Dynamic pricing to be introduced
Yes but you're quoting just one site at one time of the year (November) when it's unlikely to be full anyway and when it would be a good time for pitch maintenance I would say. Quoting November alone doesn't necessarily show anything?
However when one is seeing low (and full) across a number of sites (some of which are the most expensive) in peak months as I posted then it is difficult to think all these sites having pitch maintenance and I think it shows healthy bookings. I've checked all my booking for the next few months and they are all like that especially on SP, check out Hawes as one example, it's low from now till June and you'll be hard pushed to get a weekend on a SP, but I'll be able to see when I get there to give a better picture.
In my experience low meaning exactly that and from a full selection of pitches.
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FOMO is alive and well when it comes to booking pitches?
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I think lots of product advertisers try to invoke that fear (pre-order of books phones etc) Works even better where there is an actual shortage. I don’t see anything particularly wrong in that, the CAMC is a commercial organisation, out to make a profit. Even if that is ploughed back into the organisation.
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I don't think pre-ordering an item like a book means stocks are low.
The low availability of SPs at Hawes has been quoted in fact there are only 10 SPs there and this could mean there are still 5 available....however if someone wants one of these pitches it's best to book early due to the small number available at any given time. (Nice pitches by the way.
Some might feel the need to secure bookings early, we've done that for the Lakes this year with the C&CC.
Prices going up might put some pressure on bookings. I'd be wary and just look elsewhere in comparison.
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I don't think pre-ordering an item like a book means stocks are low.
It doesn’t, however publishers like to promote the myth in order to secure advanced orders and often sweeten the deal with a discount. Very similar to the CAMC with early birds getting the lower price.
The low availability of SPs at Hawes has been quoted in fact there are only 10 SPs there and this could mean there are still 5 available
Or only one!
Prices going up might put some pressure on bookings. I'd be wary and just look elsewhere in comparison.
For us, it’s location first price second. No point at all in saving a few quid if we are not where we want to be. The only real difference is that the CAMC is no longer our default first choice.
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"I don't think pre-ordering an item like a book means stocks are low.
It doesn’t, however publishers like to promote the myth in order to secure advanced orders "
Authors like you to pre-order because all those pre orders are sent out on Publication Day, thus ensuring high sales in the first week and pushing the book up the Best Sellers List, if only for one week. Also musicians.
Sorry, off topic.
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My point is that in the post I referred it was suggested that Low Availability was an indicator of the popularity of a club site and by implication the popularity of the CAMC because if availability is Low it suggests that sites are almost fully booked and people are therefore happy with the booking system and charges.
As has been mentioned in previous posts Dynamic pricing is fine for those who are able to plan ahead and get the "Early bird" pricing.
But I am not aware of the concept of Dynamic Pricing having been put to the membership for comment let alone approval.
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Low Availability can indeed be an indicator of popularity but 'indicator' is all it is. In the example you gave, the level of popularity was such to render the availability as 'low' because the pitch numbers had been reduced.
Why should the concept of DP be put to the membership when members empower the club through voted representatives to run it in the way it sees best?
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Looking at prices of a few sites, it does not seem to be the case currently. Although it may happen, personally I think the CAMC would be reluctant to do this, as there primary objective seems to be to get folk to book early and get the deposits coming in.
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They suggest prices may be dearer later but only a crazy company would raise prices if the goods aren't selling.
Time will tell.
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It would then stop being dynamic pricing it would be tantamount to retail suicide🤷🏻♂️
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It would , Rocky, and if camc announced prices may reduce later then no one would book early which would affect the revenue stream, so that announcement will never be made.
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Announcing such could even lead to mini frenzy days😂
I suppose also it is very early days, we are still in the coldest part of the year. If they significantly discounted a pitch now at the last minute, the occupant is likely to consume a fair bit of electric. Depending on what they pay for electricity, it could well be more sensible to leave it vacant. It will be interesting to see what they do with the less popular sites, such as Malvern, as we move into summer. Perhaps a big discount for grass.😀
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We've been looking while away here on the Castleton site, with all the snow last evening.....lol..... anyway.... after a booking I made 12 months ago for May.... we won't be on club sites anymore. We checked out some of the eye watering prices for the first week in July this year , which is before the England summer holidays and even the sites away from attractions are silly numbers. So .....we've booked CL's instead and looking at CS's from the other club. We've just come back from Belgium and with the same facilities as the Club sites we paid €22 per night.... 2 of us, Motorhome and electric.
I thought we belonged to a Club .......not a Travel company, they should remember how they got and still get their base funding stream
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"…we paid €22 per night.... 2 of us, Motorhome and electric."
And a ferry fare or two.
"They" are actually you. The club is owned by its members. If you don’t like the way it’s run on your behalf, use your voting rights accordingly 👍🏻
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Who does that though TW? Far easier to get the keyboard out
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I think, reading posts on CT that many of us do vote but changes probably take more than votes? Trust Pilot indicates many of the problems. Loss of membership, bookings, complaints and concerns raised on platforms like CT and FB have worth and need consideration too.
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There are appear to be this idea that what is posted about on CT somehow is representative of the membership in general, I think that is just nonsense really.
'We' are a very small part of the membership, what was the latest figures for bookings made this since the new system was introduced? From recall it was 150,000, then 250,000 now a million, so for a lot of members there are simply no problems
TP I've mentioned before and while the club responds with some good PR speak (that is replicated on all social media on bad reviews) it's not really bothered, it will simply look at bookings, income, and if they're looking good then social media can safely be ignored.
Loss of membership? where is that substantiated? There has always been in my time CT the 'I'm voting with my wheels' posts and sometimes this happens and sometimes (more often) not, but these cannot be taken as anything but posts?
Has there been any official stats been given anywhere, I can't recall any but would welcome being pointed in the right direction, did the last AGM mention it?
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Maybe some do vote, Brue, but I get the impression the poster I responded to is not fully aware of CAMC's governance and sees it as a 'them' and 'us' situation. Votes surely count but need to be in sufficient numbers to get the message across, as applies in any organisation.
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Whilst there were comments on social media by some unhappy and frustrated members and also by a few rather rude and unkind people, that the system was impossible to use and
didn’t do any of the things it is designed to achieve, these were untrue.AGM minutes 2022
PS I'm not saying this is true of course and there are still problems but it may/perhaps give an idea of the official view?
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Pukka post MrC👍🏻, some hard yet accurate truths. Most(I’ve read & seen the results) folk who go down the ‘I’m leaving’ route actually just stop posting for a few weeks but continue their membership. What is posted on here is mainly by a small minority, mainly the die hard CAMC supporters who weather all storms. The CAMC staff support TP purely because the audience is huge both actual & potential. I and a few others have let our membership slide but as I read it-it isn’t any new systems that prompted the decisions it’s purely right now CAMC isn’t such a good fit👍🏻😊
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There is no room nor should there be at the table for anyone who attacks either staff generally or individually. Verbal abuse is a reflection of the person & quite frankly they should not be welcomed as members nor tolerated in decent company. No one comes to work to be attacked. Lack of anger management is a prime example of personality issues.