What are you all up to



  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54632

    I’m sure they will enjoy The Ranch KJ it’s one of our regular weekend sites as it’s only a 40 minute tow from home nice park and wonderful owners 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited March 2023 #54633

    Early start this morning as our new gas cooker arrived just before 8am.  The guys delivering were really good and job completed about 9am.

    Daughter, SIL and grandtwins started their much delayed (3 years) trip to Australia which they won in a Sky competition.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54634

    Nellie.......DD and family have booked a break at The Ranch, just south of Ayr, from next Saturday, so we will be delivering the van there for them, then afterwards we will take over and head further south to Castle Douglas, then into England, over to the east coast, and home via East Lothian to visit a friend.

    Kjell, I guess that must be the start of the school holidays, you must be away yourself over the Easter holidays too. We will be New Galloway that first weekend before getting back home before the Easter weekend. Enjoy your trip away, hope all goes well.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54635

    Yet another day in which we have had yet more rain!!yell Following rain during the night the day started dry and we were able to get a good walk around Acorn Banks, including seeing the mill in action. However around 12:30 the next batch of rain came over and it has continued with frequent heavy showers since then. I hope that others are fairing better and are able to enjoy their weekend in the dry.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54636

    Yes, we will be stuck with  mainly going away in  the school holidays at least until  the wee fellow starts school in 2025.   And with big brother starting school this August, DD and the children will no longer be able to come away with us in June.

    We are just wondering how much longer we will keep the caravan, age is catching up with both us and the van!

    Hope your weather improves, we have frost forecast here so have turned the Alde on to 5 degrees now we have water in the van.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,214
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    edited March 2023 #54637

    Now that the bathroom has been finished we have got back into our usual house cleaning routine which is top to bottom on a Saturday. We are starting to struggle a bit doing it all in one day but it's nice to get it done and dusted so to speak! 

    It's been quite mild here in MK over the last few days with a mix of sun and showers. So nice to feel you don't have to put on a heavy coat or fleece to go out into the garden. 

    Starting to think about going away in the van as soon as we can. Made a start by putting the bedding back into today. Margaret has to pick her new glasses up on Monday so it will be the first test on how the cataract operation went as she has been struggling with her old glasses although that was expected. She also has to have some dentistry done, hopefully before our current dentist leaves the practise. I have a long term problem with my left knee which should probably be replaced but advice seems to be split on the wisdom of having it done or managing the situation with exercise! The only problem is that about a month ago I did something to my other knee which is causing me far more problems which I hope is temporary  but if it continues to be a problem I will have to do something about it. In MK we can self refer ourselves to the physio/hospital but I am hoping I won't have to do that. As they say keep taking the tablets, although an ice pack seems just as effective! The joys of getting old!


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54638

    Dry today for us and fairly mild. Had a lazy morning but a smashing afternoon. 

    Our grandaughter and grandson along with their Mum came to see us.

    Grandson had been playing rugby for the school so they had been to support the team (they lost) frown straight In the shower for him though as he was filthy.

    Grandaughter is getting over her Lumbar Puncture, still a bit sore as they did 3 taps. MRI planned, waiting for appointment. Still not sure what the reason for her problems (she is losing feelings in her feet and legs) been happening since last October.

    That and another problem she has but not sure if the 2 are related.

    She was her usual perky cheeky self today despite what's going on. Back to school for the day on Monday to do her mock math's higher. Then hopefully they can go back down the road on Wednesday, if her brother doesn't have anything major on at school. T The school breaks up on Friday lunch, so it should be OK. Long drive for them though back to Wiltshire.

    Kj, glad the van is fixed and you can look forward to getting away for awhile. 

    WN, hope you and Mrs WN are feeling better. 

    Clocks forward tonight so I had better go to bed. 🤫😴😴😴

  • GEandGJE
    GEandGJE Club Member Posts: 515
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    edited March 2023 #54639

    It's the morning of day 3 of our road trip south of Perth, Friday we stayed at Bunbury and in the morning watched the dolphins swim up to the beach. On Saturday continued south , stopping at Busselton beach and then Caves Hotel. Got to Margaret River, staying for two nights and today is an all day Winery tour.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54640

    Our road trip has been less productive as we're on an 800 mile round trip and might just have a glimpse of son and family (the reason for the trip)  today before we turn south..hand over a few goodies and then part company. cry At least two of them are feeling a bit better. They don't have jobs that give them long holidays even though they're  both working at a uni. so it's a case of grabbing an opportunity to see them.

    Very chilly up here too so it will be nice to feel warm again.

    Have been reading all the posts and different news. Agree about the efforts needed to get things done. 

    Do hope your granddaughter's health problems can be diagnosed TG, but good to think she is getting on with school work. 

    And your knee too DK. OH struggles with back problems so no doubt we'll be cutting back on motorhoming. But this year we'll do what we can and have also booked a cottage break with thoughts of more. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited March 2023 #54641

    Hope the tests don't show up anything nasty TG. Must be a worry. We are both feeling better thank you, mine was just overdoing things but OH's Sciatica slowly improving. She had her first proper sleep last night.

    Long way to go for not much reward Brue. Have a safe trip homewards.

    Must admit that "winery" tour sounds good but maybe a bit far from here. We used to enjoy dropping into wineries in France.

    Not a great deal going on here. Weather not helping. Local fields are flooded.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54642

    Thanks WN, thankfully they have ruled out some of the nasties. Could be lots of things so the MRI should rule out some of the other's. She's fine in herself, to be honest I think she is more concerned about her studies. It's us and her parents that are concerned.

    Nice bright dry day, washing machine on the go. Been sorting out clothes again, another pile to go to charity. 

    OH not feeling great today, upset stomach, sore back and knees and tired. So it's a quite day chilling, he is not a good patient 😕

    Hope others are having a better day. 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54643

    I do hope they can diagnose your granddaughters problem soon TG and that it isn’t serious. It’s all such a worry when they are unwell.

    A lovely walk around NT Charlecote yesterday, OH managed to do a quarter of it with me before having to turn back and sit with a coffee, nice to walk with company, but then I could stride out. I went along the quiet path and suddenly two white doe were beside me, not sure who was more surprised but then we all gently went on our way. It was nice but windy, it has been very windy since we got here, keeping us awake most nights, it did drop last night and we got more sleep. We have also caught up with family and friends, which has been lovely.

    The van boiler/pump is making a noise so will need to be looked at, fingers crossed it’s not serious, having to wait awhile before someone can look at it. We were going to take all the winter covers off the decking furniture but it’s just been too windy, decided best to leave them covered and strapped until we next visit. OH did a good job of strapping it all down, it lasted the winter and the wind.

    Saw a beautiful, unusual garden ornament in an antique shop here, dithered over it for days but not sure where to put it our garden as it’s rather large, I did love it though. Told my cousin about it when we visited, she has a lovely garden. Just got a text, she went to look at it and bought it. If I can’t have it then I’m so glad she has it. 

    Off home soon.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited March 2023 #54644

    Been a very sad weekend, 😭😭 as on Friday we had to say goodbye to our Border Collie "Bodie".  He was almost 15 years old, he came to us from the dogs trust and we hope we gave him a good life. We never went anywhere without him,  and really enjoyed being away in the caravan.

    I know he didn't always get on with other dogs and could sometimes be a bit grumpy, but he always gave us unconditional love and we really miss him.

    A couple of regular posters here have met him, so know what he was like. The picture was taken at NT.Cliveden.

    Will try and catch up with posts and news later.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54645

    So sorry to hear you've said goodbye to Bodie Helen, I'm sure he had a lovely life with you.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited March 2023 #54646

    I can empathise with you as we lost our Husky 4 weeks ago , and holidays won’t be the same without them .

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54647

    Sorry to hear about Brodie, Helen, we well remember meeting up with him, and you both too, and am so sorry that you have had to say goodbye to the fellow, a lovely chap. 

    Hope your return journey is uneventful, brue, it is such a shame that you couldn't have a proper family get together. Good to read that some at least are feeling better.

    Fingers crossed that the scans can do find out the cause of your grand-daughter's problems, TG, and that she can get on with her studies without having about them.

    Good to read that you both are feeling better, WM, and that the good lady was able to get a decent night's sleep.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54648

    We woke up to a fine start to the day, for a change, although  it was quite cool, the reason being obvious on our fist walk out as the wind was coming from the East straight off the snow on Cross Fell!! We have had a few very short falls of rain but nothing like the previous few days. Visited Dalemain House for a walk before lunch and then a walk round the interesting garden in the afternoon. Our walk took us to building below, and the nearby church, any ideas?

    Our last night here before we cross the border tomorrow. 

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited March 2023 #54649


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54650

    So sorry to hear your news about Bodie H&T it's awful when they are no longer with you. I'm sure you gave him a good life.

    Brue, sorry your trip didn't turn out the way it was planned. Safe journey back home. 

    DEBSC and NTH, thanks for your kind words, fingers crossed its something and nothing. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited March 2023 #54651

    So sorry to hear about Bodie, H&T. He obviously had a long happy life with you and you can't have given him any more than that.  Likewise, Meg is always with us and gets so excited when we go away in the van.  I just can't imagine life without her - they do give you such love and she's my 'bestest friend in all the world'.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited March 2023 #54652

    H&T - we're also sorry to hear your news. I remember meeting Bodie when you came to see us in Cornwall and we walked up on Penhale Dunes with him and, I think it must have been, Harry - if those two got on ok he can't have been all that grumpy! It's always hard to let our doggy friends go but you'll have known it was the right time and have so many happy memories of your time with him. Will be thinking of you.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54653

    Tammygirl I hope you get to the bottom of your granddaughters issues soon. Good luck in her exams.

    Brue hope you've had a reasonable time despite the family disappointment.

    HelenandTrevor and Husky so sad to read the loss of your four legged companions. I'm sure they had great lives with you. Thinking of you.

    Deleted User User and JVC if you're looking in hope things are reasonable. Again thinking of you.

    Rollercoaster week for us last week.

    Monday awoke to news that eldest NZ granddaughter, just 9, won interschools swimming back stroke and her team, she 3rd leg, lost front crawl relay by a fingernail.

    Tuesday awoke to a FYI text from son to say grandson spent night in hospital, great 111, out of hours and pediatric responses, not got to the bottom of it yet - inhalers and steroids, but home 10pm Tuesday. Saw GP Thursday and seeing again today.

    Thursday son hears 1st friend he made up up here and golfing buddy tragically died Wednesday in hotel fire abroad, leaves wife and 2 young children.

    Friday grandson's 2nd birthday. Unexpected last minute, never less 😉, invite for tea after nursery. Saturday his party 10-noon, so early start to set up village hall. Great time had by all.

    Hoping for a calmer week 🤞. Glorious if chilly start to the day so more gardening...

    Using a different web provider on phone 🤞crossed no issues.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited March 2023 #54654

    Sorry to hear of the loss of your dog H&T, and Husky, at least you know he had a good life with you.  I hope all the poorly children and grandchildren are on the mend soon.  Like you B2 I’ve also been thinking of Deleted User User and JVC, fingers crossed for you all. 

    Beautiful day here so the garden beckons for us, hope we can get the mower started!  

    The leaky en-suite has been given a temporary fix by OH, hopefully it will last until a plumber can fit us in, maybe sometime late April last estimate.  I’d like to encourage our young grandsons/granddaughters to be plumbers - they would never be struggling for work!  Fortunately (and thanks again Trellis) we haven’t needed to lift the Karndean tiles and floor has dried out well. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited March 2023 #54655

    Talking of plumbers, we have the strangest of guys look after us.  Absolutely brilliant at his job - but it's anyone's guess when he is going to turn up!  Once, he arrived at 1100 on a Sunday morning ("I was just passing" says he - despite the fact we live at the end of, what is in effect, a very long cul-de-sac!) - flies in - does the job - and is out again in 10 minutes.  Like a bloomin' whirlwind!! But what's even more strange - he never send us a bill. I literally have to nag and nag him and even then I don't get a bill.  In the past I have resorted to transferring what I think is a fair amount into his bank account - just to satisfy my conscience - but even then he doesn't respond. I'm currently waiting for his bill for servicing the boiler almost two months ago, plus a couple of other jobs he has done for us recently. Strange guyundecided.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited March 2023 #54656

    HelenandTrevor So very sorry to hear the sad news about Bodie. Yes of course we remember meeting him when we met up with you on several occasions a few years ago. He was such a lovely boy and so good when we all went for a pub lunch one time. He just sat quietly under the table and was no trouble. Our thoughts are with you.

    Sorry to hear about your grandson's hospital visit Bakers2. It is always a worry when they are not well but glad to her that he got good treatment. Well done to your NZ  grand-daughter. So sorry to hear the news about your son's friend. What a tragic thing to happen.

    I must have missed the posts about JVB and Deleted User User. Can someone let me know their news please. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited March 2023 #54657

    Sorry to hear of your loss of Bodie H&T know how you feel.

    Hope all other folks hear better news regarding different issues.

    We had a lot of rain and very strong winds yesterday and woke up this morning to the 2 different climbing Jasmines  on a metal arch have got blown over in the night so been out and got metalwork out with help from OH and it was all bent so will order 2 smaller rose frames later from Amazon they will be circular in shape so a better idea and have had to prune the Jasmines and this afternoon will try and separate the two shrubs that will be fun, OH will keep some bits from the arch as could be useful!!

    Supposed to be doing a local boot sale this coming Sunday but looks like weather will be wet and windy again so will have to cancel that and friends were coming with us as they have more stuff than us.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,510
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    edited March 2023 #54658

    Today the sun is shining brightly and it looks like the start of Spring. But the forecast is not good. But last Friday our solar panel installers finished installing the missing link that shows us just what is going on. So we all have the App on our phones and I keep looking at it - it's up to the minute with little moving dots going from the sun to the inverter and onwards to the farm. When I took this screenshot about an hour ago we weren't using the full capacity. The Dairy will always be using some, but the real test will be when the milking engine starts up about 4 pm. The farmhouse is on a different meter, but we've slung an extension from the washer to the farm buildings. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited March 2023 #54659

    Our sympathies as well H&T, always difficult losing a much loved pet, and it seems to get worse as you get older, as you tend to spend so much more time with them. Treasure those memories, and think how you gave another little creature the best life possible. Best wishes to you.

    Its a beautiful sunny day here today, actually warm as well after a very cold start. Forecast is poor from tomorrow onwards though, so we are delaying our short couple of nights away. Might just have a day out somewhere not too far away.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54660

    I musthave missed the posts about JVB and Deleted User User. Can someone let me know their news please.

    milliehull Deleted User User was posting from hospital - lung cancer I believe he posted. No posts from JVB since january sadly.

    Still bright and chilly here. Gardened this morning, finally planted my 100 free bulbs, arrived early february 😱. Emptied enough pots and has access to materials at last! Lunch in the garden, prepared by OH 😀, but cool sitting so must get moving again. Still plenty to do and that doesn't include the actually garden beds 😱😱.

    Just heard grandson has the all clear from the GP so off meds. 

    Last of our moving boxes passed on this morning for someone else on the move. Good luck to them - don't envy them at all .

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54661

    I see Deleted User User has posted on Tammygirl's Lake garda post. Hope he's doing ok?