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  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited March 2023 #54602

    We really enjoyed White Water Park David.  Like you I was very wary of the location but it was fine.  They had a Kayak and canoeing competition whilst we were there which was great to watch.  If you get time the Royal Navy Museum in Hartlepool is very good to visit.  

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,707
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    edited March 2023 #54603

    Oldest daughter got her passport renewed today. It had just under nine months left to run but with her using it frequently and needing six months to 'spare' and the passport strike she decided to pay £200 for the 'one day' service at Durham. But that's really a lie as it took 10 minutes!

    Twenty people every half hour and appointments most of the day, her slot and the one after were all taken. 

    Still it looks nice, with four photographs inside, one colour and three B&W!

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54604

    Ours was the same it is 6 years old but only 30k on the clock with one owner and a full Volvo service history. We couldn’t justify the money for a new one.

    Hope you enjoy working out all the new gadgets hehe

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2023 #54605

    No  Prizes for guessing what they had at the  cheese counter . Came away with a chunk of Black Bomber and Amber Mist...laughing

    Thank you for the memory jogger, David  frown  Now I've yet another item to go on my shipping  oops sorry I meant shopping listmoney-mouth

  • trellis
    trellis Forum Participant Posts: 1,102
    edited March 2023 #54606

    Heddlo , if you have to lift any of your karndean tiles , play a hairdryer over them on a low to medium heat . That will reactivate the pressure sensitive adhesive used , then gently lift them off . It's something I've had to do various times,  I'm a floorlayer by trade . Good luck.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited March 2023 #54607

    Don’t know the Site DSB, but if you are up for some interesting drive outs, Saltburn is well worth having a look around and a walk along the seafront. There’s a nice pub right on the beach, The Ship Inn, or a great fish and chip takeaway also on seafront. The Northern area of the North York Moors is spectacular, and both Guisborough Priory and Mount Grace Priory are interesting. There are walks up into the Cleveland Hills from Mount Grace, which is EH. Have a good trip.😁

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54608

    While in Seaham, look out for "Tommy" near the war memorial on the seafront.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited March 2023 #54609

    That is so helpful trellis, thank you so much for this information.  We wouldn’t have thought to do that.    Still on towels at present our plumber seems to have gone awol, not replying to anything !!!  Fortunately OH thinks he may have found the reason so a bit more work for us tomorrow. 🤞🏻 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54610

    Nellie will be able to enlighten you about White Water, David, as he's stopped there a couple of times and lived to tell the tale.

    David, as Heddlo and DK have said the site is fine with excellent pitches, not as car park like as some of the Club sites. I think we have stopped there 3 times, including in deep snow.There is a bit of background noise, as it is a busy area vehicle wise, but nothing to disturb a good night's sleep. Good walks in both directions directly from site for the dog along by the banks of the Tees or through a nature reserve. There is a large Asda within easy (well for us anyway) walking distance of the site. Stockton town centre had an extensive and good market when we were last there. We saw both a seal and black swans on the river below the town when we walk along by the riverside. As well as Saltburn there is a good beach and  promenade from Redcar It is a shame that there are no proper MWD as we would probably use the site again but not at the new pitch cost. Enjoy your stay there.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54611

    Hopefully the caravan water system is now fixed, though I have not yet had time to test it.    I had to give up on trying to see where the pipes went and instead cut a "hatchway" in the wall, under the fixed bed, so I could see what was going on in the space behind the shower room wall.

    The way the pipes went was very  strange, no way would I ever have been able to pull in a new pipe, so just  as well there was somewhere to cut a hatchway.   Now need to figure out how to fix the cut out piece back in place..........after I have tested for leaks!

    Going to be a busy weekend cleaning the van and loading it up.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54612

    Thanks to all for the advice about White Water Park.  Sounds good from what everyone has said....  I'll make a note of all the things to look out for.  .....about 'traffic noise' etc... I reckon if we managed Strathclyde, we can manage noise from most sites....  🤣🤣


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54613

    David - As been said by others Saltburn is well worth a visit we have been a few times had a nice walk along the pier it was used often as a location in Heartbeat so so may look familiar

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2023 #54614

    David K,  

      Certain  " Mechanics " have the head off my Ducato and are Checking Checking and checking again, so I might have some response by Wednesday ( But not holding my breath !  money-mouth  )


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54615

    "Tommy" is just a little to the south of Glass Beach, so you will pass him  on the way there.  Good parking at both places.  Some nice cafes and ice cream shops in the area too!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,946
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    edited March 2023 #54616

    ...Some nice cafes and ice cream shops in the area too!

    Now that's my sirt of place to visit...  🤣🤣🤣


    Thank, once more, to one and all for the advice....  I'm making a list...


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54617

    Just got my appointment for my over 75 Covid booster.......11th May.

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited March 2023 #54618

    I would second the visit to HMS Trincomalee aka 'TS Foudroyant' when were had it in Portsmouth Harbour. Stopped off there on the way back from the Cairngorms in 2021. 

    Spent this morning putting stuff back into the moho after its recent damp check including my refurbished ramps. There had been a few stress splits which I repaired with Araldite and then beefed up the honeycomb by filling the voids with builders foam. They are supposed to cope with 2500Kg each and, since one wheel is substantially under that, I can't see them surviving an 8 ton van.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54619

    We've been wending our way north, had a couple of nights on the old C&CC site at Teversal, now Silverhills, Notts a good base for sightseeing about 15 mins drive to Hardwick Hall. Had a good day exploring the hall, amazing place which we've driven past countless time so finally got there. Teversal old village is pretty, I think DH Lawrence set Lady Chatterley's Lover at the old Manor there (now converted into flats, I presume no gamekeepers around?!) We had a serviced pitch at Silverhills for £25.30, the facilities were luxurious by many site standards. Separate shower rooms etc. Nice to explore Silverhills parkland over the road from the site.

    Disaster has struck the next bit of the trip, son and family are ill with a stomach bug!  

    Our family "visitors" are enjoying a stay in our home, although Covid has struck at our daughter's school and she is the only adult left standing in her dept...500 students to sort out with exam prep to sort. 

    Maybe we'll see the Northern Lights tonight, something has got to work out. wink

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited March 2023 #54620

    Sounds a nice day Brue. We visited Hardwick Hall last year, for the history and the Embroideries. Hope things settle down for you.

    We had planned on meeting up with my cousin and her hubby for lunch but had an email from them last night crying off as car in for some mechanical problem and wouldn't be fixed in time. So we had to nip to town to get something for dinner tonight. Might have been for the best anyway as neither of us feel in top form today. Very blustery still here.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54621

    Hope you both feel better over the weekend WN. We've missed  planned meals out on this trip so got some extra food in today to see us through! 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,467
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    edited March 2023 #54622

    Glad you enjoyed Hardwick Brue, both castle and Hall hopefully. It’s not far from us, so a place we know well. Just along the ridge overlooking the M1 is Bolsover Castle, which is also a very good visit if you are in the area much longer. Has a nice EH cafe. Enjoy the rest of your tour, hope family members get over their illness.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54623

    Thanks TDA,  Bolsover has been on our list too, a nice cafe will encourage us further! Yes  fingers crossed for the family, looks like we'll see them at a distance this time round.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54624

    Things are looking better in the caravan, the water system has been tested and declared watertight, and the cleaning has been completed, so tomorrow  we can start loading up.  Will be good to get a load of stuff out of one of the spare rooms!

    Quite wet today, but sunny in between, hopefully dryer over the weekend for loading up.

    OH sorted out the caravan cover, so all done for another year.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,892
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    edited March 2023 #54625

    Well done Kj. I reckon if you charged yourself the going rate you would earn a small fortune. Something to consider.

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited March 2023 #54626

    Er, er, if anybody 'works out ' in South Cheshire at the moment  they will need good water-proofs or a thermal swimming cossy 'cos its tipping it down  frown

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited March 2023 #54627

    The weather has thrown everything at us today ABM - sun, rain, hail and thunder.

    Sorry to hear that you are both feeling under the weather WN and also that your family are not well brue. How disappointing that you will only see them at a distance after all your plans. I hope everyone feels better soon.

    We have been sick visiting this morning. My friend who lost her husband just before Christmas fell over this week and has badly broken her arm. We did a few jobs for her and stayed for a chat. Her daughters are taking it in turns to stay the night with her. She had an appointment at the fracture clinic this afternoon and they think she will have to have it pinned when everything settles down a bit. Another appointment in a few days.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,198
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    edited March 2023 #54628

    Funny sort of day weather wise. Lots of short light showers from a heavy grey sky, with the odd patch of blue at times, and quite windy until this evening. Still having short rain showers so may be another damp walk shortly.

    We too are heading north, brue, setting off on our latest trip this morning and are now on CL just outside of Penrith, a different one from our last time in the area a month ago, but one that we have used before, Mossthorn at Pallet Hill. We had originally booked a different CL up near Carlisle, but it was all grass pitches. However with the amount of rain that we have had up in Cumbria over the last week, we cancelled that one and booked on here as it has decent H/S pitches, and we are glad that we did as we have seen lots of flooded fields the journey up here. We have stayed on the Teversal site in the past when it was a C&CC site, grand toilet block and lots to do in the surrounding area. Parking at Bolsover is a problem, especially for a M/H, you may have to walk a distance to the castle, but welll with a visit.

    Good to read that you have sorted out your caravan's water problem, Kjell, when do you next head away in it?

    Hope you are both feeling better tomorrow, WN, just a shame that you couldn't meet up with your cousin.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54629

    🤣        Well  WN............I could do with the extra money to pay for the new wheel bearings next week.......but  I think I would need to give that idea a bit  more thought first....🤔      

    Funnily enough, I was just saying to OH this afternoon.....what do other people do when things go wrong if they do not know how to fix them?

    "Part with large sums of money" she said,  "like you are going to be doing next week!"    😖

    Nellie.......DD and family have booked a break  at The Ranch, just south of Ayr, from next Saturday, so we will be delivering the van there for them, then afterwards we will take over and head further south to Castle Douglas, then into England, over to the east coast, and home via East Lothian to visit a friend.

    So we have nothing to pack for us meantime, and not sure yet whether they will be bringing stuff here to pack.  

     From the discussion OH and  DD were having, it seems we have really spoiled them in the past by providing bedding, towels, toilet paper, shower gel etc etc, and some basic groceries as, when she asked DD whether she wanted to bring up fridge food, DD  asked what we would be providing, and looked shocked when OH said " toilet paper, salt, pepper, sugar, tea and cooking oil" !

    I think they have agreed that as there are supermarkets  in Ayrshire, they will do a shop after they arrive, and give us a just short list of stuff to buy for them and put in the van to start them off.

    WE will have to pack all our stuff into multiple large bags, and some food into cool bags when we go to take over the van, which is not so convenient, but at least it is not far to go from here.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited March 2023 #54630

    If I may say I think maybe you do spoil them KJ, but it’s a habit easily got into. At our static I always make sure our son and daughters families always arrive to toilet paper and reserve, tea bags, cooking oil, soap, shampoo and conditioner. - Bread in the freezer, which they replace. They are then always welcome to use food that is in the cupboards but to replace it afterwards. I make up the single beds but only because if they take the bedding home then we may run out before they get back. They provide the other bedding and towels, tea towels are left but I expect them to wash them out after. We don’t drink coffee much so I buy own brand, then find ‘better’ coffee in the cupboards later. It seems to work so far. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54631

    I am sure we have DEBSC!     It has happened mainly because we know DD has to organise all the clothes etc, and do all the packing, while still working full time, so we were being helpful.  2 little ones do seem to need a lot of stuff!

    Mainly they have taken over from us at the end of our trip, so most essentials were already in the van, but this time they go first.  We do not want to have to take too much with us in the car when we go, so much more convenient to already have it in the van, so they will probably find more than they expect.