New Booking System
The neigbours we have on site have not been here before and they recognised OH from Cromer when we were all on the bus to Sherringham and we had spoken about this site
He said they nearly gave up trying to book via the new system after three failed attempts so they went via the call centre and got through after about 10mins the lady who answered said it was not long wait?
They were also told that more staffing is required now as even though it is not peak time they are very busy since the new booking system had been introduced
So taking from that at least some at EGH are aware although the heads will take it as people not being familiar with the way it works!??
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Only on the more expensive tariffs. Lesser tariffs have cut off points or are non refundable. Also although you don’t have to part with any money until arrival if you opt for the dearer tariff with Premier inn, unless it has changed recently you have to pay on booking with Travel Lodge.
Perhaps the CC will introduce fully flexible tariffs. At a premium of course.🤔
My point is that different providers have different policies, you either accept them or you don’t. Many camp sites, even the other club have less attractive T&C’s than this one. Personally I think they have made a mistake loosing their USP. However, it’s a done deal that I now factor in when choosing a site to stay on. Almost certainly it will result in a reduction in the number of CAMC site nights we make each year, to someone else’s benefit.
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I so agree with your last paragraph where you posted about the USP of the user friendly booking system now lost
We were always using Cc sites as our first choice that as quite few of the same conversations we have had with others has now gone
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Do people really expect the club to address club matters and issues that only affect club members on a social media site thats open to the public to view.
Any response from the club now would get pulled apart every which way.
If people really have issues write an open letter to the Chairman, post it on CT, send it to the club magazine, do something positive the continuing moaning on here is getting boring.
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Yes, it is boring but necessarily so and, equally, seeing posts by one or two deniers proclaiming that it works for them is galling and unhelpful to those who are having problems. 😣
Whatever the ins and outs of the system difficulties, nothing excuses the complete ineptitude of launching the booking system in this state.
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If there is anyone working in IT trying to figure out what has gone wrong with implementing the booking system (rather than the policy disaster to have a change) they will get as much understanding from reports of what DOES work for some people as from the reports of what doesn't, or works slow. In this amount of chaos, any pieces that fit together will be helpful.
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Sorry to prolong the agony but can someone explain the following? I've dipped my toe in the water with this new system for the first time and would like some help as to what it means I'm seeing/
As aa 'test' selected Chatsworth Park for the period 22nd October to 5th November - I'm not intending going, just looking to try and understand the system and thought sa popular site would make it easy to spot differences in full and availability.
Cannot do a screen shot but my selected dates appear in a greenish colour. The start and end dates being deeper shades of the green.
Of the sixteen days,22, 24, 29 4 & 5 are empty/blank of any wording, just the greenish colour.
The other days, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28 30 31, 1, 2 & 3 all have a price and the word LOW.
Underneath the selected date box the appears in highlighted red, the following 'Sorry, there is no availability between Sunday 22nd October and Saturday 5th November.
Also on the righthand side overlaying the mapin a light green box, are the words 'This camp site may be full during this time.
The two phrases seems to conflict in their message, one saying 'may be', the other emphatic 'no availability'
I'm confused..
Am I correct in assuming only the days with LOW and a price have vacancies and the Blank days are the FULL occupancy days?
Any clarity would be appreciated.
I miss the colour orange denoting full, so much easier.
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Have you seen this page Axl?
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this will make it live.
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Come on, get real ! The new system will let you do it. There are lots of Club sites with vacancies tomorrow.. There always are.
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Good point DD. I have made bookings without issue, turned up on site and had a couple of enjoyable stays.
I haven't had to amend or cancel bookings so far, so reserve final judgement, but based on my experiences to date, it gets a thumbs up from me.
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I am sure if you know exactly where and when you wish to go you can make a booking.
But the search facility for CLs still doesnt work properly and full info for CLs is not available without naming an individual site, and there is no filter available for CLs. The current summary info doesnt even tell you if the pitches are hardstanding or grass.
Just done a search on Cambridgeshire which listed one Club site and 8 CLs.
It simply isnt good enough.
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The system certainly seems to be working well enough now, certainly on iOS devices. I can’t speak for any others as I’ve not used them. I’ve used it for booking and amending and after a shaky start, things have definitely improved. However, it is still a long way from the complete package we were promised. The sites now seem to have got to grips with it. When we arrived on the 12th of September it took ages to check in and there was only us.
To me though it was the manner of its introduction that I take issue with. Site suddenly down for 24 hours with no warning. 2 / 3 hour queues to get on the booking site when it came back. No pre release tutorials, they clearly hadn’t even been thought about, as they didn’t appear until several days later. Releasing all four back months in one go. That really was a stroke of genius. I could go on but you get the idea.
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The complaints about deposits are a separate issue amongst those who object but the main frustration has been the implementation. We were expecting a new booking system but were presented with a partially working one as quoted by the club after the launch "not the complete experience."
So much could have been done to mitigate this and had more explanations been given in advance I think some would have been more tolerant.
I've seen adjustments being made, eg the new late availability is partially working but it's still very much "not complete" and I think we've only had one apology. How about some listed updates too, these would be really helpful to everyone.
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It all reminds me of something else🤔 Promises made, nirvana on the horizon, reality bites a bit harder sadly…..
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I found booking a pitch, knowing where I wanted to stay, was no harder than with the previous website design but that's not saying a great deal. What is driving me insane is trying to find information that was easy to see before, e.g. a map showing the locaction of the site with recommended directions etc. as well as member reviews. Now I can't locate any of these. The new website is horrible, the new app no better. The old site needed improvements and could be annoying to use but who thought this one was better?
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Not sure what you mean by "even more opaque than the CCC's booking system". I've never had any problem with the CCC system and find it clear and transparent.
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Of course you can find the information you are looking for. Use the spyglass search icon in the top right hand corner of the screen and type in the name of the site you want . Map, location,directions,description and reviews will all appear before your very eyes.
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Speaking to other members on site here some are fui ding it not as bad in some areas as first introduced others us included find it almost impossible to negotiate apart from simple bookings if you know what site you are booking for even then the prices keep changing? ,It seems to be what system you are using and if there is a strong enough WiFi signal as it is very sensitive it seems
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I see the revised late availability is operating to the normal high standard of CAMC IT. 😂 Using it on an iPad and searching for sites in a location, say Yorkshire or Derbyshire, I either get no locations found. Or the sites pop up for a nano second before being replaced with an alphabetical list and map of the whole UK.
Why oh why do they continue to release things when they are clearly not fit for purpose.