Mole Traps
By trapping you humanely kill your pest. Not only that but they dont become resistant to the poisons. Rats in urban places are controlled by Warfarin type which induces hemorrhaging and a slow death. Over time they become resistant to the poison ,a bit like humans and antibiotics. In effect the rural way is more humane. By the way the price is now five pounds pus.
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The most humane way is to leave em alone & stop messing with the natural order. Just because you/they don’t like em don’t mean they should die. The uncaring face of Humans is slowly but surely becoming unacceptable. They are all our relations from aeons past, there is enough room for us all with a bit of respect.
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At least a Cat is a natural predator, although I dislike the way they sometimes toy with their prey before dispatching it.
I lean towards the "Rocky" spectrum. I have caught Rats in a humane trap, driven them 2 miles away and released them into woods rather than kill them.
We stayed on a cattle farm this year. The owner told me that only 1 of her 2 working farming sons could be trusted to take an animal to be euthanised as the other would bring it back alive, so another example of why not all "Rural folk" should be lumped together, the same as "town folk". Pigeon holes should be left to the Pigeons.
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I pick up the slugs & snails from the garden trot into the meadow 50mtrs & liberate them, I don’t doubt they come back-it takes a long time mind😂. I’ve promised myself one year I’ll mark every snail shell with a coloured marker to see if the do get back👍🏻
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I lean towards the "Rocky" spectrum. I have caught Rats in a humane trap, driven them 2 miles away and released them into woods rather than kill them.
Isn't illegal to do that. I seem to recall someone being fined £1500 for trapping and releasing away from where they were caught. Whilst I understand that some may feel that a more humane way of dealing with unwanted pests the law views it as a way of causing the animal extra stress and comes down on the side of humane despatching at point of capture.
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Yes I can imagine the local constabulary boasting they kicked down the door of someone suspected of moving slugs from their garden rather than killing them. Folk who’ve been burgled, speeders down local streets being ignored & thieves being left to steal to prioritise slug liberators. I’m no expert but your-‘isn’t it illegal to do that’ doesn’t seem logical to me🤷🏻♂️
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I think it’s feeble to kill wildlife, even worse to pretend they’re taking over the world when all you need to do is accept you enjoy killing things & stop pretending it’s sport🤷🏻♂️☹️
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Next time I'll ask the Rat to stand still while I hit it with a Hammer or maybe just throw it in a bucket of water and let it drown. How can you say it's not Humane to let something live and being "Humane" is killing it? Upside down to me.
I don't think the Rat will "Rat" on me.
I rather think the Police Force have a bit more on their plate at the moment.
If it makes Fish feel any better the slugs are moved to the woods at the back of our home. There's plenty to eat out there. He has to try to understand Smileys.
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Its not me saying that, as I understand it, it is the law. At one point I thought i had a squirrel in my loft and initially thought that I would trap it and release it away from where I lived, (I once did that to a field mouse that somehow got in the house) but reading up on it I didn't and fortunately it went away! What I don't understand is anyone thinking that releasing a rat elsewhere would solve the problem, more like creating a problem for someone else?
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DK, I live in one of the most rural areas of East Yorkshire it’s mainly Arable land where fields of wheat/barley/oats & rapeseed stretch for countless miles. We are surrounded by a food source for every rodent that lives in this Country. When the harvest is in & the cold weather bites they look for warmth & food they find the warmth in my outbuildings but not food, food is what brings them in near contact with us. Cut off the food & they will not bother you. We had chickens-we had rats, we fed the birds-we had rats. We no longer have chickens nor feed the birds. We will have rodents around us but they’re not seen nor heard. I will share my garden with them without harming them but they have no reason whatsoever to come in the house. There’s the rub, I have them but nothing to attract them. They can be dissuaded but not many are strict enough.
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I would like to say I don’t or couldn’t kill anything but sadly that would be untrue. Spiders are left to roam, unless in the bath, then they are put outside. Flies are shooed outside, never killed. Sonic sound to deter mice in the shed. Any sick/tired bees found in the garden are fed sugar water from a spoon. No slug pellets as we have a sometimes visiting hedgehog. Snails are flung over the woods at the end of the garden, and yes I think they do come back. And then slugs - they strip my plants in a night, so I am very sorry to say that when found I cleanly and quickly chop them in half with a trowel. Then I feel guilty.. the snails live the slugs die. About 10 years ago I tipped boiling water on a huge ants nest just outside the back door, they were all over the kitchen, never again, the guilt was too much, I still feel bad about it.
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You have a beautiful soul one to be proud of, we all make mistakes but your attitude & outlook is one to be celebrated. We share this planet with many species, more like you & no one would walk in fear of their lives. Bad people start with their bad attitude to other species. . .Then it goes downhill as they get older. Celebrate the person you are👍🏻🙂
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We live on the side of the Minram Valley so the majority of houses (ours included)have terraced gardens eithr front or back, our rear garden is terraced on three levels, and we have this year decided (age as well) to leave the top part of the garden as a "meadow" it has been quite enlightening just how much add "wildlife and flowers" it has brought iin to the garden
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Thank you Rocky they are very kind words. I’m not proud, that is how we should all be .. and I still kill slugs. What I am proud of is our children and grandchildren. Our daughter has been vegetarian from the age of 8, as are 3 of our 6 grandchildren. Our son, who is a no nonsense sort of man, told me about the sugar water trick for bees. It really works, they just get exhausted working and appear to be dying, after a ‘feed’ and a rest, they fly off quite happily. None of our kids would kill anything. I get into great trouble about the slugs.
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We also live in the country, up a narrow lane surrounded by field's. Come winter and only during winter we feed the Birds and are prepared to suffer the consequences of doing so i.e Rats & Mice. The joy we get from doing so far out ways the vermin problem and have in fact seen Owls hunting in the garden. However this is our lifestyle we prefer to watch our feathered friends than Television in daytime,
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Some years ago we were staying on a non facility club site ,when the local hunt ,in hot pursuit of a fox which came onto the site and hid under a caravan ,
The fox hounds tried to come on site but were prevented by the site staff closing the gate,to the annoyance of the hunt
They had no answer we several members wanted to know why ,they stiil carried out such a barbaric way of life, when the vast majority of the population ,were now more civilised
They gave up when they could see their blood lust was not going anywhere
The fox stayed around the site for several hours
,and food was left for it
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Something similar at my in-laws about 35 years ago. My family and I were having lunch with them when a fox came running up the stoned private track outside, past the dining room window. Mum in law dashed out to garage which was never locked and opened the door chasing the fox inside as the hounds arrived. I had picked up a chestnut paling and set about the hounds and told the hunt that if they came into the parking area that they were next.
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I hate the hunt. Around here it is not just foxes but deer they chase, we often have deer in the garden and some sleep there overnight. Not so long ago the hunt were in the woods right behind the wire fence at the bottom of our garden. The dogs, who I feel sorry for, were being rounded up by the whipper in. Just as well because they could have easily got into any of the surrounding gardens and most have cats. He was that close that he raised his hat to me and said good morning. I’m afraid ‘something’ off, was my reply and I don’t even feel bad about it.
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It's great to see that so many people think so much about the small creatures that live on this planet. If only we thought as much about the planet itself. Maybe it's time to give up driving motorhomes and towing caravans up and down the country so as to do our bit to help save the planet.
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I’m afraid it won’t work AD, just because folk don’t think animals should be made to suffer it doesn’t naturally follow they should attack those that eat meat. I have no issues with meat eaters, cruel people I don’t like👍🏻. What & how I eat is my business likewise what others eat is their business, I’m personally not on an anti carnivore rant👍🏻