What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54422

    I echo Ttda's comments DEBSC. It's so much easier to read of young people being self  centred but throughout my life I've always found more goodness in the young than bad.

    Best of luck Ttda. We know from experience that leg muscles can go quickly. We would often cajole FiL just to walk up and down the hallway. 

    Snow here as well. We have had a gritter come up the hill. Have to be out of here by 10 tomorrow so hoping for a melt but fear I may be hoping in vain.


  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    edited March 2023 #54423

    Interesting post David.  I have frequently seen things dumped along our local coast road, which meant that whoever dumped it, would not have had to travel as far to take it our local tip.

    Some years ago I moored up on the Trent and Mersey Canal, a few hundred metres from Dutton Tunnel in Chesire, near to a "Bluebell Wood" planted by the Woodland Trust.  Inside the wood was a very steep incline and steps down to a little stream and steps up the other side, then about another 75 metres to the end of the wood, where there was a high, metal fence with a rail line on the other side.  Right next to that fence, was a large, heavy, central heating boiler which had been dumped!  How on earth anyone had managed to dump it there is a mystery as they would have either had to carry it over the railway line and lift it up to about 8ft  to get it over the fence or carry it for some distance along the canal tow path, before they even entered the wood.  As you say the minds of some people!  One thing is for certain, they mustn't have many brain cells.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    edited March 2023 #54424

    In theory but I have found that the candle type ones, often last less than a year.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,947
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    edited March 2023 #54425

    Still snowing here.....  roll on summer!  🀣🀣


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,411
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    edited March 2023 #54426

    Just stepped outside to feed the birds, all wrapped up in a coat and got a surprise, it’s positively mild here. Birds all singing, plants popping up, it feels like spring. Although it is very grey. Better than the forecast snow for here earlier this week. Hope those with snow warm up soon.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,869
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    edited March 2023 #54427

    Snowing quite heavily here. We are promised that it will turn to rain later......

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54428

    Still snowing here……… but it’s not settling that much. I think we were due to get the worst of it later this evening, butπŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54429

    We are away in the van for a few days. Left home late yesterday afternoon and stayed overnight at our usual CL in Longtown then today made our way down here to Blackpool. We were worried about the reported snow but the M6 was fine just a bit as we passed over Shap but that was all. We had phoned ahead to the site before leaving Longtown and they said all was well but did say we could arrive early if we wanted (doubt the club would have been so flexible) We got set up then headed in to Lytham for the afternoon which was nice dinner tonight was a chippy tea from the chip shop near the site which was excellent. Latest blood tests from hospital all ok so that’s a relief too. Heavy rain here now so plan is just to spent the night in the van have a few drinks and watch the telly. Not sure what the plan for tomorrow is 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54430

    Well that all sounds good Francis, enjoy your break!

    Everything went into reverse here today, we had to unpack the van as our trip was cancelled due to the weather. We'd just received bad news about serious illness affecting two friends and had come back from a funeral so not the best of days. In the end it was a relief to be at home and have time to take things in. 

    Don't think we've had to unpack so soon after packing, luckily it was only a weekend break.

    Hope things are going better for everyone else! smile

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,219
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    edited March 2023 #54431

    A new experience for me today, I did some machine sewing! Margaret, in her younger days, was an enthusiastic dress maker. For years she had a lovely small Elna sewing machine but as it had seen better days it was replaced back in 2009 with a Janome,  but rarely used since! Paul's wife wanted Margaret to repair some leggings where the seam on the leg had come apart. We got the above mentioned machine out and hadn't a clue how to use it! We muddled through the instructions and eventually set it up. Margaret felt she could see well enough as she is still awaiting new glasses after her cataract operation. So it seems I was volunteered for the seams!!! Unfortunately the machine does not have an overlocker function so it was a straight seam. After practising on an old piece of cloth I graduated to the garment. I think I made a pretty good fist of it, just hope the seam holds and doesn't let go causing an embarrassing situation!


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited March 2023 #54432

    Left home late yesterday afternoon and stayed overnight at our usual CL in Longtown 

    Francis, which CL is that, as we have booked into one near there, Hunley Farm, for the first stop on our next trip in a week or so's time? 

    Debs, lovely to hear of the support that your granddaughter received from her two Uni friends. Hope that your GD is recovering and will soon be able to continue with her studies.

    Sorry to read that you have cancelled your w/e away, brue, Hope you are able to get away soon, and that your friends' illnesses are not as serious as feared.

    Fingers crossed that you have no problems getting off The Great Orme in the morning WN, and that you have a safe uneventful journey home.

    Nice to hear that things are coming together with regards to getting things sorted for your mum, tda. 

    We have had snow on and off from getting up today but it has been very wet and thankfully up to now nothing has stuck. Hopefully it will be no worse in the morning as we head up to Kendal for our last stop of this trip.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54433

    No snow here 😁😁😁 26c today by the pool with a nice breeze so was pleasant. Forecast for the weekend is 29c phew never had it this warm at this time of year before. Seems its been warmer than normal all winter, very little rain at all.

    Hope the snow doesn't cause problems for those away in their vans. 

    Where we live haven't had snow yet but it is forecast in the next 24 hours. Very cold at nights I'm told. 

    WN, hope you get back home OK. 

    Francis enjoy your trip away. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54434

    Nellie - Low Moor Head Farm just outside Longtown we’ve used it for a few years now for long weekends and stop overs as it’s only a 2 hour drive from home. Nice site easily accessible from the motorway and the owners are a nice family 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54435

    DK hope the sewing efforts work, I still use my sewing machine occasionally but each time have to remember how to thread it up. Used to make all of our curtains etc years ago, like many used to do. 

    Our intended break was an early rally and the organisers had to cancel. The small rally was fully booked and was in a place that would have been interesting to see but not in heavy snow. 

    Enjoy the good weather TG!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54436

    Well done DK😁 It’s years, decades since I used a sewing machine, but my sister is like Mum, an absolute wizard on one. We used hers last week making Mums Twiddle Blanket. Sis did the machine stuff, I did all the hand sewing. I love embroidery type stuff, so between us we have things covered😁

    Wow….deep snow here this morning, and it’s still coming down. Look’s lovely though. Sis has let me know all is fine up at Mums, so we shall dig the Jeep out and go up later. We should be fine providing there are no cars stuck on the big hill. The other country lane route is closed at the moment, so it’s got to be the hill climb, but we like a challenge😁

    Mum’s monkey puzzle looking very festive, just needs some giant baubles🀣

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,470
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    edited March 2023 #54437

    Just looking at the news and pondering on the M62. We said only yesterday that was a place to avoid at all costs with snow coming. Although, I am not sure it was snowing in Manchester yesterday, so it’s possible a lot of folks got caught out badly. Hopefully many had a blanket, a flask and a well charged phoneπŸ˜‰

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,079
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    edited March 2023 #54438

    Woke up to a site covered in snow this morning here in Blackpool but the sun is now out and snow all gone actually a very pleasant morning here. Very cold outside though. Hoping the snow stays off while we are out today 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54439

    Lovely sunshine here today.

    Only a short snowfall last night, a thin layer still out back in the shade of the house, but nothing on the roads.  Left here 09.30, heavy traffic through town, so took almost 75 minutes to dealer.  Slightly more snow  there, but only in their yard.  

    Journey  home much quicker, less than 60 minutes, but old battery needs to be charged up before I can move the van onto the driveway, so just having lunch first.  Hopefully all done by 2 as we need to be at DD's before 3.

    New battery has been ordered, should be here on Monday, when I will also get time to check the toilet pump and the water system.   Just the AlKo pads then to deal with.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54440

    Well we made it off the Orme. Actually the forecasted heavy snow turned out to be only light stuff, although the  community bus, inappropriately called Alpine, had a lot of difficulty making it up the hill this morning. The hills above Conway and further into Snowdonia were laden with snow though.

    Anyway we were packed and off just before 10 and found the A55, the main arterial route across North Wales, fine for driving. We did see 4 gritters on it and plenty of snow ploughed onto the verges but the road itself was decent and had very light traffic on it. Home in 45 minutes. 

    First for us - we had to dig our way in! Driveway covered in about 6 inches of snow. No gritters ever come down our cul-de-sac. Going to have to have words with elderly housekeeper about not shovelling the snow away.

    Beautiful sunny afternoon and snow beginning to melt.

    Enjoyed the short break, our first outing for nearly 5 months.

    Hope others faring well wherever you happen to be.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,848
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    edited March 2023 #54441

    We're now sitting here on Skybarn Farm CL, near Lincoln,  having thought this morning that we wouldn't be travelling.  No snow at all at home but we had very strong winds and there was a 30mph restriction on the Humber Bridge which is never a good sign. However, by late morning - sun was out and winds had subsided - so off we went. Although I know some areas of the country have had a bit of snow (remember 1963?? - when we DID have some snow), I'm beginning to think that, once again, the BBC doom and gloom merchants have been at it. Other than on the very tops of the Lincolnshire Wolds, we didn't see any evidence of snow anywhere. And why are all these schools closed - what was wrong with arriving at school with wet soggy feet because the snow had come over the tops of your wellies and having to thaw out the school milk on the radiators because it had frozen and popped the foil top off the bottle.  Happy dayssmile Perhaps I'm getting old.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited March 2023 #54442

    Well we've had an extremely typical British weather day. 

    Awoke as dog grumbling and some distant door banging about 4am. All snow virtually gone. Got up soon after 6am, snow all gone, drizzle. Was giving a non driver a lift with her dog to the vets the other side of Peterborough for 9am. In view of the weather, it started to snow and settle, we set off soon after 8am. Neither of us had any idea on rush hour traffic either.  I had to clear the car including lights and number plate.  All roads covered and slushy. Came down harder! Got to the next village standing traffic. Discussion ensued it was even clinging to the uprights of the traffic lights so we turned around curtesy of the BP forecourt. 

    Eased up by 10am so took dogs out, grand dog arrived about 0845, they're off to a live show in London this evening, dressed in full waterproofs. Paths and roads treacherous so headed for the fields. Not as mucky as I expected but jolly breezy in the open.

    Snow showers ceased by noon and all snow gone 1230. Now beautifully sunny but breezy. Managed to line dry my towel wash in 3 hours.

    Glad the Wherenext's are safely home and RichardandRos nicely away in Lincoln.

    Stay safe warm and cosy folks. Our forecast overnight -5c but 12c on Sunday.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54443

    We had a lot of snow earlier in the week but it went quite quickly, second time this year although the first lot froze and lasted longer than expected. Have experienced very deep snow in Scotland when our children had "snow homes" if the school bus couldn't get them home from a twenty mile journey through the hills! Glad to hear everyone is ok away and the WNs got home safely.

    As we couldn't go away we went out today and got a parking ticket....luckily the "parking" man was nearby and OH showed him the ticket which had flipped over slightly when the door closed...still got to sort it out although the "offence" was cancelled. Here endeth a not so pleasant week! wink

    Roll on some warmer weather. There is a lot of tree and hedge blossom out just now but it's looking a bit forlorn.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,762
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    edited March 2023 #54444

    The rest of our day did not go so well.......the battery is totally done  for, possibly due to this  discharge test they did at the  service, so there was no way to get the van off the street and up our driveway.    It is now sitting on the street, hitched and locked to the car, with one AlKo lock in place, and will have to stay there till  the new battery arrives on Monday.  

    Just hope it is still there when we get home tonight!

    Unfortunately we also have to be out most of tomorrow and Sunday, but we can use the Smart so the van can stay locked to the car.   

    Going to look tomorrow at another battery we have in the garage, see if it will charge up and have enough piff to move the van.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited March 2023 #54445

    We had strong winds during the night and woke to find the ground covered in snow. Thankfully the sun came out and by the time we set off it had all but gone.

    We had an easy run up the M6 to Kendal. There are 8 units on the  site and ours is the only caravan!!

    R&R this is lots of snow up on the hills and the A66 has been closed from last evening to around lunchtime today. Good to hear that you made it away.

    Thanks Francis, I will have a look at that CL for future reference. 

    Hope you made it up yo your mum's, tda, and that the roads were not too dangerous.

    Pleased to read that you made it home OK, WN, and had a good break.

    Shame about the rally being cancelled, brue, have you another trip booked soon?

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited March 2023 #54446

    We expected our village to get snow but speaking to my sister today there is none. However my son living on the pennines has had loads of snow, he will have to dig his car out if he wants to go anywhere.

    Another hot day here in Lanzarote, a nice breeze again so pleasant to go out.

    We went to a place we've passed many times but today we stopped and had a look. I wish I could post photos to show you. It's like a deep crevice in the hillside. Of course being Lanzarote it's a hill of fallen Volcanic ash, you can see the layers that have fallen over the years. Rain/water has cut this crevice over the years, it's now like a canyon which reminded me of the approach to the ancient city of Petra. Its not an easy climb through the crevice/canyon due to the tiny pellets of lava ash, its like walking on marbles. Lots of people there today, many different nationalities all helping each other holding hands to help you climb up and down. Great afternoon. Got back in time for an hour by the pool and 10 lengths in the pool ☺️

    WN, good to hear you got home safe and that your sense of humour is still intact. 

    Have a good weekend folks. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,219
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    edited March 2023 #54447

    About 3.00pm today we finally said goodbye to our bathroom fitter Daniel, that is about 9 working days in total! He has made an excellent job of the refurbishment and we are very pleased with it. There are a couple of painting jobs  for me to do which were not part of the original job. Now have two large Hippo Bags in the front garden awaiting collection next week. We find people working in the house so exhausting as you really can't get on with anything else and it's not been the weather to be outside although I did finish putting stuff back in the motorhome today after it's service.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,869
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    edited March 2023 #54448

    Well what odd weather these past few days!  We were supposed to go on one of our U3A church visits on Thursday afternoon and set off just after lunch and then all of a sudden the weather got much worst with very large snow fakes coming down in large quantities and then we couldn't see where the road ended and the grass verge began. OH (and I) weren't keen so we turned round and came home as we thought it might be set in for the afternoon and possibly get worse. As it happened it eased off after about an hour and then we had an evening of torrential rain, I gather Ferry Meadows is now flooded surprised. Yesterday morning we had a blizzard with snow blowing sideways. Luckily it had stopped by the time I needed to go out at 11.00 and by lunchtime the snow had all gone and we had a bright, sunny but extremely cold afternoon. Today has been bright with sunny intervals but still cold. Where is spring?

    I am glad you got home safely WN even though you had to dig your way in to your front driveway. Hopefully you feel better for your few days away. Nice photo nellie. I hope your snow is beginning to go now. Lovely bathroom DK.I am most envious. I hope you are beginning to get used to the cold at home now heddlo. It must be a wrench to leave them all in Macau. Your poor little grand-daughter is probably finding it difficult getting used to having her little rother sharing the limelight. It is so difficult for them. Your weather sounds wonderful TG. Our hairdresser came a few days ago having just got back from Lanzarote the day before and said they had amazingly good weather. So sorry your trip away was cancelled brue but better to be safe than sorry.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited March 2023 #54449

    Very smart David  now I feel even worse about the state of our bathroom...wink Actually it's an all white bathroom so hasn't dated much just in need of a refresh, new flooring etc.

    Met a neighbour when out with our dog we agreed it was another fine Spring day (not!) 🌧🌧 

    Sorry Millie your post appeared just after I sent mine. I think you were sensible to turn back in the snow but I expect you were sorry to miss your church visit. So nice to get out and see these places  especially with a group who have similar interests.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,901
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    edited March 2023 #54450

    Your day sounds wonderful TG.

    Unlike our day! Snow still lying on the ground when we ventured out. Caught up with the local gossip as it took an hour to do a 10 minute trip to village shop. Snow started again in the afternoon. I thought it was supposed to rain. Have to see what happens tomorrow. Have to get some food. 

    Pity about your day Millie. These sort of days are frustrating.

    Hope the move was straightforward Nellie.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited March 2023 #54451

    Shame about missing your U3A church visit, but better safe than sorry, millie. The photo was the site we were on yesterday morning before we moved, without any problems to Spital Farm at Kendal, where they had had only a light covering of snow and that had gone by the time we got here. Spring is just found the corner, or so they said on the forecast tonight, but it may well revert to winter next week!πŸ˜‰

    Shame about the return of the snow, WN. We had a fine day up till around 5:30 when we had a few specks of snow, but we have sleet now, just right for our last walk out I don't think!yell

    Sounds like a grand day out TG. Hope you are not too tired after your swim to enjoy your evening meal.😁

    Your bathroom looks very smart, DK. Get you are glad that it is all done and dusted now.