What are you all up to



  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56672

    Been in this bungalow for 14 years, new smart meter installed when we moved in, meter for gas and lecce in broom cupboard by side door, never had a problem, we also have a solar panel meter, on my desk i have a monitor for solar panels that shows amount of power being generated, tend to check if wanting to put washer on or dryer but dont let it rule our lives, possibly twice per week i log onto my OVO account to see how muc lecce/gas we have been using on a daily basis and at what cost, dont go in for checking how much power we are using by the hour etc to much of a faff.laughing

    well sun is shineing today and temp is showing 21 degs so might just go and dip my toe in the water laughing

    looks like our type of site Corners have added it to my data base, last time we stayed in that area it was at The Braids Gretna, owned by a friend and we travelled all the way from Devon for the opening ceremony when our friend took over, site is ok but it was October and it rained for a week. yell

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,204
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    edited August 2023 #56673

    Personally I can only see advantages in Smart Meters. OK they can be a bit problematic if you switch suppliers but in reality how often do you do that? I can see on an hourly basis how much I am using, I can even check remotely how much power is being used. I am with Octopus and they have excellent online information and on the few times I have had an issue they have been sorted pretty quickly. 


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,479
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    edited August 2023 #56674

    Me too. We live in an area where there appears to be a transmission issue and neighbours have had problems. To me, it would be inviting trouble.

    A smart meter also gives the energy supplier more control over the power supplied. It’s another factor to consider.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56675

    "A smart meter also gives the energy supplier more control over the power supplied. It’s another factor to consider."

    can you elalorate Tinny?

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,479
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    edited August 2023 #56676

    I’m not clever enough, Rufs, but I understood from an electrical contractor who I have no reason to doubt that smart meters enable the supplier to control power to individual households. For example, by reducing voltage at certain times if an increase in supply is needed elsewhere. People could maybe find their EVs are not charged by morning🙂

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56677

    I think your electrical contractor is telling porkies, you dont need to have a smart meter to achieve this, theoretically energy suppliers can reduce power to any individual property on the network but it is not as simple as turning a knob from full to half, when i worked in the USA we regularly used to have "brown downs" but, except in emergencies, these were planned in advance so you knew when your lights were going to be dimmed etc so you could switch off non essential items and keep the essentials running, afterall your energy supplier probably has no idea for e.g. as to what medical equipment you may have in your home that your life might depend on how any drop in voltage could affect this equipment.

    "People could maybe find their EVs are not charged by morning"

    a very real possibility if our current infrastructure is not upgraded but this will not be as a result of reducing voltage to individual properties, it will be as a result of infrastructure overload 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2023 #56678

    To smart meter lovers everywhere, we don't have one but we did have a good 2 year fixed dual fuel supply rate that has just come to an end and the rate has nearly tripled!! surprised However there are some new fixed rates around this summer so I've "plumped" for another fix as a precautionary measure. smile


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56679

    Yup we are on a 3 year deal which ends in Nov 24 dreading the day, solar panels help but not much use during the winter months.

    not a bad day today some sunshine and i did manage a swim even if it was a bit chilly, getting used to it now laughingclimate change, what is this yell

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,479
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    edited August 2023 #56680

    I don’t think so, Rufs, although neither of us are experts in the subject. At present voltage can be reduced to certain location based sectors but smart meters give suppliers greater control. As well as adjusting supply, they can alter tariffs and switch customers to pre-pay schemes remotely.

    People who use life dependent electrical equipment are know to the suppliers. People can self register but health providers do this as a matter of course. 

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited August 2023 #56681

    We stayed, no choice at the time of moving, with Utility Warehouse. Pay actual use ( unless you don't notice it's estimated 🤐) monthly and their prices seem competitive.

    At our old house we had fixed 'smart meter' details for several years without a smart meter. Only fitted just before we left, as both meters had to be changed together. Every crew, except the last - an older gentleman, saw there was a lead pipe connection and suddenly it couldn't be done. Or as last guy said bottled it as they didn't have the experience. Lead had to be removed, which meant it would have taken them longer..... The smart meters didn't fail in the months we were there.

    I had to answer, again!, user questions and medical equipment was one I could say yes to. If Tinwheeler is correct 🤞 we should be OK 😂

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    edited August 2023 #56682

    We have smart meters, but I never bother looking at our consumption. I take a reading each time we go away and then send this to our supplier as a back up to the readings they garner from the meters. I think that the ability to adjust supply, in times of excessive usage is not a bad thing, much better than the loss of supply to the many.

    Yesterday we started our latest trip with a relative short drive to our overnight stop, as OH had a dental appointment just after 9:00. We managed to pack up and set up in the dry but then had rain for the rest of the day and through the night. It was raining, well rather heavy drizzle really,  when we got up and this continued while we got packed up and half way to our next port of call. This is a new CL to us and what a fine surprise. Wide access off a quiet road, huge hardstanding full-service pitches, with walks from the site both over fields and along a canal towpath, ideal for taking Flyte, and all for £18 pn!!  We did have a problem getting wifi for some reason until around 7:00 this evening, using our MiFi, but since then all has been fine, so far at least.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56683

    Well there would seem to be little point in reducing power to individual properties on a adhoc basis or just because they had a smart meter, to achieve anything they would have to reduce power to hundreds of properties e.g. in a given area and this would probably be achieved by reducing power to the local sub station which would then reduce the power to all the properties connected to that particular substation simultaneously, just like they do in the USA, but moving on i find my smart meter quite useful, i know from logging on to my OVO account that i am averaging 10kwh per day that i take from the grid, my solar panels generate approx 20kw per day this time of year, the government then pay me for what i stuff back into the grid, works for me.

    was very rough out this morning, heavy sea, strong winds, and rain blowing about in the wind, so much for the report on the news yesterday that July has been the hottest on record, not in Blighty it hasnt frownl, still the garden is looking nice and green and rain keeps washing the dust off the caravan so all good laughing

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    edited August 2023 #56684

    In respect of fuel, it does make one wonder, how come fuel suppliers don't seem to know when it is likley that  empty, abandoned or out of the way properties are being used to grow cannabis.  It takes a lot of fuel for heating and lighting and very often, the fuel supply has been diverted, so no-one is paying for it so you would think it would flag up on their systems.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2023 #56685

    Enjoy your trip Nellie, we are off soon, first stop a CS costing £16 so we're hoping it will be ok (sounds good but the weather looks very wet!) 

    Waiting for our visiting dog to return home, hopefully today.

    OH bought himself a new phone and I wish he'd taken it to someone who can just transfer everything easily...not a good idea to do this just before going away. 

    Very noisy here just now, two sets of neighbours doing "improvements." 

    Glad we're not on the coast with the forecast of strengthening winds today, we seem caught in the middle, maybe not a bad thing!

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56686

    "Glad we're not on the coast with the forecast of strengthening winds today, we seem caught in the middle, maybe not a bad thing!"

    yup we are about 1/2 mile back from the seafront, not a great day, it is Cowes week and i think for the 2nd day all sailing has been cxld, gusts of 60mph reported at the Needles, article in the newspaper this morning by Tomasz Schafernakeris says we can expect this or something similar for next 10 days yell

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited August 2023 #56687

    Well I hope I'm not tempting fate 😱🤞

    So far today its warmer than of late. Still grey 🥲. No worse breeze wise than of late, we've had plenty, and nothing falling from the sky. Hope those who are catching the full force stay safe.

    However, it is not inspiring me to venture out into the garden. Although this is now becoming very necessary. Grass cut but there's a dire a need of deadheading! Yesterday we harvested runner beans, kurly kale, new potatoes and cherry tomatoes, our carrots came to nothing 🥲. Enough to feed son and family as well as us. Lovely large picking of sweetpeas too, bunches to neighbours as well as son 😀.  Best I think I've ever grown, plentiful and long stems. I think they smell divine. In fact I have a Zoflora Sweetpea which is good too.

    Feeling tired but that could be due to constantly moving 'stuff' with the decorator. Last day Friday, then back 5 September.

    All I'm doing is delaying getting started on a fresh fruit salad......


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited August 2023 #56688

    It has hardly stopped raining here all day so far B2!  Lucky you to harvest some runner beans ours have been a disaster this year, we have a few which are about 1” long they started well in the warm June but have done nothing since.   OH keeps saying they will grow, ummm, maybe!   I really feel for those on holiday especially during the school break, hope things pick up for them.  

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited August 2023 #56689

    The same here rufs all along the Atlantic coast and Northern coast are under extreme weather conditions with very strong winds up to 100km/h expected and they are warning campers, caravans and motorhomes to be very careful with driving and asking folk not to go in the seas as very high waves and tides, also a lot of tree damage expected as you say not good for holidaymakers.

    OH finished cutting the dry weeds down with ride on mower and looks better and I have pruned shrubs and cut the Lavender so will put out containers of Lavender when sun is out so it can dry as I give some to a friend and she reckons it is better than her Lavender, then off to Skip to get rid of garden waste and then a bit of shopping and on way back we had some light rain and may get a storm tomorrow.

    Well have booked a cottage near Malvern for late April and into May next year hopefully we can get to the RHS Malvern Garden Show plus want to visit a few places as it is my old stomping ground, lovely views towards the Malvern Hills and was asked do we need directions to the cottage not really as I know where it is about 3 miles from the Caravan and Motorhome club site and Camping and Caravan site so easy to get to, it is on two floors kitchen, dining and downstairs shower room and then on 1 st floor lounge and bedroom with en suite facilities so something to look forward to and not towing a white box behind us.

    Enjoy your breaks folks our will be in about 5 weeks before we make a move and to UK.

  • Unknown
    edited August 2023 #56690
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    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited August 2023 #56691

    Rained all day here and quite windy. So a day doing indoor jobs, mostly catching up with paying bills, correspondence and sorting lots of overdue paperwork. Managed to get out into the garden yesterday but just for a couple of hours between showers, still lots to do. Grass not cut for weeks, since before we went away, as it’s just too wet, been rain every day since we got back. Not at all surprising though as it rained on St Swithins Day. Also managed a visit to Iceland yesterday for the Tuesday 10% off for pensioners day, managed to almost fill the chest freezer for a reasonable amount. 

    Photos of holidaymakers in tents on our local news, felt very sorry for them, especially those with kiddies in all this rain.

    We have a Smart Meter and find it useful, we can certainly see what is using up the electricity. Last winter it enabled us to easily keep an eye on the gas usage and adjust the heating accordingly.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2023 #56692

    We expected wind and rain today but didnt get either except for a short sharp shower about an hour ago. In fact it has been quite a sunny, pleasant afternoon. We have arranged a gardener today. The husband of someone I used to know some years ago when I was a Govenor at our local adult education college is a local gardener. He came round this after and arranged to come once a fortnight. We just need him to keep the garden generally tidy and mow the grass. I hope it works out. I have also applied for a Blue Badge for OH as his mobility is getting much worse. Apparently it will be at least 12 weeks before we hear 😲. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited August 2023 #56693

    We were quoted Biblical storms for North Wales today. Started drizzling about an hour ago in a gentle wind.smile Couldn't make it up. That was Met forecast. Good job we didn't alter our day due to forecast.

    Spent 3 hours or so having lunch with my cousin and her husband. Lots to catch up on and lots of laughter in a lovely place.

    Been carrying on decluttering, albeit slowly. Need to do some hedge trimming soon ourselves B2.

    Hope those away found things to do if its raining where you are.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    edited August 2023 #56694

    We have had fine day, warm with some sunshine and little wind. Visited one of our favourite Castle Gardens today after a short walk around a nearby nature reserve. We didn't bother going into the Castle as it was a bit warm to leave Flyte in the car for long. Then a bit of shopping on the way back to the van. Have just had a very short light shower but hopefully it will be dry for our last walk out shortly.

    I think it is obvious  where we went. The Hollyhock border was what caught our eye most on this visit.  The other photo  is of one of the locals who came over to see if there were any left overs from our picnic!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,457
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    edited August 2023 #56695

    Lovely photos Nellie. Some have been lucky with the weather at least, not us☹️ Not as bad as we expected but still a wet day. I decided on a bike ride up in attic, around Rome (it was sunny🤣). OH prepared our dinner for later, so I have had a glorious afternoon sorting out all my jewellery making supplies, a long overdue task. Some will now go to charity, some will wait for inspiration to take hold, but great to have things better sorted. Next week is looking a bit nicer so far, might get our couple of nights away hopefully.🤞

    Good luck with the Blue Badge Millie, it’s not a pleasant experience trying to get one. I gave up on renewing Mum’s last few years. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,841
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    edited August 2023 #56696

    According to last night's news, Bridlington and Flamborough were the wettest places in the country, yesterday - and being about 10 miles away from Brid, we certainly caught it! Lashing down all day and the pond in the garden, that I was worried about a few weeks ago because it was loosing water (now sorted), is in danger of overflowing!!

    We seem to have a bit of a break in the weather - so setting off shortly for the trip up to Tebay and back to collect the caravan from the dealers after they have sorted out the water leak from the roof light.  The Chief Tech rang me yesterday afternoon to say that it had been sitting in their yard all morning - in horrendous rain and when he checked it again, it was bone dry - so that sounds reassuring.  Oh the joys of buying from a dealer 150 miles away - but they are goodsmile.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56697

    "I have also applied for a Blue Badge for OH as his mobility is getting much worse. Apparently it will be at least 12 weeks before we hear"

    yes Millie i applied for one for OH 10 weeks ago, received email yesterday requesting passport type photo, the irony of it is when i applied i was not sure just how mobile OH would be, today 10 weeks later she probably does not need it. undecidedI cannot understand the process, you apply on a gov website but all details get set to your local authority for approvla and issue of badge 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,457
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    edited August 2023 #56698

    It used to be done locally, all I had to do was turn up at our Council offices with passport photo, a fee and answer some questions. I used to take Dad in his wheelchair as proof of lack of mobility sometimes. But it all got changed some years ago. Lots of hassle and a long wait.

    Beautiful morning here, but expecting rain later.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2023 #56699

    Blue badges, my good friends husband sadly has a blue badge. He is in his 80s has a spinal condition and chronic arthritis of the ankles, knees and hips. His condition is not going to get any better.

    In May of this year they noticed his badge would need to be renewed by the end of July. They were due to go away at that time so decided to renew the badge in plenty of time. Our council website says allow 28 days for renewal. Despite multiple phonecalls and in person visit to the council his badge to date has still not been renewed.

    The reason they have given is that back in May it was sent to Occupational Therapy for reassessment. Why? His condition is not going to get any better, he has had the badge for nearly 10 years. Why is it taking so long to process. He cannot call OT as they will not take his call. Without his car he is almost house bound.

    So no blue badge to use on his holiday away, as they won't even issue a temporary one until he has been assessed. The council don't appear to care and are not being helpful.

    We advised him to contact his local councilor or threaten the local paper but he is reluctant to do so. Talk about jobs worth. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,457
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    edited August 2023 #56700

    That mirrors my experiences as well TG. Lots of obstacles, lots of hoops to jump through. I actually had one buffoon ask me if Dad’scondition was likely to get better. 88 and his legs had packed in. It was all I could do to bite my tongue, smile sweetly and ask if they had been doing assessment very long!😡 I was seething. Jobsworth’s indeed.  I gave up after three attempts for Mum, things had got even worse. Simpler just to take her out with two,of us, drop off, while other parked up.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited August 2023 #56701

    We were talking about Blue Badges this morning when we parked in Tescos and noticed a car that MiL recognised as belonging to someone she knows parked in a disabled spot.  This women doesn't have a disability but her recently deceased husband, well 8 months deceased, did and she's still using his badge! People like that make my blood boil.

    Just after coming out of hospital I was advised by NHS staff to apply for a Blue Badge. Couldn't believe my ears. Needless to say I refused as the whole point of rehab was to use my legs etc.

    Personally, TG, I would contact my MSP. That's what they're for.