What are you all up to
Gosh DK that's steep! Glad we didnt have to pay £80. I think the pharmacy in the viilage probably rang our surgery to sort things out. Apparently electronic prescriptions are only sent within England. Goodness knows why?!
We popped over to our grand-daughter's this afternoon for a small gathering for both her and her partner's birthdays which both fall this week..OH says he is gradually feeling better. Sunny one minute here and cloudy the next with one very short sharp shower about an hour ago. Still very warm and muggy.
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I think your pool is way more sophisticated than ours RK😁 Ours is just a blow up, no heating, but we didn’t half have fun last Summer. Does need sunshine to heat it up a bit though🥶 Top it up in the morning, by mid afternoon it’s lovely😮💨
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Don't forget the four nations have separate Health Authorities and have different ways of doing things. Some years ago Margaret had an episode whilst we were staying in Wales so I thought I would ring 111 for advice but seemingly 111 does not (or did not) exist in Wales at the time so I had no option but to phone 999 which fortunately is nationwide!
There was an event at Bletchley Park today which involved a fly past by both a Lancaster Bomber and the Red Arrows. We are quite a bit north of Bletchley, about 8 miles, but I did manage to catch the Lancaster flying over our garden. I didn't see the Red Arrows but I suspect they flew more to the west as they also appeared at the F1 race at Silverstone.
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Hope Kjell survived last night at Kendal, as by all reports they had a horrendous thunderstorm and talking to the THS Stewards they expected the site to be flooded, but thankfully it wasn't. We did have a little thunder and a couple of heavy showers through the night but nothing too serious. A very warm morning and we had easy drive down and were set up by 1:00. It cooled down during the afternoon and we had a couple of dry walks before another short but intense thunderstorm. It is looking a bit stormy again so I best get out for our last walk no we before it rains again.
Glad you had a good time away, tda. Have a safe trip home tomorrow.
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Good run home today, no delays at all. Left site in Kendal at 09.15 and arrived home at 12.30, having made a quick comfort stop at 11.30.
Van on driveway and food taken in for lunch and so fridge could be turned off. Then items for DD gathered and off down to their place in the Smart by 14.30. The children were very pleased to see us again, DD said they had missed us so much, even though we had talked on the phone and on Facetime.
On the way north from the Clyde Tunnel to our house, we pass fairly close to their house and they were watching from a window as they can see the road on the far side of the school playing fields, so they saw our car and caravan coming up and stopping at the traffic lights. After that apparently they had been expecting us to arrive quite quickly and pestered Mummy every 5 minutes to know when we would come!
We had lots of fun playing, and after dinner we helped with the baths and bedtime stories. DD has a few things for me to do, so we will no doubt be back at their house quite often before they go away to Aberdeen in 12 days time. We also have some dental and medical appointments this week.
Tomorrow will be a day of unpacking and washing, then the van will need a good clean before being repacked with their stuff.
OH has suffered a flare up of gout during our trip, after several years of no problems. Started mid/late June and seemed to settle in a couple of days as she had her pills with her, but has now returned. Sitting for 3 hours in the car on the way home has not done her foot any good, it is quite pink and swollen, but she has started on the pills again and has the foot elevated so we will see how it goes. If no improvement in a couple of days, a word with our GP will be needed.
Good to hear you arrived safely nellie, I think the THS steward was exaggerating a bit as, while there was a spell of very heavy rain in the late evening, with a few distant rumbles, and a proper thunderstorm right overhead around 1am, neither lasted very long and there was no sign of puddles afterwards on our side, let alone flooding.
We were however on a hardstanding, and the grass adjacent was still quite wet when we were packing up this morning, so maybe the rally field is not as well drained.
This was the third time we have used the site, so it is now one of our regular stops on our way north/south. Better to stop there on our way north as we always seem to buy quite a bit of stuff while there. Apparently DD was thinking of asking us to bring home an air fryer from Lakeland as they had a good one in their sale, but could not make up her mind, not sure we would have had space in the car. They still have them, so she could still order on line.
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We're back home from New England Bay and straight into "normal" life once more - alarm at 04:58 etc.The weather could have been better - it was very unpredictable. We planned on spending a lot of time just sitting outside (reading and sleeping), but the sky darkened and rain drops fell quite often, making us gather up our stuff and dash indoors. We didn't do much - one trip out to pick up some food (Lidl at Stranraer - I'm not a big fan, the layout somewhat confused me with random sections promising much but not delivering what I wanted). And a drive round The Machars and a good late lunch near Carsluith Castle.
On our last day we got a Engine Management Warning alarm on the Discovery, so after reading the manual (which said it was a warning!) we called the AA via the App. Very effiecient and man and van arrived in two hours. My husband was about to open the bonnet but was told "no, we don't need that" and the mechanic connected via tablet. Apparantly it was all OK and he cancelled the warning light.
So, back home yesterday. A good drive, busy, but mainly just cars. And one of our wing mirrors flew off on the top of Shap. Fortunately no one was right behind us.
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No heating in our pool either just get this hot sun on it and it soon warms up have got a blue bubble wrap sheet that goes on top of the water helps to stop evaporation and keeps insects when not in use, Tda OH had a giggle at your sentence re pool will say no more ha ha.
OH has had his blood test done got there at 7.50am and two folk already waiting and nurse opened early and he said there was a big queue when he came out, it seems that they are not shutting the unit down in summer holiday times anymore much better, as the local town is getting bigger with more buildings going up.
Already over 30C by 10..45am phew washing out and watering done earlier will slow down a bit now.
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Good to hear that apart from your minor mishaps you had a good break.
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Thanks for that YT. Have downloaded App, could be something for us👍
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That is such very sad news Moulesy. I have wondered where he was the past few weeks. I shall miss his sense of humour very much. Thanks you so much for letting us know.
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We’ve had a good day today we went to the British Motor museum at Gaydon we had been before but it was around 10 years ago. Spent most of the day there they have some wonderful cars a highlight for me being Del Boys lime green Capri. The Jaguar collection is good too we got a discount through the caravan club. Had a coffee at the on-site cafe reasonably priced. We were amongst the last visitors to leave just before 5 I could have spent all night there. Got back to site and cooked pizza on the Cadac just before the rain started. It’s still raining now hoping the weather picks up a bit for us. Not sure what the plan is tomorrow don’t think we will be travelling far though.
Such a shame to read about Brian I have read and commented on the tribute to him in the other section nice to see how well like he was amongst our little community on here
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It’s always an interesting visit is Gaydon, we were last there back in February. Did you do both Museums? I absolutely love that very old caravan they have in there, it just looks so cosy.
We had a good run home, only an hour and thankfully the A1 wasn’t bad at all, no hold ups of any kind. Home in time to get MH sorted, all washing done and a couple of hours in garden.
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Good to hear you arrived safely nellie, I think the THS steward was exaggerating a bit as, while there was a spell of very heavy rain in the late evening, with a few distant rumbles, and a proper thunderstorm right overhead around 1am, neither lasted very long and there was no sign of puddles afterwards on our side, let alone flooding.
We were however on a hardstanding, and the grass adjacent was still quite wet when we were packing up this morning, so maybe the rally field is not as well drained.
The grass areas seem to drain well too, as we have had some heavy rain but no flooding, so far. You were lucky to find the main Site quiet, Kjell, as it has been nearly full for the last couple of nights. There are around 35 units on the THS at the moment although unexpected for the weekend, but we will be gone by then. However it is very peaceful, as perhaps the weather is keeping those that would normally site out inside their units. Good to hear that you made it home safe and sound. Hope your wife recovers from her gout.
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Have to confess I did prefer the Haynes Motor Museum near you Brue😁
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So sorry to read about Brian, his humour will be sorely missed. Fly high with those Ospreys you loved so much ABM!!
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We arrived at Spital on the Tuesday, only 4 of us on site that night and 5 on Wednesday, but it started filling up a bit on Thursday, even more so on Friday. Saturday night it was almost full. Quite a few units seemed to be leaving on Sunday, but there is usually a good turnover.
We were on pitch 14, so plenty of empty space to one side of us. We had hoped for pitch 1, which we used last year, but it was not available . It sat empty for 2 nights, then was occupied by 2 different MHs for the rest of our stay. The rally/THS area looked really busy while we were there.
Been very wet here since mid morning, no sun to run the washing machine! OH's foot is no worse, but no better either, very swollen. Fortunately not too sore. Dentist tomorrow, hopefully she will manage to hobble up the stairs. Luckily I can drive right to the door to drop her off and pick her up, but need to park elsewhere.
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So sad to hear about Brian as well. RIP - I too, will miss your lovely sense of humour. Looked in the story section but couldn't find anything.
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I am just catching up on some of CT as I have been away for 2 weeks on NB Omega and don't read it whilst I am away on the boat.
An acquaintance of mine had a hip op done privately, a couple of years ago and it cost £40,000, so would cost even more now!!! I don't think that many people realise how much health care would cost without the NHS and a large number of the population don't appreciate it either.
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"An acquaintance of mine had a hip op done privately, a couple of years ago and it cost £40,000, so would cost even more now!!!"
Wow!!! that is expensive, maybe they had a lot of pre/post op care, my knee was £14k all up some 6 years ago and knees tend to be more expensive than hips .
Had some rain over the past couple of days, but nothing to write home about, today is dull but 21degs so cant complain, only 2 people left in the caravan now, the inside looks like a bomb has it, think the youngsters have been having a party in there, but we dont need it until September so lots of time to get it sorted. Our daughters 2 dogs are running around the house just now, I think that after having them for nearly 3 weeks my mind will be made up, NO MORE DOGS
, but the early morning walks/swim without a dog are not the same, just have to use my bike more