What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited July 2023 #56342

    Great minds think alike. I've got a tab open ready to read and digest. Thank you.

    Needs much more thought needed as it's right at the front. Area is filled with hundreds of daffodil bulbs, so good early show, but I need it to look good until September or later. I have planted some shrubs but it's a biggish area and I'm.thinking long term. Having been untended  for several seasons i suspect turning over the soil has stirred up weed seeds 😡

    I see they have a chat facility and aren't too far fir a day out 😉

    Hoping to get to Easton Walled Garden tomorrow, thanks TDA,its been on the list but sweetpeas 😍😍. Hope there's a shady place to park as probably need to take the dog along. Don't want to be rushed any more than necessary 😉

    Right time to turn in.  Half watching Andy but can calm down now 😉

    Anyone heard from ABM Brian?

    Edit re decorator, had to wait but very pleased, not sure he'd travel on daily rate 🤣🤣🤣. Anyway he's here until we're all done, but a couple of weeks off while new bathroom and cloakroom fitted. Don't want hall stairs landing damaged by new equipment....

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited July 2023 #56343

    Gearing up for the weekend, best day of the week so far yesterday, great swimming day and so very few people about, gathering of the clan tomorrow, caravan now ready to sleep 5, cant remember last time we put the rear bunks up, hope everybody has a great weekend


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited July 2023 #56344

    Like the Derbyshire Miners Convalescent Home next to the Skegness Sands campsite!


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56345

    Heddlo, I would be quite happy to go down that route of selling the caravan, unfortunately it's not going well.

    We've been in contact with 3 such people who advertise that they buy caravans but once initial contact has been made all you get is "I'll call you back with a quote" so far no call backs no quotes 😡 I called the dealer we bought it off who say they will buy back caravans up to 5 years old and 10 years on a trade in. The van is 4 years 10 mths but no deal with them either. Contacted a few other dealers, no one is buying just now as they have stock to sell. Looks like it will have to be a private sale. No one to blame but ourselves, we should have sold it last year or in 2021 when they were selling like hot cakes. It's a lovely van and in excellent condition, I think if we were further south we would stand a better chance but up here not so much so.

    Rain this morning so I took the opportunity to get the house tidy. We have been working outside since we got back and I've kind of neglected the inside. All done and tidy now. It's starting to dry up a bit outside so might get out and clean the windows.

    No plans for the weekend will see how things go. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited July 2023 #56346

    Had a straightforward drive back home on a few A roads. No holdups and a half hour stop for coffee around Shrewsbury.

    Had to get some food in so a trip to local Tesco after lunch. HOW MUCH!! Food inflation getting silly now despite all of the supermarkets advertising blurb saying they're helping customers. I don't seem to be receiving any of this help.

    Weather prospects don't look great for the weekend but hope those away escape the worst.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,937
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    edited July 2023 #56347

    Glad you had a good journey WN.  It's been a warm day for travelling.  We have our Abbey Choir BBQ this evening so I think we've hit lucky for the weather.  We'll soon be out and about on our summer 'road trip', so I wouldn't mind betting a change in tbe weather is due!!!  😀😀😀


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,937
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    edited July 2023 #56348

    I'm due an opticians appointment, but I think it will have to wait until after the holiday.  I have noticed some 'misting' in my left eye too, so am expecting a cateract diagnosis...


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56349

    After I wrote the bit about convalescent homes I spotted your story about Skegness. That's an impressive building, Dawlish was a popular convalescence spot too.smile

    Very warm day here but rain tomorrow I think, which we still need!

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,173
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    edited July 2023 #56350

    TG have a look at the u tube channel ‘The caravan place’

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56351

    Out and about today spotted these at our local Willow and Wetlands centre. A summer exhibition of willow birds and animals, good fun.

    Hope you have some luck with the van TG. It seems to be nationwide but I'm sure things will eventually move. We will no doubt be in the same situation at the end of the summer. frown

    Glad the WNs had a good holiday, nice to see everyone's photos.

    Good luck with the eyes DSB, mine will need sorting soon...

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,458
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    edited July 2023 #56352

    The Fire Service still have two active convalescent centres, one is in Chudleigh, edge of Dartmoor, the other is up in Penrith. Had it not been for the pooch, we would have spent some time there when OH was very poorly. 😁

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2023 #56353

    Glad you got home ok, WN, guess you will be getting ready now for your next trip away in the van.

    There used to be a miners convalescence home at Grange over Sands, which is now  Cartmel Grange Care Home.

    Love the photos of the willow birds, brue.

    Kjell, I guess you are staying at Spiral Farm. We are heading there on Sunday, but intend using the rally instead of stopping on the site as before. Hope that the ground is not too churned up, if it has been well used during this damp weather.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56354

    Hi nellie, yes Spital caravans.

    The site has filled up quite a bit today, and there is a lot of coming and going in the rally area.   Do you get a reduced price in that area, and are the facilities the same?   It is certainly popular, never seen so many units in the rally area before.  Ground over this side is firm.

    We have not investigated the CCC rallies or temp holiday sites, how does one find the information on what is being organised?

    Today was a bit grey in the morning but sunny and hot later.  We had a trip to Windermere, DD had sent a list of stuff from Lakeland, and we treated ourselves to lunch there.  When we came back we dropped into Aldi for a few things, then later went to Lidl to get some school trousers for Callum, DD could not get enough pairs in her local Lidl.

    Forecast for tomorrow is poor, Sunday we travel home.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56355

    Kj, for THS sites sign in and just type in the the three words on the C&Cc web site, I've opted to receive the supplement with the magazine as I find it easier to get an overview which is usually several months ahead. Many can be booked last minute but others need booking. Some offer basic facilities, eg if you're on a rugby club field you might get use of the showers etc. They vary a lot but are generally well organised simple affairs.

    CAMC rallies need to be booked ahead sometimes both clubs also use fully functioning sites at reduced prices. We've enjoyed our infrequent stays over the years in some places that other sites can't reach! smile

    They're not always huge affairs often limited to thirty or so vans on the short length rallies.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited July 2023 #56356

    Great photos of the willow birds brue what a skill.

    Weather gone very warm here yesterday 34.6C and today and tomorrow much the same and Monday 36C phew getting a bit too hot for us, we did have a storm last night and 11mm of rain so no watering but thankfully no hail as it was on the forecast and no watering needed today.

    OH still cleaning our above ground pool hopefully I will be able to use it next week.

    Memories of caravan rallies which we use to do many years ago Somerset and Devon and Conrwall.

    Have a good weekend folks.

    Roads are expected to be busy here for the next 3 to 4 weeks as the French holiday season has started and schools have finished yesterday.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited July 2023 #56357

    Another day of mixed weather here, gardens have had a drink over the last few days so everything looking fresh and healthy. Sadly more heavy rain in the forecast for later today. 

    Ran an electrical cable out to the MH this morning and took the small hoover out to give it a good clean. Lifted the seats and gave them a good hoover out to. The cab area was bad, carpet now sat in the utility room awaiting a good shampoo. When I have a bit more time and inclination I will give everything a good wash down. 

    OH has got his new 'toy' it's a router for using when away and at home. We have broadband at the moment but looking to do away with land-line and just use mobiles. We are paying twice for everything which has to stop, problem is our village doesn't get a great signal. We now have an antenna and router setup and it's working fine 😀 we can get a good signal and even stream. Just need to sort the mobiles out now for calls.

    Caravan had another enquiry this morning and the first chap has been back in touch to see if we are open to a lower offer. The chap who looked at it yesterday was very impressed with the van but they have 2 dogs, one of them is a large dog. Conversation with his wife needed. A local dealership has made an offer, not as much as we would like but it's there if we need a fall back. Would have to  then sell all bits and pieces separately. 

    More sewing at the machine planned for when the rain starts again, I certainly lead an exciting life these days. Done nothing but work since we got back, would like to escape for a few days in the MH. Can't be far away while we still have the van up for sale though. 

    Hope all those currently away are having a good time. 


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56358

    TG you are not alone with the carpet cleaning!  I've been doing much the same on our carpets too, using our vax washer not the hoover for a change, then OH borrowed it for the car. Followed by some window cleaning and tidying up. We are still looking after our daughter's little dog so can't do much except some nice local trips out and it's raining here just now so a bit dark and damp.

    Good to hear you still have some interest in the van, fingers crossed 🤞 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,074
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    edited July 2023 #56359

    We left home yesterday afternoon and stayed at our usual CL in Longtown when we arrived the sun was out and it was very warm so we spent a nice evening sitting outside the van. Left there just before 10 this morning and were making great progress until we got south of Manchester then it was road works and the same around Birmingham so probably a extra hour or so on to our journey time surprisingly the M5 was fine very quiet. We are now on site in the Cotswolds arrive and it was very warm so got the awning up etc glad we did as it is currently pouring very heavy rain the site road in front of our van is flooded. Here for a couple of weeks don’t plan on doing much tomorrow just relax and maybe take a wander in to the village.


    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited July 2023 #56360

    We have had the heavy rain too, though much later in the day than forecast.   Just a few rumbles of thunder, no lightning.  There was some hasty winding in of canopies on MHs and tables and chairs were stashed under vehicles.

    Very humid and warm earlier, much more pleasant now.

    Will try to make an early start for home in the morning as we have to get the van onto the driveway, empty out the fridge, and have some lunch, before going to DD's for dinner later.   OH will probably also want the bags of washing brought in, plus various other things.





  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,864
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    edited July 2023 #56361

    We are now back home after our stay with the family in N. Ireland. It is always difficult to say goodbye to them but hopefully we will see them again in the autumn. We didnt do as much as usual as OH still not well. His inhaler ran out while we were there so I rang our GP surgery at home to ask for a prescription to be sent to the pharmacy in the village - oh no they cant send to N.Ireland!! So son went to the chemist with old inhaler and box and half an hour later came home with a new inhaler!! (It is good to have contacts) OH rang our surgery  as soon as we got home and now has his 3rd and a different lot of antibiotics and at last seems to be making progress.

    Glad the WNs are back from their holiday and had a good time. Love the photos of the willow birds brue. I hope you sell your caravan soon TG. At least it sounds as though you have some movement at last. Hope Mr and Mrs Francis have a good holiday in the Cotswolds.

    We had some rain and a few rumbles of thunder this morning but not a huge amount. The garden could certainly have done with more.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2023 #56362

    As brue said we too have the paper copy of their Out and About magazine, but I guess you can search fot them on line. We have not used a THS before but we contacted the centre Secretary and she said just turn up and the marshalls will sort us out. The one there is being run by Roche DA and their site fees are £10 pn but no facilities. With them one can pay by card as they have a card reader and no deposit was required. We will probably book in for a couple of nights and see what type of weather we have before deciding perhaps to stay longer before heading home.

    Have a safe tow home.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited July 2023 #56363

    Missed posting yesterday when we went to New Abbey, where we had an excellent  guided tour of the Corn Mill before having a look at the Abbey, which like many Historic Scotland site are closed to the public at the moment  for essential  repairs. 

    Today we visited The Twelve Apostles stone circle before heading into Dumfies for an afternoon  walk around The Crichton with its sculptures and beautiful rock garden. The weather today was hot and clammy until after lunch but it cooled down this afternoon and we have had heavy rain this evening and the odd clap of thunder. We move on down to Kendal in the morning. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,206
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    edited July 2023 #56364

    Millie, when Margaret had a problem with her insulin when we were away in the van we were told by the pharmacist that in the absence of a prescription they would sell it to her without but it would cost £80!!!!! Looks as though your OH had a good deal.

    Currently cat sitting for number one son who would you believe is away camping for the weekend. Whilst it is not a new thing for Paul I am sure it is for his wife!!! Be interesting how they get on. I think they are at Searles In Hunstanton, seem to have a nice spacious grass hedged pitch. Haven't asked yet how much it cost!

    Cats are funny animals compared to dogs. With dogs you get a lovely welcome and they genuinely seem pleased to see you. Cats seem to be the complete opposite, no emotion! The only time they seem to show any interest is when you give them a treat or feed them!


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,458
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    edited July 2023 #56365

    Hi Nellie. Don’t forget to take a look at some of the Forestry locations in D&G. Some allow caravans to stay overnight, as well as MHs. We paid £8 at one,  (one of 7Stanes locations), and there were showers, loos and a cafe once the centre opened. Can’t remember name as we used a few. Some are free.

    I was on the road with lots of Immortals yesterday. Horrendous rainstorms on A1, but it didn’t stop some driving as though nothing was happening. Visibility was shocking, and I even felt the Jeep twitch once on all the standing water. Thankfully, I was only on there around 35 minutes, but it wasn’t pleasant. Still no one with us on CL, it’s been a wonderfully quiet break. CL offers secure storage as well, but there hasn’t  been much movement all week, just three going out I think. We had a nice drive out to a few village churches, then back for dinner sat, sat outside in sunshine. Terrific rainstorm around midnight, but it’s lovely at the moment now. Another day here for me, all fine at home, then we head back home separately tomorrow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,885
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    edited July 2023 #56366

    Our internet was down yesterday due to the storms. We had 4 hours of serious rain with thunderstorms for the first 2 hours.

    Sun shining this morning and not a puddle to be seen anywhere. Grass on lawn bone dry by lunchtime.

    Lots of washing done the last 2 days. Catch up with the gardening when we have the chance. Weeding should be easier.

    When I ran out of tablets due to extending our stay in Norfolk I went into a surgery in Holt with a prescription. I always have a spare one in the caravan. An appointment was made to see a doctor for that afternoon (remember those?) and after a discussion a repeat prescription made for me.smile Not sure that would happen nowadays but this was about 6-7 years ago.

    Speaking to someone on our walk this morning they said driving on the M6 around lunchtime yesterday was terrifying. There are some people who shouldn't be allowed to drive.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,074
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    edited July 2023 #56367

    We were on the M6 yesterday WN was ok to Manchester area then very busy lots of traffic and roadworks. We were overtaking a lorry and a coach flew past us on the outside lane could feel the van twitch as we were sandwiched between the lorry and the coach luckily it corrected itself and we got by but the coach should never have been in that lane to begin with. Surprising the M5 was the better road yesterday very quite when we joined it early afternoon 

    Millie - Glad you had a nice break with your family 

    TDA- sounds like you have had a good break too

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited July 2023 #56368

    Glad folks are enjoying their breaks away and chores getting done, we are having a lazy weekend just checked to see how pool coming on but a bit more cleaning over the next few days before I can go in.

    OH got blood test first thing tomorrow morning so an early start and he is not good first thing.

    Out to friends on Friday night for bbq and meet up with their relatives over from Sourthern Ireland think they will it a bit warm, just hope a bit cooler as it is 32C at the moment and 37C or 38C tomorrow so any chores will be done early.

    Will be hot for the cyclists on todays tour de France phew.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited July 2023 #56369

    That's very hot Redkite, hope you can cope, the pool will be lovely when it's ready! My temperature controls don't work very well in such extreme heat so we're enjoying some nice breezes today after earlier showers.

    Sounds like the roads were busy everywhere, our neighbours were trying to get home from Herts yesterday, M3 closed so diverted to M4 then onto A303 which was then closed at Stonehenge (fatal accident) sounded dreadful. Glad to hear everyone's back in the places they need to be!

    Hope Mr H soon starts to get better Millie.

    Pleased to hear you've had a good break TDA.

    We are having a quiet day. OH enjoying F1.🏎

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,458
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    edited July 2023 #56370

    Yes, We have had a really good break, thanks a lot to my sister. I popped home for two nights, but wasn’t needed for one morning, so shot back here. It’s only an hour from home providing traffic and weather are ok. This would be a nice CL to leave our van if we get it finished, storage is good, secure, and there’s plenty to do in area. We went to Belton House today, never been before. Enjoyed gardens and parklands, left house for another visit. Very hot while we were there, just got back to car in time to put roof back on before we had a downpour, but back at site and it’s lovely again. Last night tonight.

    If it stays warm, we shall fill our pool up in garden. Going to get a filter kit and chlorine doser I think if it’s ok to use. We probably won’t go away until after school hols now, just stick to day trips and enjoy our own garden. Hope it doesn’t get as warm as last year though, too hot for me.🥵

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited July 2023 #56371

    Thanks brue no we do not do high 30sC at all just too hot to do anything so a quiet day after a quick trip to local market to get salad items all home grown and unusual shapes but the lettuce was great in our salad early evening meal and plenty more to have this week, even the pepper and courgettes were wonky shapes but we do not like them much so plenty for other folk.

    Hope you get your pool sorted Tda ours is looking better a bit more to do.

    Now 28C and getting a bit cooler.