Dynamic pricing to be introduced

Ralf Bongo
Ralf Bongo Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited April 2024 in Club Membership #1

Apparently dynamic pricing is to be rolled out to all UK campsites during 2023.

Which means that those that book up to a year ahead will be able to take advantage of the lowest prices.

Those who for whatever reason cannot commit to booking so far in advance will be penalised if they wish to book closer to the time of travel because apparently the higher the popularity of a campsite and the closer to the time of arrival the booking is made, the higher the price may be.

As with all the changes that have happened during the last 6 months, where were any or more importantly ALL the members consulted and balloted regarding these changes?

Many older members (like ourselves) cannot commit to long term bookings due to medical considerations, appointments that may arise because of these etc; we have previously just set off when able on a ‘tour’ and then by way of the (what was) late availability checker booked ‘on the fly.’

We have already been penalised with the 21 day non-returnable deposit system which really could have been much fairer reduced to 7 days. 

I used to fiercely defend the CAMC as a great organisation to be a member of but this latest move has been the nail in the coffin for us personally.



  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,515
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    edited February 2023 #2

    This is copied from a post on a group (not official CAMC) on Facebook.


    Just letting people know as I'm sure most will be unaware. The 'club' is introducing tiered prices so as the pitches sell the price goes up for the few remaining (just like hotels). I think that is completely unjust for a members organisation. Below is correspondence from the 'club' when I queried this: Hi Mat, like many other campsite and leisure organisations, the Club offers different prices during different times of the year depending on popularity.
    The Club is improving its current annual pricing process by introducing a more flexible approach to pricing, depending on popularity and time of booking.
    The new approach will be gradually rolled out to all campsites during 2023. Members are now able to book a year ahead and take advantage of ‘early bird’ lower prices. As time progresses, the higher the popularity of a campsite and the closer to the time of arrival the booking is made, the higher the price may be.
    Campsite prices will only increase by small amounts and may change a few times in the period between going on sale and the actual travel date itself. Once a guest has made a confirmed booking by paying a deposit or the full amount the price of their reservation will not change.
    Like many other campsite and leisure organisations the earlier a member books, the cheaper it is likely to be. Flexible pricing allows the Club to respond to changing circumstances - such as the recent severe increases in fuel and the cost of operating the campsite network. Any revenue surplus is reinvested back into improving the campsite network or purchasing new campsites - all for the benefit of the members. In future years the Club's ambition is to set lower annual price increases.
    I hope this clarifies the pricing for you. Please do come back to us if you have any further queries ~ Rachel

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2023 #4
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  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited February 2023 #5

    And the problem is ?

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited February 2023 #8

    +1, rejoining has taken a step forward. Excellent news, welcome to the 21st century👍🏻

  • TimboC
    TimboC Club Member Posts: 441
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    edited February 2023 #10

    + 2, a real benefit for those who like to forward plan, plus you can still cancel with 21 days notice


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,094
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    edited February 2023 #11

    I was wondering when a very hot topic would be posted ahead of the weekend, let the battle commence, personally as i have only used club sites approx 6 times in the last 4 yrs I dont think any changes will adversely affect me. laughing

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited February 2023 #12

    Welcome to the 21st century. It's what most of the industry does.

    Prices won't necessarily go up nearer the time. They may come down if pitches aren't selling.

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited February 2023 #13

    I look at this another way -

    If due to a bad weather forecast, a site has only 40% occupancy for the following 3 days, will the prices fall to a level lower than members will have paid 12 months previously.? 

    It seems to me, that the deposit scheme has resulted in fewer members booking early and this change is trying to remedy that situation..

    Apologies to Tinwheeler - I need to type more quickly!

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2023 #15

    I believe the club have said that most people book within 21 days so with this knowledge they intend to raise prices for the majority? There's no mention of lowering prices.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited February 2023 #16


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,721
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    edited February 2023 #18

    This doesn't really bother me at all. if I want a particular site either at short or long notice then I'll pay the going rate. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,547
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    edited February 2023 #19

    C&CC have had dynamic pricing for some time and I have not found it a problem or overly expensive for the times I have used them. What it does mean is the Club can change prices much easier to cover changes in costs.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2023 #20

    Just checked this out, in the New Booking Experience area, the updated quote now says 50% of the membership book within 21 days...so if you're one of this group your holiday is likely to cost more and you'll be further disadvantaged being within the non cancellation period.


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,513
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    edited February 2023 #22

    Maybe there isn't mention of lowering prices nearer the time but surely even camc wouldn't jack them up if bookings are down. That's what drives Dynamic Pricing - supply and demand.👍

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2023 #24
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2023 #25

    Nothing surprises me any more about the way CAMC operates...so who knows. undecided

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,478
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    edited February 2023 #26

    Could you verify the source for thinking that this interpretation of dynamic pricing is going to be introduced please? Haven’t seen anything via any of the Club’s usual communications channels (although that’s not unusual).

    I’m not doubting DP might be introduced, just the method you outline in that anyone booking months in advance will get the best price, and that that will be all. Any Marketing Dept with any credibility will also look to sell commodities (in this case pitches) with a short sell by date at a reduced rate, if it transpires that they have a significant amount left. The Club is already doing this with its Glamping Pods, whereby I and others get Special Offer emails. So why not pitches, as that would make sense. 🤔🤷‍♀️

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2023 #27
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,244
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    edited February 2023 #29


    Look at Goldie's post under the OP's on the first page. The quote was apparently from a member of the Club's team in answer to a question asked by a member and posted on a Facebook Group. Whist I agree that is not an "official" announcement clearly the media team have been told to give that reply?


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,515
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    edited February 2023 #30

    The responses on CT are much more measured than those on the Facebook page (from whence I copied the club’s reply to a query). Nearly 400 comments from  disgruntled members, expressed quite robustly.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited February 2023 #31

    A lot of folk don’t like it & will be using CL’s only. . .Dynamic pricing adopted by CL’s anyone?🤔