can you not get one directly from Coachman, or the likes of Leisure Products?
Thanks for the information, brue, we will definitely have a look around when we are in the area next time.
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Have visited 3 garden centres recently looking for a Mouse Ear hosta and today OH, who normally can’t tell a rose from a daisy, spotted one, so job done and I already have the perfect pot for it. Then we went to Charlecote and I popped into the NT secondhand bookshop, left with 6 books which cost me £6. So a pretty good days shopping. When I’ve read the books I pass them on to my caravan neighbour, when she’s finished them I take them to the Oxfam charity bookshop when I’m in town.
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We've landed at Devizes C&CC site. Freshwater East was lovely, but, as those who have been there will know, internet is almost non-existant..... other than to gather around the information shed at the entrance to the site to use free wi-fi. This was always a source of amusement.... We arrived back to the site the first day to meet a great gang of folk by the entrance bartier all glued to their phones... 🤣🤣🤣
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I like that site at Devizes, David. It’s a pleasant stroll alongside the canal.
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Brue, some photos of recent makes…..
Haematite and rose gold
Some Japanese origin glass arrow beads
Red Jasper.
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We went there for the first time this May and really liked it, certainly enough to return. Grass pitches probably best avoided at that time of year as not well drained. Very convenient bus stop nearby with buses to Devizes and Melksham and the pub at the end of the road does very nice meals.
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Great jewellery photos Tda and love the Jasper set as our second Springer was called Jasper and OH's second name is as well pity I cannot buy them from you but too expensive to send here.
Just come back from Villefranche and shopping also had to go there as OH could not get his new replacement medication and said to the Pharmacie yesterday could he try where we were going today no problems and she gave him a note to take and the Pharmacie today checked with ours on the phone no problems and the last box so now in fridge ready for next Monday's prod, and on the way back we stopped in our usual place only to find a lot of folk further the road and when we came back through another village the Gendarme asked OH which way we were going and thankfully the right way as the route of Tour de France females was going through the village later so saw a lot of cars and Gendarmes on motorbikes awaiting further instructions, we would have gone to a local point but had to get OH's meds so missed it.
A lot cooler today and a lot of UK reg number plates about and a lot of English voices in shops as well but nothing was packed thankfully.
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Many thanks for the jewellery photos TDA, lovely to see, I remember the ones you did for a wedding, these look quite different but just as interesting!
Glad you got the meds sorted for your OH Redkite. A neighbour was recently admitted to hospital due to no-one reviewing his meds and he became quite ill as they were not appropriate anymore. We're hoping he will feel a lot better soon when he recovers! Preventable illness eh?!
Heavy rain just now, quite chilly. Luckily we got a lot of gardening work done in the sunshine this morning, lots of cutting back and pruning so hopefully more light and space over the coming months. We need to lose a big tree, a dwarf conifer now thirty feet high, it's taking over a big Rowan that I grew from a seedling on Speyside. So more work to do, everything has grown too much this year! I might catch a glimpse of the neighbours at some point too....Nice to have some views back.
Quite a trek for some at Freshwater DSB, it's such a long site, hope you enjoy the next stays!
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Such lovely jewellery tda. Thanks for sharing.
Lovely weather today so lots of washing done dried. Long chat with the COPD nurse today at GP surgery for OH. She is reluctant to prescribe any new meds until all the cardiac tests done but lots of good advice given. It is just starting to rain now.
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Thank you for the kind comments, I just enjoy the challenge of making something😁
Another lovely local day out for us this afternoon, after I got back from eye test. Wentworth Castle Gardens (NT), at Stainborough. It’s only been re opened since 2019, with the NT working in partnership with Northern College based there, and Barnsley MBC. Very impressive, a massive project to bring the gardens back. The Conservatory is very interesting, sweeping vistas from the folly at the top of the Estate. We could see the Red Deer and Fallow Deer in the distance. The House cannot be visited, but there’s still plenty to see and do. Lots of happy children around, and dogs on short leads are welcome. Weather was good, we just got back to Jeep in time to put roof back on before the expected rain arrived early!
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Gr and photos, tda, yet another place to visit when we find a site to our liking over that way. Loved the jeweller too.
Good to read that you managed to get your OH's meds ok, RK, and that you have received good advice from the nurse for your OH, millie.
Enjoy your stay at Devizes, David. That is another of the C&CC sites that we liked.
It stayed fine here for most of the day, but Flyte and I did get wet on our post dinner walk, and it has rained steadily since.
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Thank you Millie.
I hope your OH is picking up ok, we have had good support from everyone involved with Mum. There’s always something that they think of that can help.
My eyes were ok yesterday, no new glasses needed. I only use them for driving, watching TV and at football matches😁. Use readers for close work. I have got faint signs of cataracts starting, but nothing required yet, and I haven’t noticed anything.
Nellie, it’s a good visit, and lots of exercise involved, as it’s a right old climb up to the folly castle😮💨 Especially pushing the hound! The estate walks look very good as well, so a good visit for you and OH👍 A work very much in progress around gardens, the Conservatory is very interesting.
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Decided to get the food shopping in early, mainly before families arrive, and we received a call halfway through from the mobile caravan servicing guy who somebody had recommended to us. Can he come today? Too right he can so a quick trolley dash and drive home. Goodness knows what we've forgotten to buy but we won't starve.
He's taken the damaged steady off and has found a possible replacement so he's headed off to have a look at it. Might get it replaced if its ok today. So fingers very firmly crossed as he goes on holiday next week.
Rain this morning but from 10 onwards its been dry with some sun and warm as there isn't much wind.
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Yes, TW. One of our favourite C&CC sites. We're on 'Super Serviced Pitch 1'. Room to park the car in front of the caravan on the hardstanding, and quite a bitbof grass betteen us and the hedge. 👍👍
Off tomorrow to Hunters Moon CAMC...
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Nellie, it’s a good visit, and lots of exercise involved, as it’s a right old climb up to the folly castle😮💨 Especially pushing the hound! The estate walks look very good as well, so a good visit for you and OH👍 A work very much in progress around gardens, the Conservatory is very interesting.
Thanks for the info, tda, and think I might have sussed out a CS that would act as a good base, so maybe we will get there later in the year.
Glad to hear that you have managed to get the steady fixed and the van serviced, WN.
David, hope you have a safe and trouble free drive to your next site tomorrow.
We too will be packing up the van tomorrow as I have been able to book 4 sites for our next trip this evening, and not a single deposit requested. Today started off rather dank with low cloud and mizzle. However it was dry before 11:00 and we were able to get a number of visits in the town done without getting wet.
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Got back from NYM yesterday afternoon - in the dry! Even managed to get the awning packed away dry on Wednesday which was a welcome bonus. What I haven't said is that we had a 'bit of a problem' with the van last weekend - during 48 hours of non-stop rain. I noticed water dripping in - well more than dripping actually, through one of the light fittings on the ceiling. Given that in all of the damp tests over the last 4 years, the readings have all been below 10%, it came as a bit of a shock. First reaction - and it might still be right - is that it's something to do with the Omnistor being re-fitted last month - especially since we've hardly had any rain here during that period but I know the Tech who did the job and find it hard to believe he would make such an error. However - van back to Tebay on Monday - what a pain. Let's just hope they can sort it before we go away again in a couple of weeks or so.